999 resultados para Particulate number


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The study was designed to investigate the impact of air pollution on monthly inhalation/nebulization procedures in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from 2004 to 2010. To assess the relationship between the procedures and particulate matter (PM10) a Bayesian Poisson regression model was used, including a random factor that captured extra-Poisson variability between counts. Particulate matter was associated with the monthly number of inhalation/nebulization procedures, but the inclusion of covariates (temperature, precipitation, and season of the year) suggests a possible confounding effect. Although other studies have linked particulate matter to an increasing number of visits due to respiratory morbidity, the results of this study suggest that such associations should be interpreted with caution.


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The study was designed to investigate the impact of air pollution on monthly inhalation/nebulization procedures in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, from 2004 to 2010. To assess the relationship between the procedures and particulate matter (PM10) a Bayesian Poisson regression model was used, including a random factor that captured extra-Poisson variability between counts. Particulate matter was associated with the monthly number of inhalation/nebulization procedures, but the inclusion of covariates (temperature, precipitation, and season of the year) suggests a possible confounding effect. Although other studies have linked particulate matter to an increasing number of visits due to respiratory morbidity, the results of this study suggest that such associations should be interpreted with caution.


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It has been demonstrated that iodine does have an important influence on atmospheric chemistry, especially the formation of new particles and the enrichment of iodine in marine aerosols. It was pointed out that the most probable chemical species involved in the production or growth of these particles are iodine oxides, produced photochemically from biogenic halocarbon emissions and/or iodine emission from the sea surface. However, the iodine chemistry from gaseous to particulate phase in the coastal atmosphere and the chemical nature of the condensing iodine species are still not understood. A Tenax / Carbotrap adsorption sampling technique and a thermo-desorption / cryo-trap / GC-MS system has been further developed and improved for the volatile organic iodine species in the gas phase. Several iodo-hydrocarbons such as CH3I, C2H5I, CH2ICl, CH2IBr and CH2I2 etc., have been measured in samples from a calibration test gas source (standards), real air samples and samples from seaweeds / macro-algae emission experiments. A denuder sampling technique has been developed to characterise potential precursor compounds of coastal particle formation processes, such as molecular iodine in the gas phase. Starch, TMAH (TetraMethylAmmonium Hydroxide) and TBAH (TetraButylAmmonium Hydroxide) coated denuders were tested for their efficiencies to collect I2 at the inner surface, followed by a TMAH extraction and ICP/MS determination, adding tellurium as an internal standard. The developed method has been proved to be an effective, accurate and suitable process for I2 measurement in the field, with the estimated detection limit of ~0.10 ng∙L-1 for a sampling volume of 15 L. An H2O/TMAH-Extraction-ICP/MS method has been developed for the accurate and sensitive determination of iodine species in tropospheric aerosol particles. The particle samples were collected on cellulose-nitrate filters using conventional filter holders or on cellulose nitrate/tedlar-foils using a 5-stage Berner impactor for size-segregated particle analysis. The water soluble species as IO3- and I- were separated by anion exchanging process after water extraction. Non-water soluble species including iodine oxide and organic iodine were digested and extracted by TMAH. Afterwards the triple samples were analysed by ICP/MS. The detection limit for particulate iodine was determined to be 0.10~0.20 ng•m-3 for sampling volumes of 40~100 m3. The developed methods have been used in two field measurements in May 2002 and September 2003, at and around the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station (MHARS) located at the west coast of Ireland. Elemental iodine as a precursor of the iodine chemistry in the coastal atmosphere, was determined in the gas phase at a seaweed hot-spot around the MHARS, showing I2 concentrations were in the range of 0~1.6 ng∙L-1 and indicating a positive correlation with the ozone concentration. A seaweed-chamber experiment performed at the field measurement station showed that the I2 emission rate from macro-algae was in the range of 0.019~0.022 ng•min-1•kg-1. During these experiments, nanometer-particle concentrations were obtained from the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) measurements. Particle number concentrations were found to have a linear correlation with elemental iodine in the gas phase of the seaweeds chamber, showing that gaseous I2 is one of the important precursors of the new particle formation in the coastal atmosphere. Iodine contents in the particle phase were measured in both field campaigns at and around the field measurement station. Total iodine concentrations were found to be in the range of 1.0 ~ 21.0 ng∙m-3 in the PM2.5 samples. A significant correlation between the total iodine concentrations and the nanometer-particle number concentrations was observed. The particulate iodine species analysis indicated that iodide contents are usually higher than those of iodate in all samples, with ratios in the range of 2~5:1. It is possible that those water soluble iodine species are transferred through the sea-air interface into the particle phase. The ratio of water soluble (iodate + iodide) and non-water soluble species (probably iodine oxide and organic iodine compounds) was observed to be in the range of 1:1 to 1:2. It appears that higher concentrated non-water soluble species, as the products of the photolysis from the gas phase into the particle phase, can be obtained in those samples while the nucleation events occur. That supports the idea that iodine chemistry in the coastal boundary layer is linked with new particle formation events. Furthermore, artificial aerosol particles were formed from gaseous iodine sources (e.g. CH2I2) using a laboratory reaction-chamber experiment, in which the reaction constant of the CH2I2 photolysis was calculated to be based upon the first order reaction kinetic. The end products of iodine chemistry in the particle phase were identified and quantified.


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Wasserlösliche organische Verbindungen (WSOCs) sind Hauptbestandteile atmosphärischer Aerosole, die bis zu ~ 50% und mehr der organischen Aerosolfraktion ausmachen. Sie können die optischen Eigenschaften sowie die Hygroskopizität von Aerosolpartikeln und damit deren Auswirkungen auf das Klima beeinflussen. Darüber hinaus können sie zur Toxizität und Allergenität atmosphärischer Aerosole beitragen.In dieser Studie wurde Hochleistungsflüssigchromatographie gekoppelt mit optischen Diodenarraydetektion und Massenspektrometrie (HPLC-DAD-MS und HPLC-MS/MS) angewandt, um WSOCs zu analysieren, die für verschiedene Aerosolquellen und -prozesse charakteristisch sind. Niedermolekulare Carbonsäuren und Nitrophenole wurden als Indikatoren für die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe und die Entstehung sowie Alterung sekundärer organischer Aerosole (SOA) aus biogenen Vorläufern untersucht. Protein-Makromoleküle wurden mit Blick auf den Einfluss von Luftverschmutzung und Nitrierungsreaktionen auf die Allergenität primärer biologischer Aerosolpartikel – wie Pollen und Pilzsporen – untersucht.rnFilterproben von Grob- und Feinstaubwurden über ein Jahr hinweg gesammelt und auf folgende WSOCs untersucht: die Pinen-Oxidationsprodukte Pinsäure, Pinonsäure und 3-Methyl-1,2,3-Butantricarbonsäure (3-MBTCA) sowie eine Vielzahl anderer Dicarbonsäuren und Nitrophenole. Saisonale Schwankungen und andere charakteristische Merkmale werden mit Blick auf Aerosolquellen und -senken im Vergleich zu Daten anderen Studien und Regionen diskutiert. Die Verhätlnisse von Adipinsäure und Phthalsäure zu Azelainsäure deuten darauf hin, dass die untersuchten Aerosolproben hauptsächlich durch biogene Quellen beeinflusst werden. Eine ausgeprägte Arrhenius-artige Korrelation wurde zwischen der 3-MBTCA-¬Konzentration und der inversen Temperatur beobachtet (R2 = 0.79, Ea = 126±10 kJ mol-1, Temperaturbereich 275–300 K). Modellrechnungen zeigen, dass die Temperaturabhängigkeit auf eine Steigerung der photochemischen Produktionsraten von 3-MBTCA durch erhöhte OH-Radikal-Konzentrationen bei erhöhten Temperaturen zurückgeführt werden kann. Im Vergleich zur chemischen Reaktionskinetik scheint der Einfluss von Gas-Partikel-Partitionierungseffekten nur eine untergeordnete Rolle zu spielen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die OH-initiierte Oxidation von Pinosäure der geschwindigkeitsbestimmende Schritt der Bildung von 3-MBTCA ist. 3-MBTCA erscheint somit als Indikator für die chemische Alterung von biogener sekundärer organischer Aerosole (SOA) durch OH-Radikale geeignet. Eine Arrhenius-artige Temperaturabhängigkeit wurde auch für Pinäure beobachtet und kann durch die Temperaturabhängigkeit der biogenen Pinen-Emissionen als geschwindigkeitsbestimmender Schritt der Pinsäure-Bildung erklärt werden (R2 = 0.60, Ea = 84±9 kJ mol-1).rn rnFür die Untersuchung von Proteinnitrierungreaktionen wurde nitrierte Protein¬standards durch Flüssigphasenreaktion von Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) und Ovalbumin (OVA) mit Tetranitromethan (TNM) synthetisiert.Proteinnitrierung erfolgt vorrangig an den Resten der aromatischen Aminosäure Tyrosin auf, und mittels UV-Vis-Photometrie wurde der Proteinnnitrierungsgrad (ND) bestimmt. Dieser ist definiert als Verhältnis der mittleren Anzahl von Nitrotyrosinresten zur Tyrosinrest-Gesamtzahl in den Proteinmolekülen. BSA und OVA zeigten verschiedene Relationen zwischen ND und TNM/Tyrosin-Verhältnis im Reaktionsgemisch, was vermutlich auf Unterschiede in den Löslichkeiten und den molekularen Strukturen der beiden Proteine zurück zu führen ist.rnDie Nitrierung von BSA und OVA durch Exposition mit einem Gasgemisch aus Stickstoffdioxid (NO2) und Ozon (O3) wurde mit einer neu entwickelten HPLC-DAD-¬Analysemethode untersucht. Diese einfache und robuste Methode erlaubt die Bestimmung des ND ohne Hydrolyse oder Verdau der untersuchten Proteine und ernöglicht somit eine effiziente Untersuchung der Kinetik von Protein¬nitrierungs-Reaktionen. Für eine detaillierte Produktstudien wurden die nitrierten Proteine enzymatisch verdaut, und die erhaltenen Oligopeptide wurden mittels HPLC-MS/MS und Datenbankabgleich mit hoher Sequenzübereinstimmung analysiert. Die Nitrierungsgrade individueller Nitrotyrosin-Reste (NDY) korrelierten gut mit dem Gesamt-Proteinnitrierungsgrad (ND), und unterschiedliche Verhältnisse von NDY zu ND geben Aufschluss über die Regioselektivität der Reaktion. Die Nitrierungmuster von BSA und OVA nach Beahndlung mit TNM deuten darauf hin, dass die Nachbarschaft eines negativ geladenen Aminosäurerestes die Tyrosinnitrierung fördert. Die Behandlung von BSA durch NO2 und O3 führte zu anderend Nitrierungemustern als die Behandlung mit TNM, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Regioselektivität der Nitrierung vom Nitrierungsmittel abhängt. Es zeigt sich jedoch, dass Tyrosinreste in Loop-Strukturen bevorzugt und unabhängig vom Reagens nitriert werden.Die Methoden und Ergebnisse dieser Studie bilden eine Grundlage für weitere, detaillierte Untersuchungen der Reaktionskinetik sowie der Produkte und Mechanismen von Proteinnitrierungreaktionen. Sie sollen helfen, die Zusammenhänge zwischen verkehrsbedingten Luftschadstoffen wie Stickoxiden und Ozon und der Allergenität von Luftstaub aufzuklären.rn


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Prospective cohort studies have provided evidence on longer-term mortality risks of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), but due to their complexity and costs, only a few have been conducted. By linking monitoring data to the U.S. Medicare system by county of residence, we developed a retrospective cohort study, the Medicare Air Pollution Cohort Study (MCAPS), comprising over 20 million enrollees in the 250 largest counties during 2000-2002. We estimated log-linear regression models having as outcome the age-specific mortality rate for each county and as the main predictor, the average level for the study period 2000. Area-level covariates were used to adjust for socio-economic status and smoking. We reported results under several degrees of adjustment for spatial confounding and with stratification into by eastern, central and western counties. We estimated that a 10 µg/m3 increase in PM25 is associated with a 7.6% increase in mortality (95% CI: 4.4 to 10.8%). We found a stronger association in the eastern counties than nationally, with no evidence of an association in western counties. When adjusted for spatial confounding, the estimated log-relative risks drop by 50%. We demonstrated the feasibility of using Medicare data to establish cohorts for follow-up for effects of air pollution. Particulate matter (PM) air pollution is a global public health problem (1). In developing countries, levels of airborne particles still reach concentrations at which serious health consequences are well-documented; in developed countries, recent epidemiologic evidence shows continued adverse effects, even though particle levels have declined in the last two decades (2-6). Increased mortality associated with higher levels of PM air pollution has been of particular concern, giving an imperative for stronger protective regulations (7). Evidence on PM and health comes from studies of acute and chronic adverse effects (6). The London Fog of 1952 provides dramatic evidence of the unacceptable short-term risk of extremely high levels of PM air pollution (8-10); multi-site time-series studies of daily mortality show that far lower levels of particles are still associated with short-term risk (5)(11-13). Cohort studies provide complementary evidence on the longer-term risks of PM air pollution, indicating the extent to which exposure reduces life expectancy. The design of these studies involves follow-up of cohorts for mortality over periods of years to decades and an assessment of mortality risk in association with estimated long-term exposure to air pollution (2-4;14-17). Because of the complexity and costs of such studies, only a small number have been conducted. The most rigorously executed, including the Harvard Six Cities Study and the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) Cancer Prevention Study II, have provided generally consistent evidence for an association of long- term exposure to particulate matter air pollution with increased all-cause and cardio-respiratory mortality (2,4,14,15). Results from these studies have been used in risk assessments conducted for setting the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM and for estimating the global burden of disease attributable to air pollution (18,19). Additional prospective cohort studies are necessary, however, to confirm associations between long-term exposure to PM and mortality, to broaden the populations studied, and to refine estimates by regions across which particle composition varies. Toward this end, we have used data from the U.S. Medicare system, which covers nearly all persons 65 years of age and older in the United States. We linked Medicare mortality data to (particulate matter less than 2.5 µm in aerodynamic diameter) air pollution monitoring data to create a new retrospective cohort study, the Medicare Air Pollution Cohort Study (MCAPS), consisting of 20 million persons from 250 counties and representing about 50% of the US population of elderly living in urban settings. In this paper, we report on the relationship between longer-term exposure to PM2.5 and mortality risk over the period 2000 to 2002 in the MCAPS.


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The emissions, filtration and oxidation characteristics of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and a catalyzed particulate filter (CPF) in a Johnson Matthey catalyzed continuously regenerating trap (CCRT ®) were studied by using computational models. Experimental data needed to calibrate the models were obtained by characterization experiments with raw exhaust sampling from a Cummins ISM 2002 engine with variable geometry turbocharging (VGT) and programmed exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). The experiments were performed at 20, 40, 60 and 75% of full load (1120 Nm) at rated speed (2100 rpm), with and without the DOC upstream of the CPF. This was done to study the effect of temperature and CPF-inlet NO2 concentrations on particulate matter oxidation in the CCRT ®. A previously developed computational model was used to determine the kinetic parameters describing the oxidation characteristics of HCs, CO and NO in the DOC and the pressure drop across it. The model was calibrated at five temperatures in the range of 280 – 465° C, and exhaust volumetric flow rates of 0.447 – 0.843 act-m3/sec. The downstream HCs, CO and NO concentrations were predicted by the DOC model to within ±3 ppm. The HCs and CO oxidation kinetics in the temperature range of 280 - 465°C and an exhaust volumetric flow rate of 0.447 - 0.843 act-m3/sec can be represented by one ’apparent’ activation energy and pre-exponential factor. The NO oxidation kinetics in the same temperature and exhaust flow rate range can be represented by ’apparent’ activation energies and pre-exponential factors in two regimes. The DOC pressure drop was always predicted within 0.5 kPa by the model. The MTU 1-D 2-layer CPF model was enhanced in several ways to better model the performance of the CCRT ®. A model to simulate the oxidation of particulate inside the filter wall was developed. A particulate cake layer filtration model which describes particle filtration in terms of more fundamental parameters was developed and coupled to the wall oxidation model. To better model the particulate oxidation kinetics, a model to take into account the NO2 produced in the washcoat of the CPF was developed. The overall 1-D 2-layer model can be used to predict the pressure drop of the exhaust gas across the filter, the evolution of particulate mass inside the filter, the particulate mass oxidized, the filtration efficiency and the particle number distribution downstream of the CPF. The model was used to better understand the internal performance of the CCRT®, by determining the components of the total pressure drop across the filter, by classifying the total particulate matter in layer I, layer II, the filter wall, and by the means of oxidation i.e. by O2, NO2 entering the filter and by NO2 being produced in the filter. The CPF model was calibrated at four temperatures in the range of 280 – 465 °C, and exhaust volumetric flow rates of 0.447 – 0.843 act-m3/sec, in CPF-only and CCRT ® (DOC+CPF) configurations. The clean filter wall permeability was determined to be 2.00E-13 m2, which is in agreement with values in the literature for cordierite filters. The particulate packing density in the filter wall had values between 2.92 kg/m3 - 3.95 kg/m3 for all the loads. The mean pore size of the catalyst loaded filter wall was found to be 11.0 µm. The particulate cake packing densities and permeabilities, ranged from 131 kg/m3 - 134 kg/m3, and 0.42E-14 m2 and 2.00E-14 m2 respectively, and are in agreement with the Peclet number correlations in the literature. Particulate cake layer porosities determined from the particulate cake layer filtration model ranged between 0.841 and 0.814 and decreased with load, which is about 0.1 lower than experimental and more complex discrete particle simulations in the literature. The thickness of layer I was kept constant at 20 µm. The model kinetics in the CPF-only and CCRT ® configurations, showed that no ’catalyst effect’ with O2 was present. The kinetic parameters for the NO2-assisted oxidation of particulate in the CPF were determined from the simulation of transient temperature programmed oxidation data in the literature. It was determined that the thermal and NO2 kinetic parameters do not change with temperature, exhaust flow rate or NO2 concentrations. However, different kinetic parameters are used for particulate oxidation in the wall and on the wall. Model results showed that oxidation of particulate in the pores of the filter wall can cause disproportionate decreases in the filter pressure drop with respect to particulate mass. The wall oxidation model along with the particulate cake filtration model were developed to model the sudden and rapid decreases in pressure drop across the CPF. The particulate cake and wall filtration models result in higher particulate filtration efficiencies than with just the wall filtration model, with overall filtration efficiencies of 98-99% being predicted by the model. The pre-exponential factors for oxidation by NO2 did not change with temperature or NO2 concentrations because of the NO2 wall production model. In both CPF-only and CCRT ® configurations, the model showed NO2 and layer I to be the dominant means and dominant physical location of particulate oxidation respectively. However, at temperatures of 280 °C, NO2 is not a significant oxidizer of particulate matter, which is in agreement with studies in the literature. The model showed that 8.6 and 81.6% of the CPF-inlet particulate matter was oxidized after 5 hours at 20 and 75% load in CCRT® configuration. In CPF-only configuration at the same loads, the model showed that after 5 hours, 4.4 and 64.8% of the inlet particulate matter was oxidized. The increase in NO2 concentrations across the DOC contributes significantly to the oxidation of particulate in the CPF and is supplemented by the oxidation of NO to NO2 by the catalyst in the CPF, which increases the particulate oxidation rates. From the model, it was determined that the catalyst in the CPF modeslty increases the particulate oxidation rates in the range of 4.5 – 8.3% in the CCRT® configuration. Hence, the catalyst loading in the CPF of the CCRT® could possibly be reduced without significantly decreasing particulate oxidation rates leading to catalyst cost savings and better engine performance due to lower exhaust backpressures.


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Objective: To assess the indoor environment of two different types of dental practices regarding VOCs, PM2.5, and ultrafine particulate concentrations and examine the relationship between specific dental activities and contaminant levels. Method: The indoor environments of two selected dental settings (private practice and community health center) will were assessed in regards to VOCs, PM 2.5, and ultrafine particulate concentrations, as well as other indoor air quality parameters (CO2, CO, temperature, and relative humidity). The sampling duration was four working days for each dental practice. Continuous monitoring and integrated sampling methods were used and number of occupants, frequency, type, and duration of dental procedures or activities recorded. Measurements were compared to indoor air quality standards and guidelines. Results: The private practice had higher CO2, CO, and most VOC concentrations than the community health center, but the community health center had higher PM2.5 and ultrafine PM concentrations. Concentrations of p-dichlorobenzene and PM2.5 exceeded some guidelines. Outdoor concentrations greatly influenced the indoor concentration. There were no significant differences in contaminant levels between the operatory and general area. Indoor concentrations during the working period were not always consistently higher than during the nonworking period. Peaks in particulate matter concentration occurred during root canal and composite procedures.^


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This study represents a secondary analysis of the merging of emergency room visits and daily ozone and PM2.5. Although the adverse health effects of ozone and fine particulate matter have been documented in the literature, evidence regarding the health risks of these two pollutants in Harris County, Texas, is limited. Harris County (Houston) has sufficiently unique characteristics that analysis of these relationships in this setting and with the ozone and industry issues in Houston is informative. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between the joint exposure to ozone and fine particulate matter, and emergency room diagnoses of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular disease in Harris County, Texas, from 2004 to 2009, with zero and one day lags. ^ The study variables were daily emergency room visits for Harris County, Texas, from 2004 to 2009, temperature, relative humidity, east wind component, north wind component, ozone, and fine particulate matter. Information about each patient's age, race, and gender was also included. The two dichotomous outcomes were emergency room visits diagnoses for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular disease. Estimates of ozone and PM2.5 were interpolated using kriging, in which estimates of the two pollutants were predicted from monitoring data for every case residence zip code for every day of the six years, over 3 million estimates (one of each pollutant for each case in the database). ^ Logistic regressions were conducted to estimate odds ratios of the two outcomes. Three analyses were conducted: one for all records, another for visits during the four months of April and September of 2005 and 2009, and a third one for visits from zip codes that are close to PM2.5 monitoring stations (east area of Harris County). The last two analyses were designed to investigate special temporal and spatial characteristics of the associations. ^ The dataset included all ER visits surveyed by Safety Net from 2004 to 2009, exceeding 3 million visits for all causes. There were 95,765 COPD and 96,596 CVD cases during this six year period. A 1-μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 on the same day was associated with a 1.0% increase in the odds of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease emergency room diagnoses, a 0.4% increase in the odds of cardiovascular disease emergency room diagnoses, and a 0.2% increase in the odds of cardiovascular disease emergency room diagnoses on the following day. A 1-ppb increase in ozone was associated with a 0.1% increase in the odds of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease emergency room diagnoses on the same day. These four percentages add up to 1.7% of ER visits. That is, over the period of six years, one unit increase for both ozone and PM2.5 (joint increase), resulted in about 55,286 (3,252,102 * 0.017) extra ER visits for CVD or COPD, or 9,214 extra ER visits per year. ^ After adjustment for age, race, gender, day of the week, temperature, relative humidity, east wind component, north wind component, and wind speed, there were statistically significant associations between emergency room chronic obstructive pulmonary disease diagnosis in Harris County, Texas, with joint exposure to ozone and fine particulate matter for the same day; and between emergency room cardiovascular disease diagnosis and exposure to PM2.5 of the same day and the previous day. ^ Despite the small association between the two air pollutants and the health outcomes, this study points to important findings. Namely, the need to identify reasons for the increase of CVD and COPD ER visits over the course of the project, the statistical association between humidity (or whatever other variables for which it may serve as a surrogate) and CVD and COPD cases, and the confirmatory finding that males and blacks have higher odds for the two outcomes, as consistent with other studies. ^ An important finding of this research suggests that the number and distribution of PM2.5 monitors in Harris County - although not evenly spaced geographically—are adequate to detect significant association between exposure and the two outcomes. In addition, this study points to other potential factors that contribute to the rising incidence rates of CVD and COPD ER visits in Harris County such as population increases, patient history, life style, and other pollutants. Finally, results of validation, using a subset of the data demonstrate the robustness of the models.^


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