933 resultados para Passek, T. P. (Tat i a na Petrovna), 1810-1889.


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Sloyd as an activity concretizes man’s ability to, with the help of mind and body, reshape materials into objects and change her conditions for survival. The sloyd actor outside school works when the spirit moves her, while the pupil in school is expected to sloyd regardless of motivation. Subject teachers become experts on sloyd in educational settings, while the qualification requirements may set the class teachers’ voluntariness within parenthesis. All class teachers qualify to teach all core subjects of the national curriculum in Finland from preschool to grade six. The aim of the current thesis is to deepen the knowledge on how the science of sloyd education can support class teacher students’ future teaching in sloyd. In the empirical part of the study, Swedish-speaking Finnish class teacher students’ views on technical sloyd as one of their future subjects for teaching are examined. The class teacher’s qualifying skills in teaching technical sloyd are expected to take shape during only a few ECTS study points. The teacher students’ experience of the subject from the pupil’s perspective is supposed to move into a budding teacher subject. In a research-based teacher education, self-reflection and reflection as a dialogue are extended aided by research results. Intuitive thinking interplays with rational thinking during this time. The teacher studen€™s approach to make use of the autonomous free space in teaching is, in the current thesis, as considerations where the individual weighs the pros and cons in relation to various phenomena in sloyd and the school overall. The basis for an individual autonomy is shaped and is expected to interplay on the common arena of autonomy. In the exercise of their profession, the class teacher teaching sloyd is expected to oscillate between the sloyd educational practice and theory. The first step in this movement within the teacher education is the coverage of a selection of theories during the studies. The empirical part of the study is carried out at two separate occasions with directed open-ended interviews with fifteen class teacher students in the beginning and end of their first year of study. The data was analysed with a hermeneutic approach and a qualitatively oriented approach to content analysis. The results are mirrored against theory within the science of sloyd education. The results show that class teacher students have a versatile view of educational sloyd. The overall results overthrow parts of the researcher’s pre-understanding. The viewpoint of the students seems to broaden from a merely manual activity to seeing sloyd as an educational activity. In order for the results to gain significance in the teacher education of the future, a line of reasoning is conducted in order to recommend an extended dialogue and thirteen possible themes for enriching discussions are put forth as a result of the present study. The extended dialogue focuses on that teacher education should make conscious ventures to create opportunities for the students to take part in effective discussions on the subject of sloyd, complementing the existing dialogue between the teacher educator and the students. This thesis lends support to reflections on the following aspects of educational sloyd in these dialogues: the reasons for why the sloyd subject exists, the ambitions of the subject, the content and organization of the subject for students as well as for the teacher educators.


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Avhandlingen berör de turkiska operationerna ¥ Cypern, som inleddes den 20 juli 1974 till följd av att den cypriotiska presidenten Makarios avsatts i en statskupp. Avhandlingen behandlar de turkiska förbandens stridsverksamhet under tiden 20.- 31.7.1974 med tyngdpunkt vid de tre första dagarna. Operation Attila genomfördes med trupper frÃ¥n alla försvarsgrenar, men huvudansvaret lÃ¥g hos armén. Den turkiska fredsstyrkan, som utgjordes av den 6. armékÃ¥ren hade en total styrka ¥ ungefär 16000 man under operationens första skede. Den huvudsakliga forskningsfrÃ¥gan lyder, hur genomförde Turkiet Operation Attilas första skede? Övriga forskningsfrÃ¥gor som s¶der huvudfrÃ¥gan är: Av vilka förband var den turkiska fredsstyrkan sammansatt och hur sÃ¥g dessa förband ut? Vilken roll spelade den turkiska marinen och det turkiska flygvapnet i operationen? Vilka var de turkiska truppernas s¶rsta taktiska och stridstekniska problem under operationen? Vilka faktorer bidrog till att Turkiet lyckades med Operation Attila? Forskningen baserar sig ¥ skriven litteratur i form av böcker, skriftliga utkast och artiklar. Som forskningsmetod används en kvalitativ litteraturanalys där ovan nämnda forskningsfrÃ¥gor besvaras. De turkiska förbanden lyckades genomföra Operation Attilas första skede, men de nÃ¥dde inte sina uppsatta mili¤ra mÃ¥l förrän flera dagar senare än planerat. Turkarnas försening berodde mera ¥ egen inkompetens än kraftigt mots¥nd frÃ¥n den grekcypriotiska krigsmakten, CNG.


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