25 resultados para Peptostreptococcus
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective: To characterize the microbial etiology of chronic suppurative otitis media comparing the methods of classical bacteriological culture and polymerase chain reaction.Design/Setting/Patients: Bacteriological analysis by classical culture and by molecular polymerase chain reaction of 35 effusion otitis samples from patients with cleft lip and palate attending the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies of the University of Sao Paulo, Bauru, Brazil.Interventions: Collection of clinical samples of otitis by effusion through the external auditory tube.Main Outcome Measure: Otolaryngologic diagnosis of chronic suppurative otitis media.Results: Positive cultures were obtained from 83% of patients. Among the 31 bacterial lineages the following were isolated. In order of decreasing frequency: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (54.9%), Staphylococcus aureus (25.9%), and Enterococcus faecalis (19.2%). No anaerobes were isolated by culture. The polymerase chain reaction was positive for one or more bacteria investigated in 97.1% of samples. Anaerobe lineages were detected by the polymerase chain reaction method, such as Fusobacterium nucleatum, Bacteroides fragilis, and Peptostreptococcus anaerobius.Conclusions: Patients with cleft lip and palate with chronic suppurative otitis media presented high frequency of bacterial infection in the middle ear. The classical bacteriological culture did not detect strict anaerobes, whose presence was identified by the polymerase chain reaction method.
BACKGROUND: There is limited information on infectious and host responses distinguishing older people with or without active periodontitis. This study measured bacterial and serum cytokine and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels in older persons. METHODS: Elders (mean age: 67 years), whose periodontal status had declined most or least (20% worst or 20% best) over 5 years, were enrolled. Two years later, they were classified as periodontally declining (active periodontitis [AP]), if they had at least five teeth with probing depth (PD) > or =5 mm, or stable (stable periodontally [SP]), if they did not. Groups were compared with respect to demographics, PD, clinical loss of attachment, subgingival bacteria, serum hsCRP, interleukin (IL)-1beta and -6, and chronic diseases. RESULTS: Ten AP and 24 SP subjects were identified; 13% of women and 44% of men from the original sample were in the AP group (P <0.05). Most Asians were SP; most whites and all African Americans were classified as having AP (P <0.01). More AP elders had osteoporosis (P <0.01), but the AP and SP groups did not differ with respect to IL-1beta and -6 or hsCRP. Bacterial counts were higher in the AP group for Parvimonas micra (previously Peptostreptococcus micros or Micromonas micros) (7.7 x 10(5) cells versus 3.8 x 10(5) cells; P <0.05), Prevotella intermedia (25.7 x 10(5) cells versus 9.8 x 10(5) cells; P <0.01), Tannerella forsythia (previously T. forsythensis) (16.2 x 10(5) cells versus 8.0 x 10(5) cells; P <0.05), and Streptococcus mutans (6.2 x 10(5) cells versus 2.0 x 10(5) cells; P <0.01). Three risk factors were most predictive of periodontal decline: PD, osteoporosis, and being white or African American. CONCLUSION: Periodontal decline was associated with osteoporosis, ethnicity, PD, gender, serum hsCRP, and levels of four bacterial species.
BACKGROUND: We investigated clinical and subgingival microbiologic changes during pregnancy in 20 consecutive pregnant women > or =18 years not receiving dental care. METHODS: Bacterial samples from weeks 12, 28, and 36 of pregnancy and at 4 to 6 weeks postpartum were processed for 37 species by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Clinical periodontal data were collected at week 12 and at 4 to 6 weeks postpartum, and bleeding on probing (BOP) was recorded at sites sampled at the four time points. RESULTS: The mean BOP at week 12 and postpartum was 40.1% +/- 18.2% and 27.4% +/- 12.5%, respectively. The corresponding mean BOP at microbiologic test sites was 15% (week 12) and 21% (postpartum; not statistically significant). Total bacterial counts decreased between week 12 and postpartum (P <0.01). Increased bacterial counts over time were found for Neisseria mucosa (P <0.001). Lower counts (P <0.001) were found for Capnocytophaga ochracea, Capnocytophaga sputigena, Eubacterium saburreum, Fusobacterium nucleatum naviforme, Fusobacterium nucleatum polymorphum, Leptotrichia buccalis, Parvimonas micra (previously Peptostreptococcus micros or Micromonas micros), Prevotella intermedia, Prevotella melaninogenica, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus anginosus, Streptococcus intermedius, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus sanguinis, Selenomonas noxia, and Veillonella parvula. No changes occurred between weeks 12 and 28 of pregnancy. Counts of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (previously Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans), Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia (previously T. forsythensis), and Treponema denticola did not change. Counts of P. gingivalis and T. forsythia at week 12 were associated with gingivitis (P <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Subgingival levels of bacteria associated with periodontitis did not change. P. gingivalis and T. forsythia counts were associated with BOP at week 12. A decrease was found in 17 of 37 species from week 12 to postpartum. Only counts of N. mucosa increased.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the subgingival microflora composition of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients with untreated chronic periodontitis and compare them with systemically healthy controls also having untreated chronic periodontitis. METHOD Thirty IBD patients [15 with Crohn's disease (CD) and 15 with ulcerative colitis (UC)] and 15 control individuals participated in the study. All patients had been diagnosed with untreated chronic periodontitis. From every patient, subgingival plaque was collected from four gingivitis and four periodontitis sites with paper points. Samples from the same category (gingivitis or periodontitis) in each patient were pooled together and stored at -70 °C until analysis using a checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique for 74 bacterial species. RESULTS Multiple-comparison analysis showed that the groups differed in bacterial counts for Bacteroides ureolyticus, Campylobacter gracilis, Parvimonas micra, Prevotella melaninogenica, Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus anginosus, Streptococcus intermedius, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus mutans, and Treponema denticola (P<0.001). CD patients had significantly higher levels of these bacteria than UC patients either in gingivitis or in periodontitis sites (P<0.05). CD patients harbored higher levels of P. melaninogenica, S. aureus, S. anginosus, and S. mutans compared with controls both at gingivitis and at periodontitis sites (P<0.05). UC patients harbored higher levels of S. aureus (P=0.01) and P. anaerobius (P=0.05) than controls only in gingivitis sites. CONCLUSION Our study showed that even with similar clinical periodontal parameters, IBD patients harbor higher levels of bacteria that are related to opportunistic infections in inflamed subgingival sites that might be harmful for the crucial microbe-host interaction.
In the evolution of eukaryotic genes, introns are believed to have played a major role in increasing the probability of favorable duplication events, chance recombinations, and exon shuffling resulting in functional hybrid proteins. As a rule, prokaryotic genes lack introns, and the examples of prokaryotic introns described do not seem to have contributed to gene evolution by exon shuffling. Still, certain protein families in modern bacteria evolve rapidly by recombination of genes, duplication of functional domains, and as shown for protein PAB of the anaerobic bacterial species Peptostreptococcus magnus, by the shuffling of an albumin-binding protein module from group C and G streptococci. Characterization of a protein PAB-related gene in a P. magnus strain with less albumin-binding activity revealed that the shuffled module was missing. Based on this fact and observations made when comparing gene sequences of this family of bacterial surface proteins interacting with albumin and/or immunoglobulin, a model is presented that can explain how this rapid intronless evolution takes place. A new kind of genetic element is introduced: the recer sequence promoting interdomain, in frame recombination and acting as a structure-less flexibility-promoting spacer in the corresponding protein. The data presented also suggest that antibiotics could represent the selective pressure behind the shuffling of protein modules in P. magnus, a member of the indigenous bacterial flora.
Background Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is still a significant health problem in developing countries. Therefore, it was pertinent to determine the local Malawian microbiology in order to guide adequate treatment, avoid complications, and provide records for future reference. Aim The study sought to determine the CSOM-causing microorganisms at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi, and establish their relationship signs and symptoms, and with the demographic pattern of the study. Methods This was a hospital-based cross-sectional descriptive study carried out at the ENT outpatient clinic and the Microbiology Department of Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital.The sample comprised 104 patients with unilateral or bilateral active CSOM, who met the inclusion criteria. All patients were evaluated through a detailed history and clinical examination. Pus samples from draining ears were collected by aspiration with a sterile pipette. The specimens were immediately sent for microbiological analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS.version 20. Results The study found that Proteus mirabilis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , and Staphylococcus aureus were the most prevalent aerobic bacteria, while Bacteroides spp. and Peptostreptococcus spp. were the commonest anaerobic bacteria causing CSOM. These CSOM-causing microorganisms were predominant among males aged 18 years and below. Some CSOMcausing microorganisms were—significantly more so than the others— characteristically associated with each of the following clinical features: quantity of pus drainage, mode of onset, otalgia, hearing loss, location of tympanic membrane perforation, and mucosal appearance.
El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la eficacia de los tratamientos más utilizados en infecciones odontogénicas en niños y adolescentes aplicando criterios farmacocinéticos/farmacodinámicos (PK/PD). Se han simulado las curvas de concentración plasmática libre-tiempo a partir de parámetros farmacocinéticos medios de amoxicilina, amoxicilina-ácido clavulánico, cefuroxima axetilo, espiramicina, clindamicina, azitromicina y metronidazol. Para los antibióticos con actividad dependiente del tiempo, se ha calculado el tiempo durante el cual las concentraciones permanecen por encima de la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM90) de los microorganismos (T>CIM). Para los antimicrobianos con actividad dependiente de la concentración, se ha calculado el cociente entre el área bajo la curva y la CIM90 (ABC/CIM90). Con amoxicilina-ácido clavulánico (80 mg/kg/día) se han obtenido índices de eficacia adecuados frente a los microorganismos estudiados (T > CIM > 40%), excepto paraVeillonella spp. Clindamicina (40 mg/kg/día) también ha presentado índices PK/PD adecuados frente a la mayoría de los patógenos, excepto Lactobacillus, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Peptostreptococcus resistente a penicilina y Eikenella corrodens. Con dosis altas de amoxicilina los resultados no han sido satisfactorios frente a varias especies bacterianas. Con azitromicina y metronidazol no se han alcanzado valores adecuados frente a la mayoría de patógenos (ABC/CIM90 < 25). En conclusión, el tratamiento empírico más adecuado en infecciones odontogénicas en niños y adolescentes es amoxicilina-ácido clavulánico en altas dosis de amoxicilina, aunque se puede utilizar como alternativa clindamicina. Sería conveniente confirmar estos resultados mediante ensayos clínicos, para cuyo diseño y evaluación podría ser de gran utilidad la aplicación de estudios PK/PD.
Background and Aims: Intestinal dysbiosis has been described in children with chronic intestinal failure (CIF) and in adults with short bowel syndrome (SBS), mostly with jejunocolic anastomosis (SBS-2) and jejuno-ileal anastomosis (SBS-3), linked to generic data with the pathogenesis of Intestinal Failure Associated Liver Disease (IFALD). Little is known about gut microbiome of adults with end-jejunostomy (SBS-1) and in CIF other than SBS and any specific associations with the onset of IFALD. We aimed to describe the fecal microbiome of adult patients with different mechanisms of CIF and any possible associations with the development of IFALD. Material and methods: Fecal samples from 61 patients with benign CIF. Phylogenetic characterization of the microbiome by amplification of the hypervariable regions V3 and V4 of the bacterial gene encoding 16S rRNA, and subsequent grouping of sequences in amplicon sequence variants (ASVs). Patient samples comparison to microbiome sequences from 61 healthy subjects, matched for sex and age, selected from the healthy subjects library of the Laboratory of the Microbial Ecology of Health Unit, Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, of the University of Bologna. IFALD was assessed by the diagnostic criteria of IFALD-cholestasis, IFALD-steatosis, IFALD-fibrosis. Results: Decreased bacterial α-diversity in CIF patients (increase of Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria and decrease in Bacteroidetes). Identification of microbial family-level signatures specific for CIF mechanisms (increase in Actinomycetaceae and Streptococcaceae in SBS-1, Bifidobacteriaceae and Lactobacillaceae in SBS-2, Bacteroidaceae and Porphyromonadaceae in dysmotility). Abundance of Lactobacillus and Lactobacillaceae strongly associated with IFALD-cholestasis and IFALD–fibrosis for SBS-1; Peptostreptococcus, Prevotellaceae (Prevotella) and Pasteurellaceae (Haemophilus) significantly increased in IFALD-fibrosis for other CIF mechanisms. Conclusions: CIF patients had a marked intestinal dysbiosis with microbial family-level signatures specific to the pathophysiological mechanism. Specific characteristics of microbiome may contribute to the pathogenesis of IFALD. Intestinal microbiome could become a therapeutic target in patients with CIF.