954 resultados para Penetrating thoracic trauma
The authors report a case of thrombosis of the right subclavian artery in its pre-vertebral segment causing subclavian steal syndrome as a result of a blunt thoracic trauma in a 43-year-old woman. Aspects of the diagnosis and surgical treatment of this rare injury are reported and discussed.
Objective : to evaluate the epidemiological variables and diagnostic and therapeutic modalities related to hepatic trauma patients undergoing laparotomy in a public referral hospital in the metropolitan region of Vitória-ES. Methods : we conducted a retrospective study, reviewing charts of trauma patients with liver injuries, whether isolated or in association with other organs, who underwent exploratory laparotomy, from January 2011 to December 2013. Results : We studied 392 patients, 107 of these with liver injury. The male: female ratio was 6.6 : 1 and the mean age was 30.12 years. Penetrating liver trauma occurred in 78.5% of patients, mostly with firearms. Associated injuries occurred in 86% of cases and intra-abdominal injuries were more common in penetrating trauma (p <0.01). The most commonly used operative technique was hepatorrhaphy and damage control surgery was applied in 6.5% of patients. The average amounts of blood products used were 6.07 units of packed red blood cells and 3.01 units of fresh frozen plasma. The incidence of postoperative complications was 29.9%, the most frequent being infectious, including pneumonia, peritonitis and intra-abdominal abscess. The survival rate of patients suffering from blunt trauma was 60%, and penetrating trauma, 87.5% (p <0.05). Conclusion : despite technological advances in diagnosis and treatment, mortality rates in liver trauma remain high, especially in patients suffering from blunt trauma in relation to penetrating one.
La evaluación del trauma penetrante de cuello es un tema controversia. Algunas instituciones continúan manejando en forma agresiva el trauma de cuello, llevando a exploración quirúrgica a todo paciente. La selección de los métodos diagnostico más apropiado es un problema polémico. La tendencia actual en la literatura está dirigida hacia la racionalización del uso de los métodos de diagnóstico, indicándolos selectivamente de acuerdo con los hallazgos clínicos al ingreso. Objetivo: determinar el valor de signos blandos al ingreso de los pacientes con trauma penetrante de cuello para definir la necesidad de realizar estudios de diagnóstico adicionales. Métodos: es un estudio observacional de prueba diagnóstica en Hospital Occidente de Kennedy, durante los meses de agosto de 2009 hasta junio de 2010. Se incluyeron 207 pacientes con herida penetrante de cuello. A todos se les realizo una exploración física enfocándose en los signos blandos de lesión vascular, vía aérea y tracto gastrointestinal superior. Se analizaron la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y negativo de los signos blandos. Resultados: los signos blandos de lesión vascular tienen una sensibilidad de 95.65%, especificidad 47.83%, VPP de 18.64 %; VPN de 98.88%. Los signos blandos de lesión de vía aérea tienen una sensibilidad 94.12%, especificidad 91.05%, VVP 48.48%; VPN 99.43%. Conclusiones: los pacientes asintomáticos no requieren de otras pruebas diagnosticas para excluir lesiones que ameriten reparo quirúrgico, siendo el seguimiento clínico la conducta apropiada a seguir.
Introducción El manejo de las heridas abdominales penetrantes ha variado en los últimos 30 años, la laparotomía mandatoria es la conducta más usada en el Hospital Occidente De Kennedy a pesar presentar complicaciones y aumentar las tasas de morbimortalidad. Existen diferentes conductas selectivas del trauma abdominal penetrante como son: valoraciones físicas seriadas, ultrasonografía, laparoscopia, TAC de triple contraste y lavado peritoneal; sin embargo no se ha definido cuál de estos métodos es el más eficiente para el diagnóstico. El objetivo es determinar cual es el método diagnostico más efectivo para evaluar el trauma abdominal penetrante dependiendo del sitio topográfico de la lesión. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura en revistas indexadas a nivel mundial y literatura gris colombiana. Se escogieron artículos entre 1990 y 2010 que suministraran la mejor evidencia. Se evaluó su calidad metodológica de acuerdo a las recomendaciones desarrolladas por la Asociación Médica Americana en JAMA 1993. Adicionalmente se utilizó el SCORE de calidad metodológico publicado en la revista Chilena de Cirugía 2003. Los estudios incluidos fueron organizados en una tabla de evidencia donde se tuvo en cuenta los siguientes puntos: fecha de publicación, revista, autor, nivel de evidencia y desenlace principal. Resultados: En total se encontraron 98 artículos, según los criterios de elegibilidad se seleccionaron 57 y se adiciono 2 guías de manejo clínico. A pesar de la heterogeneidad de los estudios se encontró concordancia en 17 artículos en cuanto la disminución de complicaciones, tiempo de estancia hospitalaria y disminución de laparotomías negativas con el uso de la TAC de triple contraste y la laparoscopia diagnostica. Conclusión: No existe un juicio para determinar que metodología diagnóstica es la más eficiente en el manejo conservador, pero resulta evidente que la tendencia actual del manejo del trauma abdominal está dirigida a seleccionar y a enfocar al paciente de forma individual. Las alternativas más efectivas hasta el momento ha considerar son la TAC de triple contraste y la laparoscopia diagnostica en las heridas en flancos, dorso y región toracoabdominal respectivamente.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Abstract Background Heart chambers rupture in blunt trauma is uncommon and is associated with a high mortality. The determinant factors, and the incidence of isolated heart chambers rupture remains undetermined. Isolated rupture of the right atrium appendage (RAA) is very rare, with 8 cases reported in the reviewed literature. The thin wall of the RAA has been presumed to render this chamber more prone to rupture in blunt trauma. Objective To report a case of isolated RAA rupture in blunt trauma, and to compare right atrium (RA) and RAA wall thickness in a necropsy study. Methods The thickness of RA and RAA wall of hearts from cadavers of fatal penetrating head trauma victims was measured. Our case of isolated RAA rupture is presented. The main findings of the 8 cases reported in the literature, and the findings of our case, were organized in a table. Result The comparison of the data showed that wall thickness of the RAA (0.53 ± 0.33 mm) was significantly thinner than that of RA (1.11 ± 0.42 mm) (p < 0.05). Comments In all these 9 cases of isolated RAA rupture, cardiac tamponade occurred, RAA rupture was diagnosed intraoperatively and sutured, and the patients survived. Main mechanisms hypothesized for heart chamber rupture include mechanical compression coincident with phases of cardiac cycle, leading to high hydrostatic pressure inside the chamber. Published series include numerous cases of RA rupture, and only a few cases of RAA rupture. Conclusion Thus, our data suggests that wall thickness is not a determinant factor for RA or RAA rupture in blunt trauma.
BACKGROUND: Pneumothoraces are a common injury pattern in emergency medicine. Rapid and safe identification can reduce morbidity and mortality. A new handheld, battery powered device, the Pneumoscan (CE 561036, PneumoSonics Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA), using micropower impulse radar (MIR) technology, has recently been introduced in Europe for the rapid and reliable detection of PTX. However, this technology has not yet been tested in trauma patients. This is the first quality control evaluation to report on emergency room performance of a new device used in the trauma setting. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was performed at a Level I trauma centre in Switzerland. All patients with thoracic trauma and undergoing chest X-ray and CT-scan were eligible for the study. Readings were performed before the chest X-ray and CT scan. The patients had eight lung fields tested (four on each side). All readings with the Pneumoscan were performed by two junior residents in our department who had previously received an instructional tutorial of 15min. The qualitative MIR results were blinded, and stored on the device. We then compared the results of the MIR to those of the clinical examination, chest X-ray and CT-scan. RESULTS: 50 patients were included, with a mean age of 46 (SD 17) years. Seven patients presented with PTX diagnosed by CT; six of these were detected by Pneumoscan, leading to an overall sensitivity of 85.7 (95% confidence interval 42.1-99.6)%. Only two of seven PTX were found during clinical examination and on chest X-ray (sensitivity 28.6 (95% CI 3.7-71.0)%). Of the remaining 43 of 50 patients without PTX, one false-positive PTX was found by the Pneumoscan, resulting in a specificity of 97.7 (95% CI 87.7-99.9)%. DISCUSSION: The Pneumoscan is an easy to use handheld technology with reliable results. In this series, the sensitivity to detect a PTX by the Pneumoscan was higher than by clinical examination and chest X-ray. Further studies with higher case numbers and a prospective study design are needed to confirm our findings.
Objetivo: Analizar el manejo del trauma de tórax en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso y describir las características demográficas de la población estudiada. Método: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, la muestra fue de 167 pacientes atendidos en el servicio de Emergencia del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, con diagnóstico de trauma de tórax, durante el periodo enero de 2013 a junio de 2015; los datos se obtuvieron de las historias clínicas. Se analizaron las variables de datos demográficos y tratamiento, utilizando frecuencias, porcentajes y chi cuadrado. Se empleó el programa SPSS versión 18, Excel 2010. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 37 años, con mayor frecuencia en varones con el 84.4%. Los diagnósticos fueron: hemotórax 36.53%, neumotórax 25.75%, hemoneumotórax 27.54%. El 4.8% de los pacientes recibió tratamiento no quirúrgico, el 82.6% avenamiento pleural; al 12.6% se practicó toracotomías al ingreso. Al 19.8% se realizó toracotomía durante la estancia hospitalaria debido a complicaciones como el hemotórax coagulado o residual. La mortalidad fue del 5.4% (9 pacientes), 7 presentaron lesiones extra torácicas. Conclusiones: El trauma de tórax se presentó en alto porcentaje en la tercera década de vida y se resolvió mayormente con avenamiento pleural. Las lesiones extra torácicas incrementan la mortalidad y necesitan un manejo multidisciplinario.
INTRODUCTION: Pleuropulmonary changes are common following coronary artery bypass grafting surgery performed with a saphenous vein graft, with or without an internal mammary artery. The presence of atelectasis or pleural effusions reflects the thoracic trauma. PURPOSE: To define the postoperative incidence of changes in the lung and in the pleural space and to evaluate the influence of the trauma. METHODS: Thirty patients underwent elective coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (8 saphenous vein grafts and 22 saphenous vein grafts and internal mammary artery grafts with pleurotomy). Chest tubes in the left pleural space were used in all internal mammary artery patients. On the second (day 2) and seventh (day 7) postoperative day, patients underwent a computed tomography, and pleural effusions were rated as follows: grade 0 = no fluid to grade 4 = fluid in more than 75% of the hemithorax. Atelectasis was rated as follows: laminar = 1, segmental = 3, and lobar = 10 points. RESULTS: All patients had pleural effusion or atelectasis. Between day 2 and day 7, the number of patients with effusions or atelectasis on the right side decreased (P < 0.05). The incidence of effusions on day 2 in the saphenous vein graft group (87.5%) was higher (P < 0.05) than in the internal mammary artery group (52.3%). The incidence of atelectasis in the lower right lobe decreased (P < 0.05) from 86.7% (day 2) to 26.7% (day 7). The degree of atelectasis in both sides did not differ on day 2 (P = 0.42) but did on day 7 (P < 0.0001). There was a decrease in the atelectasis from day 2 to day 7 on the right side (P < 0.001), but not on the left (P = 0.21). On day 2 there was a relationship between atelectasis and effusion on the right (P = 0.04), but not on the left (P = 0.113). CONCLUSION: The present series demonstrates that there is a high incidence of both minimal pleural effusion and atelectasis after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, which drops on the right side from day 2 to day 7 post surgery. Factors that contribute to the persistence of changes on the left side include the thoracic trauma and the presence of chest tubes and pericardial effusion.
The objective of this study was to assess the efficiency of spiral CT (SCT) aortography for diagnosing acute aortic lesions in blunt thoracic trauma patients. Between October 1992 and June 1997, 487 SCT scans of the chest were performed on blunt thoracic trauma patients. To assess aortic injury, the following SCT criteria were considered: hemomediastinum, peri-aortic hematoma, irregular aspect of the aortic wall, aortic pseudodiverticulum, intimal flap and traumatic dissection. Aortic injury was diagnosed on 14 SCT examinations (2.9 %), five of the patients having had an additional digital aortography that confirmed the aortic trauma. Twelve subjects underwent surgical repair of the thoracic aorta, which in all but one case confirmed the aortic injury. Two patients died before surgery from severe brain lesions. The aortic blunt lesions were confirmed at autopsy. According to the follow-up of the other 473 patients, we are aware of no false-negative SCT examination. Our limited series shows a sensitivity of 100 % and specificity of 99.8 % of SCT aortography in the diagnosis of aortic injury. It is concluded that SCT aortagraphy is an accurate diagnostic method for the assessment of aortic injury in blunt thoracic trauma patients.
In de past 50 years, maternal mortality rates have declined, in contrast, the number of deaths due to injury during pregnancy is on the rise. The authors report a case of 24° week pregnant woman victim of penetrating abdominal trauma by gunshot who sustained a grade I11 transfixing injury of the uterine fundus. Treatment was conservative regarding the fetus. Hysteroraphia of the injuries was executed with closure of both penetrating orifices. Obstetrical-gynecological evaluation and echogram documented letal viability in the post-operative period. Post-operative follow-up was performed with periodical echograms up to delivery on the ninth month. Clinical findings, treatment and follow-up will be discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
OBJETIVO: Os ferimentos penetrantes com comprometimento simultâneo das cavidades torácica e abdominal (FTA), além da dificuldade diagnóstica, merecem especial atenção em relação à conduta adotada para o tratamento do espaço pleural. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os principais fatores relacionados à incidência de empiema pleural em pacientes com ferimentos penetrantes localizados na transição toracoabdominal. MÉTODO: Utilizando-se o modelo estatístico de regressão logística múltipla, os autores analisaram 110 pacientes com ferida toracoabdominal penetrante, submetidos à drenagem pleural fechada e laparotomia. A complicação empiema pleural foi estudada quanto à incidência e fatores envolvidos. Considerou-se o nível alfa igual a 0,05. RESULTADOS: Do total, 91 (82,7%) pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 19 (17,3%) do feminino. A faixa etária situou-se entre 13 e 63 anos. Os FTA foram causados por projétil de arma de fogo em 60 casos (54,5%) e por arma branca em 50 casos (45,5%). O empiema pleural incidiu em quatro (3,6%) dos pacientes estudados. Na análise estatística a incidência de empiema pleural esteve relacionada com: lesão de víscera oca (OR=3,1386, p=0.4005); lesão do lado esquerdo do diafragma (OR= 12,98, p=0,1178) e choque hemorrágico à admissão (OR=23,9639, p=0,0250). CONCLUSÕES: A chance da ocorrência de empiema pleural foi cerca de três vezes maior em pacientes com lesão de víscera oca e, de 13 vezes se a esta lesão estava associada à lesão do lado esquerdo do diafragma; aumentando para 24 vezes se estes pacientes apresentavam, concomitantemente, estado de choque hemorrágico à admissão.
Pneumothoraces (PTXs) are a common entity in thoracic trauma. Micropower impulse radar (MIR) has been able to detect PTXs in surgical patients. However, this technology has not been tested previously on trauma patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of MIR to detect clinically significant PTXs. We hypothesized that MIR technology can effectively screen trauma patients for clinically significant PTXs.