924 resultados para Paper -- Propietats físiques
Ramon Carbó-Dorca va néixer a Girona un dia de tardor de 1940 en què la ciutat es negava en les aigües dels seus rius. Començar la vida enmig d’una contingència com aquella l’ha dut a pensar —explica— que no paga la pena preocupar-se de segons quines coses. Carbó-Dorca estudia a través de la semblança molecular la relació entre l’estructura i les propietats de les molècules
En aquest treball es descriu l'ús de les mesures de semblança molecular quàntica (MSMQ) per a caracteritzar propietats i activitats biològiques moleculars, i definir descriptors emprables per a construir models QSAR i QSPR. L'estudi que es presenta consisteix en la continuació d'un treball recent, on es descrivien relacions entre el paràmetre log P i MSMQ, donant així una alternativa a aquest parimetre hidrofòbic empíric. L'actual contribució presenta una nova mesura, capaç d'estendre l'ús de les MSMQ, que consisteix en l'energia de repulsió electró-electró (Vee). Aquest valor, disponible normalment a partir de programari de química quàntica, considera la molècula com una sola entitat, i no cal recórrer a l'ús de contribucions de fragments. La metodologia s'ha aplicat a cinc tipus diferents de compostos on diferents propietats moleculars i activitats biològiques s'han correlacionat amb Vee com a únic descriptor molecular. En tots els casos estudiats, s'han obtingut correlacions satisfactòries.
En una tesi anterior (Puig, 2004) es varen estudiar els aspectes mecànics vinculats al desfibratge i als consums energètics associats al procés de desintegració per acabar quantificant les forces implicades en el procés d'individualització dels components de diferents paperots. Aquest estudi, ha permès conèixer les condicions de desintegració que condueixen a un mínim consum energètic, aspecte complementari al reciclatge i destintatge del paperot però molt important per aconseguir un procés realment sostenible. Degut als requeriments del mercat, hi ha un altre aspecte o vessant realment important com és l'eliminació de tinta. Aquest procés, malgrat la complexitat industrial, es pot reduir o simplificar en dues etapes: la desintegració i la flotació. Ambdues, per raons d'eficàcia i condicionades pels agents químics que s'utilitzen, es realitzen en medi fortament alcalí (entorn d'un pH a 12). Aquest fet, genera una forta contaminació (DQO elevada) i per tant, és un procés poc respectuós amb el medi ambient. Els factors que condicionen treballar en medi alcalí són principalment, el despreniment de la tinta del suport, clarament accelerat en medi bàsic i fonamental per un bon destintatge i la utilització de tensioactius aniònics. Aquests tensioactius són sensibles al pH i la seva eficàcia disminueix en medi neutre o quasi neutre. Atès el que s'ha exposat, s'ha plantejat aquesta tesi que porta per títol "Aspectes Físics i Químics del Destintatge de Paper Revista mitjançant Tensioactius Catiònics", com un estudi del procés de destintatge de paper revista recuperat parant especial atenció a les variables físico-químiques i mecàniques del procés i a la seva influència en el despreniment i fragmentació de la tinta, així com en el procés d'eliminació de la tinta per flotació per tal d'avaluar la viabilitat d'un procés de destintatge en medi neutre enfront del destintatge alcalí convencional. S'ha utilitzat, com a paperot a destintar, el paper revista ja que aquest tipus de paper representa un percentatge elevat del paper recuperat a la Unió Europea. A més, aquest tipus de paper és utilitzat habitualment en les plantes de destintatge industrials per millorar les propietats de les suspensions destintades de paper de diari. La utilització de tensioactius catiònics és deguda a que la seva activitat no es veu afectada pel pH de la suspensió. Així, durant la comparació dels processos de destintatge en medi neutre i en medi alcalí, les eficàcies dels processos no es veuran influenciades pel grau d'ionització del tensioactiu. Donada l'absència d'estudis sobre la influència de les variables del procés en les mesures de concentració efectiva de tinta residual (ERIC) i ja que s'ha emprat aquest paràmetre per avaluar el despreniment i fragmentació de la tinta durant l'etapa de desintegració. En primer lloc, s'ha plantejat un estudi fonamental de la influència que poden tenir les variables del procés (granulometria, concentració de tinta i tipus de suport) en aquest paràmetre. Pel que fa a l'etapa de flotació, s'estudiarà l'efectivitat d'aquesta etapa, posant especial atenció a la capacitat del tensioactiu per eliminar tota la tinta despresa en l'etapa de desintegració. A més, donada la poca informació bibliogràfica referida als mecanismes de flotació amb tensioactius catiònics i la influència que té l'adsorció d'aquests agents per part de la suspensió paperera en l'etapa de flotació, s'ha dut a terme un estudi de l'adsorció dels tensioactius catiònics per part dels components d'una suspensió paperera. Per tant, la tesi realitzada té com a objectius: Estudi fonamental de les mesures de ERIC (concentració efectiva de tinta residual) amb suports específics. Estudi de la desintegració en medi neutre i comparació amb la desintegració clàssica. Modelització del desfibratge de paperot a l'etapa de desintegració. Estudi de l'eliminació de tinta per flotació en medi neutre i comparació amb la flotació clàssica. Estudi del mecanisme d'adsorció de tensioactius en suspensions de cel·lulosa sintètica i de paperot.
To detect the presence of male DNA in vaginal samples collected from survivors of sexual violence and stored on filter paper. A pilot study was conducted to evaluate 10 vaginal samples spotted on sterile filter paper: 6 collected at random in April 2009 and 4 in October 2010. Time between sexual assault and sample collection was 4-48hours. After drying at room temperature, the samples were placed in a sterile envelope and stored for 2-3years until processing. DNA extraction was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction for human β-globin, and the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was quantified. The presence of the Y chromosome was detected using primers for sequences in the TSPY (Y7/Y8 and DYS14) and SRY genes. β-Globin was detected in all 10 samples, while 2 samples were positive for PSA. Half of the samples amplified the Y7/Y8 and DYS14 sequences of the TSPY gene and 30% amplified the SRY gene sequence of the Y chromosome. Four male samples and 1 female sample served as controls. Filter-paper spots stored for periods of up to 3years proved adequate for preserving genetic material from vaginal samples collected following sexual violence.
Paper has become increasingly recognized as a very interesting substrate for the construction of microfluidic devices, with potential application in a variety of areas, including health diagnosis, environmental monitoring, immunoassays and food safety. The aim of this review is to present a short history of analytical systems constructed from paper, summarize the main advantages and disadvantages of fabrication techniques, exploit alternative methods of detection such as colorimetric, electrochemical, photoelectrochemical, chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence, as well as to take a closer look at the novel achievements in the field of bioanalysis published during the last 2 years. Finally, the future trends for production of such devices are discussed.
We reported here for the first time that triboelectric charges on PET sheets can be used to seal and control the flow rate in paper-based devices. The proposed method exhibits simplicity and low cost, provides reversible sealing and minimizes the effect of sample evaporation.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the contamination status of endodontic absorbent paper points from sterilized or not sterilized commercial packs, as well as paper points exposed to the dental office environment. METHODS: Twenty absorbent paper points were evaluated for contamination status packed under different conditions: commercial/sterilized pack, commercial/non-sterilized pack, exposed to the clinical environment, and intentionally contaminated (positive control). Contamination was determined qualitatively and quantitatively by aerobiosis, capnophilic growth, and pour plate. The Petri dishes were analyzed with a colony counter, and the results were expressed as colony-forming units. The data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0.05). RESULTS: No difference in colony-forming units was found among the groups of endodontic absorbent paper points. All groups were contaminated by fungi and bacteria. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the sterilization of absorbent endodontic paper points before clinical use should be recommended regardless of commercial presentation
This paper describes three-dimensional microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (3-D mu PADs) that can be programmed (postfabrication) by the user to generate multiple patterns of flow through them. These devices are programmed by pressing single-use 'on' buttons, using a stylus or a ballpoint pen. Pressing a button closes a small space (gap) between two vertically aligned microfluidic channels, and allows fluids to wick from one channel to the other. These devices are simple to fabricate, and are made entirely out of paper and double-sided adhesive tape. Programmable devices expand the capabilities of mu PADs and provide a simple method for controlling the movement of fluids in paper-based channels. They are the conceptual equivalent of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) widely used in electronics.
The impact of ozone oxidation on removing high molecular weight (HMW) organics in order to improve the biodegradability of alkaline bleach plant effluent was investigated using a semi-batch reactor under different initial pH (12 and 7). After the ozonation process, the ratio of BOD5/COD increased from 0.07 to 0.16 and 0.22 for initial pH 12 and 7, respectively. Also, the effluent color decreased by 48% and 61% at initial pH 12 and pH 7, respectively. These changes were primarily driven by reductions of the HMW fractions of the effluent during ozonation.
Paper products show dimensional changes when subjected to moisture content modification. Hygroexpansivity was investigated in a commercial paper machine operating at 1256 m/min by a set of measurements on 75 g/m(2) reprographic bleached eucalyptus pulp paper samples. The present work shows hygroexpansivity development in different sections of the paper machine along the manufacturing direction. The measurement results demonstrate the effects of papermaking process operations on paper hygroexpansivity and lead to the confirmation of fiber orientation degree, drying restraint and shrinkage and paper tension as significant influencing factors. Structural, strength and elastic properties of paper were also measured as a function of machine direction position and presented for discussion purposes.
Reproductive conflicts within animal societies occur when all females can potentially reproduce. In social insects, these conflicts are regulated largely by behaviour and chemical signalling. There is evidence that presence of signals, which provide direct information about the quality of the reproductive females would increase the fitness of all parties. In this study, we present an association between visual and chemical signals in the paper wasp Polistes satan. Our results showed that in nest-founding phase colonies, variation of visual signals is linked to relative fertility, while chemical signals are related to dominance status. In addition, experiments revealed that higher hierarchical positions were occupied by subordinates with distinct proportions of cuticular hydrocarbons and distinct visual marks. Therefore, these wasps present cues that convey reliable information of their reproductive status.
Lead (Pb) contamination in the black paper that recovers intraoral films (BKP) has been investigated. BKP samples were collected from the Radiology Clinics of the Dental School of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. For sake of comparison, four different methods were used. The results revealed the presence of high lead levels, well above the maximum limit allowed by the legislation. Pb contamination levels achieved after the following treatments: paper digestion in nitric acid, microwave treatment, DIN38414-54 method and TCLP method were 997 mu g g(-1), 189 mu g g(-1), 20.8 mu g g(-1), and 54.0 mu g g(-1), respectively. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) were employed for lead determination according to the protocols of the applied methods. Lead contamination in used BKP was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (SEM-EDS). All the SEM imaging was carried out in the secondary electron mode (SE) and backscattered-electron mode (QBSD) following punctual X-ray fluorescence spectra. Soil contamination derived from this product revealed the urgent need of addressing this problem. These elevated Pb levels, show that a preliminary treatment of BKP is mandatory before it is disposed into the common trash. The high lead content of this material makes its direct dumping into the environment unwise. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: A consensus meeting of representatives of 18 Latin-American and Caribbean countries gathered in Renaca, Chile, for 2 days to identify problems and provide recommendations for the care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Latin America, a region where poverty and other health priorities make the efforts to provide effective and high quality care difficult. This report includes recommendations for health professionals, patients, and health authorities in Latin America, with an emphasis oil education and therapeutic issues. Methods: Fifty-one rheumatologists (list available only online on the JCR website) from 18 Latin-American and Caribbean countries with a special interest in RA participated in the consensus meeting. Participants were experts identified and appointed by the National Societies of Rheumatology affiliated with the Pan-American League of Associations for Rheumatology (PANLAR) and by the Grupo Latino Americano De Estudio de Artritis Reumatoide (GLADAR)-an independent group of Latin American rheumatologist researchers were also invited to the meeting. Eight topics were identified as priorities: patient, community and allied health professional education, health policy and decision making, programs for early detection and appropriate treatment of RA, role of classic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), role of biologic therapy, and drug safety surveillance. To reach consensus, a survey with questions relevant to the topic of interest was sent to all participants before the meeting. During a 2 day meeting, the answers of the survey were reviewed and discussed by each group, with final recommendations on action items. Results: The specific topic of the survey was answered by 86% of the participants and 68% of them answered the entire survey. It was agreed that RA and rheumatic diseases which are currently not but should be public health priorities in Latin America, because of their prevalence and impact on quality of life. Conclusions: Strategic areas identified as priorities for our region included: early diagnosis and access to care by multidisciplinary teams, creation of databases to identify infections with the use of biologic agents in RA which are relevant to Latin America, and overall efforts to improve the care of RA patients in accordance with international standards. Implementation of educational programs aimed to improve self-management for patients with RA was also considered crucial.