997 resultados para Papaya ringspot virus


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A alface (Lactuca sativa L.), pertencente a família Asteracea, é uma das principais hortaliças folhosas cultivadas no Brasil. Em um cultivo de alface no município de Altamira, Estado do Pará, observou-se plantas apresentando manchas necróticas e bronzeamento das folhas, sintomas característicos de Tospovirus. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar a espécie viral através dos testes de RT-PCR e sequenciamento do DNA. Para isso, amostras das plantas doentes foram levadas ao laboratório de fitopatologia da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental para realizar a extração do DNA e RT-PCR utilizando primers universais para o gênero Tospovirus (BR60/BR65). O produto do RT-PCR foi purificado e enviado para sequenciamento. As sequências foram avaliadas utilizando os programas Blastn, ClustalW e MEGA 7.0. Os isolados de alface provenientes do município de Altamira-PA foram identificados como Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV).


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Background: Potyviruses are found world wide, are spread by probing aphids and cause considerable crop damage. Potyvirus is one of the two largest plant virus genera and contains about 15% of all named plant virus species. When and why did the potyviruses become so numerous? Here we answer the first question and discuss the other. Methods and Findings: We have inferred the phylogenies of the partial coat protein gene sequences of about 50 potyviruses, and studied in detail the phylogenies of some using various methods and evolutionary models. Their phylogenies have been calibrated using historical isolation and outbreak events: the plum pox virus epidemic which swept through Europe in the 20th century, incursions of potyviruses into Australia after agriculture was established by European colonists, the likely transport of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus in cowpea seed from Africa to the Americas with the 16th century slave trade and the similar transport of papaya ringspot virus from India to the Americas. Conclusions/Significance: Our studies indicate that the partial coat protein genes of potyviruses have an evolutionary rate of about 1.1561024 nucleotide substitutions/site/year, and the initial radiation of the potyviruses occurred only about 6,600 years ago, and hence coincided with the dawn of agriculture. We discuss the ways in which agriculture may have triggered the prehistoric emergence of potyviruses and fostered their speciation.


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Cucurbits species grown in 38 of 40 agricultural regions in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were surveyed for the relative incidence of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Papaya ringspot virus-type W (PRSV-W), Watermelon mosaic virus-2 (WMV-2), Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus (ZLCV), and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) during May 1997 and June 1999. Samples from 621 plants, representing eight cultivated species, six wild species, and one commercial hybrid (Cucurbita moschata x C. maxima), were analyzed by plate trapped antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PTA-ELISA). PRSV-W and ZYMV were the most frequently found viruses, accounting for 49.1 and 24.8%, respectively, of 605 samples tested. ZLCV, CMV, and WMV-2 were detected in 7.8, 6.0, and 4.5% of 612, 497, and 423 samples tested, respectively. Double infection was found in 97 samples, and triple infection was found in 10 samples. Quadruple infection was detected in one C. pepo sample. Plants that were symptomatic but negative by PTA-ELISA might be due to abiotic agents, infection by virus for which antiserum was not available, such as Squash mosaic virus, or infection with an as yet uncharacterized virus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children under 5 years of age and the elderly, causing annual disease outbreaks during the fall and winter. Multiple lineages of the HRSVA and HRSVB serotypes co-circulate within a single outbreak and display a strongly temporal pattern of genetic variation, with a replacement of dominant genotypes occurring during consecutive years. In the present study we utilized phylogenetic methods to detect and map sites subject to adaptive evolution in the G protein of HRSVA and HRSVB. A total of 29 and 23 amino acid sites were found to be putatively positively selected in HRSVA and HRSVB, respectively. Several of these sites defined genotypes and lineages within genotypes in both groups, and correlated well with epitopes previously described in group A. Remarkably, 18 of these positively selected tended to revert in time to a previous codon state, producing a flipflop phylogenetic pattern. Such frequent evolutionary reversals in HRSV are indicative of a combination of frequent positive selection, reflecting the changing immune status of the human population, and a limited repertoire of functionally viable amino acids at specific amino acid sites.


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To fully understand vascular transport of plant viruses, the viral and host proteins, their structures and functions, and the specific vascular cells in which these factors function must be determined. We report here on the ability of various cDNA-derived coat protein (CP) mutants of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) to invade vascular cells in minor veins of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi nn. The mutant viruses we studied, TMV CP-O, U1mCP15-17, and SNC015, respectively, encode a CP from a different tobamovirus (i.e., from odontoglossum ringspot virus) resulting in the formation of non-native capsids, a mutant CP that accumulates in aggregates but does not encapsidate the viral RNA, or no CP. TMV CP-O is impaired in phloem-dependent movement, whereas U1mCP15-17 and SNC015 do not accumulate by phloem-dependent movement. In developmentally-defined studies using immunocytochemical analyses we determined that all of these mutants invaded vascular parenchyma cells within minor veins in inoculated leaves. In addition, we determined that the CPs of TMV CP-O and U1mCP15-17 were present in companion (C) cells of minor veins in inoculated leaves, although more rarely than CP of wild-type virus. These results indicate that the movement of TMV into minor veins does not require the CP, and an encapsidation-competent CP is not required for, but may increase the efficiency of, movement into the conducting complex of the phloem (i.e., the C cell/sieve element complex). Also, a host factor(s) functions at or beyond the C cell/sieve element interface with other cells to allow efficient phloem-dependent accumulation of TMV CP-O.


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Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) was described for the first time in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) about seven decades ago. Tanganyika (now Tanzania) about seven decades ago. It was endemic in the lowland areas of East Africa and inland parts of Malawi and caused by Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV; genus Ipomovirus; Potyviridae). However, in 1990s CBSD was observed at high altitude areas in Uganda. The causes for spread to new locations were not known.The present work was thus initiated to generate information on genetic variability, clarify the taxonomy of the virus or viruses associated with CBSD in Eastern Africa as well as to understand the evolutionary forces acting on their genes. It also sought to develop a molecular based diagnostic tool for detection of CBSD-associated virus isolates. Comparison of the CP-encoding sequences of CBSD-associated virus isolates collected from Uganda and north-western Tanzania in 2007 and the partial sequences available in Genbank revealed occurrence of two genetically distinct groups of isolates. Two isolates were selected to represent the two groups. The complete genomes of isolates MLB3 (TZ:Mlb3:07) and Kor6 (TZ:Kor6:08) obtained from North-Western (Kagera) and North-Eastern (Tanga) Tanzania, respectively, were sequenced. The genomes were 9069 and 8995 nucleotides (nt), respectively. They translated into polyproteins that were predicted to yield ten mature proteins after cleavage. Nine proteins were typical in the family Potyviridae, namely P1, P3, 6K1, CI, 6K2, VPg, NIa-Pro, NIb and CP, but the viruses did not contain HC-Pro. Interestingly, genomes of both isolates contained a Maf/HAM1-like sequence (HAM1h; 678 nucleotides, 25 kDa) recombined between the NIb and CP domains in the 3’-proximal part of the genomes. HAM1h was also identified in Euphorbia ringspot virus (EuRSV) whose sequence was in GenBank. The HAM1 gene is widely spread in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) it is known to be a nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) pyrophosphatase. Novel information was obtained on the structural variation at the N-termini of polyproteins of viruses in the genus Ipomovirus. Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV) and Squash vein yellowing virus (SqVYV) contain a duplicated P1 (P1a and P1b) but lack the HC-Pro. On the other hand, Sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV), has a single but large P1 and has HC-Pro. Both virus isolates (TZ:Mlb3:07 & TZ:Kor6:08) characterized in this study contained a single P1 and lacked the HC-Pro which indicates unique evolution in the family Potyviridae. Comparison of 12 complete genomes of CBSD-associated viruses which included two genomes characterized in this study, revealed genetic identity of 69.0–70.3% (nt) and amino acid (aa) identities of 73.6–74.4% at polyprotein level. Comparison was also made among 68 complete CP sequences, which indicated 69.0-70.3 and 73.6-74.4 % identity at nt and aa levels, respectively. The genetic variation was large enough for dermacation of CBSD-associated virus isolates into two distinct species. The name CBSV was retained for isolates that were related to CBSV isolates available in database whereas the new virus described for the first time in this study was named Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV) by the International Committee on Virus Taxonomy (ICTV). The isolates TZ:Mlb3:07 and TZ:Kor6:08 belong to UCBSV and CBSV, respectively. The isolates of CBSV and UCBSV were 79.3-95.5% and 86.3-99.3 % identitical at nt level, respectively, suggesting more variation amongst CBSV isolates. The main sources of variation in plant viruses are mutations and recombination. Signals for recombination events were detected in 50% of isolates of each virus. Recombination events were detected in coding and non-coding (3’-UTR) sequences except in the 5’UTR and P3. There was no evidence for recombination between isolates of CBSV and UCBSV. The non-synonomous (dN) to synonomous (dS) nucleotide substitution ratio (ω) for the HAM1h and CP domains of both viruses were ≤ 0.184 suggesting that most sites of these proteins were evolving under strong purifying selection. However, there were individual amino acid sites that were submitted to adaptive evolution. For instance, adaptive evolution was detected in the HAM1h of UCBSV (n=15) where 12 aa sites were under positive selection (P< 0.05) but not in CBSV (n=12). The CP of CBSV (n=23) contained 12 aa sites (p<0.01) while only 5 aa sites in the CP gene of UCBSV were predicted to be submitted to positive selection pressure (p<0.01). The advantages offered by the aa sites under positive selection could not be established but occurrence of such sites in the terminal ends of UCBSV-HAMIh, for example, was interpreted as a requirement for proteolysis during polyprotein processing. Two different primer pairs that simultaneously detect UCBSV and CBSV isolates were developed in this study. They were used successfully to study distribution of CBSV, UCBSV and their mixed infections in Tanzania and Uganda. It was established that the two viruses co-infect cassava and that incidences of co-infection could be as high as 50% around Lake Victoria on the Tanzanian side. Furthermore, it was revealed for the first time that both UCBSV and CBSV were widely distributed in Eastern Africa. The primer pair was also used to confirm infection in a close relative of cassava, Manihot glaziovii (Müller Arg.) with CBSV. DNA barcoding of M. glaziovii was done by sequencing the matK gene. Two out of seven M. glaziovii from the coastal areas of Korogwe and Kibaha in north eastern Tanzania were shown to be infected by CBSV but not UCBSV isolates. Detection in M. glaziovii has an implication in control and management of CBSD as it is likely to serve as virus reservoir. This study has contributed to the understanding of evolution of CBSV and UCBSV, which cause CBSD epidemic in Eastern Africa. The detection tools developed in this work will be useful in plant breeding, verification of the phytosanitary status of materials in regional and international movement of germplasm, and in all diagnostic activities related to management of CBSD. Whereas there are still many issues to be resolved such as the function and biological significance of HAM1h and its origin, this work has laid a foundation upon which the studies on these aspects can be based.


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Il existe plusieurs défis au développement d’une thérapie visant à stimuler l’immunité cellulaire. Dans la prévention contre certains virus et en immunothérapie du cancer, l’induction de lymphocytes T spécifiques est cependant primordiale. Dans la première partie de l’étude, nous avons porté notre attention sur la compréhension de la présentation croisée par le complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité de classe I (CMH I) médiée par des particules pseudo-virales (VLP) composées de la protéine de surface de potexvirus à laquelle nous avons ajouté un épitope de la protéine M1 du virus de l’influenza ou un épitope de la protéine gp100 du mélanome. Cette VLP se caractérise par sa capacité à stimuler, sans l’aide d’adjuvant, le système immunitaire et de présenter de façon croisée l’épitope inséré dans sa protéine de surface et ce, indépendamment de l’activité du protéasome. Nous avons, tout d’abord, comparé les propriétés de présentation antigénique croisée des VLP formées du virus de la mosaïque de la malva (MaMV) à celles des VLP du virus de la mosaïque de la papaye (PapMV). Les résultats confirment que ces propriétés sont partagées par plusieurs membres de la famille des potexvirus malgré des divergences de séquences (Hanafi et al. Vaccine 2010). De plus, nous avons procédé à des expériences pour préciser le mécanisme menant à la présentation de l’épitope inséré dans les VLP de PapMV. Les résultats nous confirment une voie vacuolaire dépendante de l’activité de la cathepsine S et de l’acidification des lysosomes pour l’apprêtement antigénique. L’induction de l’autophagie par les VLP semble également nécessaire à la présentation croisée par les VLP de PapMV. Nous avons donc établi un nouveau mécanisme de présentation croisée vacuolaire dépendant de l’autophagie (Hanafi et al. soumis Autophagy). En second lieu, en immunothérapie du cancer, il est aussi important de contrôler les mécanismes d’évasion immunitaire mis en branle par la tumeur. Nous avons spécifiquement étudié l’enzyme immunosuppressive indoleamine 2,3-dioxygénase (IDO) (revue de la littérature dans les tumeurs humaines; Hanafi et al. Clin. Can. Res 2011) et son inhibition dans les cellules tumorales. Pour ce faire, nous avons tenté d’inhiber son expression par la fludarabine, agent chimiothérapeutique précédemment étudié pour son activité inhibitrice de l’activation de STAT1 (signal transducers and activators of transcription 1). Étonnamment, nos résultats ont montré l’inhibition d’IDO dans les cellules tumorales par la fludarabine, indépendamment de l’inhibition de la phosphorylation de STAT1. Nous avons démontré que le mécanisme d’action dépendait plutôt de l’induction de la dégradation d’IDO par le protéasome (Hanafi et al. PlosOne 2014). Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont donc portés autant sur la compréhension d’une nouvelle plateforme de vaccination pouvant médier l’activation de lymphocytes T CD8+ cytotoxiques et sur le contrôle d’une immunosuppression établie par les cellules tumorales pour évader au système immunitaire. Ces deux grandes stratégies sont à considérer en immunothérapie du cancer et la combinaison avec d’autres thérapies déjà existantes pourra permettre une meilleure réponse clinique.


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O gene Sw-5 do tomateiro confere resistência a várias espécies de tospovírus e codifica uma proteína contendo domínios de ligação a nucleotídeos e repetições ricas em leucina. Tomateiros com Sw-5 exibem reações necróticas nas folhas inoculadas com tospovírus. Estas reações e a estrutura da proteína Sw-5 indicam que a resistência ocorre por meio do reconhecimento do patógeno e desencadeamento da resposta de hipersensibilidade. A capacidade de Sw-5 de conferir resistência a tospovírus em tabaco selvagem (Nicotiana benthamiana Domin.) foi avaliada em plantas transgênicas. Uma construção com a seqüência aberta de leitura de Sw-5 e sua região 3 não-traduzida sob controle do promotor 35S do CaMV foi utilizada para transformação de N. benthamiana via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plantas de progênies R1 foram inoculadas com um isolado de tospovírus e avaliadas quanto à ocorrência de reação de hipersensibilidade e resistência à infecção sistêmica. em uma progênie com segregação 3:1 (resistente:suscetível), foi selecionada uma planta homozigota e sua progênie avaliada quanto ao espectro da resistência a tospovírus. Plantas com o transgene exibiram resposta de hipersensibilidade 48 h após a inoculação, sendo resistentes à infecção sistêmica. O fenótipo da resistência foi dependente do isolado viral e um isolado de Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) causou necrose sistêmica em todas as plantas inoculadas, enquanto que isolados de Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV) e um isolado relacionado a Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV) ficaram restritos ao sítio de infecção. Comparações do espectro da resistência obtido neste trabalho com aquele observado em outros membros da família Solanaceae indicam que as vias de transdução de sinais e as respostas de defesa ativadas por Sw-5 são conservadas dentro desta família e polimorfismos genéticos nas vias de transdução de sinais ou em componentes das respostas de defesa podem resultar em diferentes níveis de resistência.


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This study is aimed to analyze the thermal comfort in different areas in the city of São Paulo. Two different areas were selected, a densely built (Consolação district) and the other was Fontes do Ipiranga State Park (FISP), an area with only a few buildings and reduced impermeability. A micro-climatic ENVImet was used to simulate the interaction surface-atmosphere in the urban environment. The model resolution is between 0.5 and 10m. This model was developed by Bruse and Fleer (1998) and Bruse (2004). Through the thermal comfort index PMV (predicted mean vote) and MRT (mean radiant temperature) provided by the model, it revealed that the State Park displays PMV values close to comfortable compared to the other studied area. The analysis of thermal comfort index and the Wind flow showed the influence of high buildings in the local climatic environment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The situation in Europe concerning honeybees has in recent years become increasingly aggravated with steady decline in populations and/or catastrophic winter losses. This has largely been attributed to the occurrence of a variety of known and "unknown", emerging novel diseases. Previous studies have demonstrated that colonies often can harbour more than one pathogen, making identification of etiological agents with classical methods difficult. By employing an unbiased metagenomic approach, which allows the detection of both unexpected and previously unknown infectious agents, the detection of three viruses, Aphid Lethal Paralysis Virus (ALPV), Israel Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV), and Lake Sinai Virus (LSV), in honeybees from Spain is reported in this article. The existence of a subgroup of ALPV with the ability to infect bees was only recently reported and this is the first identification of such a strain in Europe. Similarly, LSV appear to be a still unclassified group of viruses with unclear impact on colony health and these viruses have not previously been identified outside of the United States. Furthermore, our study also reveals that these bees carried a plant virus, Turnip Ringspot Virus (TuRSV), potentially serving as important vector organisms. Taken together, these results demonstrate the new possibilities opened up by high-throughput sequencing and metagenomic analysis to study emerging new diseases in domestic and wild animal populations, including honeybees.


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Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was found by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to be not fully systemic in naturally infected kava (Piper methysticum) plants in Fiji. Twenty-six of 48 samples (54%) from various tissues of three recently infected plants were CMV-positive compared with 7/51 samples (14%) from three long-term infections (plants affected by dieback for more than 1 year). The virus was also found to have a limited ability to move into newly formed stems. CMV was detected in only 2/23 samples taken from re-growth stems arising from known CMV infected/dieback affected plants. Mechanical inoculation experiments conducted in Fiji indicate that the known kava intercrop plants banana (Musa spp.), pineapple (Ananas comosus), peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and the common weed Mikania micrantha are potential hosts for a dieback-causing strain of CMV It was not possible to transmit the virus mechanically to the common kava intercrop plants taro (Colocasia esculenta), Xanthosoma sp., sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), yam (Dioscorea alata), papaya (Carica papaya) or the weed Momordica charantia. Implications of the results of this research on a possible integrated disease management strategy are discussed.