997 resultados para Pactos de Mayo


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Dá sequência do estudo intitulado "A peça brasileira no cenário internacional em mil atos: reflexos do debate parlamentar entre 4 de outubro de 1988 e 31 de dezembro de 2010", com dois objetivos: a) inserir, no levantamento de dados anteriormente efetuado, relativo aos atos (ou pactos) internacionais celebrados pela República Federativa do Brasil, as informações novas, pertinentes ao ano de 2011, assim como informações adicionais referentes a 1988 (de 2 de janeiro e 3 de outubro, período imediatamente anterior à promulgação da Constituição de 1988); b) fazer a atualização geral de dados referentes ao período 1988-2011, fixando-se, como marco final, o início da sessão legislativa de 2012, recalculando-se os gráficos e tabelas apresentados no estudo anterior, para se traçar uma visão panorâmica quantitativa da tramitação legislativa de atos internacionais no Congresso Nacional, entre 1988 e 2011, indicando algumas tendências.


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Fecha: 1974 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 48 - Expediente 8-6 / Nº de pág.: 3 (mecanografiadas)


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Fecha: 23-6-1939 (>1970 copia) / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 45 - Expediente 2-9 / Nº de pág.: 3 (mecanografiadas)


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Fecha: 12-1/4-4/11-5-1940 (>1970 copia) / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 45 - Expediente 2-13 / Nº de pág.: 20 (mecanografiadas)


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[ES] Información sobre este proyecto ha servido de base a los siguientes artículos:


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Research laboratories in the Burrishoole catchment have been the focus of salmonid research since 1955. One aspect of the research has been to monitor the number of salmon and sea trout migrating to sea as smolts and returning to the catchment as adults. In the early 1990s it became clear that the smolt output from the catchment had declined over the previous two decades. At about the same time the presence of fine particles of peat silt in the hatchery became increasingly apparent and led to a higher incidence of mortality of young fry. These observations and management difficulties led to a study of silt transport in the surface waters of the catchment, which is described in this article. The authors describe geology, soils, climate and hydrology of Burrishoole before examining the sediment deposition in Lough Feeagh.


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The Burrishoole catchment is situated in County Mayo, on the northwest coast of the Republic of Ireland. Much of the catchment is covered by blanket peat that, in many areas, has become heavily eroded in recent years. This is thought to be due, primarily, to the adverse effects of forestry and agricultural activities in the area. Such activities include ploughing, drainage, the planting and harvesting of trees, and sheep farming, all of which are potentially damaging to such a sensitive landscape if not managed carefully. This article examines the sediment yield and hydrology of the Burrishoole catchment. Flow and sediment concentrations were measured at 8-hourly intervals from 5 February 2001 to 8 November 2001 with an automatic sampler and separate flow gauge, and hourly averages were recorded between 4 July 2002 and 6 September 2002 using an automatic river monitoring system [ARMS]. The authors describe the GIS-based model of soil erosion and transport that was applied to the Burrishoole catchment during this study. The results of these analyses were compared, in a qualitative manner, with the aerial photography available for the Burrishoole catchment to see whether areas that were predicted to contribute large proportions of eroded material to the drainage network corresponded with areas where peat erosion could be identified through photo-interpretation.


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A National Frog Survey of Ireland is planned for spring 2011. We conducted a pilot survey of 25 water bodies in ten 0.25 km2 survey squares in Co. Mayo during spring 2010. Drainage ditches were the most commonly available site for breeding and, generally, two 100 m stretches of ditch were surveyed in each square. The restricted period for peak spawning activity renders any methodology utilizing only one site visit inherently risky. Consequently, each site was visited three times from late March to early April. Occurrence of spawn declined significantly from 72 % to 44 % between the first and third visit whilst the overall occurrence of spawn at all sites was 76 %. As the breeding season advanced, spawn either hatched or was predated and, therefore, disappeared. In those water bodies where spawning was late, however, greater densities of spawn were deposited than in those sites where breeding was early. Consequently, spawn density and estimated frog density did not differ significantly between site visits. Future surveys should nevertheless include multiple site visits to avoid biased estimation of species occurrence and distribution. Ecological succession was identified as the main threat present at 44 % of sites.


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De entre los muchos repertorios de textos recogidos de la tradición oral hispánica que en los últimos años han ido publicándose, éste sobresale por un rasgo excepcional: su autor dedica igual espacio, aténcion, tiempo, rigor y esmero tanto al asunto puramente textual (los mayos) como as las cuestiones referidas al contexto folklórico (la fiesta) en el que los textos se actualizan.


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Los datos contenidos sobre la pesca de anchoveta durante el segundo trimestre de 1962 son una continuación del análisis presentado en los dos informes anteriores. Tiene las adiciones en el contenido. La primera es inclusión de datos sobre la actividad pesquera en Pucusana y Pisco, los cuales no estaban en los informes anteriores. La segunda es la presentación del promedio mensual del número de días que las plantas harineras estuvieron en operación en cada puerto de desembarque.