941 resultados para Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA)


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Introduction: Thoracoscopic anterior instrumented fusion (TASF) is a safe and viable surgical option for corrective stabilisation of progressive adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) [1-2]. However, there is a paucity of literature examining optimum methods of analgesia following this type of surgery. The aim of this study was to identify; if local anaesthetic bolus via an intrapleural catheter provides effective analgesia following thoracoscopic scoliosis correction; what pain levels may be expected; and any adverse effects associated with the use of intermittent intrapleural analgesia at our centre. Methods: A subset of the most recent 80 patients from a large single centre consecutive series of 201 patients (April 2000 to present) who had undergone TASF had their medical records reviewed. 32 patients met the inclusion criteria for the analysis (i.e. pain scores must have been recorded within the hour prior and within two hours following an intrapleural bolus being given). All patients received an intrapleural catheter inserted during surgery, in addition to patient-controlled opiate analgesia and oral analgesia as required. After surgery, patients received a bolus of 0.25% bupivacaine every four hours via the intrapleural catheter. Visual analogue pain scale scores were recorded before and after the bolus of local anaesthetic and the quantity and time of day that any other analgesia was taken, were also recorded. Results and Discussion: 28 female and four male patients (mean age 14.5 ± 1.5 years) had a total of 230 boluses of local anaesthetic administered intrapleurally, directly onto the spine, in the 96 hour period following surgery. Pain scores significantly decreased following the administration of a bolus (p<0.0001), with the mean pain score decreasing from 3.66 to 1.83. The quantity of opiates via patient-controlled analgesia after surgery decreased steadily between successive 24 hours intervals after an initial increase in the second 24 hour period when patients were mobilised. One intrapleural catheter required early removal at 26 hours postop due to leakage; there were no other associated complications with the intermittent intrapleural analgesia method. Post-operative pain following anterior scoliosis correction was decreased significantly with the administration of regular local anaesthetic boluses and can be reduced to ‘mild’ levels by combined analgesia regimes. The intermittent intrapleural analgesia method was not associated with any adverse events or complications in the full cohort of 201 patients.


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Opposing effects of ondansetron and tramadol on the serotonin pathway have been suggested which possibly increase tramadol consumption and emesis when co-administered. In a randomized, double-blinded study, 179 patients received intravenous ondansetron, metoclopramide, or placebo for emesis prophylaxis. Analgesic regimen consisted of tramadol intraoperative loading and subsequent patient-controlled analgesia. Tramadol consumption and response to antiemetic treatment were compared. Additionally, plasma concentrations of ondansetron and (+)O-demethyltramadol and CYP2D6 genetic variants were analyzed as possible confounders influencing analgesic and antiemetic efficacy. Tramadol consumption did not differ between the groups. Response rate to antiemetic prophylaxis was superior in patients receiving ondansetron (85.0%) compared with placebo (66.7%, P = .046), with no difference to metoclopramide (69.5%). Less vomiting was reported in the immediate postoperative hours in the verum groups (ondansetron 5.0%, metoclopramide 5.1%) compared with placebo (18.6%; P = .01). Whereas plasma concentrations of (+)O-demethyltramadol were significantly correlated to CYP2D6 genotype, no influence was detected for ondansetron. Co-administration of ondansetron neither increased tramadol consumption nor frequency of PONV in this postoperative setting. PERSPECTIVE: Controversial findings were reported for efficacy of tramadol and ondansetron when co-administered due to their opposing serotonergic effects. Co-medication of these drugs neither increased postoperative analgesic consumption nor frequency of emesis in this study enrolling patients recovering from major surgery.


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We observed opioid-related respiratory depression in a patient receiving tramadol via patient-controlled analgesia. Predisposing factors were the patient's genetic background and renal impairment. Complete recovery occurred after naloxone administration, thus confirming opioid intoxication. Analysis of the patient's genotype revealed a CYP2D6 gene duplication resulting in ultra-rapid metabolism of tramadol to its active metabolite (+)O-desmethyltramadol. Concomitant renal impairment resulting in decreased metabolite clearance enhanced opioid toxicity. This genetic CYP2D6 variant is particularly common in specific ethnic populations and should be a future diagnostic target whenever administration of tramadol or codeine is anticipated, as both drugs are subject to a comparable CYP2D6-dependent metabolism.


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Las cirugías reconstructivas múltiples de miembros inferiores son intervenciones quirúrgicas que implican un difícil manejo analgésico en el postoperatorio, actualmente la técnica analgésica usada es la analgesia peridural; sin embargo los efectos adversos asociados a esta no la hacen una técnica ideal para manejo de dolor. Los bloqueos de nervio periférico han aparecido como una alternativa para el manejo del dolor; pero no se ha difundido ampliamente su uso. Se pretende evaluar la disminución de efectos adversos con el uso de bloqueos de nervio periférico sobre la analgesia epidural. Este estudio piloto inicial se realizo para verificar efectividad técnicas a usar y problemas que se pudieran presentar. Se aplico el protocolo en 23 pacientes que fueron llevados a cirugía de miembros inferiores, se dividieron en 2 grupos 11 recibieron bloqueos de nervio periférico y 12 analgesia epidural. Se les realizo seguimiento por 48 horas y se evaluó el control del dolor, consumo de opioides y efectos adversos. El tiempo de colocación del bloqueo fue similar en ambos grupos, el grupo de bloqueos presento menos episodios de dolor y menos episodios de dolor severo. No se presento retención urinaria en ningún paciente pero en el grupo de epidural se presento mayor incidencia de nausea y vomito (60% vs 45%). Se encontró que los bloqueos de nervio periférico son una adecuada opción para el manejo del dolor en este tipo de cirugías; y al parecer disminuye la incidencia de eventos adversos asociados a la analgesia epidural.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die postoperative analgetische Potenz von Levobupivacain mit derjenigen von Ropivacain nach Kniegelenkersatz an 60 Patienten (30 Patienten pro Gruppe) verglichen. Nach N. femoralis Katheteranlage und Einleitung einer Allgemeinanästhesie wurden die Patienten einer Kniegelenkersatzoperation unterzogen. Postoperativ erhielten die Patienten über eine PCA Pumpe für insgesamt 72 Stunden eine kontinuierliche Zufuhr des entsprechenden Lokalanästhetikums (5ml/h Levobupivacain 0,125% oder Ropivacain 0,2%), zusätzlich konnten über die PCA Pumpe Boli zu je 5ml des entsprechenden Lokalanästhetikums mit einer Sperrzeit von 30 Minuten angefordert werden. Der Lokalanästhetikaverbrauch sowie die Schmerzintensität (nach NRS) wurden bei Verlassen des Aufwachraumes sowie 24, 48 und 72 Stunden danach erfasst. Hinsichtlich der Anzahl der erhaltenen bzw. angeforderten Boli und des Gesamtvolumens in Millilitern zeigte sich kein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied. Auch die postoperative Schmerzintensität sowie der Opioidbedarf waren vergleichbar. Um diese vergleichbare Analgesie zu erreichen, benötigten Patienten der Ropivacain Gruppe, bezogen auf den Gesamtverbrauch in Milligramm, beinahe 70% mehr Lokalanästhetikum als Patienten der Levobupivacain Gruppe. Unter den Bedingungen dieser Studie ergab sich demnach für Ropivacain im Vergleich zu Levobupivacain eine deutlich geringere analgetische Potenz. Vor diesem Hintergrund relativieren sich generelle Aussagen hinsichtlich eines günstigeren Wirkprofils des Ropivacains.


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The androgen receptor (AR) is the dominant growth factor in prostate cancer (PCa). Therefore, understanding how ARs regulate the human transcriptome is of paramount importance. The early effects of castration on human PCa have not previously been studied 27 patients medically castrated with degarelix 7 d before radical prostatectomy. We used mass spectrometry, immunohistochemistry, and gene expression array (validated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) to compare resected tumour with matched, controlled, untreated PCa tissue. All patients had levels of serum androgen, with reduced levels of intraprostatic androgen at prostatectomy. We observed differential expression of known androgen-regulated genes (TMPRSS2, KLK3, CAMKK2, FKBP5). We identified 749 genes downregulated and 908 genes upregulated following castration. AR regulation of α-methylacyl-CoA racemase expression and three other genes (FAM129A, RAB27A, and KIAA0101) was confirmed. Upregulation of oestrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) expression was observed in malignant epithelia and was associated with differential expression of ESR1-regulated genes and correlated with proliferation (Ki-67 expression).

PATIENT SUMMARY: This first-in-man study defines the rapid gene expression changes taking place in prostate cancer (PCa) following castration. Expression levels of the genes that the androgen receptor regulates are predictive of treatment outcome. Upregulation of oestrogen receptor 1 is a mechanism by which PCa cells may survive despite castration.


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El dolor oncológico representa una de las principales causas de dolor crónico, siendo los opioides la primera línea de manejo, sin embargo 10% de los pacientes requieren estrategias analgésicas multimodales. La eficacia analgésica de la clonidina como coadyuvante ha sido demostrada para diversos modelos de dolor. Sin embargo no hay revisiones sistemáticas que validen su eficacia y seguridad en dolor crónico oncológico. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura a noviembre 26 de 2012, encontrando 15 trabajos (12 reportes de caso y tres ensayos clínicos controlados), n=138 pacientes. La intervención tuvo una eficacia entre 44,7 y 100%, mostrando mayor beneficio en pacientes con componente de dolor neuropático. La adición de clonidina fue bien tolerada, siendo la sedación y la disminución en tensión arterial y frecuencia cardiaca los efectos secundarios más frecuentes, con relación dosis dependiente, de resolución espontánea y en ninguno de los casos se documentó lesión secundaria en los pacientes. La vía de administración más frecuente fue neuroaxial (intratecal y peridural). La revisión sistemática no fue susceptible de metaanálisis por la heterogeneidad clínica de los estudios. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que la adición de clonidina puede ser una opción terapeútica eficaz y segura en los pacientes con dolor crónico oncológico severo refractario a opioides a altas dosis asociado o no a infusión neuroaxial de anestésico local, en especial en presencia de componente neuropático. Sin embargo se identificó la necesidad de un mayor número de ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorios que permitan establecer conclusiones definitivas.


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El objetivo de este estudio es establecer si la dexmedetomidina (DEX) es segura y efectiva para el manejo coadyuvante de síndrome de abstinencia a alcohol (SAA) a través de la búsqueda de evidencia científica. Metodología: se realiza una revisión sistemática de literatura publicada y no publicada desde enero de 1989 hasta febrero 2016 en PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Bireme, Cochrane library y en otras bases de datos y portales. Los criterios de inclusión fueron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y no aleatorizados, estudios cuasi-experimentales, estudios de cohorte, y estudios de casos y controles; que incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años hospitalizados con diagnóstico de SAA y donde se usó DEX como terapia coadyuvante. Resultados: 7 estudios, 477 pacientes, se incluyeron en el análisis final. Se encontraron dos ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, tres estudios de casos y controles y dos estudios de cohorte retrospectivo. Solo uno de los estudios fue doble ciego y utilizó placebo como comparador. Análisis y conclusiones: en los estudios experimentales se determinan que el uso de DEX como terapia coadyuvante en el manejo de SAA tiene significancia clínica y estadística para disminuir dosis de BZD en las primeras 24 horas de tratamiento; pero no demostraron tener otros beneficios clínicos. En los estudios no aleatorizados existe consenso que relaciona el uso de DEX con menores dosis de BZD de forma temprana. Recomendaciones: no se recomienda el uso de DEX en SAA de forma rutinaria. Se recomienda usar DEX solo en casos en el que exista evidencia fallo terapéutico a BZD.


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Web-based social networking applications have become increasingly important in recent years. The current applications in the healthcare sphere can support the health management, but to date there is no patient-controlled integrator. This paper proposes a platform called Multiple Profile Manager (MPM) that enables a user to create and manage an integrated profile that can be shared across numerous social network sites. Moreover, it is able to facilitate the collection of personal healthcare data, which makes a contribution to the development of public health informatics. Here we want to illustrate how patients and physicians can be benefited from enabling the platform for online social network sites. The MPM simplifies the management of patients' profiles and allows health professionals to obtain a more complete picture of the patients' background so that they can provide better health care. To do so, we demonstrate a prototype of the platform and describe its protocol specification, which is an XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) [1] extension, for sharing and synchronising profile data (vCard²) between different social networks.


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Early diagnosis and the ability to predict the most relevant treatment option for individuals is essential to improve clinical outcomes for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Adenocarcinoma (ADC), a subtype of NSCLC, is the single biggest cancer killer and therefore an urgent need to identify minimally invasive biomarkers to enable early diagnosis. Recent studies, by ourselves and others, indicate that circulating miRNA s have potential as biomarkers. Here we applied global profiling approaches in serum from patients with ADC of the lung to explore if miRNA s have potential as diagnostic biomarkers. This study involved RNA isolation from 80 sera specimens including those from ADC patients (equal numbers of stages 1, 2, 3, and 4) and age- and gender-matched controls (n = 40 each). Six hundred and sixty-seven miRNA s were co-analyzed in these specimens using TaqMan low density arrays and qPCR validation using individual miRNA s. Overall, approximately 390 and 370 miRNA s were detected in ADC and control sera, respectively. A group of 6 miRNA s, miR-30c-1* (AU C = 0.74; P < 0.002), miR-616(AU C = 0.71; P = 0.001), miR-146b-3p (AU C = 0.82; P < 0.0001), miR-566 (AU C = 0.80; P < 0.0001), miR-550 (AU C = 0.72; P = 0.0006), and miR-939 (AU C = 0.82; P < 0.0001) was found to be present at substantially higher levels in ADC compared with control sera. Conversely, miR-339-5p and miR-656 were detected at substantially lower levels in ADC sera (co-analysis resulting in AU C = 0.6; P = 0.02). Differences in miRNA profile identified support circulating miRNA s having potential as diagnostic biomarkers for ADC. More extensive studies of ADC and control serum specimens are warranted to independently validate the potential clinical relevance of these miRNA s as minimally invasive biomarkers for ADC.


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Background and aim of the study: Patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and femoral catheter analgesia may develop quadriceps amyotrophy. We aimed to determine whether this amyotrophy might be related to a femoral neuropathy. Material and method: After Ethical Committee approval and patients' written informed consent, 17 patients ASA I and II scheduled to undergo ACL reconstruction were recruited. An electromyography (EMG) was performed before the operation in order to exclude a femoral neuropathy. A femoral nerve catheter was inserted before the surgery with the aid of a nerve stimulator, and 20 ml of 0.5% ropivacaine was injected. The operation was done under spinal or general anaesthesia. Postoperative analgesia was provided with 0.2% ropivacaine for 72 hours, in association with oxycodone, paracetamol and ibuprofen. A second EMG was performed 4 weeks after the ACL repair. A femoral neuropathy was defined as a reduction of the surface of the motor response of more than 20%, compared to the first EMG. A third EMG was performed at 6 months if a neuropathy was present. Results: Mean age of this group of patients was 27 years old (range 18-38 y.). Among the 17 patients, 4 developed a transient femoral neuropathy (incidence of 24%) without clinical complain. Conclusion: In this study, the incidence of subclinical femoral neuropathy after ACL reconstruction is high. This lesion may be caused by the femoral catheter (mechanical damage, toxicity of local anaesthesia) or by the Tourniquet. Further studies are needed to investigate the incidence of subclinical neuropathy, according to the type of analgesia (epidural analgesia, PCA) and surgery.


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Aim: Identify staff knowledge about diabetes medicines and organisational factors that influence safe medicines use in two large Australian regional public RACs that comply with national accreditation standards.

Background: Diabetes management is complicated in residential aged care facilities (RAC). Managing medicines is complex, especially in older people. Little is known about diabetes-specific medicine knowledge of various care staff (registered nurses (RN), enrolled nurses (EN) and patient care attendants (PCA) working in RAC.

Methods: A triangulation of methods was used to collect the data: anonymous self-complete questionnaire (ADKnowl) staff interviews to clarify practice issues that could affect safe medicine use, and a case file audit to identify medicine-related data. Questionnaires were distributed to all RNs, ENs and PCAs in the two services via nursing management (N=540). The ADKnowl was supplemented with additional questions and vignettes derived from actual case notes in each RAC to assess translation of knowledge into practice. Only medicine related data are reported.

Results: Sixty-eight people returned completed questionnaires (12.5% response rate). Knowledge deficits were identified in administering oral hypoglycaemic agents and insulin, their action and potential adverse events. Most ENs and PCAs did not know why HbA1c was measured. Almost half the RNs and ENs and 80% of PCAs did not know how diabetes comorbidities affect medicine choices. RN achieved higher overall average knowledge scores,74.3%, compared to ENs and PCA, 49%. The interviews suggest lack of time, unclear communication processes, inadequate knowledge about medications and resident behaviour compromises optimal medicine administration. Twenty case files audits were undertaken in each RAC and revealed residents were taking on average nine medicines.

Conclusion: Staff involved in caring for residents with diabetes had suboptimal general and medicine-specific diabetes knowledge to deliver optimal care. System issues and unpredictable resident behaviours made medicine management difficult and compromised safety.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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BACKGROUND Antifibrinolytics have been used for 2 decades to reduce bleeding in cardiac surgery. MDCO-2010 is a novel, synthetic, serine protease inhibitor. We describe the first experience with this drug in patients. METHODS In this phase II, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 32 patients undergoing isolated primary coronary artery bypass grafting with cardiopulmonary bypass were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 increasing dosage groups of MDCO-2010. The primary aim was to evaluate pharmacokinetics (PK) with assessment of plasmatic concentrations of the drug, short-term safety, and tolerance of MDCO-2010. Secondary end points were influence on coagulation, chest tube drainage, and transfusion requirements. RESULTS PK analysis showed linear dosage-proportional correlation between MDCO-2010 infusion rate and PK parameters. Blood loss was significantly reduced in the 3 highest dosage groups compared with control (P = 0.002, 0.004 and 0.011, respectively). The incidence of allogeneic blood product transfusions was lower with MDCO-2010 4/24 (17%) vs 4/8 (50%) in the control group. MDCO-2010 exhibited dosage-dependent antifibrinolytic effects through suppression of D-dimer generation and inhibition of tissue plasminogen activator-induced lysis in ROTEM analysis as well as anticoagulant effects demonstrated by prolongation of activated clotting time and activated partial thromboplastin time. No systematic differences in markers of end organ function were observed among treatment groups. Three patients in the MDCO-2010 groups experienced serious adverse events. One patient experienced intraoperative thrombosis of venous grafts considered possibly related to the study drug. No reexploration for mediastinal bleeding was required, and there were no deaths. CONCLUSIONS This first-in-patient study demonstrated dosage-proportional PK for MDCO-2010 and reduction of chest tube drainage and transfusions in patients undergoing primary coronary artery bypass grafting. Antifibrinolytic and anticoagulant effects were demonstrated using various markers of coagulation. MDCO-2010 was well tolerated and showed an acceptable initial safety profile. Larger multi-institutional studies are warranted to further investigate the safety and efficacy of this compound.


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Background Falls are a common adverse event during hospitalization of older adults, and few interventions have been shown to prevent then. Methods This study was a 3-group randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of 2 forms of multimedia patient education compared with usual care for the prevention of in-hospital falls. Older hospital patients (n = 1206) admitted to a mixture of acute (orthopedic, respiratory, and medical) and subacute (geriatric and neurorehabilitation) hospital wards at 2 Australian hospitals were recruited between January 2008 and April 2009. The interventions were a multimedia patient education program based on the health-belief model combined with trained health professional follow-up (complete program), multi-media patient education materials alone (materials only), and usual care (control). Falls data were collected by blinded research assistants by reviewing hospital incident reports, hand searching medical records, and conducting weekly patient interviews. Results Rates of falls per 1000 patient-days did not differ significantly between groups (control, 9.27; materials only, 8.61; and complete program, 7.63). However, there was a significant interaction between the intervention and presence of cognitive impairment. Falls were less frequent among cognitively intact patients in the complete program group (4.01 per 1000 patient-days) than among cognitively intact patients in the materials-only group (8.18 per 1000 patient-days) (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.51; 95% confidence interval, 0.28-0.93]) and control group (8.72 per 1000 patient-days) (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.43; 95% confidence interval, 0.24-0.78). Conclusion Multimedia patient education with trained health professional follow-up reduced falls among patients with intact cognitive function admitted to a range of hospital wards.