923 resultados para PROPER-MOTION
We have collected initial evidence that tidal interaction between a late-type star and its close-in, massive planet can lead to a spin-up of the host star. We propose to explore this further by studying a small sample of proper motion pairs in which one of the stars is orbited a Hot Jupiter. We will determine if the gyrochronal age is different for the two stars, which would indicate a tidal spin up of the planet host star. We propose to observe 3 such systems with XMM, and to perform similar Chandra observations of 3 more systems with angular separations
Formées lors de l’effondrement gravitationnel d’un nuage de gaz moléculaire, les étoiles naissantes auront différentes masses variant entre 0.08 et environ 100M . La majorité de la population stellaire de la Galaxie est constituée d’étoiles dont la masse est inférieure à environ 0.6 M . Le dernier évènement de formation stellaire dans le voisinage solaire s’est produit dans la bulle locale il y a au plus 100 millions d’années, vraisemblablement provoqué par le passage d’une onde de choc dans le bras local de la Galaxie. C’est ainsi que se formèrent de jeunes associations d’étoiles dont les membres se caractérisent en particulier par une vitesse spatiale et une position commune dans la Galaxie. Les associations jeunes étant peu densément peuplées et relativement proches du Soleil, leurs membres se font plutôt rares et dispersés sur toute la voûte céleste. Jusqu’à présent, surtout les étoiles les plus massives (brillantes) ont été répertoriées. Les étoiles jeunes de faible masse, constituant la majorité de la population, restent pour la plupart à être identifiées. Les étoiles jeunes de faible masse représentent une population clef pour contraindre les modèles évolutifs des étoiles M et des naines brunes. Elles sont également d’excellentes candidates pour chercher des exoplanètes via les techniques d’imagerie directe. Ce mémoire présente une nouvelle méthode utilisant un modèle cinématique enrichi d’une analyse statistique Bayesienne pour identifier des étoiles jeunes de faible masse dans les associations beta Pictoris, Tucana-Horologium et AB Doradus. À partir d’un échantillon de 1080 étoiles K et M, toutes comportant des indicateurs de jeunesse tels l’émission Halpha et une forte luminosité dans les rayons X, leurs propriétés cinématiques (mouvement propre) et photométriques sont analysées pour en extraire 98 candidates hautement probables membres d’une des trois associations. Une confirmation de leur statut comme membre nécessitera en particulier une mesure de leur vitesse radiale (prédit par notre analyse) et une mesure de la largeur équivalente du lithium à 6708 Å pour mieux contraindre leur âge.
Les naines brunes sont, en termes de masse, les objets astrophysiques intermédiaires entre les planètes géantes gazeuses et les étoiles de faible masse. Elles se forment de la même manière que les étoiles, par contraction gravitationnelle d’un fragment de nuage de gaz moléculaire ayant atteint la limite de Jeans, mais se différencient par leur incapa- cité à produire les réactions de fusion de l’hydrogène dans leur cœur. Les naines brunes sont par conséquent des objets qui se refroidissent graduellement, et dont les propriétés spectrales évoluent au cours du temps. Ce mémoire présente la recherche de nouvelles candidates de type spectral T tardif et Y, dans le but de compléter le relevé des naines brunes du voisinage solaire. Cette recherche est motivée par deux objectifs principaux. Premièrement, un échantillon com- plet des objets de faible masse est nécessaire pour contraindre correctement la limite aux faibles masses de la fonction de masse initiale des nuages interstellaires, problème clé en astrophysique actuellement. Deuxièmement, les naines brunes de types spectraux tardifs sont les objets stellaires dont les propriétés atmosphériques sont les plus semblables à celles des planètes géantes gazeuses. Par conséquent, la recherche de nouvelles naines brunes permet indirectement d’améliorer nos connaissances des exoplanètes, sans être contraints par la proximité d’étoiles brillantes. À partir du WISE All-Sky Source Catalog, nous avons établi un échantillon de 55 candidates naines brunes répondant aux critères photométriques attendus. Parmi ces can- didates, 17 ont fait l’objet d’un suivi photométrique en bande J à l’Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic, et 9 ont pu être détectées. De ces 9 détections, 4 objets présentent des mouvements propres cohérents avec ceux de naines brunes.
Nous présentons la découverte de quatorze nouveaux systèmes binaires ayant une séparation supérieure à 250 UA et dont au moins l'une des composantes est une naine M ou une naine L. Ces systèmes ont d'abord été identifiés en cherchant des objets ayant un mouvement propre commun autour d'étoiles connues possédant un mouvement propre élevé, grâce à une corrélation croisée de grands relevés du ciel dans l'infrarouge proche (2MASS, SDSS et SIMP). Un suivi astrométrique, afin de confirmer le mouvement propre commun, a été réalisé sur toutes les cibles avec la caméra SIMON et/ou la caméra CPAPIR à l'Observatoire du Mont-Mégatic (OMM) ou à l'Observatoire interaméricain du Cerro Tololo (CTIO). Un suivi spectroscopique a aussi été effectué sur la plupart des compagnons avec GMOS ou GNIRS à Gemini afin de déterminer leurs types spectraux. La probabilité que deux objets forment un système binaire par hasard a été évaluée afin de s'assurer que les couples candidats que nous présentons soient réellement liés.Un de nos nouveaux systèmes a un compagnon de masse sous-stellaire : 2M1259+1001 (L4.5). L'étude des systèmes que nous avons découverts pourra, entre autre, nous aider à mieux comprendre les mécanismes de formation des étoiles de très faible masse et des naines brunes.
Les étoiles naines blanches représentent la fin de l’évolution de 97% des étoiles de notre galaxie, dont notre Soleil. L’étude des propriétés globales de ces étoiles (distribution en température, distribution de masse, fonction de luminosité, etc.) requiert l’élaboration d’ensembles statistiquement complets et bien définis. Bien que plusieurs relevés d’étoiles naines blanches existent dans la littérature, la plupart de ceux-ci souffrent de biais statistiques importants pour ce genre d’analyse. L’échantillon le plus représentatif de la population d’étoiles naines blanches demeure à ce jour celui défini dans un volume complet, restreint à l’environnement immédiat du Soleil, soit à une distance de 20 pc (∼ 65 années-lumière) de celui-ci. Malheureusement, comme les naines blanches sont des étoiles intrinsèquement peu lumineuses, cet échantillon ne contient que ∼ 130 objets, compromettant ainsi toute étude statistique significative. Le but de notre étude est de recenser la population d’étoiles naines blanches dans le voisinage solaire a une distance de 40 pc, soit un volume huit fois plus grand. Nous avons ainsi entrepris de répertorier toutes les étoiles naines blanches à moins de 40 pc du Soleil à partir de SUPERBLINK, un vaste catalogue contenant le mouvement propre et les données photométriques de plus de 2 millions d’étoiles. Notre approche est basée sur la méthode des mouvements propres réduits qui permet d’isoler les étoiles naines blanches des autres populations stellaires. Les distances de toutes les candidates naines blanches sont estimées à l’aide de relations couleur-magnitude théoriques afin d’identifier les objets se situant à moins de 40 pc du Soleil, dans l’hémisphère nord. La confirmation spectroscopique du statut de naine blanche de nos ∼ 1100 candidates a ensuite requis 15 missions d’observations astronomiques sur trois grands télescopes à Kitt Peak en Arizona, ainsi qu’une soixantaine d’heures allouées sur les télescopes de 8 m des observatoires Gemini Nord et Sud. Nous avons ainsi découvert 322 nouvelles étoiles naines blanches de plusieurs types spectraux différents, dont 173 sont à moins de 40 pc, soit une augmentation de 40% du nombre de naines blanches connues à l’intérieur de ce volume. Parmi ces nouvelles naines blanches, 4 se trouvent probablement à moins de 20 pc du Soleil. De plus, nous démontrons que notre technique est très efficace pour identifier les étoiles naines blanches dans la région peuplée du plan de la Galaxie. Nous présentons ensuite une analyse spectroscopique et photométrique détaillée de notre échantillon à l’aide de modèles d’atmosphère afin de déterminer les propriétés physiques de ces étoiles, notamment la température, la gravité de surface et la composition chimique. Notre analyse statistique de ces propriétés, basée sur un échantillon presque trois fois plus grand que celui à 20 pc, révèle que nous avons identifié avec succès les étoiles les plus massives, et donc les moins lumineuses, de cette population qui sont souvent absentes de la plupart des relevés publiés. Nous avons également identifié plusieurs naines blanches très froides, et donc potentiellement très vieilles, qui nous permettent de mieux définir le côté froid de la fonction de luminosité, et éventuellement l’âge du disque de la Galaxie. Finalement, nous avons aussi découvert plusieurs objets d’intérêt astrophysique, dont deux nouvelles étoiles naines blanches variables de type ZZ Ceti, plusieurs naines blanches magnétiques, ainsi que de nombreux systèmes binaires non résolus.
The globular cluster HP 1 is projected on the bulge, very close to the Galactic center. The Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator on the Very Large Telescope allowed us to acquire high-resolution deep images that, combined with first epoch New Technology Telescope data, enabled us to derive accurate proper motions. The cluster and bulge fields` stellar contents were disentangled through this process and produced an unprecedented definition in color-magnitude diagrams of this cluster. The metallicity of [Fe/H] approximate to -1.0 from previous spectroscopic analysis is confirmed, which together with an extended blue horizontal branch imply an age older than the halo average. Orbit reconstruction results suggest that HP 1 is spatially confined within the bulge.
With Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry and proper motions, Bonatto et al. suggested that FSR 1767 is a globular cluster (GC), while with J and K NTT/SOFI photometry Froebrich, Meusinger & Scholz concluded that it is not a star cluster. In this study, we combine previous and new evidence that are consistent with a GC. For instance, we show that the horizontal branch (HB) and red giant branch (RGB) stars, besides sharing a common proper motion, have radial density profiles that consistently follow the King`s law independently. Reddening maps around FSR 1767 are built using the bulge RGB as reference and also Schlegel`s extinction values to study local absorptions. Both approaches provide similar maps and show that FSR 1767 is not located in a dust window, which otherwise might have produced the stellar overdensity. Besides, neighbouring regions of similar reddening as FSR 1767 do not present the blue HB stars that are a conspicuous feature in the colour-magnitude diagram of FSR 1767. We report the presence of a compact group of stars located in the central parts of FSR 1767. It appears to be a detached post-collapse core, similar to those of other nearby low-luminosity GCs projected towards the bulge. We note that while the NTT/SOFI photometry of the star cluster FSR 1716 matches perfectly that from 2MASS, it shows a considerable offset for FSR 1767. We discuss the possible reasons why both photometries differ. We confirm our previous structural and photometric fundamental parameters for FSR 1767, which are consistent with a GC.
Context. The ESO public survey VISTA variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) started in 2010. VVV targets 562 sq. deg in the Galactic bulge and an adjacent plane region and is expected to run for about five years. Aims. We describe the progress of the survey observations in the first observing season, the observing strategy, and quality of the data obtained. Methods. The observations are carried out on the 4-m VISTA telescope in the ZYJHK(s) filters. In addition to the multi-band imaging the variability monitoring campaign in the K-s filter has started. Data reduction is carried out using the pipeline at the Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit. The photometric and astrometric calibration is performed via the numerous 2MASS sources observed in each pointing. Results. The first data release contains the aperture photometry and astrometric catalogues for 348 individual pointings in the ZYJHK(s) filters taken in the 2010 observing season. The typical image quality is similar to 0 ''.9-1 ''.0. The stringent photometric and image quality requirements of the survey are satisfied in 100% of the JHK(s) images in the disk area and 90% of the JHK(s) images in the bulge area. The completeness in the Z and Y images is 84% in the disk, and 40% in the bulge. The first season catalogues contain 1.28 x 10(8) stellar sources in the bulge and 1.68 x 10(8) in the disk area detected in at least one of the photometric bands. The combined, multi-band catalogues contain more than 1.63 x 10(8) stellar sources. About 10% of these are double detections because of overlapping adjacent pointings. These overlapping multiple detections are used to characterise the quality of the data. The images in the JHK(s) bands extend typically similar to 4 mag deeper than 2MASS. The magnitude limit and photometric quality depend strongly on crowding in the inner Galactic regions. The astrometry for K-s = 15-18 mag has rms similar to 35-175 mas. Conclusions. The VVV Survey data products offer a unique dataset to map the stellar populations in the Galactic bulge and the adjacent plane and provide an exciting new tool for the study of the structure, content, and star-formation history of our Galaxy, as well as for investigations of the newly discovered star clusters, star-forming regions in the disk, high proper motion stars, asteroids, planetary nebulae, and other interesting objects.
Aims. Several embedded clusters are found in the Galaxy. Depending on the formation scenario, most of them can evolve to unbounded groups that are dissolved within 10 Myr to 20 Myr. A systematic study of young stellar clusters that show distinct characteristics provides interesting information on the evolutionary phases during the pre-main sequence. To identify and to understand these phases we performed a comparative study of 21 young stellar clusters. Methods. Near-infrared data from 2MASS were used to determine the structural and fundamental parameters based on surface stellar density maps, radial density profile, and colour-magnitude diagrams. The cluster members were selected according to their membership probability, which is based on the statistical comparison with the cluster proper motion. Additional members were selected on the basis of a decontamination procedure that was adopted to distinguish field stars found in the direction of the cluster area. Results. We obtained age and mass distributions by comparing pre-main sequence models with the position of cluster members in the colour-magnitude diagram. The mean age of our sample is similar to 5 Myr, where 57% of the objects is found in the 4-10 Myr range of age, while 43% is <4 Myr old. Their low E(B - V) indicate that the members are not suffering high extinction (AV <1 mag), which means they are more likely young stellar groups than embedded clusters. Relations between structural and fundamental parameters were used to verify differences and similarities that could be found among the clusters. The parameters of most of the objects show the same trends or correlations. Comparisons with other young clusters show similar relations among mass, radius, and density. Our sample tends to have larger radius and lower volumetric density than embedded clusters. These differences are compatible with the mean age of our sample, which we consider intermediate between the embedded and the exposed phases of the stellar clusters evolution.
Context. Convergent point (CP) search methods are important tools for studying the kinematic properties of open clusters and young associations whose members share the same spatial motion. Aims. We present a new CP search strategy based on proper motion data. We test the new algorithm on synthetic data and compare it with previous versions of the CP search method. As an illustration and validation of the new method we also present an application to the Hyades open cluster and a comparison with independent results. Methods. The new algorithm rests on the idea of representing the stellar proper motions by great circles over the celestial sphere and visualizing their intersections as the CP of the moving group. The new strategy combines a maximum-likelihood analysis for simultaneously determining the CP and selecting the most likely group members and a minimization procedure that returns a refined CP position and its uncertainties. The method allows one to correct for internal motions within the group and takes into account that the stars in the group lie at different distances. Results. Based on Monte Carlo simulations, we find that the new CP search method in many cases returns a more precise solution than its previous versions. The new method is able to find and eliminate more field stars in the sample and is not biased towards distant stars. The CP solution for the Hyades open cluster is in excellent agreement with previous determinations.
Hydrogels are used in a variety of applications in daily life, such as super absorbers, contact lenses and in drug delivery. Functional hydrogels that allow the incorporation of additional functionalities have enormous potential for future development. The properties of such hydrogels can be diversified by introducing responsiveness to external stimuli. These crosslinked polymers are known to respond to changes in temperature, pH and pressure, as well as chemical and electrical stimuli, magnetic fields and irradiation. From this responsive behavior possible applications arise in many fields like drug delivery, tissue engineering, purification and implementation as actuators, biosensors or for medical coatings. However, their interaction with biomaterial and way of functioning are yet not fully understood. Therefore, thorough investigations regarding their optical, mechanical and chemical nature have to be conducted. A UV-crosslinkable polymer, consisting of N-isopropylacrylamide, methacrylic acid and the UV-crosslinker 4-benzoylphenyl methacrylate was synthesized. Its composition, determined by a comprehensive NMR study, is equivalent to the composition of the monomer mixture. The chemical characteristics were preserved during the subsequently formation of hydrogel films by photo-crosslinking as proved by XPS. For the optical characterization, e.g. the degree of swelling of very thin films, the spectroscopy of coupled long range surface plasmons is introduced. Thicker films, able to guide light waves were analyzed with combined surface plasmon and optical waveguide mode spectroscopy (SPR/OWS). The evaluation of the data was facilitated by the reverse Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation. The meshsize and proper motion of the surface anchored hydrogels were investigated by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), micro photon correlation spectroscopy (µPCS) and SPR/OWS. The studied gels exhibit a meshsize that allowed for the diffusion of small biomolecules inside their network. For future enhancement of probing diffusants, a dye that enables FRET in FCS was immobilized in the gel and the diffusion of gold-nanoparticles embedded in the polymer solution was studied by PCS. These properties can be conveniently tuned by the crosslinking density, which depends on the irradiation dose. Additionally, protocols and components for polymer analogous reactions based on active ester chemistry of the hydrogel were developed. Based on these syntheses and investigations, the hydrogel films are applied in the fields of medical coatings as well as in biosensing as matrix and biomimetic cushion. Their non-adhesive properties were proved in cell experiments, SPR/OWS and ToF-SIMS studies. The functionality and non-fouling property of the prepared hydrogels allowed for adaption to the needs of the respective application.
Context. During September and October 2014, the OSIRIS cameras onboard the ESA Rosetta mission detected millions of single particles. Many of these dust particles appear as long tracks (due to both the dust proper motion and the spacecraft motion during the exposure time) with a clear brightness periodicity. Aims. We interpret the observed periodic features as a rotational and translational motion of aspherical dust grains. Methods. By counting the peaks of each track, we obtained statistics of a rotation frequency. We compared these results with the rotational frequency predicted by a model of aspherical dust grain dynamics in a model gas flow. By testing many possible sets of physical conditions and grain characteristics, we constrained the rotational properties of dust grains. Results. We analyzed on the motion of rotating aspherical dust grains with different cross sections in flow conditions corresponding to the coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the OSIRIS observations, we constrain the possible physical parameters of the grains.
Very-long-baseline radio interferometry (VLBI) imaging surveys have been undertaken since the late 1970s. The sample sizes were initially limited to a few tens of objects but the snapshot technique has now allowed samples containing almost 200 sources to be studied. The overwhelming majority of powerful compact sources are asymmetric corejects of one form or another, most of which exhibit apparent superluminal motion. However 5-10% of powerful flat-spectrum sources are 100-parsec (pc)-scale compact symmetric objects; these appear to form a continuum with the 1-kpc-scale double-lobed compact steep-spectrum sources, which make up 15-20% of lower frequency samples. It is likely that these sub-galactic-size symmetric sources are the precursors to the large-scale classical double sources. There is a surprising peak around 90 degrees in the histogram of misalignments between the dominant source axes on parsec and kiloparsec scales; this seems to be associated with sources exhibiting a high degree of relativistic beaming. VLBI snapshot surveys have great cosmological potential via measurements of both proper motion and angular size vs. redshift as well as searches for gravitational "millilensing."
The parsec scale properties of low power radio galaxies are reviewed here, using the available data on 12 Fanaroff-Riley type I galaxies. The most frequent radio structure is an asymmetric parsec-scale morphology--i.e., core and one-sided jet. It is shared by 9 (possibly 10) of the 12 mapped radio galaxies. One (possibly 2) of the other galaxies has a two-sided jet emission. Two sources are known from published data to show a proper motion; we present here evidence for proper motion in two more galaxies. Therefore, in the present sample we have 4 radio galaxies with a measured proper motion. One of these has a very symmetric structure and therefore should be in the plane of the sky. The results discussed here are in agreement with the predictions of the unified scheme models. Moreover, the present data indicate that the parsec scale structure in low and high power radio galaxies is essentially the same.
Aims. We investigated in detail the system WDS 19312+3607, whose primary is an active M4.5Ve star previously inferred to be young (τ ~ 300–500 Ma) based on its high X-ray luminosity. Methods. We collected intermediate- and low-resolution optical spectra taken with 2 m-class telescopes, photometric data from the B to 8 μm bands, and data for eleven astrometric epochs with a time baseline of over 56 years for the two components in the system, G 125–15 and G 125–14. Results. We derived the M4.5V spectral types of both stars, confirmed their common proper motion, estimated their heliocentric distance and projected physical separation, determined their Galactocentric space velocities, and deduced a most-probable age of older than 600 Ma. We discovered that the primary, G 125–15, is an inflated, double-lined, spectroscopic binary with a short period of photometric variability of 1.6 d, which we associated with orbital synchronisation. The observed X-ray and Hα emissions, photometric variability, and abnormal radius and effective temperature of G 125–15 AB are indicative of strong magnetic activity, possibly because of the rapid rotation. In addition, the estimated projected physical separation between G 125–15 AB and G 125–14 of about 1200 AU ensures that WDS 19312+3607 is one of the widest systems with intermediate M-type primaries. Conclusions. G 125–15 AB is a nearby (d ≈ 26 pc), bright (J ≈ 9.6 mag), active spectroscopic binary with a single proper-motion companion of the same spectral type at a wide separation. They are thus ideal targets for specific follow-ups to investigate wide and close multiplicity or stellar expansion and surface cooling because of the lower convective efficiency.