731 resultados para Perinatal asphyxia
Introducción: la asfixia perinatal es la tercera causa de muerte en menores de 5 años. Las secuelas neurológicas suponen una carga importante para las familias y los sistemas de salud (1). Los estudios que relacionan el efecto de la asfixia perinatal sobre las hormonas tiroideas son escasos. El estudio sobre predictores de asfixia es un tema de investigación permanente. El objetivo principal fue determinar la prevalencia de TSH de cordón elevada y su relación con factores perinatales asociados a asfixia. Métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. La muestra estuvo conformada por todos los recién nacidos con TSH de cordón elevada y un segundo grupo seleccionado de forma aleatoria con TSH de cordón normal. Tomada de una población de neonatos atendidos en una clínica de Bogotá durante el 2012. Resultados: la prevalencia de TSH de cordón elevada fue de 14,7%. Los resultados sugieren una posible asociación entre alteraciones en las pruebas de bienestar fetal, presencia de infección materna, parto distócico, dificultad respiratoria y APGAR bajo y la presencia de TSH elevada p<0,05. Discusión: La alta prevalencia de TSH de cordón elevada podría relacionarse con las características de alto riesgo que presenta esta población. La elevación transitoria de la TSH neonatal de cordón en neonatos con alteraciones del bienestar fetal asociada a eventos hipóxicos agudos, sugiere que esta hormona podría ser un marcador de asfixia perinatal.
Neonatal anoxia is a worldwide clinical problem that has serious and lasting consequences. The diversity of models does not allow complete reproducibility, so a standardized model is needed. In this study, we developed a rat model of neonatal anoxia that utilizes a semi-hermetic system suitable for oxygen deprivation. The validity of this model was confirmed using pulse oximetry, arterial gasometry, observation of skin color and behavior and analysis of Fos immunoreactivity in brain regions that function in respiratory control. For these experiments, 87 male albino neonate rats (Rattus norvegicus, lineage Wistar) aged approximate 30 postnatal hours were divided into anoxia and control groups. The pups were kept in an euthanasia polycarbonate chamber at 36 +/- 1 degrees C, with continuous 100% nitrogen gas flow at 3 L/min and 101.7 kPa for 25 min. The peripheral arterial oxygen saturation of the anoxia group decreased 75% from its initial value. Decreased pH and partial pressure of oxygen and increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide were observed in this group, indicating metabolic acidosis, hypoxia and hypercapnia. respectively. Analysis of neuronal activation showed Fos immunoreactivity in the solitary tract nucleus, the lateral reticular nucleus and the area postrema, confirming that those conditions activated areas related to respiratory control in the nervous system. Therefore, the proposed model of neonatal anoxia allows standardization and precise control of the anoxic condition, which should be of great value in indentifying both the mechanisms underlying neonatal anoxia and novel therapeutic strategies to combat or prevent this widespread public health problem. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
La Sindrome da Asfissia Perinatale (PAS) è una delle più comuni patologie che colpiscono il puledro neonato nelle prime 72 h di vita. È una patologia difficile da diagnosticare in quanto non esistono parametri o segni clinici specifici, la sintomatologia è molto variabile in base alla durata e all’intensità dell’insulto ipossico ischemico e al tipo di organo maggiormente colpito. Lo scopo di questo studio è la ricerca e la valutazione di alcuni parametri biochimico-clinici e di alcuni biomarkers per la diagnosi precoce e il corretto trattamento dei puledri affetti da PAS. Nei puledri neonati che presentano questa patologia è stata riscontrata un’ipermagnesiemia al momento del ricovero associata a prognosi infausta, probabilmente causata da un grave danno cellulare con rilascio in circolo del magnesio intracellulare. La PAS potrebbe essere un’ulteriore causa di Euthyroid Sick Syndrome, in quanto abbiamo riscontrato una diminuzione delle concentrazioni di T3 e T4 nei puledri malati rispetto ai sani della stessa età, come avviene in altre malattie sistemiche. Lo studio del profilo proteomico ha permesso di separare le più importanti frazioni proteiche del liquido amniotico di cavalla, mettendo in evidenza similitudini e differenze qualitative e quantitative nei ferogrammi dei puledri sani e di quelli affetti da PAS ed una maggiore variabilità è stata riscontrata nei profili dei liquidi amniotici dei puledri malati. Il glutatione è risultato poco espresso nel puledro neonato, i puledri sani presentano concentrazioni più basse sia rispetto ai malati della stessa età sia agli adulti ma con una tendenza all’aumento nelle prime 24 ore di vita per i sani ed un calo nei malati. La somministrazione della terapia antiradicalica non influisce sulle concentrazioni di glutatione totale ed i puledri deceduti presentano concentrazioni più alte.
Six full-term newborn infants are described who suffered from severe adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The triggering event was intrauterine/perinatal asphyxia in five, and group B streptococcal (GBS) septicemia in three. All had severe respiratory distress/failure and were ventilated mechanically with high concentrations of inspired oxygen and positive end-expiratory pressure. Radiography of the chest showed dense bilateral consolidation with air bronchograms and reduced lung volume. Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPH) was documented in all cases. The coincidence of ARDS and PPH rendered respiratory management extremely difficult. For this reason high-frequency ventilation was instituted in all patients in order to improve CO2 elimination and induce respiratory alkalosis. Acute complications of respiratory therapy were encountered in five patients (pneumothorax, pulmonary interstitial emphysema, pneumopericardium). Three infants died (irreversible septic shock, progressive severe hypoxemia, and sudden cardiac arrest) after 17, 80, and 175 h of life. Histologic examination of the lungs was possible in all fatal cases and revealed typical changes of acute to subacute stages of ARDS. Three infants survived, the mean time of mechanical respiratory support being 703 h. Two patients were still dependent on oxygen after 1 month of life, and all survivors had increased interstitial markings and increased lung volumes on their chest roentgenograms at this time.
Uteroplacental vascular insufficiency in humans is a common cause of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and is associated with an increased incidence of perinatal asphyxia and neurodevelopmental disorders compared to normal weight newborns. Experimental models that provide an opportunity to analyze the pathogenesis of these relationships are limited. Here, we used neonatal pigs from large litters in which there were piglets of normal birth weight (for controls) and of low birth weight (for uteroplacental vascular insufficiency). Hypoxia was induced in paired littermates by reducing the fraction of inspired oxygen to 4% for 25 min. Brain tissue was collected 4 h post-hypoxia. Cerebral levels of apoptosis were quantified morphologically and verified with caspase-3 activity and TUNEL. Expression of Bcl-2, BcI-XL and Bax proteins was investigated using immunohistochemistry. Cellular positivity for Bcl-2 was consistently higher in the non-apoptotic white matter of the hypoxic IUGR animals compared with their littermates and reached significance at P < 0.05 in several pairs of littermates. Alterations in Bax showed a trend towards higher expression in the hypoxic IUGR littermates but rarely reached significance. The IUGR piglets showed a significantly greater amount of apoptosis in response to the hypoxia than the normal weight piglets, suggesting an increased vulnerability to apoptosis in the IUGR piglets. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A comparison of a constant (continuous delivery of 4% FiO(2)) and a variable (initial 5% FiO(2) with adjustments to induce low amplitude EEG (LAEEG) and hypotension) hypoxic/ischemic insult was performed to determine which insult was more effective in producing a consistent degree of survivable neuropathological damage in a newborn piglet model of perinatal asphyxia. We also examined which physiological responses contributed to this outcome. Thirty-nine 1-day-old piglets were subjected to either a constant hypoxic/ischemic insult of 30- to 37-min duration or a variable hypoxic/ischemic insult of 30-min low peak amplitude EEG (LAEEG < 5 mu V) including 10 min of low mean arterial blood pressure (MABP < 70% of baseline). Control animals (n = 6) received 21% FiO(2) for the duration of the experiment. At 72 h, the piglets were euthanased, their brains removed and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and assessed for hypoxic/ischemic injury by histological analysis. Based on neuropathology scores, piglets were grouped as undamaged or damaged; piglets that did not survive to 72 h were grouped separately as dead. The variable insult resulted in a greater number of piglets with neuropathological damage (undamaged = 12.5%, damaged = 68.75%, dead = 18.75%) while the constant insult resulted in a large proportion of undamaged piglets (undamaged = 50%, damaged = 22.2%, dead = 27.8%). A hypoxic insult varied to maintain peak amplitude EEG < 5 mu V results in a greater number of survivors with a consistent degree of neuropathological damage than a constant hypoxic insult. Physiological variables MABP, LAEEG, pH and arterial base excess were found to be significantly associated with neuropathological outcome. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Multiple frequency bio-electrical impedance analysis (MFBIA) may be useful for monitoring fluid balance in newborn infants or to provide early prediction of the outcome following perinatal asphyxia. A reference range of data is needed for identification of babies with abnormal impedance values. This was a cross-sectional observational study in 84 term and near-term healthy neonates less than 12 h postpartum. Whole body and cerebral MFBIA measurements were performed at the bedside in the post-natal ward. Gestational age, post-natal age, gender, birthweight, head circumference and foot length measures were recorded. Reference values for impedance at the characteristic frequency (Z(C)) and resistance at zero frequency (R-0) are reported for whole body and cerebral impedance. Significant correlations (p < 0.05) were observed between whole body impedance and birthweight, footlength and head circumference. Females had a significantly higher whole body R0 than males. Cerebral impedance did not correlate significantly with any of the demographic measures and therewere no gender differences observed for cerebral impedance. The reference range for whole body multi-frequency bio-impedance values in term and near-term infants within the first 12 h postpartum can be calculated from the footlength (FL) using the following equations: Z(C) = (942.9 - 4.818* FL) +/- 124.6 Omega; R-0 = (1042 - 4.520(*)FL) +/- 135.5 Omega. For cerebral impedance the reference range is 29.5-48.7 Omega for Z(C) and 33.7-58.0 Omega for R-0.
Background An early objective biomarker to predict the severity of hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) and identify infants suitable for intervention remains elusive. This thesis aims to progress metabolomic markers of HIE through a pipeline of biomarker discovery and validation by employing a novel untargeted mass spectrometry metabolomic method. Methodology Term infants with perinatal asphyxia were recruited, all having umbilical cord blood (UCB) drawn and biobanked within three hours of birth. HIE was defined by Sarnat score at 24hours and continuous multichannel-EEG. Infant neurodevelopment was assessed at 36-42 months using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Ed. III (BSID-III). Untargeted metabolomic analysis of UCB was performed using direct injection FT-ICR mass spectrometry (DI FT-ICR MS). Putative metabolite annotations and lipid classes were assigned and pathway analysis was performed. Results Untargeted metabolomic analysis: Thirty enrolled infants were diagnosed with HIE, including 17 mild, 8 moderate, and 5 severe cases. Pathway analysis revealed that ΔHIE was associated with a 50% and 75% perturbation of tryptophan and pyrimidine metabolism respectively, alongside alterations in amino acid pathways. Significant metabolite alterations were detected from six putatively identified lipid classes including fatty acyls, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, sterol lipids and prenol lipids. Outcome prediction: Metabolite model scores significantly correlated with outcome R=0.429 (model A) and R=0.549 (model B) respectively. Model B demonstrates the potential to predict both severe outcome (AUROC of 0.915) and intact survival (AUROC of 0.800). The effect of haemolysis: On average 5% of polar and 1.5% of non-polar features were altered between paired haemolysed and clean samples. However unsupervised multivariate analysis concluded that the preanalytical variability introduced by haemolysis was negligible compared with the inherent biological inter-individual variability. Conclusion This research has employed untargeted metabolomics to identify potential early cord blood biomarkers of HIE and has performed the technical validation of previously proposed markers.
Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a devastating neonatal condition which affects 2-3 per 1000 infants annually. The current gold standard of treatment - induced hypothermia, has the ability to reduce neonatal mortality and improve neonatal morbidity. However, to be effective it needs to be initiated within the therapeutic window which exists following initial insult until approximately 6 hours after birth. Current methods of assessment which are relied upon to identify infants with HIE are subjective and unreliable. To overcome this issue, an early and reliable biomarker of HIE severity must be identified. MicroRNA (miRNA) are a class of small non-coding RNA molecules which have potential as biomarkers of disease state and potential therapeutic targets. These tiny molecules can modulate gene expression by inhibiting translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) and as a result, can regulate protein synthesis. These miRNA are understood to be released into the circulation during cellular stress, where they are highly stable and relatively easy to quantify. Therefore, these miRNAs may be ideal candidates for biomarkers of HIE severity and may aid in directing the clinical management of these infants. By using both transcriptomic and proteomic approaches to analyse the expression of miRNAs and their potential targets in the umbilical cord blood, I have confirmed that infants with perinatal asphyxia and HIE have a significantly different UCB miRNA signature compared to UCB samples from healthy controls. Finally, I have identified and investigated 2 individual miRNAs; both of which show some potential as classifiers of HIE severity and predictors of long term outcome, particularly when coupled with their downstream targets. While this work will need to be validated and expanded in a new and larger cohort of infants, it suggests the potential of miRNA as biomarkers of neonatal pathological conditions such as HIE.
Objectives: To investigate the relation between the timing of birth and the occurrence of death related to an intrapartum event.
17 p.
A relação da qualidade da prática médica assistencial com os indicadores de saúde tem sido objeto de controvérsia. A possibilidade de avaliar o estado de saúde do recém-nascido em função do cuidado recebido, facilita o estudo desta relação, principalmente na área perinatal onde a expectativa é o nascimento de um bebê saudável ao final de uma gestação sem fatores de riscos acompanhados segundo as normas obstétricas vigentes. Neste estudo, examina-se a adequação do acompanhamento do trabalho de parto em uma maternidade pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sob a ótica de avaliação de qualidade pela abordagem de processos e resultados através de critérios explícitos supondo que os fatores selecionados como componentes do processo de assistência ao trabalho de parto determinariam o resultado. Observa-se tais relações através da metodologia epidemiológica optando por um estudo caso-referente ou um estudo caso-controle, com definição primária da base. Selecionou-se como determinantes da qualidade da prática obstétrica intraparto a duração do trabalho de parto, percepção de alterações durante o trabalho de parto, prontidão para intervenção, número de exames realizados e intervalo entre o último exame e hora do parto. O resultado neonatal adverso caracterizou-se por óbito intra-útero, óbito neonatal e presença de um conjunto de sinais clínicos anormais no período neonatal imediato, com alto valor preditivo para o futuro dano neurológico. O risco de um resultado adverso foi estimado pela razão dos produtos cruzados aodds ratio (OR) numa população de 34 casos e 124 controles. A duração do trabalho de parto maior que doze horas esteve associada a um OR igual a 3,48 (1,28-9,43), idade da gestante, dilatação cervical do colo uterino à admissão e peso ao nascer modificaram o efeito desta associação, que também foi confundida pela paridade e pelo uso da ocitocina contrariando hipótese inicial. A percepção de alterações resultou num OR= 14,73 (4.24-54,27) e, à medida que o tempo de intervenção se prolongava os riscos aumentavam obedecendo a uma tendência linear. Discutem-se as dificuldades de aplicação metodologia epidemiológica ao campo da avaliação da qualidade, essencialmente no que se refere as exigências quantitativas, para garantir precisão e confiabilidade. A observação da interação e o controle do confundimento apontam o cuidado necessário nos trabalhos desta natureza para alcançar consistência e validade.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB