973 resultados para Paper-pulp solid wastes


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"This condensation (SW-80.1)--of an unpublished report by John H. Sweeten was prepared for the Federal solid waste management program."


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The cities involved are: Paterson, Clifton, Passaic and Wayne, N. J.


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Issued June 1978.


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Humicola brevis var. thermoidea cultivated under solid state fermentation in wheat bran and water (1:2 w/v) was a good producer of beta-glucosidase and xylanase. After optimization using response surface methodology the level of xylanase reached 5,791.2 +/- A 411.2 U g(-1), while beta-glucosidase production was increased about 2.6-fold, reaching 20.7 +/- A 1.5 U g(-1). Cellulase levels were negligible. Biochemical characterization of H. brevis beta-glucosidase and xylanase activities showed that they were stable in a wide pH range. Optimum pH for beta-glucosidase and xylanase activities were 5.0 and 5.5, respectively, but the xylanase showed 80 % of maximal activity when assayed at pH 8.0. Both enzymes presented high thermal stability. The beta-glucosidase maintained about 95 % of its activity after 26 h in water at 55 A degrees C, with half-lives of 15.7 h at 60 A degrees C and 5.1 h at 65 A degrees C. The presence of xylose during heat treatment at 65 A degrees C protected beta-glucosidase against thermal inactivation. Xylanase maintained about 80 % of its activity after 200 h in water at 60 A degrees C. Xylose stimulated beta-glucosidase activity up to 1.7-fold, at 200 mmol L-1. The notable features of both xylanase and beta-glucosidase suggest that H. brevis crude culture extract may be useful to compose efficient enzymatic cocktails for lignocellulosic materials treatment or paper pulp biobleaching.


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Recycling and sustainable development are increasing in importance around the world. In Brazil, the new National Policy on Solid Wastes has prompted discussion on the future of electronic waste (e-waste). Brazil generates the greatest amount of e-waste among Latin American countries. Nevertheless complete recycling, including end processing of e-waste, does not occur in Brazil. This paper discusses the physical and chemical technologies currently used worldwide and in Brazil for printed circuit board recycling, with emphasis on metal recovery and plastic processing. The goal is to put in evidence the important role that chemistry can play in developing cheaper processes to recycle e-waste.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoite on kartoittaa maalien ja lakkojen valmistuksessa syntyvien sivuvirtojen hyötykäyttöä ja hyötykäyttöpotentiaalia nykyisellään. Työn tarkoitus on toimia esiselvityksenä pinnoiteteollisuuden sivuvirtojen hyötykäyttöön liittyvien liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien syvemmälle analyysille. Teollisuuden sivuvirtoihin liittyvää tietoa kerätään tilastoista ja olemassa olevista raporteista sekä haastattelemalla teollisuus- ja palveluyritysten edustajia sekä alan asiantuntijoita. Sivuvirtojen teknisten hyötykäyttömahdollisuuksien ja liiketoiminnallisten mahdollisuuksien tarkastelua varten järjestetään työpajoja asiantuntijoille Apila Group Oy Ab:n asiantuntijaverkostossa. Neljässä haastatellussa tuotantolaitoksissa syntyi vuonna 2008 yhteensä 6 662 tonnia kiinteää jätettä ja lietteitä. 68 % näistä sivuvirroista hyötykäytettiin energiana tai polttoaineen valmistuksessa. Materiaalina sivuvirtoja hyötykäytettiin 16 % sivuvirroista, pääasiassa pahvia, paperia, metalleja sekä tynnyreitä ja kontteja. Myös merkittävä osa liuottimista otettiin talteen uudelleenhyödyntämistä varten. Tässä diplomityössä hyötykäyttömahdollisuuksien tarkempaa tarkastelua varten valittiin tavanomaisiksi jätteiksi luokiteltuja maalisivuvirtoja, joita haastatelluissa tuotantolaitoksissa syntyi noin 1 500 tonnia. Maalisivuvirtojen tärkeimmät materiaaliominaisuudet liittyvät niiden sisältämiin täyte- ja sideaineisiin, jotka muodostavat merkittävän osan maalien koostumuksesta. Selvityksen mukaan nämä ominaisuudet voidaan ottaa hyötykäyttöön erilaisissa yhdistelmämateriaaleissa, esimerkiksi ekstruusiopuristetuissa tai ahtopuristetuissa muovikuitukomposiiteissa. Komposiittien raaka-aineena käytetään jo erilaisia sivuvirtoja ja lisäksi erilaisten komposiittien markkinoiden ennustetaan kasvavan. Tämä voi tarjota mahdollisuuksia uusille palvelu-, t&k- tai tuotteistusliiketoiminnoille. Kuivilla maalijätteillä on myös hyvä lämpöarvo, jolloin energiahyötykäytön ja palamisjäännöksen materiaalihyötykäytön yhdistäminen mm. keramiikka- tai sementtiteollisuudessa voi tarjota mahdollisuuksia uusille liiketoiminnoille.


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The sustainable management of municipal solid waste in the Kathmandu Valley has always been a challenging task. Solid waste generation has gone rapidly high in the Kathmandu Valley over the last decade due to booming population and rapid urbaniza-tion. Finding appropriate landfill sites for the disposal of solid wastes generated from the households of the Kathmandu Valley has always been a major problem for Nepalese government. 65 % of total generated wastes from the households of Nepal consist of organic materials. As large fractions of generated household wastes are organic in na-ture, composting can be considered as one of the best sustainable ways to recycle organ-ic wastes generated from the households of Nepal. Model Community Society Development (MCDS), a non-governmental organization of Nepal carried out its small-scale project in five households of the Kathmandu Valley by installing composting reactors. This thesis is based on this small-scale project and has used secondary data provided by MCDS Nepal for carrying out the study. Proper man-agement of organic wastes can be done at household levels through the use of compost-ing reactors. The end product compost can be used as soil conditioners for agricultural purposes such as organic farming, roof-top farming and gardening. The overall average organic waste generation in the Kathmandu Valley is found to be 0,23 kg/person/day and the total amount of organic household wastes generated in the Kathmandu Valley is around 210 Gg/yr. Produced composts from five composting reac-tors contain high amount of moistures but have sufficient amount of nutrients required for the fertility of land and plant growth. Installation of five composting reactors in five households have prevented 2,74 Mg of organic wastes going into the landfills, thus re-ducing 107 kg of methane emissions which is equivalent to 2,7 Mg of carbondioxide.


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The international recovered paper trade serves two important functions: increasing raw material availability in the paper and board industry and providing economic incentives to recycle. The purpose of this paper is to shed further light on emerging patterns in this trade by empirically analysing the changes in the bilateral trade flows of recycled paper between 1992 and 2008. According to our estimations, two important changes have taken place in the 1990s and 2000s. First, the growing importance of developing economies in global recycled paper trade plays a significant role in import demand as a determinant of trade flows. Second, the changes in global trade patterns necessitate investigating the transportation cost measures used in applied research.


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Un papier bioactif est obtenu par la modification d’un papier en y immobilisant une ou plusieurs biomolécules. La recherche et le développement de papiers bioactifs est en plein essor car le papier est un substrat peu dispendieux qui est déjà d’usage très répandu à travers le monde. Bien que les papiers bioactifs n’aient pas connus de succès commercial depuis la mise en marche de bandelettes mesurant le taux de glucose dans les années cinquante, de nombreux groupes de recherche travaillent à immobiliser des biomolécules sur le papier pour obtenir un papier bioactif qui est abordable et possède une bonne durée de vie. Contrairement à la glucose oxidase, l’enzyme utilisée sur ces bandelettes, la majorité des biomolécules sont très fragiles et perdent leur activité très rapidement lorsqu’immobilisées sur des papiers. Le développement de nouveaux papiers bioactifs pouvant détecter des substances d’intérêt ou même désactiver des pathogènes dépend donc de découverte de nouvelles techniques d’immobilisation des biomolécules permettant de maintenir leur activité tout en étant applicable dans la chaîne de production actuelle des papiers fins. Le but de cette thèse est de développer une technique d’immobilisation efficace et versatile, permettant de protéger l’activité de biomolécules incorporées sur des papiers. La microencapsulation a été choisie comme technique d’immobilisation car elle permet d’enfermer de grandes quantités de biomolécules à l’intérieur d’une sphère poreuse permettant leur protection. Pour cette étude, le polymère poly(éthylènediimine) a été choisi afin de générer la paroi des microcapsules. Les enzymes laccase et glucose oxidase, dont les propriétés sont bien établies, seront utilisées comme biomolécules test. Dans un premier temps, deux procédures d’encapsulation ont été développées puis étudiées. La méthode par émulsion produit des microcapsules de plus petits diamètres que la méthode par encapsulation utilisant un encapsulateur, bien que cette dernière offre une meilleure efficacité d’encapsulation. Par la suite, l’effet de la procédure d’encapsulation sur l’activité enzymatique et la stabilité thermique des enzymes a été étudié à cause de l’importance du maintien de l’activité sur le développement d’une plateforme d’immobilisation. L’effet de la nature du polymère utilisé pour la fabrication des capsules sur la conformation de l’enzyme a été étudié pour la première fois. Finalement, l’applicabilité des microcapsules de poly(éthylèneimine) dans la confection de papiers bioactifs a été démontré par le biais de trois prototypes. Un papier réagissant au glucose a été obtenu en immobilisant des microcapsules contenant l’enzyme glucose oxidase. Un papier sensible à l’enzyme neuraminidase pour la détection de la vaginose bactérienne avec une plus grande stabilité durant l’entreposage a été fait en encapsulant les réactifs colorimétriques dans des capsules de poly(éthylèneimine). L’utilisation de microcapsules pour l’immobilisation d’anticorps a également été étudiée. Les avancées au niveau de la plateforme d’immobilisation de biomolécules par microencapsulation qui ont été réalisées lors de cette thèse permettront de mieux comprendre l’effet des réactifs impliqués dans la procédure de microencapsulation sur la stabilité, l’activité et la conformation des biomolécules. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que la plateforme d’immobilisation développée peut être appliquée pour la confection de nouveaux papiers bioactifs.


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The research work which was carried out to characterization of wastes from natural rubber and rubber wood processing industries and their utilization for biomethanation. Environmental contamination is an inevitable consequence of human activity. The liquid and solid wastes from natural rubber based industries were: characterized and their use for the production of biogas investigated with a view to conserve conventional energy, and to mitigate environmental degradation.Rubber tree (flevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.), is the most important commercial source of natural rubber and in india. Recently, pollution from the rubber processing factories has become very serious due to the introduction of modern methods and centralized group processing practices.The possibility of the use of spent slurry as organic manure is discussed.l0 percent level of PSD, the activity of cellulolytic, acid producing,proteolytic, lipolytic and methanogenic bacteria were more in the middle stage of methanogenesis.the liquid wastes from rubber processing used as diluents in combination with PSD, SPE promoted more biogas production with high methane content in the gas.The factors that favour methane production like TS, VS, cellulose and hemicellulose degradation were favoured in this treatment which led to higher methane biogenesis.The results further highlight ways and means to use agricultural wastes as alternative sources of energy.


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A critical survey of the fruits and vegetable markets of the towns and cities in South India reveals that banana fruit stalk wastes share a dominant proportion among the solid wastes generated. In the light of the review of literature presented in the foregoing section, few reports are available on the utilisation of banana waste for the production of alcoholic beverages, biogas, and single cell protein. However, it is not yet tried for the production of industrial enzymes. Moreover, preliminary fermentation studies conducted under uncontrolled conditions revealed that banana fruit stalk could be aptly utilised as solid substrate? for the industrial production of microbial amylases and cellulases at a cheaper cost. Therefore, it was proposed to conduct a detailed study towards the development of a suitable fermentation process for the production of industrial enzymes using banana fruit stalk wastes, which is rich in carbohydrate, as solid substrate, employing bacteria, under SSF.


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Solid waste generation is a natural consequence of human activity and is increasing along with population growth, urbanization and industrialization. Improper disposal of the huge amount of solid waste seriously affects the environment and contributes to climate change by the release of greenhouse gases. Practicing anaerobic digestion (AD) for the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) can reduce emissions to environment and thereby alleviate the environmental problems together with production of biogas, an energy source, and digestate, a soil amendment. The amenability of substrate for biogasification varies from substrate to substrate and different environmental and operating conditions such as pH, temperature, type and quality of substrate, mixing, retention time etc. Therefore, the purpose of this research work is to develop feasible semi-dry anaerobic digestion process for the treatment of OFMSW from Kerala, India for potential energy recovery and sustainable waste management. This study was carried out in three phases in order to reach the research purpose. In the first phase, batch study of anaerobic digestion of OFMSW was carried out for 100 days at 32°C (mesophilic digestion) for varying substrate concentrations. The aim of this study was to obtain the optimal conditions for biogas production using response surface methodology (RSM). The parameters studied were initial pH, substrate concentration and total organic carbon (TOC). The experimental results showed that the linear model terms of initial pH and substrate concentration and the quadratic model terms of the substrate concentration and TOC had significant individual effect (p < 0.05) on biogas yield. However, there was no interactive effect between these variables (p > 0.05). The optimum conditions for maximizing the biogas yield were a substrate concentration of 99 g/l, an initial pH of 6.5 and TOC of 20.32 g/l. AD of OFMSW with optimized substrate concentration of 99 g/l [Total Solid (TS)-10.5%] is a semi-dry digestion system .Under the optimized condition, the maximum biogas yield was 53.4 L/kg VS (volatile solid).. In the second phase, semi-dry anaerobic digestion of organic solid wastes was conducted for 45 days in a lab-scale batch experiment for substrate concentration of 100 g/l (TS-11.2%) for investigating the start-up performances under thermophilic condition (50°C). The performance of the reactor was evaluated by measuring the daily biogas production and calculating the degradation of total solids and the total volatile solids. The biogas yield at the end of the digestion was 52.9 L/kg VS for the substrate concentration of 100 g/l. About 66.7% of volatile solid degradation was obtained during the digestion. A first order model based on the availability of substrate as the limiting factor was used to perform the kinetic studies of batch anaerobic digestion system. The value of reaction rate constant, k, obtained was 0.0249 day-1. A laboratory bench scale reactor with a capacity of 36.8 litres was designed and fabricated to carry out the continuous anaerobic digestion of OFMSW in the third phase. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the digester at total solid concentration of 12% (semi-dry) under mesophlic condition (32°C). The digester was operated with different organic loading rates (OLRs) and constant retention time. The performance of the reactor was evaluated using parameters such as pH, volatile fatty acid (VFA), alkalinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), TOC and ammonia-N as well as biogas yield. During the reactor’s start-up period, the process is stable and there is no inhibition occurred and the average biogas production was 14.7 L/day. The reactor was fed in continuous mode with different OLRs (3.1,4.2 and 5.65 kg VS/m3/d) at constant retention time of 30 days. The highest volatile solid degradation of 65.9%, with specific biogas production of 368 L/kg VS fed was achieved with OLR of 3.1 kg VS/m3/d. Modelling and simulation of anaerobic digestion of OFMSW in continuous operation is done using adapted Anaerobic Digestion Model No 1 (ADM1).The proposed model, which has 34 dynamic state variables, considers both biochemical and physicochemical processes and contains several inhibition factors including three gas components. The number of processes considered is 28. The model is implemented in Matlab® version The model based on adapted ADM1 was tested to simulate the behaviour of a bioreactor for the mesophilic anaerobic digestion of OFMSW at OLR of 3.1 kg VS/m3/d. ADM1 showed acceptable simulating results.


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O processo de transformação da pele em couro envolve uma seqüência complexa de reações químicas e processos mecânicos, no qual o curtimento representa fundamental estágio, por propiciar à pele características como qualidade, estabilidade hidrotérmica e excelentes propriedades para uso. O sulfato básico de cromo trivalente é o agente curtente predominantemente empregado no curtimento de peles em todo o mundo. É produzido a partir do cromato de sódio, industrialmente obtido do minério de cromo. Consideráveis quantidades de resíduos sólidos contendo cromo são geradas pelas indústrias coureira e calçadista. Estes resíduos tem sido motivo de preocupação constante, uma vez que são considerados perigosos devido a presença do cromo. O processo de incineração destes resíduos é uma importante alternativa a ser considerada, em decorrência de suas características de redução de massa, volume e possibilidade de aproveitamento da energia térmica dos gases de combustão. O processo de incineração dos resíduos das indústrias coureira e calçadista dá origem a cinzas contendo cerca de 40% de cromo que pode ser submetida a um processo de recuperação. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da pesquisa sobre a utilização das cinzas, provenientes da incineração dos resíduos sólidos da indústria coureira e da indústria calçadista, para a produção de cromato de sódio(VI). No processo de planejamento e de condução dos experimentos foram utilizadas as técnicas de Planejamento Fatorial 2k, Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta e Análise de Variância na avaliação da produção de cromato de sódio(VI). Os fatores investigados foram: temperatura, taxa de aquecimento, tempo de reação, vazão de ar e quantidade de dolomita. A partir das variáveis selecionadas identificaram-se como parâmetros importantes a temperatura e a taxa de aquecimento. As superfícies de resposta tridimensionais obtidas a partir dos modelos de segunda ordem ajustados aos dados experimentais, apresentaram o comportamento do efeito conjugado dos fatores temperatura e taxa de aquecimento sobre a variável resposta grau de oxidação, desde a temperatura de inicio da reação química até a temperatura limite utilizada industrialmente. As condições de operação do processo de produção de cromato de sódio(VI) foram otimizadas. Os níveis ótimos dos fatores de controle aplicados as cinzas dos resíduos da indústria calçadista, geradas em uma planta piloto com incinerador de leito fixo, com tecnologia de gaseificação e combustão combinadas, apresentaram um grau de oxidação superior a 96% para as cinzas coletadas no ciclone e de 99,5% para as cinzas coletas no reator de gaseificação. Os resíduos sólidos, as cinzas e o produto de reação foram caracterizados por análises químicas, fluorescência de raio-X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e difração de raio-X.


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Mangrove swamps are found in estuaries along the coastal plains of tropical regions and have be subjected to heavy occupation and use pressure due to their privileged locations and abundance of biological resources. The present work evaluated the ecological characteristics and solid wastes accumulated in eight areas along the Santos - Sao Vicente Estuary Complex. The superficially deposited residues at each sampling site were collected and subsequently washed, drained, counted, weighed and separated into classes according to their composition and predominant use. The predominant litter type in terms of density was plastic (62.81%) and, by weight, wood (55.53%). The greatest deposition of residues was associated with areas that were less inclined and that had low plant density levels, indicating that the presence of obstacles was not critical for retaining floating residues in mangrove areas. The presence of the most frequently encountered types of solid waste residues could be explained by local activities. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.