983 resultados para Peer groups.


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This thesis explores the meaning-making practices of migrant and non-migrant children in relation to identities, race, belonging and childhood itself in their everyday lives and in the context of ‘normalizing’ discourses and spaces in Ireland. The relational, spatial and institutional contexts of children’s worlds are examined in the arenas of school, home, family, peer groups and consumer culture. The research develops a situated account of children’s complex subject positions, belongings and exclusions, as negotiated within discursive constructs, emerging in the ‘in-between’ spaces explored with other children and with adults. As a peripheral EU area both geographically and economically, Ireland has traditionally been a country of net emigration. This situation changed briefly in the late 1990s to early 2000s, sparking broad debate on Ireland’s perceived ‘new’ ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity arising from the arrival of migrant people both from within and beyond the EU as workers and as asylum seekers, and drawing attention to issues of race, identity, equality and integration in Irish society. Based in a West of Ireland town where migrant children and children of migrants comprise very small minorities in classroom settings, this research engages with a particular demographic of children who have started primary school since these changes have occurred. It seeks to represent the complexities of the processes which constitute children’s subjectivities, and which also produce and reproduce race and childhood itself in this context. The role of local, national and global spaces, relational networks and discursive currents as they are experienced and negotiated by children are explored, and the significance of embodied, sensory and affective processes are integrated into the analysis. Notions of the functions and rhetorics of play and playfulness (Sutton-Smith 1997) form a central thread that runs throughout the thesis, where play is both a feature of children’s cultural worlds and a site of resistance or ‘thinking otherwise’. The study seeks to examine how children actively participate in (re)producing definitions of both childhood and race arising in local, national and global spaces, demonstrating that while contestations of the boundaries of childhood discourses are contingently successful, race tends to be strongly reiterated, clinging to bodies and places and compromising belonging. In addition, it explores how children access belongings through agentic and imaginative practices with regard to peer and family relationships, particularly highlighting constructions of home, while also illustrating practices of excluding children positioned as unintelligible, including the role of silences in such situations. Finally, drawing on teachers’ understandings and on children’s playful micro-level negotiations of race, the study argues that assumptions of childhood innocence contribute to justifying depoliticised discourses of race in the early primary school years, and also tend to silence children’s own dialogues with this issue. Central throughout the thesis is an emphasis on the productive potentials of children’s marginal positioning in processes of transgressing definitional boundaries, including the generation of post-race conceptualisations that revealed the borders of race as performative and fluid. It suggests that interrupting exclusionary raced identities in Irish primary schools requires engagement with children’s world-making practices and the multiple resources that inform their lives.


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Bisher stehen sich in der deutschen Jugendforschung mit dem Transitions- und Moratoriumsgedanken zwei Konzepte zur Beschreibung der Jugendphase gegenüber, deren ergänzender Charakter bisher kaum Beachtung gefunden hat. Um eine Verknüpfung leisten zu können, sollen beide Auffassungen von Jugend kurz skizziert und in die Beschreibung einer Typologie jugendlicher Entwicklungswege überführt werden. Im zweiten Teil werden auf der Basis von Sekundäranalysen empirische Evidenzen aufgezeigt, die eine Vertiefung der theoretischen Herangehensweise aussichtsreich erscheinen lassen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Empirical data on the life experiences of contemporary school-age lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) young people in Britain remains somewhat sparse. This paper reports the preliminary findings of a study conducted at a recently-initiated LGB youth Summer School. To further an appreciation of issues of concern to today's LGB teenagers, in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 Summer School participants (five female and five male, aged 15-18 years). The aim was to elicit their views and experiences relating to their need for support such as that offered by the Summer School. Themes drawn from participants' interviews are presented. Key issues included: being positioned as different by their majority heterosexual peers; feelings of isolation and loneliness in their peer groups and families; difficulties in finding others like themselves for companionship; and the importance of meeting more LGB people of their own age.


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The purpose of this article is to explore and illuminate teenagers' experiences of, and attitudes to, parades in Belfast. The research draws on responses from 125 teenagers located in interface areas (areas where Catholics and Protestants live side by side but apart) to government supported attempts to rebrand Orangefest (traditional parade associated with Protestant/Unionist/Loyalist community) and St Patrick's Day (traditional parade associated with Catholic/Nationalist/Republican community) as all-inclusive community events. For the most part, young people access these parades in pre-existing, single identity peer groups and view these parades as either inclusive or exclusive calling into question the extent to which Belfast's city centre can be viewed as shared space.


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Aus der Einleitung: "Alles ist anders als früher, widerspruchsvoller. Das 'Frottee Trockenschampoo Zeitalter' scheint endgültig vorbei. Die Zeiten, als die 'hellblaue Dose (…) noch einen dramatischen Vorfall von Nachfetten der Haare' während eines Rockkonzertes 'auf irgendeiner Kuhwiese verhindern musste' (Dörrie 2001), sind vergessen. Auf modernen Musik-Events wird sie nicht mehr benötigt. 'Im Kopf ganz frei' schmuggelt man sich aktuell in irgendeine Chefetage ein, wo 'OutKast ein kurzes Konzert für die (…) Business-Partner geben', träumt mit der Band vom utopischen 'Stankonia' und lässt sich von einem 'distinguierten französischen Barmann' bedienen (Braddock/Hertel 2001). 'Frottee' ist hier überflüssig. Heute ist eben alles ist anders als früher. Der 'Punker' spielt 'Soul-Techno' und der 'Gangster-Rapper' Golf. Trotzdem scheint sich nur wenig verändert zu haben. Peter Maffey geht nur noch selten über 'sieben Brücken', dennoch erklimmt er im Februar 2001 Platz eins der MTV-Zuhörer-Charts. 'Abraxas' von Santana ist zwar nur noch nostalgie-verhangegen Alt-Siebzigern ein Begriff, aber als 'Latin-Musiker' hochaktuell – und die Beatles thronen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts wie vor 35 Jahren an der Spitze der nationalen, europäischen und us-amerikanischen Hitliste (vgl. musikexpress 2001; Juice 2001). Der Beitrag geht diesen ambivalenten Entwicklungen nach und erkundigt sich, ob und wenn ja inwieweit sich jugendliche Freizeitorientierungen und -formen in den letzten Jahrzehnten modifizierten und welche gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen die zu beobachtenden Prozesse beeinflussten. Um den ins Gerede gekommenen, aber dennoch nach wie vor diskutierten theoretischen Positionierungen von Jugend Rechnung zu tragen, werden in einer ersten Annäherung relevante Theoriezugänge in gebotener Kürze vorgestellt und diskutiert (1.). Der Ausdifferenzierung der Ansätze folgend, werden zuerst allgemeine theoretische Ortbestimmungen erörtert (1.1), bevor in einem zweiten Zugriff medientheoretisch akzentuierte Erklärungsansätze ins Zentrum rücken (1.2). Nach einem kurzen, einleitenden Rekurs werden die zeitlichen und materiellen Ressourcenlagen Jugendlicher (2.1) sowie die Ergebnisse der aktuelleren Freizeit- und Medienforschung erörtert (2.2). Auf Grund der enorm angewachsenen Forschungslage ist es angebracht und notwendig, einzelne Ergebnisse der Medienforschung ebenso gesondert zu präsentieren (2.3) wie das Wissen über die Einbindung Jugendlicher in informelle und formelle Gleichaltrigengruppen (2.4). Einem resümierenden Blick auf die Gesamtpalette der dargestellten Befunde zu jugendlichen Freizeitorientierungen (3.1) folgt abschließend die Nennung der Desiderate, die die bisherige Jugendfreizeit- und -medienforschung aufweist, und eine Diskussion der sich daraus ergebenden theoretischen und methodologischen Herausforderungen für die zukünftige Forschung (3.3)."


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This paper provides recent evidence about the beneÖts of attending preschool on future performance. A non-parametric matching procedure is used over two outcomes: math and verbal scores at a national mandatory test (Saber11) in Colombia. It is found that students who had the chance of attending preschool obtain higher scores in math (6.7%) and verbal (5.4%) than those who did not. A considerable fraction of these gaps comes from the upper quintiles of studentís performance, suggesting that preschool matters when is done at high quality institutions. When we include the number of years at the preschool, the gap rises up to 12% in verbal and 17% in math.


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Information services play a crucial role in grid environments in that the state information can be used to facilitate the discovery of resources and the services available to meet user requirements, and also to help tune the performance of a grid system. However, the large size and dynamic nature of the grid brings forth a number of challenges for information services. This paper presents PIndex, a grouped peer-to-peer network that can be used for scalable grid information services. PIndex builds on Globus MDS4, but introduces peer groups to dynamically split the large grid information search space into many small sections to enhance its scalability and resilience. PIndex is subsequently modeled with Colored Petri Nets for performance evaluation. The simulation results show that PIndex is scalable and resilient in dealing with a large number of peer nodes.


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We introduce a stochastic heterogeneous interacting-agent model for the short-time non-equilibrium evolution of excess demand and price in a stylized asset market. We consider a combination of social interaction within peer groups and individually heterogeneous fundamentalist trading decisions which take into account the market price and the perceived fundamental value of the asset. The resulting excess demand is coupled to the market price. Rigorous analysis reveals that this feedback may lead to price oscillations, a single bounce, or monotonic price behaviour. The model is a rare example of an analytically tractable interacting-agent model which allows LIS to deduce in detail the origin of these different collective patterns. For a natural choice of initial distribution, the results are independent of the graph structure that models the peer network of agents whose decisions influence each other. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports on an aspect of a small, empirical study that explored how cross-category friendships were constructed among an ethnically diverse cohort of Year 10 students in an Australian school. The students, who self-identified as having friendships across gender and ethnic boundaries, were interviewed in focus groups. Young men and young women, in speaking of their cross-cultural friendships, generally stressed commonalities among rather than differences between groups of friends. Nevertheless, students identified two predominant peer groups and used the terms 'aussie' and 'wog' to name them. Some of the male students appeared to be more keen than many of the females to mark themselves out as belonging to one or the other of these groups. This paper will discuss how these terms are utilised among these students to construct particular identities. On one level, this naming signified differences of choice, with reference to styles of music, clothing, jewellery, hair and entertainment. Is this an attempt to reclaim and rework previously racist descriptors into more egalitarian terms by young people? The meanings and sense that students make of such traditionally racist terms and how their use reflects and challenges wider cultural discourses of difference are discussed. How 'sameness' is constituted around shared experiences rather than common cultural backgrounds is also considered.


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National reports on students’ experiences in their first year of tertiary study suggest that many students, particularly those coming directly from  secondary schools, find the transition into university life particularly difficult. These reports suggest that while many students find the experience to be a challenging hurdle others feel disengaged and unconnected to academic life. Reports also note that many students enter university with the expectation that their university experience should 'fit into their lives' rather than vice-versa.

Additionally, research indicates that successful transitional experiences for undergraduate students are critical in promoting effective learning habits, positive attitudes and openness to new knowledge. Establishing positive practices in the early days of the undergraduate course can enable students to utilise these experiences and knowledge as a part of their life-long professional habits. However, in order for this to occur, connections must be made, and relationships built, between students and their new peer groups and with the wider academic community. Connections must also be made between students' prior experiences and their new knowledge.

In light of the findings of recent research and reports, Deakin University has instituted a First Year Initiative to assist students in their transitions. Alongside and complementary to this, the Faculty of Education has developed a new three year Education Studies Major program which began this year.

In this paper, we discuss the ways in which the first two units of this new educational program aim to address some of the issues that students face when making the transition into university life. We see the implementation of the first two units as a 'pilot study' and while at this stage, evaluation of these units is only beginning, here we will consider some of the pedagogical strategies, resources, organisational structures and 'grounded' experiences that are being trialled as means to help students make the connections and take the first successful steps in their journey to becoming professional educators. Ways in which these new approaches aim to build important relationships between students, with staff and, as well, help them connect their prior experiences with new knowledge, will be considered in light of the literature on first year student transitions.


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# 1. Introduction. Exploring the gender and IT problem and possible ways forward /​ Julianne Lynch
# 2. The imagined curriculum: who studies Computing and Information Technology subjects at the senior secondary level? /​ Margaret Vickers and My Trinh Ha
# 3. A question of attention: challenges for researching the under representation of girls in Computing and Information Technology subjects /​ Leonie Rowan
# 4. The nature and purpose of Computing and Information Technology subjects in the senior secondary school curriculum in New South Wales /​ Toni Downes
# 5. The social construction of Computing and Information Technology subject subculture /​ Catherine Harris
# 6. Boy nerds, girl nerds: constituting and negotiating Computing and Information Technology and peer groups as gendered subjects in schooling /​ Kerry Robinson and Cristyn Davies
# 7. CIT teachers' cultures in a globalising world /​ Carol Reid and Jose van der Akker
# 8. Perceptions of changing pedagogies in Computing and Information Technology /​ Susanne Gannon


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Esta pesquisa é um estudo transversal realizado junto a 2282 estudantes de ambos os sexos que cursavam as três séries do ensino médio em três cidades do interior do oeste paulista. O instrumento de coleta de dados empregado foi um questionário autoaplicável com 131 questões. Neste artigo, abordamos as trajetórias sexuais de adolescentes de ambos os sexos que mantêm práticas sexuais homoeróticas ou não. Discutimos as relações desses adolescentes com seus familiares e grupos de pares e a questão de sair do armário como ferramenta política. Tendo como base as concepções de Sedgwick, analisamos os momentos em que sair do armário pode ser uma entre tantas maneiras de manifestação das diferentes sexualidades em relação à heteronormatividade. Apoiando-nos nas colocações de teóricos pós-estruturalistas, abordamos também as construções teóricas e as produções discursivas sobre a adolescência, apontando novas manifestações da juventude na contemporaneidade. Por fim, percebemos a existência de amplos fatores que afetam as decisões de jovens não heterossexuais quanto a sair (ou não) do armário para além da homofobia: eventos pessoais, histórias de vida e mesmo a revelação de sua sexualidade aos pais e/ou a outras pessoas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Angemessen historisiert kann der «Skandal» auch für die Vormoderne als produktive Forschungskategorie genutzt werden, um nach fundamentalen Wertehaltungen und zugehörigen Konfliktmodi zu fragen. Während Skandale in heutiger Zeit über massenmedial verbreitete Enthüllungen befeuert werden, adressierte Skandalisierung in der Vormoderne unterschiedliche Kommunikationsräume wie etwa Familie, Peer Groups, politische Gremien und Versammlungen, die als ständisch gerahmte, ineinander verschachtelte und miteinander interagierende Teilöffentlichkeiten fungierten. Eigentliches Skandalon stellte der Vorwurf des Eigennutzes bzw. die Schädigung des gemeinen Nutzens dar. Angeprangert wurden Selbstbereicherung, undurchsichtige Machenschaften oder übermässige Profite aus Amtstätigkeiten. Skandalen kam dabei die Funktion von Läuterungsritualen zu, welche lokalen Gesellschaften und ständischen Gruppen die ungeschriebenen Gesetze ihres Zusammenlebens in Erinnerung riefen.


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The present study sought to investigate the ways in which social anxiety impedes the development of romantic relationships across adolescence. Previous research has demonstrated a natural progression for romantic associations during adolescence in which teens transition from same- to mixed-sex peer groups, and finally to dyadic relationships with romantic partners (Connolly, Furman, Konarski, 2000; Dunphy, 1963). This model of development was the basis for the present investigation. Social anxiety was examined in terms of how it impacted affiliations at the same- and mixed sex peer group levels, and ultimately the formation of romantic relationships. This project involved administering a series of questionnaires and rating scales to students enrolled in the 9th through \2l grades. Participants included 457 adolescents (196 males, 261 females) recruited from public high schools in the state of Maine. The questionnaires assessed social anxiety, peer acceptance, heterosocial competence, gender composition of adolescent peer networks, dating history, and relationship quality with significant others in the adolescent's life. Higher levels of social anxiety were expected to be associated with impairment at each of these three levels. Given the proposed developmental progression, the effects of anxiety were theorized to be most pronounced within the older cohort of adolescents. Moreover, gender was expected to affect the pattern of results. Social anxiety is most prevalent among females (LaGreca, 1998; LaGreca & Lopez, 1998), who are also thought to progress along the proposed developmental trajectory more quickly than their male counterparts. Therefore, social anxiety was expected to impact the females to a greater degree at each of the three levels. Correlation coefficients, multivariate analyses of variance, and regression analyses were used to evaluate the data. Overall, despite some discrepant findings, the results supported the hypotheses. Social anxiety was affiliated with problems in the same-sex peer group, the mixed-sex clique, and, for older adolescents, romantic relationships. As expected, social anxiety affected females the most at each level. There seems to be a maladaptive pathway that socially anxious teens are following that is markedly different than their non-anxious counterparts.