818 resultados para Permian stratigraphy
The Permian Chert Event (PCE) was a 30 Ma long episode of unusual chert accumulation along the northwest margin of Pangea, and possibly worldwide. The onset of the PCE occurred at about the Sakmarian-Artinskian boundary in the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic, where it coincides with a maximum flooding event, the ending of high-frequency/high-amplitude shelf cyclicity, the onset of massive biogenic chert deposition in deep-water distal areas, and a long-term shift from warm- to cool-water carbonate sedimentation in shallow-water proximal areas. A similar and coeval shift is observed from the Barents Sea to the northwestern USA. A landward and southward expansion of silica factories occurred during the Middle and Late Permian at which time warm-water carbonate producers disappeared completely from the northwest margin of Pangea. Biotically impoverished and increasingly narrow cold-water carbonate factories (characterised by non-cemented bioclasts of sponges, bryozoans, echinoderms and brachiopods) were then progressively replaced by silica factories. By Late Permian time, little carbonate sediments accumulated in the Barents Sea and in the Sverdrup Basin. where the deep- to shallow-water sedimentary spectrum was occupied by siliceous sponge spicules. By that time, biogenic silica sedimentation was common throughout the world. Silica factories collapsed in the Late Permian, abruptly bringing the PCE to an end. In northwest Pangea, the end- Permian collapse of the PCE was associated with a major transgression and with a return to much warmer oceanic and continental climatic conditions. Chert deposition resumed in the distal oceanic areas during the early Middle Triassic (Anisian) after a 8-10 Ma interruption (Early Triassic Chert Gap). The conditions necessary for the onset, expansion and zenith of the PCE were provided by the thermohaline circulation of nutrient-rich cold waters along the northwestern and western margin of Pangea, and possibly throughout the world oceans. These conditions provided an efficient transportation mechanism that constantly replenished the supply of silica in the area, created a nutrient- and oxygen-rich environment favouring siliceous biogenic productivity. established cold sea-floor conditions, hindering silica dissolution, while increasing calcium carbonate solubility, and provided conditions adverse to organic and inorganic carbonate production, The northwest margin of Pangea was, for nearly 30 Ma. bathed by cold waters presumably derived from the seasonal melting of northern sea ice, the assumed engine for thermohaline circulation. This process started near the Sakmarian-Artinskian boundary. intensified throughout Middle and Late Permian time and ceased suddenly in latest Permian time, It led to oceanic conditions much colder than normally expected from the palaeolatitudes. and the influence of cold northerly-derived water was felt as far south southern Nevada. The demise of silica factories was caused by the rapid breakdown of these conditions and the establishment of a much warmer marine environment accompanied by sluggish circulation and perhaps a reduced input of dissolved silica to the ocean. Complete thawing of northern sea ice would have ended thermohaline circulation and led to warm and sluggish oceanic conditions inimical to the production. accumulation and preservation of biogenic silica.
Newly discovered benthic fossils and specimens illustrated in the paleontological literature indicate that drilling predators (or parasites) were present in the Permian. New field data from southern Brazil document the first drill holes ever reported for Permian bivalve mollusks. In addition, a literature review revealed drill holes in shells of articulate brachiopods from Russia, Greece, and West Texas. Holes range in size from 0.1 to 5.8 mm and are typically round, cylindrical, singular penetrations perpendicular to the valve surface. Incomplete, healed, and multiple holes are absent. Drilling frequency, a proxy for predation intensity, is very low: less than 1 percent (this estimate may be seriously affected by taphonomic and monographic biases). Literature data suggest that frequency of drilled specimens varied significantly among higher brachiopod taxa. The geography and stratigraphy of drilled specimens indicate that drilling organisms were worldwide in their occurrence and continuously present in marine ecosystems throughout the Permian. This report is consistent with other recent studies indicating that although drillers were continuously present throughout the Phanerozoic, drilling intensity was lower in the Late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We describe the occurrence of non-marine bivalves in exposures of the Middle Permian (Capitanian) Brenton Loch Formation on the southern shore of Choiseul Sound, East Falklands. The bivalves are associated with ichnofossils and were collected from a bed in the upper part of the formation, within a 25 cm thick interval of dark siltstones and mudstones with planar lamination, overlain by massive sandstones. The shells are articulated, with the valves either splayed open or closed. At the top of the succession, mudstone beds nearly 1.5 m above the bivalve-bearing layers yielded well-preserved Glossopteris sp. cf. G. communis leaf fossils. The closed articulated condition of some shells indicates preservation under high sedimentation rates with low residence time of bioclasts at the sediment/water interface. However, the presence of specimens with splayed shells is usually correlated to the slow decay of the shell ligament in oxygen-deficient bottom waters. The presence of complete carbonized leaves of Glossopteris associated with the bivalve-bearing levels also suggests a possibly dysoxic-anoxic bottom environment. Overall, our data suggest that the bivalves were preserved by abrupt burial, possibly by distal sediment flows into a Brenton Loch lake, and may represent autochthonous to parautochthonous fossil accumulations. The shells resemble those of anthracosiids and are herein assigned to Palaeanodonta sp. aff. P. dubia, a species also found in the Permian succession of the Karoo Basin, South Africa. Our results confirm that (a) the true distributions in space and time of all Permian non-marine (freshwater) bivalves are not yet well known, and (b) there is no evidence for marine conditions in the upper part of the Brenton Loch Formation.
Dehram group includes Faraghan, Dalan and Kangan formations. Kangan formation ages lower terias. That is one of the important reservoir rocks of southern Iran and Persian Gulf. In this research Kangan formation is studied in two A and B wells. Based on 75 studies on thin section, four carbonate litho acies association A, B, C, D with 12 subfacies are identified. A lithofacies association includes 4 subfacies: A1, A2, A3 and A4. B lithofacies association consists of 3 subfacies: B1, B2 and B3. C lithofacies association consists of 3 subfacies: C1, C2, C3 and D lithofacies association includes 2 subfacies: D1 and D2. On the base of studies lithofacies association of Kangan formations are formed in 3 environments of: Tidal Flat, Lagoon and Barrier Shore Complex in a Carbonated Platform Ramp type. Diagenetic processes have effected this formation. The most important Diagenetic processes are: Cementation, Anhydritization, Micrization, Neomorphism, Bioturbation, Dissolution, Compaction, Dolomitization and Porosity. Sequence staratigraphy studies were performed base on the vertical and horizontal relationship of lithofacies association and well logging in gamma ray and sonic type that causes the identification of two sedimentary sequences: First sedimentary sequence includes: Transgressive System Tract (TST) and High Stand System Tract (HST). The lower boundary of this sequence is in Sequence Boundary 1 (SB1) which shows unconformities of Dalan and Kangan that are Permian-terias unconformities. The upper boundary is in Sequence Boundary 2 (SB2) type that is identified by carbonate facies associated by anhydrite nodular. Second sedimentary sequence includes: TST and HST. Lower and upper boundaries of these sequences are both in SB2 type. The lower and upper boundary is made of carbonate facies with anhydrite nodular.
The unusual bivalve Guiratingia mendesi is redescribed from the original material. Detailed analysis of hinge and muscle scars allows more refined designation of its taxonomic position and affinities to other Permian bivalves from the Parana Basin. Guiratingia mendesi is characterized by very small, anteriorly expanded shells, with a great number of muscle striae within the area delimited by the pallial line. A flattened area is noted alongside the commissure of shell. The presence of a triangular blunt tooth in the right valve allows its designation to Megadesmidae. The absence of accessory muscle scars ""a"" and ""b"" and pedal elevator indicate that the genus belongs to the Plesiocyprinellinae, a group of bivalves considered endemic to the Passa Dois Group. Guiratingia mendesi is found, however, in limestones of the Palermo Formation (Middle Artinskian), nearly 100 in below the base of the Irati Formation (Late Artinskian). Until now, it was believed that within the Permian succession of Parana Basin, pre-Irati bivalves were all gondwanic or cosmopolitan. Guiratingia mendesi was an endemic, active burrower that resembles Runnegariella fragilis from the Permian Teresina Formation. This indicates that during Palermo times restricted paleogeographic conditions have existed within the huge Parana epeiric sea, favoring endemicity, probably in marine bayments close to its margins. The presence of an anteriorly expanded shell in G mendesi is a condition also seen in other Mesozoic and Cenozoic anomalodesmatans, demonstrating the recurrence of shell forms in distinct lineages of this interesting group of bivalves.
The stomatal density and index in compressed leaves of Glossopteris communis from two different roof shales from the Lower Permian in Parana Basin, Brazil (Western Gondwana) have been investigated to test the possible relationship with modeled global changes in atmospheric CO(2) during the Phanerozoic. The obtained parameters show that the genus Glossopteris from the Cool Temperate biome can be used as CO(2) -proxy, despite the impossibility of being compared with living relatives or equivalents. When confronted with already published data for the Tropical Summer Wet biome, the present results confirm the detection of low levels of atmospheric CO(2) during the Early Permian, as predicted by the modeled curve. Nevertheless, the lower stomatal numbers detected at the climax of the coal interval (Faxinal Coalfield, Sakmarian) when compared to the higher ones obtained in leaves from a younger interval (Figueira Coalfield, Artinskian) could be attributed to temporarily high levels of atmospheric CO(2). Therefore, the occurrence of an extensive peat generating event at the southern part of the basin and subsequent greenhouse gases emissions from this environment may have been enough to reverse regionally and temporarily the reduction trend in atmospheric CO(2). Additionally, the Faxinal flora is preserved in a tonstein layer, which is a record of volcanic activity that could also cause a rise in atmospheric CO(2). During the Artinskian, the scarce generation of peat mires, as revealed by the occurrence of thin and discontinuous coal layers, and the lack of volcanism evidence would be insufficient to affect the general low CO(2) trend.
During the past 40 years colluvial and alluvial deposits have been used in Brazil as good indicators of regional landscape sensitivity to Quaternary environmental changes. In spite of the low resolution of most of the continental sedimentary record, geomorphology and sedimentology may favor palaeoenvironmental interpretation when supported by independent proxy data. This paper presents results obtained from pedostratigraphic sequences, in near-valley head sites of southern Brazilian highlands, based on geomorphologic. sedimentologic, micromorphologic, isotopic and palynologic data. Results point to environmental changes, with ages that coincide with Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 5b; 3; 2 and 1. During the late Pleistocene, although under temperatures and precipitation lower than today, the local record points to relatively wet local environments, where shallow soil-water saturated zones contributed to erosion and sedimentation during periods of climatic change, as during the transition between MIS 2 and MIS 1. Late Pleistocene events with ages that coincide with the Northern Hemisphere Younger Dryas are also depicted. During the mid Holocene, slope-wash deposits suggest a climate drier than today, probably under the influence of seasonally contrasted precipitation regimes. The predominance of overland flow-related sedimentary deposits suggests an excess of precipitation over evaporation that influenced local palaeohydrology. This environmental condition seems to be recurrent and explains how slope morphology had influenced pedogenesis and sedimentation in the study area. Due to relative sensitiveness, resilience and short source-to-sink sedimentary pathways, near-valley head sites deserve further attention in Quaternary studies in the humid tropics. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.A. All rights reserved.
Authigenic carbonate minerals are ubiquitous throughout the Late Permian coal measures of the Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia. In the northern Bowen Basin, carbonates include the following assemblages: siderite I (delta O-18(SMOW) = +11.4 to + 17%, delta C-13(PDB) = - 5.3 to + 120), Fe-Mg calcite-ankerite-siderite II mineral association (delta O-18(SMOW) = +7.2 to + 10.20, delta C-13(PDB) = 10.9 to - 1.80 for ankerite) and a later calcite (delta O-18(SMOW) = +5.9 to + 14.60, delta C-13(PDB) = -11.4 to + 4.40). In the southern Bowen Basin, the carbonate phase consists only of calcite (delta O-18(SMOW) = +12.5 to + 14.80, delta C-13(PDB) = -19.4 to + 0.80), where it occurs extensively throughout all stratigraphic levels. Siderite I occurs in mudrocks and sandstones and predates all other carbonate minerals. This carbonate phase is interpreted to have formed as an early diagenetic mineral from meteoric waters under cold climate and reducing conditions. Fe-Mg calcite-ankerite-siderite Il occur in sandstones as replacement of volcanic rock fragments. Clay minerals (illite-smectite, chlorite and kaolinite) postdate Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates, and precipitation of the later calcite is associated with clay mineral formation. The Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates and later calcite of the northern Bowen Basin are regarded as having formed as a result of hydrothermal activity during the latest Triassic extensional tectonic event which affected this part of the basin, rather than deep burial diagenesis during the Middle to Late Triassic as previously reported. This hypothesis is based on the timing relationships of the authigenic mineral phases and the low delta O-18 values of ankerite and calcite, together with radiometric dating of illitic clays and recently published regional geological evidence. Following the precipitation of the Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates from strongly O-18-depleted meteoric-hydrothermal fluids, continuing fluid circulation and water-rock interaction resulted in dissolution of these carbonate phases as well as labile fragments of volcaniclastic rocks. Subsequently, the later calcite and day minerals precipitated from relatively evolved (O-18-enriched) fluids. The nearly uniform delta O-18 values of the southern Bowen Basin calcite have been attributed to very low water/rock ratio in the system, where the fluid isotropic composition was buffered by the delta O-18 values of rocks. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Seven hundred and nineteen samples from throughout the Cainozoic section in CRP-3 were analysed by a Malvern Mastersizer laser particle analyser, in order to derive a stratigraphic distribution of grain-size parameters downhole. Entropy analysis of these data (using the method of Woolfe and Michibayashi, 1995) allowed recognition of four groups of samples, each group characterised by a distinctive grain-size distribution. Group 1, which shows a multi-modal distribution, corresponds to mudrocks, interbedded mudrock/sandstone facies, muddy sandstones and diamictites. Group 2, with a sand-grade mode but showing wide dispersion of particle size, corresponds to muddy sandstones, a few cleaner sandstones and some conglomerates. Group 3 and Group 4 are also sand-dominated, with better grain-size sorting, and correspond to clean, well-washed sandstones of varying mean grain-size (medium and fine modes, respectively). The downhole disappearance of Group 1, and dominance of Groups 3 and 4 reflect a concomitant change from mudrock- and diamictite-rich lithology to a section dominated by clean, well-washed sandstones with minor conglomerates. Progressive downhole increases in percentage sand and principal mode also reflect these changes. Significant shifts in grain-size parameters and entropy group membership were noted across sequence boundaries and seismic reflectors, as recognised in others studies.