45 resultados para Permalloy
In this work, we report the magnetic properties of sputtered Permalloy (Py: Ni80Fe20)/molybdenum (Mo) multilayer thin films. We show that it is possible to maintain a low coercivity and a high permeability in thick sputtered Py films when reducing the out-of-plane component of the anisotropy by inserting thin film spacers of a non-magnetic material like Mo. For these kind of multilayers, we have found coercivities which are close to those for single layer films with no out-of-plane anisotropy. The coercivity is also dependent on the number of layers exhibiting a minimum value when each single Py layer has a thickness close to the transition thickness between Neel and Bloch domain walls.
Selective injection of magnetic domain walls in Permalloy nanostripes
"May 1965."
This paper addresses the explosive consolidation of amorphous cobalt-based alloys. Using the experimental setup introduced in the present paper, specimens with high compact density, excellent magnetic properties and great wearability have been made. In comparison with permalloy and ferrite, the present specimens exhibit superior magnetic properties. Therefore, the compact is deemed as being a promising material for magnetic recording heads.
Las nanoestructuras han sido muy estudiadas debido a su importancia en aplicaciones tecnológicas y biomédicas, como por ejemplo el recubrimiento de los sensores y biosensores. Estas necesitan ser recubiertas para su protección y/o funcionalización. Un estudio sobre las superficies de nanopartículas magnéticas y esféricas (MNPs) de Fe y Ni reveló que el tolueno actúa como catalizador de reacciones de condensación de los componentes aromáticos formando estructuras gigantes, policíclicas e irregulares, creando así una especie de recubrimiento de carbono. También se ha estudiado la posibilidad de formar recubrimientos con carbono en películas de hierro y permalloy (FeNi) en tiempos largos de tratamiento de 1 año. En el presente trabajo, debido a los resultados anteriores para las películas delgadas de hierro, se ha estudiado el desarrollo del proceso de deposición del grafeno defectuoso a temperatura ambiente, sobre las superficies de las películas delgadas de hierro en periodos de entre unos días hasta medio año aproximadamente. Se ha hecho un estudio en función del tiempo de inmersión en tolueno de las propiedades estructurales y magnéticas de las películas de hierro depositadas sobre vidrio. Las películas de hierro han sido preparadas por el método de pulverización catódica y después sumergidas en tolueno. Las técnicas utilizadas para la caracterización estructural han sido, la difracción de Rayos-X, los estudios de microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM) y la perfilómetría. La caracterización magnética se ha hecho con un magnetómetro de Kerr (MOKE) y un magnetómetro vibrante (VSM). Las muestras cristalizaban en el sistema cúbico FCC del grupo espacial Fm-3m, con parámetro de celda de 3.5922Ǻ. El tamaño de dominio coherente para los índices de Miller (110) ha ido aumentando a lo largo del tratamiento. Para el índice de Miller (211) el tamaño de dominio coherente ha disminuido. Este comportamiento se explica tendiendo en cuenta el modelo propuesto en la literatura científica del proceso de formación de las estructuras de grafeno defectuoso. El análisis de las imágenes de SEM y los correspondientes datos de la emisión de Rayos-X han confirmado la presencia del carbono en la superficie. La cantidad del carbono en la superficie de las películas de hierro aumenta con el incremento del tiempo de inmersión en tolueno. Ha sido posible detectar la presencia del carbono en la superficie después de 9 días de inmersión (por lo tanto, el proceso de las estructuras policíclicas e irregulares es relativamente rápido). La deposición del carbono no resulta en una formación de estructura uniforme, así que cuanto más largo es el tratamiento, más complicadas son las estructuras. Como resultado del tratamiento superficial durante aproximadamente medio año, se observa un aumento de rugosidad de un micrómetro aproximadamente. La diferencia entre las medidas de MOKE y VSM para el campo coercitivo y la remanencia, se explica teniendo en cuenta el proceso de oxidación de la superficie y la interacción de algunas partes de la película de hierro con el tolueno, que pueden causar la relajación de las tensiones. La imanación de saturación obtenida para las películas después del tiempo de tratamiento de 135 días es de 192 emu por gramo. La disminución de la imanación de saturación es debida a la oxidación de las películas por el contacto con la atmósfera y el tolueno. En un cálculo aproximado se ha llegado a la conclusión que dicha capa tiene un espesor de 50 nm, repartida en dos capas de 25 nm. De todo lo anterior y de la base de análisis de las propiedades estructurales y magnéticas de las películas delgadas de hierro sumergidas en tolueno para hacer el tratamiento superficial a temperatura ambiente, se concluye, que las estructuras policíclicas e irregulares de grafeno defectuoso se forman relativamente rápido. El tratamiento con el tolueno no causa muchos cambios en la estructura y en las propiedades magnéticas, se trata de procesos superficiales. La modificación in situ de películas de hierro en tolueno, puede ser candidato a método de protección y funcionalización de los sensores magnéticos.
The objective of this investigation has been a theoretical and experimental understanding of ferromagnetic resonance phenomena in ferromagnetic thin films, and a consequent understanding of several important physical properties of these films. Significant results have been obtained by ferromagnetic resonance, hysteresis, torque magnetometer, He ion backscattering, and X-ray fluorescence measurements for nickel-iron alloy films.
Taking into account all relevant magnetic fields, including the applied, demagnetizing, effective anisotropy and exchange fields, the spin wave resonance condition applicable to the thin film geometry is presented. On the basis of the simple exchange interaction model it is concluded that the normal resonance modes of an ideal film are expected to be unpinned. The possibility of nonideality near the surface of a real film was considered by means of surface anisotropy field, inhomogeneity in demagnetizing field and inhomogeneity of magnetization models. Numerical results obtained for reasonable parameters in all cases show that they negligibly perturb the resonance fields and the higher order mode shapes from those of the unpinned modes of ideal films for thicknesses greater than 1000 Å. On the other hand for films thinner than 1000 Å the resonance field deviations can be significant even though the modes are very nearly unpinned. A previously unnoticed but important feature of all three models is that the interpretation of the first resonance mode as the uniform mode of an ideal film allows an accurate measurement of the average effective demagnetizing field over the film volume. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that it is possible to choose parameters which give indistinguishable predictions for all three models, making it difficult to uniquely ascertain the source of spin pinning in real films from resonance measurements alone.
Spin wave resonance measurements of 81% Ni-19% Fe coevaporated films 30 to 9000 Å thick, at frequencies from 1 to 8 GHz, at room temperature, and with the static magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the film plane have been performed. A self-consistent analysis of the results for films thicker than 1000 Å, in which multiple excitations can be observed, shows for the first time that a unique value of exchange constant A can only be obtained by the use of unpinned mode assignments. This evidence and the resonance behavior of films thinner than 1000 Å strongly imply that the magnetization at the surfaces of permalloy films is very weakly pinned. However, resonance measurements alone cannot determine whether this pinning is due to a surface anisotropy, an inhomogeneous demagnetizing field or an inhomogeneous magnetization. The above analysis yields a value of 4πM=10,100 Oe and A = (1.03 ± .05) x 10-6 erg/cm for this alloy. The ability to obtain a unique value of A suggests that spin wave resonance can be used to accurately characterize the exchange interaction in a ferromagnet.
In an effort to resolve the ambiguity of the source of pinning of the magnetization, a correlation of the ratio of magnetic moment and X-ray film thickness with the value of effective demagnetizing field 4πNM as determined from resonance, for films 45 to 300 Å has been performed. The remarkable agreement of both quantities and a comparison with the predictions of five distinct models, strongly imply that the thickness dependence of both quantities is related to a thickness dependent average saturation magnetization, which is far below 10,100 Oe for very thin films. However, a series of complementary experiments shows that this large decrease of average saturation magnetization cannot be simply explained by either oxidation or interdiffusion processes. It can only be satisfactorily explained by an intrinsic decrease of the average saturation magnetization for very thin films, an effect which cannot be justified by any simple physical considerations.
Recognizing that this decrease of average saturation magnetization could be due to an oxidation process, a correlation of resonance measurements, He ion backscattering, X-ray fluorescence and torque magnetometer measurements, for films 40 to 3500 Å thick has been performed. On basis of these measurements it is unambiguously established that the oxide layer on the surface of purposefully oxidized 81% Ni-19% Fe evaporated films is predominantly Fe-oxide, and that in the oxidation process Fe atoms are removed from the bulk of the film to depths of thousands of angstroms. Extrapolation of results for pure Fe films indicates that the oxide is most likely α-Fe2O3. These conclusions are in agreement with results from old metallurgical studies of high temperature oxidation of bulk Fe and Ni-Fe alloys. However, X-ray fluorescence results for films oxidized at room temperature, show that although the preferential oxidation of Fe also takes place in these films, the extent of this process is by far too small to explain the large variation of their average saturation magnetization with film thickness.
Magnetic vortex that consists of an in-plane curling magnetization configuration and a needle-like core region with out-of-plane magnetization is known to be the ground state of geometrically confined submicron soft magnetic elements. Here magnetodynamics of relatively thick (50-100 nm) circular Ni80Fe20 dots were probed by broadband ferromagnetic resonance in the absence of external magnetic field. Spin excitation modes related to the thickness dependent vortex core gyrotropic dynamics were detected experimentally in the gigahertz frequency range. Both analytical theory and micromagnetic simulations revealed that these exchange dominated modes are flexure oscillations of the vortex core string with n = 0,1,2 nodes along the dot thickness. The intensity of the mode with n = 1 depends significantly on both dot thickness and diameter and in some cases is higher than the one of the uniform mode with n = 0. This opens promising perspectives in the area of spin transfer torque oscillators.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar las propiedades estructurales y magnéticas de diferentes películas delgadas anisótropas de permalloy. Algunas de las muestras a estudiar han sido depositadas con diferentes velocidades de deposición, y otras de ellas se han depositado sobre diferentes capas de base sobre el sustrato. Todas ellas han sido producidas mediante pulverización catódica.
La magnetoimpedancia (MI) se define como el gran cambio en la impedancia eléctrica que sufren los materiales ferromagnéticos cuando son expuestos a un campo magnético externo. Este fenómeno es causado por la dependencia de la permeabilidad del material con el campo magnético, la cual causa variaciones en la profundidad de penetración (δ) de las corrientes que fluyen por la muestra. Esto se conoce como efecto pelicular o skin effect. Los materiales ferromagnéticos blandos tienen alta permeabilidad y baja coercitividad, y por tanto estrechos ciclos de histéresis. Entre ellos se encuentra el permalloy (Py), una aleación de hierro y níquel (Fe_20 Ni_80). Siendo este el principal material de investigación del presente trabajo, se tratará de dar primero un estudio analítico del fenómeno de la MI para muestras en forma de hilo, así como películas delgadas (monocapas y tricapas). Las herramientas utilizadas de cómputo son MATLAB y FEMM para el apartado que a simulaciones se refiere. El trabajo incluye una segunda parte experimental. Mediante LabVIEW, con los instrumentos y técnicas adecuadas, el efecto de la MI puede ser debidamente cuantificado, y es precisamente el objetivo final de este análisis la comparación de los resultados experimentales con las simulaciones.
A microscale solenoid inductor is manufactured using electrodeposition method. The inductor is designed for switching mode DC-DC converters operating at switching frequencies in the mega-Hertz range. Two magnetic core materials, electroformed permalloy Ni80 Fe20 film and Vitrovac 6025 which is a commercial magnetic film, have been analyzed using experimental and computer modeling techniques
The requirements for metrology of magnetostriction in complex multilayers and on whole wafers present challenges. An elegant technique based on radius of curvature deformation of whole wafers in a commercial metrology tool is described. The method is based on the Villari effect through application of strain to a film by introducing a radius of curvature. Strain can be applied tensilely and compressively depending on the material. The design, while implemented on 3'' wafers, is scalable. The approach removes effects arising from any shape anisotropy that occurs with smaller samples, which can lead to a change in magnetic response. From the change in the magnetic anisotropy as a function of the radius, saturation magnetostriction ?s can be determined. Dependence on film composition and film thickness was studied to validate the radius of curvature approach with other techniques. ?s decreases from positive values to negative values through an increase in Ni concentration around the permalloy composition, and ?s also increases with a decrease in film thickness, in full agreement with previous reports. We extend the technique by demonstrating the technique applied to a multi-layered structure. These results verify the validity of the method and are an important step to facilitate further work in understanding how manipulation of multilayered films can offer tailored magnetostriction.
The results of two-dimensional micromagnetic modeling of magnetization patterns in Permalloy ellipses under the influence of rotating constant-amplitude magnetic fields are discussed. Ellipses of two different lateral sizes have been studied, 0.5m x 1.5m and 1m x 3m. The amplitude of the rotating magnetic field was varied between simulations with the condition that it must be large enough to saturate or nearly saturate the ellipse with the field applied along the long axis of the ellipse. For the smaller ellipse size it is found that the magnetization pattern forms an S state and the direction of the net magnetization lags behind the direction of the applied field. At a critical angle of the rotating magnetic field the direction of the magnetization switches by a large angle to a new S state. Both the critical angle and the angle interval of the switch depend on field amplitude. For this new state, it is instead the applied field direction that lags behind the magnetization direction. The transient magnetization patterns correspond to multi-domain patterns including two vortices, but this state never exists for the equilibrated magnetization patterns. The behavior of the larger ellipse in rotating field is different. With the field applied along the long-axis of the ellipse, the magnetization of the ellipse is nearly saturated with a vortex close to each apex of the ellipse. As the field is rotated, this magnetization pattern remains and the net-magnetization direction lags behind the direction of the field until for a certain angle of the applied field an equilibrium multi-domain state is created. Comparisons are made with corresponding experimental results obtained by performing in-field magnetic force microscopy on Permalloy ellipses.
Frustration – the inability to simultaneously satisfy all interactions – occurs in a wide range of systems including neural networks, water ice and magnetic systems. An example of the latter is the so called spin-ice in pyrochlore materials [1] which have attracted a lot of interest not least due to the emergence of magnetic monopole defects when the ‘ice rules’ governing the local ordering breaks down [2]. However it is not possible to directly measure the frustrated property – the direction of the magnetic moments – in such spin ice systems with current experimental techniques. This problem can be solved by instead studying artificial spin-ice systems where the molecular magnetic moments are replaced by nanoscale ferromagnetic islands [3-8]. Two different arrangements of the ferromagnetic islands have been shown to exhibit spin ice behaviour: a square lattice maintaining four moments at each vertex [3,8] and the Kagome lattice which has only three moments per vertex but equivalent interactions between them [4-7]. Magnetic monopole defects have been observed in both types of lattices [7-8]. One of the challenges when studying these artificial spin-ice systems is that it is difficult to arrive at the fully demagnetised ground-state [6-8].
Here we present a study of the switching behaviour of building blocks of the Kagome lattice influenced by the termination of the lattice. Ferromagnetic islands of nominal size 1000 nm by 100 nm were fabricated in five island blocks using electron-beam lithography and lift-off techniques of evaporated 18 nm Permalloy (Ni80Fe20) films. Each block consists of a central island with four arms terminated by a different number and placement of ‘injection pads’, see Figure 1. The islands are single domain and magnetised along their long axis. The structures were grown on a 50 nm thick electron transparent silicon nitride membrane to allow TEM observation, which was back-coated with a 5 nm film of Au to prevent charge build-up during the TEM experiments.
To study the switching behaviour the sample was subjected to a magnetic field strong enough to magnetise all the blocks in one direction, see Figure 1. Each block obeys the Kagome lattice ‘ice-rules’ of “2-in, 1-out” or “1-in, 2-out” in this fully magnetised state. Fresnel mode Lorentz TEM images of the sample were then recorded as a magnetic field of increasing magnitude was applied in the opposite direction. While the Fresnel mode is normally used to image magnetic domain structures [9] for these types of samples it is possible to deduce the direction of the magnetisation from the Lorentz contrast [5]. All images were recorded at the same over-focus judged to give good Lorentz contrast.
The magnetisation was found to switch at different magnitudes of the applied field for nominally identical blocks. However, trends could still be identified: all the blocks with any injection pads, regardless of placement and number, switched the direction of the magnetisation of their central island at significantly smaller magnitudes of the applied magnetic field than the blocks without injection pads. It can therefore be concluded that the addition of an injection pad lowers the energy barrier to switching the connected island, acting as a nucleation site for monopole defects. In these five island blocks the defects immediately propagate through to the other side, but in a larger lattice the monopoles could potentially become trapped at a vertex and observed [10].
[1] M J Harris et al, Phys Rev Lett 79 (1997) p.2554.
[2] C Castelnovo, R Moessner and S L Sondhi, Nature 451 (2008) p. 42.
[3] R F Wang et al, Nature 439 (2006) 303.
[4] M Tanaka et al, Phys Rev B 73 (2006) 052411.
[5] Y Qi, T Brintlinger and J Cumings, Phys Rev B 77 (2008) 094418.
[6] E Mengotti et al, Phys Rev B 78 (2008) 144402.
[7] S Ladak et al, Nature Phys 6 (2010) 359.
[8] C Phatak et al, Phys Rev B 83 (2011) 174431.
[9] J N Chapman, J Phys D 17 (1984) 623.
[10] The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the EPSRC under grant number EP/D063329/1.
The distributions of coercivities and magnetic interactions in a set of polycrystalline Ni(0.8)Fe(0.2)/FeMn bilayers have been determined using the first-order reversal curve (FORC) formalism. The thickness of the permalloy (Py) film was fixed at 10 nm (nominal), while that of the FeMn film varied within the range 0-20 nm. The FORC diagrams of each bilayer displayed two clearly distinguishable regions. The main region was generated by Py particles whose coercivities were enhanced in comparison with those in which the FeMn film was absent (sample O). The minor region was produced by Py particles with coercivities similar to or slightly higher than those of particles in the Py film of sample O. Each sample presented two distributions of interaction fields, one for each region, and both were centred slightly below the exchange-bias field, thus indicating a prevalence of magnetizing interactions. These results are consistent with a grain size distribution in the Py layer and the presence of uncompensated antiferromagnetic moments.
n this master s dissertation a Kerr Magneto Optic s magnetometer effect was set up to do characterization of samples type films fine and ultra thin, these samples will be grown after the implementation of the sputtering technique at the magnetism laboratory of of this department. In this work a cooled electromagnet was also built the water and that it reaches close values to 10kOe with a gap of 22 mm including an area of uniform field of 25mm of diameter. The first chapter treats of the construction of this electromagnet from its dimensioning to the operation tests that involve measures of reached maximum field and temperature of the reels when operated during one hour. The second chapter is dedicated to the revision of the magnetism and the magnetization processes as well as it presents a theoretical base regarding the magnetic energies found in films and magnetic multilayer. In the sequence, the third chapter, is especially dedicated the description of the effects magneto opticians the effect kerr in the longitudinal, traverse and polar configurations, using for so much only the classic approach of the electromagnetism and the coefficients of Fresnel. Distinguished the two areas of observation of the effect regarding thickness of the film. The constructive aspects of the experimental apparatus as well as the details of its operation are explained at the room surrender, also presenting the preliminary results of the measures made in one serializes of permalloy films and concluding with the results of the characterization of the first films of iron and permalloy grown here at the theoretical and experimental physics department at UFRN