763 resultados para Pbs Nanocrystals
We quantify the rate and efficiency of picosecond electron transfer (ET) from PbS nanocrystals, grown by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR), into a mesoporous SnO2 support. Successive SILAR deposition steps allow for stoichiometry- and size-variation of the QDs, characterized using transmission electron microscopy. Whereas for sulfur-rich (p-type) QD surfaces substantial electron trapping at the QD surface occurs, for lead-rich (n-type) QD surfaces, the QD trapping channel is suppressed and the ET efficiency is boosted. The ET efficiency increase achieved by lead-rich QD surfaces is found to be QD-size dependent, increasing linearly with QD surface area. On the other hand, ET rates are found to be independent of both QD size and surface stoichiometry, suggesting that the donor–acceptor energetics (constituting the driving force for ET) are fixed due to Fermi level pinning at the QD/oxide interface. Implications of our results for QD-sensitized solar cell design are discussed.
A novel one pot process has been developed for the preparation of PbS nanocrystals in the conjugated polymer poly 2-methoxy,5-(2 ethyl-hexyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV). Current techniques for making such composite materials rely upon synthesizing the nanocrystals and conducting polymer separately, and subsequently mixing them. This multi-step technique has two serious drawbacks: templating surfactant must be removed before mixing, and co-solvent incompatibility causes aggregation. In our method, we eliminate the need for an initial surfactant by using the conducting polymer to terminate and template nanocrystal growth. Additionally, the final product is soluble in a single solvent. We present materials analysis which shows PbS nanocrystals can be grown directly in a conducting polymer, the resulting composite is highly ordered and nanocrystal size can be controlled.
In this paper, we report photovoltaic devices fabricated from lead sulfide nanocrystals and the conducting polymer poly(2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene). This composite material was produced via a new single-pot synthesis which solves many of the issues associated with existing methods. Our devices have white light power conversion efficiencies under AM 1.5 illumination of 0.7% and single wavelength conversion efficiencies of 1.1%. Additionally, they exhibit remarkably good ideality factors (n = 1.15). Our measurements show that these composites have significant potential as soft optoelectronic materials.
Steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy are used to examine the photoluminescent properties of nanocrystal-polymer composites consisting of colloidal PbS nanocrystals blended with poly(2-methoxy-5(2-ethylhexyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene). Quenching of the emission from the conjugated polymer due to the PbS nanocrystals is observed along with band edge emission from the ligand capped PbS nanocrystals. A decrease in the photoluminescence lifetime of MEH-PPV is also observed in the thin film nanocrystal-polymer composite materials. Photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy of the PbS nanocrystal emission from the composite shows features attributed to MEH-PPV providing evidence of a Forster transfer process.
We have developed a new non-polar synthesis for lead sulfide (PbS) quantum-cubes in the conjugated polymer poly-2-methoxy, 5-(2-ethyl-hexyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene) MEH-PPV. The conducting polymer acts to template and control the quantum-cube growth. Transmission electron microscopy of the composites has shown a bimodal distribution of cube sizes between 5 and 15 nm is produced with broad optical absorption from 300 to 650 nm. Photoluminescence suggests electronic coupling between the cubes and the conducting polymer matrix. The synthesis and initial characterization are presented in this paper. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We studied the effect of quantum confinement in Mn-doped InAs nanocrystals using theoretical methods. We observe that the stability of the impurities decreases with the size of the nanocrystals, making doping more difficult in small nanoparticles. Substitutional impurities are always more stable than interstitial ones, independent of the size of the nanocrystal. There is also a decrease in the energy difference between the high and low spin configurations, indicating that the critical temperature should decrease with the size of the nanoparticles, in agreement with experimental observations and in detriment to the development of functional spintronic devices with doped nanocrystals. Codoping with acceptors or saturating the nanocrystals with molecules that insert partially empty levels in the energy gap should be an efficient way to increase T(C).
The third-harmonic optical susceptibility, chi((3))(3 omega; omega, omega, omega) of a silicate glass ceramic containing sodium niobate nanocrystals was measured for incident broadband light with central frequency omega corresponding to 1900nm. Absolute values of |chi((3))| and the dispersion of the refractive index from 600 to 1900nm were measured using the spectrally resolved femtosecond Maker fringes technique. The experiments show that |chi((3))| is 1 order of magnitude larger than silica, and it grows by similar to 50% when the volume fraction occupied by the nanocrystals increases up to 40%. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
A fully automated multipumping flow system (MPFS) using water-soluble CdTe quantum dots (QD) as sensitizers is proposed for the chemiluminometric determination of the anti-diabetic drugs gliclazide and glipizide in pharmaceutical formulations. The nanocrystals acted as enhancers of the weak CL emission produced upon oxidation of sulphite by Ce(IV) in acidic medium, thus improving sensitivity and expanding the dynamical analytical concentration range. By interacting with the QD, the two analytes prevented their sensitizing effect yielding a chemiluminescence quenching of the Ce(IV)-SO(3)(2-)CdTe QD system. The pulsed flow inherent to MPFS assured a fast and efficient mixing of all solutions inside the flow cell, circumventing the need for a reaction coil and facilitating the monitoring of the short-lived generated chemiluminescent species. QD crystal size, concentration and spectral region for measurement were investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cellulose and its derivatives, such as hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) have been studied for a long time but they are still not well understood particularly in liquid crystalline solutions. These systems can be at the origin of networks with properties similar to liquid crystalline (LC) elastomers. The films produced from LC solutions can be manipulated by the action of moisture allowing for instance the development of a soft motor (Geng et al., 2013) driven by humidity. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), which combine cellulose properties with the specific characteristics of nanoscale materials, have been mainly studied for their potential as a reinforcing agent. Suspensions of CNC can also self-order originating a liquid-crystalline chiral nematic phases. Considering the liquid crystalline features that both LC-HPC and CNC can acquire, we prepared LC-HPC/CNC solutions with different CNC contents (1,2 and 5 wt.%). The effect of the CNC into the LC-HPC matrix was determined by coupling rheology and NMR spectroscopy - Rheo-NMR a technique tailored to analyse orientational order in sheared systems. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A Salmonella é um microrganismo responsável por grande parte das doenças alimentares, podendo por em causa a saúde pública da área contaminada. Uma deteção rápida, eficiente e altamente sensível e extremamente importante, sendo um campo em franco desenvolvimento e alvo de variados e múltiplos estudos na comunidade cientifica atual. Foi desenvolvido um método potenciométrico para a deteção de Salmonellas, com elétrodos seletivos de iões, construídos em laboratório com pontas de micropipetas, fios de prata e sensores com composição otimizada. O elétrodo indicador escolhido foi um ESI seletivo a cadmio, para redução da probabilidade de interferências no método, devido a pouca abundancia do cadmio em amostras alimentares. Elétrodos seletivos a sódio, elétrodos de Ag/AgCl de simples e de dupla juncão foram também construídos e caracterizados para serem aplicados como elétrodos de referência. Adicionalmente otimizaram-se as condições operacionais para a analise potenciométrica, nomeadamente o elétrodo de referencia utilizado, condicionamento dos elétrodos, efeito do pH e volume da solução amostra. A capacidade de realizar leituras em volumes muito pequenos com limites de deteção na ordem dos micromolares por parte dos ESI de membrana polimérica, foi integrada num ensaio com um formato nao competitivo ELISA tipo sanduiche, utilizando um anticorpo primário ligado a nanopartículas de Fe@Au, permitindo a separação dos complexos anticorpo-antigénio formados dos restantes componentes em cada etapa do ensaio, pela simples aplicação de um campo magnético. O anticorpo secundário foi marcado com nanocristais de CdS, que são bastante estáveis e é fácil a transformação em Cd2+ livre, permitindo a leitura potenciométrica. Foram testadas várias concentrações de peroxido de hidrogénio e o efeito da luz para otimizar a dissolução de CdS. O método desenvolvido permitiu traçar curvas de calibração com soluções de Salmonellas incubadas em PBS (pH 4,4) em que o limite de deteção foi de 1100 CFU/mL e de 20 CFU/mL, utilizando volumes de amostra de 10 ƒÊL e 100 ƒÊL, respetivamente para o intervalo de linearidade de 10 a 108 CFU/mL. O método foi aplicado a uma amostra de leite bovino. A taxa de recuperação media obtida foi de 93,7% } 2,8 (media } desvio padrão), tendo em conta dois ensaios de recuperação efetuados (com duas replicas cada), utilizando um volume de amostra de 100 ƒÊL e concentrações de 100 e 1000 CFU/mL de Salmonella incubada.
Nonlinear optical nanocrystals have been recently introduced as a promising alternative to fluorescent probes for multiphoton microscopy. We present for the first time a complete survey of the properties of five nanomaterials (KNbO(3), LiNbO(3), BaTiO(3), KTP, and ZnO), describing their preparation and stabilization and providing quantitative estimations of their nonlinear optical response. In the light of their prospective use as biological and clinical markers, we assess their biocompatibility on human healthy and cancerous cell lines. Finally, we demonstrate the great potential for cell imaging of these inherently nonlinear probes in terms of optical contrast, wavelength flexibility, and signal photostability.
We report on the study and modeling of the structural and optical properties of rib-loaded waveguides working in the 600-900-nm spectral range. A Si nanocrystal (Si-nc) rich SiO2 layer with nominal Si excess ranging from 10% to 20% was produced by quadrupole ion implantation of Si into thermal SiO2 formed on a silicon substrate. Si-ncs were precipitated by annealing at 1100°C, forming a 0.4-um-thick core layer in the waveguide. The Si content, the Si-nc density and size, the Si-nc emission, and the active layer effective refractive index were determined by dedicated experiments using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence and m-lines spectroscopy. Rib-loaded waveguides were fabricated by photolithographic and reactive ion etching processes, with patterned rib widths ranging from 1¿to¿8¿¿m. Light propagation in the waveguide was observed and losses of 11dB/cm at 633 and 780 nm were measured, modeled and interpreted.
We demonstrate that thickness, optical constants, and details of the multilayer stack, together with the detection setting, strongly influence the photoluminescence spectra of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2. Due to multiple reflections of the visible light against the opaque silicon substrate, an interference pattern is built inside the oxide layer, which is responsible for the modifications in the measured spectra. This interference effect is complicated by the depth dependence of (i) the intensity of the excitation laser and (ii) the concentration of the emitting nanocrystals. These variations can give rise to apparent features in the recorded spectra, such as peak shifts, satellite shoulders, and even splittings, which can be mistaken as intrinsic material features. Thus, they can give rise to an erroneous attribution of optical bands or estimate of the average particle size, while they are only optical-geometrical artifacts. We have analyzed these effects as a function of material composition (Si excess fraction) and thickness, and also evaluated how the geometry of the detection setup affects the measurements. To correct the experimental photoluminescence spectra and extract the true spectral shape of the emission from Si nanocrystals, we have developed an algorithm based on a modulation function, which depends on both the multilayer sequence and the experimental configuration. This procedure can be easily extended to other heterogeneous systems.
In this work, we demonstrate that conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) is a very powerful tool to investigate, at the nanoscale, metal-oxide-semiconductor structures with silicon nanocrystals (Si-nc) embedded in the gate oxide as memory devices. The high lateral resolution of this technique allows us to study extremely small areas ( ~ 300nm2) and, therefore, the electrical properties of a reduced number of Si-nc. C-AFM experiments have demonstrated that Si-nc enhance the gate oxide electrical conduction due to trap-assisted tunneling. On the other hand, Si-nc can act as trapping centers. The amount of charge stored in Si-nc has been estimated through the change induced in the barrier height measured from the I-V characteristics. The results show that only ~ 20% of the Si-nc are charged, demonstrating that the electrical behavior at the nanoscale is consistent with the macroscopic characterization.