64 resultados para Paresis


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The SMART (SensoriMotor Active Rehabilitation Training) Arm is a nonrobotic device designed to allow stroke survivors with severe paresis to practice reaching. It can be used with or without outcome-triggered electrical stimulation (OT-stim) to augment movement. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of SMART Arm training when used with or without OT-stim, in addition to usual care, as compared with usual care alone during inpatient rehabilitation.


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Tradicionalmente, el ejercicio como parte del abordaje de la Esclerosis Múltiple ha sido infrautilizado y objeto de controversia. A menudo, los médicos recomendaban que se evitara realizar ejercicio físico a las personas con esta enfermedad, debido sobre todo al incremento de la temperatura corporal asociada al deporte y vinculada a su vez con el empeoramiento de síntomas asociados a la enfermedad (discapacidad visual y paresis), así como a la fatiga, otro de los síntomas más comunes y discapacitantes en Esclerosis Múltiple.

A día de hoy, sabemos que el incremento de la temperatura del cuerpo durante el ejercicio físico remite tras el reposo y, por tanto, no afecta al transcurso de la enfermedad. Además numerosos estudios revelan que resulta seguro y beneficioso participar en actividades físicas, y consideran que debe formar parte de los hábitos saludables de las personas con Esclerosis Múltiple, del mismo modo que en personas que no están afectadas por la enfermedad, ya que el ejercicio mejora varios aspectos del perfil fisiológico de las personas con Esclerosis Múltiple.

El presente estudio realiza un repaso sobre los beneficios de la actividad física y consecuencias de la inactividad, las diferencias entre deporte y rehabilitación, así como los tipos de entrenamientos recomendados para personas con Esclerosis Múltiple y aquellas recomendaciones a la hora de empezar un programa de ejercicio físico. Incluye asimismo una encuesta sobre actividad física y Esclerosis Múltiple, ejemplos de buenas prácticas y entrevistas realizadas a entrenadores, psicólogos, deportistas afectados por la enfermedad, fisioterapeutas y demás profesionales vinculados con el mundo del deporte y la Esclerosis Múltiple.


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Hypothesis: As the anterior and posterior semicircular canals are vital to the regulation of gaze stability, particularly during locomotion or vehicular travel, we tested whether the high velocity vestibulo‐ocular reflex (VOR) of the three ipsilesional semicircular canals elicited by the modified Head Impulse Test would correlate with subjective dizziness or vertigo scores after vestibular neuritis (VN). Background: Recovery following acute VN varies with around half reporting persistent symptoms long after the acute episode. However, an unanswered question is whether chronic symptoms are associated with impairment of the high velocity VOR of the anterior or posterior canals. Methods: Twenty patients who had experienced an acute episode of VN at least three months earlier were included in this study. Participants were assessed with the video head impulse test (vHIT) of all six canals, bithermal caloric irrigation, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and the Vertigo Symptoms Scale short‐form (VSS). Results: Of these 20 patients, 12 felt that they had recovered from the initial episode whereas 8 did not and reported elevated DHI and VSS scores. However, we found no correlation between DHI or VSS scores and the ipsilesional single or combined vHIT gain, vHIT gain asymmetry or caloric paresis. The high velocity VOR was not different between patients who felt they had recovered and patients who felt they had not. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that chronic symptoms of dizziness following VN are not associated with the high velocity VOR of the single or combined ipsilesional horizontal, anterior or posterior semicircular canals.


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We present a retrospective study on 22 operations of exostosis of the external auditory canal in 20 patients. 8 patients were passionated by water sports. The most frequent indication for surgery (13 operations) was recurrent external otitis or ceruminal obstruction. In 7 cases the need for a wider access to the middle ear indicated surgery. Surgery was usually performed as an outpatient procedure, maximum hospitalization was 3 days. The mean healing period was 6 (3-10) weeks. Mean follow up was 43 (3-110) months. There were no severe intraoperative complications such as facial paresis, lesions of the ossicles or of the inner ear. As intraoperative complications we found 2 perforations of the tympanic membrane, 2 expositions of the capsule of the mandibular joint, one of which was followed by chronic pain. As postoperative complications we found an early soft tissue stenosis of the external auditory canal and one late soft tissue stenosis which recurred after revision surgery. No recurrence of exostosis was seen. We describe an up to now unknown complication: the appearance of bilateral petrositis caused by staphylococcus epidermidis after bilateral surgery in an otherwise healthy patient. This study confirms that severe complications are rare, minor ones however relatively common. And that also minor complications may have a troublesome follow. Therefore and because of the potential of severe complications indication for surgery must be made cautiously and risks of the operation must not be underestimated.


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La neuromielitis óptica, también conocida como síndrome de Devic, es una enfermedad que combina la neuritis óptica y la mielitis transversa. Hace unos años era considerada una forma de esclerosis múltiple; sin embargo, realmente es una enfermedad diferente, con características clínicas, imágenes, serología e inmunopatología propias. El presente artículo presenta el caso de una mujer de 29 años con un cuadro clínico que inicia en el quinto mes de postparto, con pérdida progresiva de la fuerza en miembros inferiores, asociada a pérdida de la agudeza visual bilateral. El objetivo es hacer, mediante el estudio de caso, una revisión amplia de esta enfermedad, poco común, mediada por un proceso inmune y desmielinizante. Para ello, se resumen los parámetros epidemiológicos más importantes y se presentan las posibilidades diagnósticas y terapéuticas disponibles actualmente.


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Background. Initial evidence suggests that the integrity of the ipsilesional corticospinal tract (CST) after stroke is strongly related to motor function in the chronic state but not the treatment gain induced by motor rehabilitation. Objective. We examined the association of motor status and treatment benefit by testing patients with a wide range of severity of hemiparesis of the left and right upper extremity. Method. Diffusion tensor imaging was performed in 22 patients beyond 12 months after onset of stroke with severe to moderate hemiparesis. Motor function was tested before and after 2 weeks of modified constraint-induced movement therapy. Results. CST integrity, but not lesion volume, correlated with the motor ability measures of the Wolf Motor Function Test and the Motor Activity Log. No differences were found between left and right hemiparesis. Motor performance improved significantly with the treatment regime, and did so equally for patients with left and right arm paresis. However, treatment benefit was not associated with either CST integrity or lesion volume. Conclusion. CST integrity correlated best in this small trial with chronic long-term status but not treatment-induced improvements. The CST may play a different role in the mechanisms mediating long-term outcome compared to those underlying practice-induced gains after a chronic plateau in motor function.


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Foram analisados os resultados da fenestração ventral dos discos toracolombares em 29 cães agrupados segundo a raça, sexo, peso, idade, graus de déficits neurológicos, duração dos sinais, discos intervertebrais envolvidos, tempo para recuperação e porcentagem de sucesso. A raça Dachshund representou 55,18% (n = 16), cães sem raça definida, 13,8% (n = 4), Poodle e Basset Hound e Cocker Spaniel Inglês 6,89% cada (n = 6), e Pastor Alemão, Beagle e Pinscher, 3,45% cada (n = 3), sendo 51,72%, machos e 48,28%, fêmeas, com idade média de 68,03 meses. O grau de déficits neurológicos correspondeu a: 13,8% dos cães pertencentes ao GI (dor), 41,8% ao GII (paresia), 27,6% ao GIII (paraplegia com dor profunda presente) e 17,2% ao GIV (paraplegia com dor profunda ausente). Os sinais clínicos variaram em duração entre 2 e 60 dias, correspondendo às médias de 18,5 (GI), 12,3 (GII), 8,28 (GIII) e 4,2 dias (GIV). A porcentagem de discos intervertebrais acometidos foi: T10/11 (10,81%), T11/12 (24,33%), T12/13 (40,55%), T13/L1 (16,21%) e L1/2, L2/3 e L3/4, 2,7% cada. O tempo médio de recuperação, em dias, foi: 16 (GI), 19,1 (GII), 20,6 (GIII) e 30,6 (GIV), onde 100% dos animais dos grupos I, II e III recuperaram ambas as funções neurológicas e motoras. O grupo IV apresentou 80% de sucesso. Conclui-se que a fenestração ventral produz excelentes resultados pós-operatórios desde que bem selecionados os casos.


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Botulismo em bovinos resulta da ingestão de toxina previamente formada. No presente trabalho são descritos sete surtos da intoxicação onde os dados clínico-patológicos, epidemiológicos e os achados laboratoriais indicaram a possível ingestão da toxina através da água contaminada. O coeficiente médio de mortalidade foi de 20,1%, com letalidade de 99,92%, e morbidade de 31,62%. Dos cerca de 9.000 bovinos envolvidos nos surtos, 2.844 morreram com quadro clínico predominantemente superagudo e agudo. A alta morbidade e mortalidade foram registradas num curto período de tempo e envolveram todas as categorias animais, com quadro clínico-patológico caracterizado por paresia e paralisia da musculatura da locomoção, deglutição e mastigação e ausência de lesões macroscópicas. As circunstâncias em que ocorreram os surtos estiveram relacionadas com a existência de carcaças de animais decompostas ou matéria orgânica vegetal na água de dessedentação. Foram detectadas toxinas botulínicas C e/ou D nas coleções de água, nas vísceras e no soro sangüíneo de parte considerável dos materiais examinados.


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Em 81 cães com sinais clínicos, lesões histológicas e corpúsculos de inclusão no sistema nervoso central característicos de cinomose nervosa foi constatada ocorrência freqüente de: alteração das reações posturais (87,65%), diminuição da secreção lacrimal (83,95%), presença de mioclonias (75,30%), paresias (69,12%), conjuntivite (56,79%), corioretinite/ hiperqueratose naso-digital (51,85%), linfopenia (51,85%), anemia (48,05%), principalmente microcítica hipocrômica, e discretas alterações liquóricas caracterizadas por aumento de proteínas totais (77,33%) e pleocitose linfocítica (50,72%). A presença de corpúsculos de Lenz em tecidos extraneurais oscilou entre 30 e 45 %, com maior freqüência em linfonodos. Enquanto outras anormalidades clínicas, neurológicas e laboratoriais não tiveram freqüência expressiva para dar apoio ao diagnóstico, o incorreto programa de vacinação foi uma constante.


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The retrovirus HTLV-1 is the etiological agent of the adult T-cell leukemia and HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis. The proviral genome has 9,032 base pairs, showing regulatory and structural genes. The env gene encodes for the transmembrane glycoprotein gp 21. The development of methodologies for heterologous protein expression, as well as the acquisition of a cellular line that constituently expresses the recombinant, were the main goals of this work. The DNA fragment that encodes for gp 21 was amplified by nested-PCR and cloned into a pCR2.1-TOPO vector. After which, a sub-cloning was realized using the expressing vector pcDNA3.1+. The transfection of mammalian cells HEK 293 was performed transitorily and permanently. Production of the recombinant gp 21 was confirmed by flux cytometry experiments and the cell line producing protein will be used in immunogenicity assays.


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The risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in medical patients is high, but risk assessment is rarely performed because there is not yet a good method to identify candidates for prophylaxis. Purpose: To perform a systematic review about VTE risk factors (RFs) in hospitalized medical patients and generate recommendations (RECs) for prophylaxis that can be implemented into practice. Data sources: A multidisciplinary group of experts from 12 Brazilian Medical Societies searched MEDLINE, Cochrane, and LILACS. Study selection: Two experts independently classified the evidence for each RF by its scientific quality in a standardized manner. A risk-assessment algorithm was created based on the results of the review. Data synthesis: Several VTE RFs have enough evidence to support RECs for prophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients (eg, increasing age, heart failure, and stroke). Other factors are considered adjuncts of risk (eg, varices, obesity, and infections). According to the algorithm, hospitalized medical patients ≥40 years-old with decreased mobility, and ≥1 RFs should receive chemoprophylaxis with heparin, provided they don't have contraindications. High prophylactic doses of unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-weight-heparin must be administered and maintained for 6-14 days. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary group generated evidence-based RECs and an easy-to-use algorithm to facilitate VTE prophylaxis in medical patients. © 2007 Rocha et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd.


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Introduction. Gait becomes the individual independence for their daily activities. The functional deficit caused by central lesion as stroke, makes difficult this motor independence, mainly the locomotion. Objective. Analyze the kinematics gait in stroke patients. Method. It was included 8 patients with clinical diagnosis of stroke, 4 with hemiparesia on the right and 4 on the left. It was analyzed gait spatial-temporal parameters as: length, duration and average speed of the step, using the register in videotape and the software of image 6.3 Dvideow Barros. Results. All patients presented alterations in the kinematics standards of the gait, with lesser duration and length of step, and greater speed than normal subjects. Conclusion. The motor disorder caused by the central lesions produces alterations in the kinematics standards of the gait, in order to adapt the neuro-sensorial sequels, the demands of the task and the way where they live.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the electromyographic and histopathological changes in skeletal muscles of dogs naturally infected by L. infantum. Twenty five mixed breed adult dogs with parasitological, molecular and serological diagnosis were selected. The evaluated muscles were: triceps brachial, extensor carpi radialis, biceps femoris and gastrocnemius. One dog had locomotor clinical signs with hind limbs paresis associated with severe muscle atrophy. Twenty-three (92%) had some type of muscular change, and in 22 (88%) such changes were directly identified by electromyography. Even without any clinical signs of the disease, 10 (40%) dogs had electromyographic and histopathological changes. Leishmania antigens were detected in muscles of four (16%) dogs. The electromyographic evaluation indicated the occurrence of chronic polymyositis in 13 (52%) dogs, the presence of both acute and chronic muscle inflammation four (16%), acute myopathy in two (8%) and absence of electromyographic abnormalities in three (12%) dogs. The most frequently observed histopathological changes were degeneration and necrosis of myofibers and inflammatory infiltration observed in 12 (48%) dogs. Other changes were decreased diameter of muscle fibers in 15 (60%) and peri or endomysial fibrosis in 14 (56%) animals. The changes observed in the present study showed that even in the absence of clinical signs, most dogs infected by Leishmania infantum have chronic polymyositis.


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Introduction. Studies show that 70% of body weight in patients with stroke during the transfer from sitting to standing position is transferred to the uninvolved limb. Significantly interfering with activities of daily living. Objective. The influence of aquatic therapy on eight in the affected hemisphere during the transition from sitting to standing. Method. Participated in this study a patient with right hemiparesis, the protocol lasted eight sessions in a liquid medium. The data of activation of the gluteus muscle were collected from surface electromyography and data as the weight transfer was examined by baropodometry platform. Results. Initial electromyography (151.1uv right gluteus maximus and left gluteus maximus 229.1uv) and Final electromyography (113.6 uv right gluteus maximus and left gluteus maximus113.3uv). Evolution was 19% in weight transferin paretic hemibody compared the pre and post intervention. Conclusion. The results showed that treatment was favorable to the patient, because at the end of application of the observed activation of the gluteus maximus and improved weight-bearing, and consequently these factors interfered positively in the security and independe in transferring from sitting to standing position.