872 resultados para Parallel Computations
The Streaming SIMD extension (SSE) is a special feature embedded in the Intel Pentium III and IV classes of microprocessors. It enables the execution of SIMD type operations to exploit data parallelism. This article presents improving computation performance of a railway network simulator by means of SSE. Voltage and current at various points of the supply system to an electrified railway line are crucial for design, daily operation and planning. With computer simulation, their time-variations can be attained by solving a matrix equation, whose size mainly depends upon the number of trains present in the system. A large coefficient matrix, as a result of congested railway line, inevitably leads to heavier computational demand and hence jeopardizes the simulation speed. With the special architectural features of the latest processors on PC platforms, significant speed-up in computations can be achieved.
In this paper we develop a multithreaded VLSI processor linear array architecture to render complex environments based on the radiosity approach. The processing elements are identical and multithreaded. They work in Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) mode. A new algorithm to do the radiosity computations based on the progressive refinement approach[2] is proposed. Simulation results indicate that the architecture is latency tolerant and scalable. It is shown that a linear array of 128 uni-threaded processing elements sustains a throughput close to 0.4 million patches/sec.
Critical applications like cyclone tracking and earthquake modeling require simultaneous high-performance simulations and online visualization for timely analysis. Faster simulations and simultaneous visualization enable scientists provide real-time guidance to decision makers. In this work, we have developed an integrated user-driven and automated steering framework that simultaneously performs numerical simulations and efficient online remote visualization of critical weather applications in resource-constrained environments. It considers application dynamics like the criticality of the application and resource dynamics like the storage space, network bandwidth and available number of processors to adapt various application and resource parameters like simulation resolution, simulation rate and the frequency of visualization. We formulate the problem of finding an optimal set of simulation parameters as a linear programming problem. This leads to 30% higher simulation rate and 25-50% lesser storage consumption than a naive greedy approach. The framework also provides the user control over various application parameters like region of interest and simulation resolution. We have also devised an adaptive algorithm to reduce the lag between the simulation and visualization times. Using experiments with different network bandwidths, we find that our adaptive algorithm is able to reduce lag as well as visualize the most representative frames.
Adaptive Mesh Refinement is a method which dynamically varies the spatio-temporal resolution of localized mesh regions in numerical simulations, based on the strength of the solution features. In-situ visualization plays an important role for analyzing the time evolving characteristics of the domain structures. Continuous visualization of the output data for various timesteps results in a better study of the underlying domain and the model used for simulating the domain. In this paper, we develop strategies for continuous online visualization of time evolving data for AMR applications executed on GPUs. We reorder the meshes for computations on the GPU based on the users input related to the subdomain that he wants to visualize. This makes the data available for visualization at a faster rate. We then perform asynchronous executions of the visualization steps and fix-up operations on the CPUs while the GPU advances the solution. By performing experiments on Tesla S1070 and Fermi C2070 clusters, we found that our strategies result in 60% improvement in response time and 16% improvement in the rate of visualization of frames over the existing strategy of performing fix-ups and visualization at the end of the timesteps.
The amount of computation required to solve many early vision problems is prodigious, and so it has long been thought that systems that operate in a reasonable amount of time will only become feasible when parallel systems become available. Such systems now exist in digital form, but most are large and expensive. These machines constitute an invaluable test-bed for the development of new algorithms, but they can probably not be scaled down rapidly in both physical size and cost, despite continued advances in semiconductor technology and machine architecture. Simple analog networks can perform interesting computations, as has been known for a long time. We have reached the point where it is feasible to experiment with implementation of these ideas in VLSI form, particularly if we focus on networks composed of locally interconnected passive elements, linear amplifiers, and simple nonlinear components. While there have been excursions into the development of ideas in this area since the very beginnings of work on machine vision, much work remains to be done. Progress will depend on careful attention to matching of the capabilities of simple networks to the needs of early vision. Note that this is not at all intended to be anything like a review of the field, but merely a collection of some ideas that seem to be interesting.
Programmers of parallel processes that communicate through shared globally distributed data structures (DDS) face a difficult choice. Either they must explicitly program DDS management, by partitioning or replicating it over multiple distributed memory modules, or be content with a high latency coherent (sequentially consistent) memory abstraction that hides the DDS' distribution. We present Mermera, a new formalism and system that enable a smooth spectrum of noncoherent shared memory behaviors to coexist between the above two extremes. Our approach allows us to define known noncoherent memories in a new simple way, to identify new memory behaviors, and to characterize generic mixed-behavior computations. The latter are useful for programming using multiple behaviors that complement each others' advantages. On the practical side, we show that the large class of programs that use asynchronous iterative methods (AIM) can run correctly on slow memory, one of the weakest, and hence most efficient and fault-tolerant, noncoherence conditions. An example AIM program to solve linear equations, is developed to illustrate: (1) the need for concurrently mixing memory behaviors, and, (2) the performance gains attainable via noncoherence. Other program classes tolerate weak memory consistency by synchronizing in such a way as to yield executions indistinguishable from coherent ones. AIM computations on noncoherent memory yield noncoherent, yet correct, computations. We report performance data that exemplifies the potential benefits of noncoherence, in terms of raw memory performance, as well as application speed.
This paper provides an overview of the developing needs for simulation software technologies for the computational modelling of problems that involve combinations of interactions amongst varying physical phenomena over a variety of time and space scales. Computational modelling of such problems requires software tech1nologies that enable the mathematical description of the interacting physical phenomena together with the solution of the resulting suites of equations in a numerically consistent and compatible manner. This functionality requires the structuring of simulation modules for specific physical phenomena so that the coupling can be effectively represented. These multi-physics and multi-scale computations are very compute intensive and the simulation software must operate effectively in parallel if it is to be used in this context. An approach to these classes of multi-disciplinary simulation in parallel is described, with some key examples of application to2 challenging engineering problems.
In this paper a model of grid computation that supports both heterogeneity and dynamicity is presented. The model presupposes that user sites contain software components awaiting execution on the grid. User sites and grid sites interact by means of managers which control dynamic behaviour. The orchestration language ORC [9,10] offers an abstract means of specifying operations for resource acquisition and execution monitoring while allowing for the possibility of non-responsive hardware. It is demonstrated that ORC is sufficiently expressive to model typical kinds of grid interactions.
As data analytics are growing in importance they are also quickly becoming one of the dominant application domains that require parallel processing. This paper investigates the applicability of OpenMP, the dominant shared-memory parallel programming model in high-performance computing, to the domain of data analytics. We contrast the performance and programmability of key data analytics benchmarks against Phoenix++, a state-of-the-art shared memory map/reduce programming system. Our study shows that OpenMP outperforms the Phoenix++ system by a large margin for several benchmarks. In other cases, however, the programming model is lacking support for this application domain.
Approximate execution is a viable technique for environments with energy constraints, provided that applications are given the mechanisms to produce outputs of the highest possible quality within the available energy budget. This paper introduces a framework for energy-constrained execution with controlled and graceful quality loss. A simple programming model allows developers to structure the computation in different tasks, and to express the relative importance of these tasks for the quality of the end result. For non-significant tasks, the developer can also supply less costly, approximate versions. The target energy consumption for a given execution is specified when the application is launched. A significance-aware runtime system employs an application-specific analytical energy model to decide how many cores to use for the execution, the operating frequency for these cores, as well as the degree of task approximation, so as to maximize the quality of the output while meeting the user-specified energy constraints. Evaluation on a dual-socket 16-core Intel platform using 9 benchmark kernels shows that the proposed framework picks the optimal configuration with high accuracy. Also, a comparison with loop perforation (a well-known compile-time approximation technique), shows that the proposed framework results in significantly higher quality for the same energy budget.
The UMTS turbo encoder is composed of parallel concatenation of two Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) encoders which start and end at a known state. This trellis termination directly affects the performance of turbo codes. This paper presents performance analysis of multi-point trellis termination of turbo codes which is to terminate RSC encoders at more than one point of the current frame while keeping the interleaver length the same. For long interleaver lengths, this approach provides dividing a data frame into sub-frames which can be treated as independent blocks. A novel decoding architecture using multi-point trellis termination and collision-free interleavers is presented. Collision-free interleavers are used to solve memory collision problems encountered by parallel decoding of turbo codes. The proposed parallel decoding architecture reduces the decoding delay caused by the iterative nature and forward-backward metric computations of turbo decoding algorithms. Our simulations verified that this turbo encoding and decoding scheme shows Bit Error Rate (BER) performance very close to that of the UMTS turbo coding while providing almost %50 time saving for the 2-point termination and %80 time saving for the 5-point termination.
Turbo codes experience a significant decoding delay because of the iterative nature of the decoding algorithms, the high number of metric computations and the complexity added by the (de)interleaver. The extrinsic information is exchanged sequentially between two Soft-Input Soft-Output (SISO) decoders. Instead of this sequential process, a received frame can be divided into smaller windows to be processed in parallel. In this paper, a novel parallel processing methodology is proposed based on the previous parallel decoding techniques. A novel Contention-Free (CF) interleaver is proposed as part of the decoding architecture which allows using extrinsic Log-Likelihood Ratios (LLRs) immediately as a-priori LLRs to start the second half of the iterative turbo decoding. The simulation case studies performed in this paper show that our parallel decoding method can provide %80 time saving compared to the standard decoding and %30 time saving compared to the previous parallel decoding methods at the expense of 0.3 dB Bit Error Rate (BER) performance degradation.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden Systeme von parallel arbeitenden und miteinander kommunizierenden Restart-Automaten (engl.: systems of parallel communicating restarting automata; abgekürzt PCRA-Systeme) vorgestellt und untersucht. Dabei werden zwei bekannte Konzepte aus den Bereichen Formale Sprachen und Automatentheorie miteinander vescrknüpft: das Modell der Restart-Automaten und die sogenannten PC-Systeme (systems of parallel communicating components). Ein PCRA-System besteht aus endlich vielen Restart-Automaten, welche einerseits parallel und unabhängig voneinander lokale Berechnungen durchführen und andererseits miteinander kommunizieren dürfen. Die Kommunikation erfolgt dabei durch ein festgelegtes Kommunikationsprotokoll, das mithilfe von speziellen Kommunikationszuständen realisiert wird. Ein wesentliches Merkmal hinsichtlich der Kommunikationsstruktur in Systemen von miteinander kooperierenden Komponenten ist, ob die Kommunikation zentralisiert oder nichtzentralisiert erfolgt. Während in einer nichtzentralisierten Kommunikationsstruktur jede Komponente mit jeder anderen Komponente kommunizieren darf, findet jegliche Kommunikation innerhalb einer zentralisierten Kommunikationsstruktur ausschließlich mit einer ausgewählten Master-Komponente statt. Eines der wichtigsten Resultate dieser Arbeit zeigt, dass zentralisierte Systeme und nichtzentralisierte Systeme die gleiche Berechnungsstärke besitzen (das ist im Allgemeinen bei PC-Systemen nicht so). Darüber hinaus bewirkt auch die Verwendung von Multicast- oder Broadcast-Kommunikationsansätzen neben Punkt-zu-Punkt-Kommunikationen keine Erhöhung der Berechnungsstärke. Desweiteren wird die Ausdrucksstärke von PCRA-Systemen untersucht und mit der von PC-Systemen von endlichen Automaten und mit der von Mehrkopfautomaten verglichen. PC-Systeme von endlichen Automaten besitzen bekanntermaßen die gleiche Ausdrucksstärke wie Einwegmehrkopfautomaten und bilden eine untere Schranke für die Ausdrucksstärke von PCRA-Systemen mit Einwegkomponenten. Tatsächlich sind PCRA-Systeme auch dann stärker als PC-Systeme von endlichen Automaten, wenn die Komponenten für sich genommen die gleiche Ausdrucksstärke besitzen, also die regulären Sprachen charakterisieren. Für PCRA-Systeme mit Zweiwegekomponenten werden als untere Schranke die Sprachklassen der Zweiwegemehrkopfautomaten im deterministischen und im nichtdeterministischen Fall gezeigt, welche wiederum den bekannten Komplexitätsklassen L (deterministisch logarithmischer Platz) und NL (nichtdeterministisch logarithmischer Platz) entsprechen. Als obere Schranke wird die Klasse der kontextsensitiven Sprachen gezeigt. Außerdem werden Erweiterungen von Restart-Automaten betrachtet (nonforgetting-Eigenschaft, shrinking-Eigenschaft), welche bei einzelnen Komponenten eine Erhöhung der Berechnungsstärke bewirken, in Systemen jedoch deren Stärke nicht erhöhen. Die von PCRA-Systemen charakterisierten Sprachklassen sind unter diversen Sprachoperationen abgeschlossen und einige Sprachklassen sind sogar abstrakte Sprachfamilien (sogenannte AFL's). Abschließend werden für PCRA-Systeme spezifische Probleme auf ihre Entscheidbarkeit hin untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass Leerheit, Universalität, Inklusion, Gleichheit und Endlichkeit bereits für Systeme mit zwei Restart-Automaten des schwächsten Typs nicht semientscheidbar sind. Für das Wortproblem wird gezeigt, dass es im deterministischen Fall in quadratischer Zeit und im nichtdeterministischen Fall in exponentieller Zeit entscheidbar ist.
One among the most influential and popular data mining methods is the k-Means algorithm for cluster analysis. Techniques for improving the efficiency of k-Means have been largely explored in two main directions. The amount of computation can be significantly reduced by adopting geometrical constraints and an efficient data structure, notably a multidimensional binary search tree (KD-Tree). These techniques allow to reduce the number of distance computations the algorithm performs at each iteration. A second direction is parallel processing, where data and computation loads are distributed over many processing nodes. However, little work has been done to provide a parallel formulation of the efficient sequential techniques based on KD-Trees. Such approaches are expected to have an irregular distribution of computation load and can suffer from load imbalance. This issue has so far limited the adoption of these efficient k-Means variants in parallel computing environments. In this work, we provide a parallel formulation of the KD-Tree based k-Means algorithm for distributed memory systems and address its load balancing issue. Three solutions have been developed and tested. Two approaches are based on a static partitioning of the data set and a third solution incorporates a dynamic load balancing policy.