959 resultados para PROPAGATION MODELS


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Even living in the XXI century are still some difficulties in access to broadband Internet in several Brazilian cities, due to the purchasing power of people and lack of government investment. But even with these difficulties, we seek to encourage the use of wireless technology, which is based on the IEEE 802.11b protocol - also known as Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Wireless Fidelity Communications, having wide range of commercial applications in the world market, nationally and internationally. In Brazil, this technology is in full operation in major cities and has proved attractive in relation to the access point to multipoint and point-to-point. This paper is a comparative analysis of prediction field, using models based on the prediction of propagation loss. To validate the techniques used here, the Okumura-Hata models, modified Okumura-Hata, Walfisch-Ikegami model, were applied to a wireless computer network, located in the neighborhood of Cajupiranga in the city of Melbourn, in Rio Grande do Norte . They are used for networking wireless 802.11b, using the Mobile Radio to measure signal levels, beyond the heights of the antennas and distances from the transmitter. The performance data versus distance are added to the graphs generated and compared with results obtained through calculations of propagation models


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O advento de novas formas multimídia tem atraído uma clientela exigente, onde preocupação não é somente com o serviço, mas também, com a qualidade que esse serviço pode ser oferecido. As WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks) tornaram-se a forma mais comum de roteamento de Internet, devido ao seu baixo custo e facilidade de implementação. Para realizar um bom roteamento é necessário um planejamento, utilizando-se modelos. Os modelos de propagação existentes na literatura fazem a predição da intensidade do sinal, mas algumas vezes não contemplam a previsão de um bom serviço. Nesse sentido a presente dissertação propõe-se a elaborar um modelo de propagação empírico indoor multi-andar que não só prediz a potência recebida, mas também faz uma previsão para algumas métricas de QoS (Quality of Service) de chamadas VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Para a elaboração do modelo proposto foram feitas campanhas de medição, em um prédio de dois andares, em pisos distintos mantendo-se a posição do ponto de acesso (PA) fixa. Estudos de geometria analítica para a contagem e agregação de perdas em pisos e paredes. Os resultados do modelo proposto foram comparados com um modelo da literatura que tem um comportamento similar, onde é possível verificar o melhor desempenho do modelo proposto, e para efeito de estudo um andar completamente simulado foi introduzido para avaliação.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um modelo matemático capaz de ajustar dados obtidos através de campanhas de medição por meio de um protótipo de um cenário da tecnologia WiMAX. As campanhas de medição foram feitas na Universidade Federal do Pará. Foram utilizadas antenas WiMAX, sendo uma como servidor, localizada em cima do prédio do Laboratório de Planejamento de Redes de Alto Desempenho (LPRAD), e a outra, receptora, que ficou em cima de um móvel para que os pontos fossem coletados. O método de ajuste utilizado foi o dos Mínimos Quadrados Lineares. Por meio dos dados coletados, aplica-se o método e estuda seu comportamento, verificando o quanto a otimização foi eficiente nos casos apresentados. A utilização da tecnologia em questão como acesso à Internet em alguns programas como o NAVEGAPARÁ, a busca de melhoramentos ou criação de modelos de propagação e a análise cross-layer das métricas utilizadas no trabalho, como a influência da relação sinal-ruído na perda de quadros, são fatores motivadores para a pesquisa desta dissertação.


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A adoção de sistemas digitais de radiodifusão sonora, que estão em fase de testes no país, permite realizar novos estudos visando um melhor planejamento para a implementação dessas novas emissoras. O que significa reavaliar os principais modelos de radiopropagação existentes ou propor novas alternativas para atender as demandas inerentes dos sistemas digitais. Os modelos atuais, conforme Recomendações ITU-R P. 1546 e ITU-R P. 1812, não condizem fielmente com a realidade de algumas regiões do Brasil, principalmente com as regiões de clima tropical, como a Região Amazônica, seja pelo elevado índice pluviométrico seja pela vasta flora existente. A partir dos modelos adequados ao canal de propagação, torna-se viável desenvolver ferramentas de planejamento de cobertura mais precisas e eficientes. A utilização destas ferramentas é cabível tanto para a ANATEL, para a elaboração dos planos básicos de distribuição de canais quanto para os radiodifusores. No presente trabalho é apresentada uma metodologia utilizando a inteligência computacional, baseada em Inferênciass Baysianas, para predição da intensidade de campo elétrico, a qual pode ser aplicada ao planejamento ou expansão de áreas de cobertura em sistemas de radiodifusão para frequências na faixa de ondas médias (de 300 kHz a 3MHz). Esta metodologia gera valores de campo elétrico estimados a partir dos valores de altitude do terreno (através de análises de tabelas de probabilidade condicional) e estabelece a comparação destes com valores de campo elétrico medidos. Os dados utilizados neste trabalho foram coletados na região central do Brasil, próximo à cidade de Brasília. O sinal transmitido era um sinal de rádio AM transmitido na frequência de 980 kHz. De posse dos dados coletados durante as campanhas de medição, foram realizadas simulações utilizando tabelas de probabilidade condicional geradas por Inferências Bayesianas. Assim, é proposto um método para predizer valores de campo elétrico com base na correlação entre o campo elétrico medido e altitude, através da utilização de inteligência computacional. Se comparados a inúmeros trabalhos existentes na literatura que têm o mesmo objetivo, os resultados encontrados neste trabalho validam o uso da metodologia para determinar o campo elétrico de radiodifusão sonora em ondas médias utilizando Inferências Bayesianas.


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Este simulador é formado pela junção de técnicas de Realidade Virtual com modelos de propagação, desenvolvidos através dos estudos de rádio enlace, que descrevem a perda que o sinal transmitido sofre ao longo do percurso no ambiente. O simulador possui dois módulos. O primeiro permite a criação do ambiente virtual com o posicionamento, sobre um terreno, de prédios, árvores, carros, antenas e outras primitivas que permitem a construção de um ambiente tridimensional customizável. O segundo módulo permite a configuração dos parâmetros relacionados a propagação de sinal de antenas como a potência, a frequência, o ganho, etc., e também selecionar o modelo de propagação para a execução da simulação. Dentro deste segundo módulo, existe um submódulo responsável pelo estudo do planejamento da área de cobertura composta pelas antenas, em outras palavras, este submódulo simula a distância que cada antena no cenário consegue atingir e gera a respectiva área de cobertura. Para demonstrar a eficiência do simulador foram criados dois ambientes virtuais para testes. Um cenário representando um ambiente urbano onde empregou-se um modelo de propagação clássico, Okumura-Hata para cidades pequenas e médias, e um ambiente tridimensional arborizado utilizando um modelo especifico para simulação de propagação para regiões densamente arborizadas, desenvolvido na Universidade Federal do Pará chamado de Lyra-Castro-UFPA.


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Foliage Penetration (FOPEN) radar systems were introduced in 1960, and have been constantly improved by several organizations since that time. The use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) approaches for this application has important advantages, due to the need for high resolution in two dimensions. The design of this type of systems, however, includes some complications that are not present in standard SAR systems. FOPEN SAR systems need to operate with a low central frequency (VHF or UHF bands) in order to be able to penetrate the foliage. High bandwidth is also required to obtain high resolution. Due to the low central frequency, large integration angles are required during SAR image formation, and therefore the Range Migration Algorithm (RMA) is used. This project thesis identifies the three main complications that arise due to these requirements. First, a high fractional bandwidth makes narrowband propagation models no longer valid. Second, the VHF and UHF bands are used by many communications systems. The transmitted signal spectrum needs to be notched to avoid interfering them. Third, those communications systems cause Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) on the received signal. The thesis carries out a thorough analysis of the three problems, their degrading effects and possible solutions to compensate them. The UWB model is applied to the SAR signal, and the degradation induced by it is derived. The result is tested through simulation of both a single pulse stretch processor and the complete RMA image formation. Both methods show that the degradation is negligible, and therefore the UWB propagation effect does not need compensation. A technique is derived to design a notched transmitted signal. Then, its effect on the SAR image formation is evaluated analytically. It is shown that the stretch processor introduces a processing gain that reduces the degrading effects of the notches. The remaining degrading effect after processing gain is assessed through simulation, and an experimental graph of degradation as a function of percentage of nulled frequencies is obtained. The RFI is characterized and its effect on the SAR processor is derived. Once again, a processing gain is found to be introduced by the receiver. As the RFI power can be much higher than that of the desired signal, an algorithm is proposed to remove the RFI from the received signal before RMA processing. This algorithm is a modification of the Chirp Least Squares Algorithm (CLSA) explained in [4], which adapts it to deramped signals. The algorithm is derived analytically and then its performance is evaluated through simulation, showing that it is effective in removing the RFI and reducing the degradation caused by both RFI and notching. Finally, conclusions are drawn as to the importance of each one of the problems in SAR system design.


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A software tool for planning and dimensioning Wireless Networks based on standard 802.16 is presented in this paper. Due to the deployment of communication systems based on this standard, it is necessary a tool which allows an easy implementation and dimensioning of this type of networks. With this tool the user will be able to evaluate point to point and point to multipoint networks, obtaining results such as losses in the link, power received, signal noise rate, coverage or bit rates the network is able to handle. For that purpose, the tool will employ technical specifications of transmitters and receivers, design parameters of the network and different propagation models.


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En entornos hostiles tales como aquellas instalaciones científicas donde la radiación ionizante es el principal peligro, el hecho de reducir las intervenciones humanas mediante el incremento de las operaciones robotizadas está siendo cada vez más de especial interés. CERN, la Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear, tiene alrededor de unos 50 km de superficie subterránea donde robots móviles controlador de forma remota podrían ayudar en su funcionamiento, por ejemplo, a la hora de llevar a cabo inspecciones remotas sobre radiación en los diferentes áreas destinados al efecto. No solo es preciso considerar que los robots deben ser capaces de recorrer largas distancias y operar durante largos periodos de tiempo, sino que deben saber desenvolverse en los correspondientes túneles subterráneos, tener en cuenta la presencia de campos electromagnéticos, radiación ionizante, etc. y finalmente, el hecho de que los robots no deben interrumpir el funcionamiento de los aceleradores. El hecho de disponer de un sistema de comunicaciones inalámbrico fiable y robusto es esencial para la correcta ejecución de las misiones que los robots deben afrontar y por supuesto, para evitar tales situaciones en las que es necesario la recuperación manual de los robots al agotarse su energía o al perder el enlace de comunicaciones. El objetivo de esta Tesis es proveer de las directrices y los medios necesarios para reducir el riesgo de fallo en la misión y maximizar las capacidades de los robots móviles inalámbricos los cuales disponen de almacenamiento finito de energía al trabajar en entornos peligrosos donde no se dispone de línea de vista directa. Para ello se proponen y muestran diferentes estrategias y métodos de comunicación inalámbrica. Teniendo esto en cuenta, se presentan a continuación los objetivos de investigación a seguir a lo largo de la Tesis: predecir la cobertura de comunicaciones antes y durante las misiones robotizadas; optimizar la capacidad de red inalámbrica de los robots móviles con respecto a su posición; y mejorar el rango operacional de esta clase de robots. Por su parte, las contribuciones a la Tesis se citan más abajo. El primer conjunto de contribuciones son métodos novedosos para predecir el consumo de energía y la autonomía en la comunicación antes y después de disponer de los robots en el entorno seleccionado. Esto es importante para proporcionar conciencia de la situación del robot y evitar fallos en la misión. El consumo de energía se predice usando una estrategia propuesta la cual usa modelos de consumo provenientes de diferentes componentes en un robot. La predicción para la cobertura de comunicaciones se desarrolla usando un nuevo filtro de RSS (Radio Signal Strength) y técnicas de estimación con la ayuda de Filtros de Kalman. El segundo conjunto de contribuciones son métodos para optimizar el rango de comunicaciones usando novedosas técnicas basadas en muestreo espacial que son robustas frente a ruidos de campos de detección y radio y que proporcionan redundancia. Se emplean métodos de diferencia central finitos para determinar los gradientes 2D RSS y se usa la movilidad del robot para optimizar el rango de comunicaciones y la capacidad de red. Este método también se valida con un caso de estudio centrado en la teleoperación háptica de robots móviles inalámbricos. La tercera contribución es un algoritmo robusto y estocástico descentralizado para la optimización de la posición al considerar múltiples robots autónomos usados principalmente para extender el rango de comunicaciones desde la estación de control al robot que está desarrollando la tarea. Todos los métodos y algoritmos propuestos se verifican y validan usando simulaciones y experimentos de campo con variedad de robots móviles disponibles en CERN. En resumen, esta Tesis ofrece métodos novedosos y demuestra su uso para: predecir RSS; optimizar la posición del robot; extender el rango de las comunicaciones inalámbricas; y mejorar las capacidades de red de los robots móviles inalámbricos para su uso en aplicaciones dentro de entornos peligrosos, que como ya se mencionó anteriormente, se destacan las instalaciones científicas con emisión de radiación ionizante. En otros términos, se ha desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas para mejorar, facilitar y hacer más seguras las misiones de los robots en entornos hostiles. Esta Tesis demuestra tanto en teoría como en práctica que los robots móviles pueden mejorar la calidad de las comunicaciones inalámbricas mediante la profundización en el estudio de su movilidad para optimizar dinámicamente sus posiciones y mantener conectividad incluso cuando no existe línea de vista. Los métodos desarrollados en la Tesis son especialmente adecuados para su fácil integración en robots móviles y pueden ser aplicados directamente en la capa de aplicación de la red inalámbrica. ABSTRACT In hostile environments such as in scientific facilities where ionising radiation is a dominant hazard, reducing human interventions by increasing robotic operations are desirable. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has around 50 km of underground scientific facilities, where wireless mobile robots could help in the operation of the accelerator complex, e.g. in conducting remote inspections and radiation surveys in different areas. The main challenges to be considered here are not only that the robots should be able to go over long distances and operate for relatively long periods, but also the underground tunnel environment, the possible presence of electromagnetic fields, radiation effects, and the fact that the robots shall in no way interrupt the operation of the accelerators. Having a reliable and robust wireless communication system is essential for successful execution of such robotic missions and to avoid situations of manual recovery of the robots in the event that the robot runs out of energy or when the robot loses its communication link. The goal of this thesis is to provide means to reduce risk of mission failure and maximise mission capabilities of wireless mobile robots with finite energy storage capacity working in a radiation environment with non-line-of-sight (NLOS) communications by employing enhanced wireless communication methods. Towards this goal, the following research objectives are addressed in this thesis: predict the communication range before and during robotic missions; optimise and enhance wireless communication qualities of mobile robots by using robot mobility and employing multi-robot network. This thesis provides introductory information on the infrastructures where mobile robots will need to operate, the tasks to be carried out by mobile robots and the problems encountered in these environments. The reporting of research work carried out to improve wireless communication comprises an introduction to the relevant radio signal propagation theory and technology followed by explanation of the research in the following stages: An analysis of the wireless communication requirements for mobile robot for different tasks in a selection of CERN facilities; predictions of energy and communication autonomies (in terms of distance and time) to reduce risk of energy and communication related failures during missions; autonomous navigation of a mobile robot to find zone(s) of maximum radio signal strength to improve communication coverage area; and autonomous navigation of one or more mobile robots acting as mobile wireless relay (repeater) points in order to provide a tethered wireless connection to a teleoperated mobile robot carrying out inspection or radiation monitoring activities in a challenging radio environment. The specific contributions of this thesis are outlined below. The first sets of contributions are novel methods for predicting the energy autonomy and communication range(s) before and after deployment of the mobile robots in the intended environments. This is important in order to provide situational awareness and avoid mission failures. The energy consumption is predicted by using power consumption models of different components in a mobile robot. This energy prediction model will pave the way for choosing energy-efficient wireless communication strategies. The communication range prediction is performed using radio signal propagation models and applies radio signal strength (RSS) filtering and estimation techniques with the help of Kalman filters and Gaussian process models. The second set of contributions are methods to optimise the wireless communication qualities by using novel spatial sampling based techniques that are robust to sensing and radio field noises and provide redundancy features. Central finite difference (CFD) methods are employed to determine the 2-D RSS gradients and use robot mobility to optimise the communication quality and the network throughput. This method is also validated with a case study application involving superior haptic teleoperation of wireless mobile robots where an operator from a remote location can smoothly navigate a mobile robot in an environment with low-wireless signals. The third contribution is a robust stochastic position optimisation algorithm for multiple autonomous relay robots which are used for wireless tethering of radio signals and thereby to enhance the wireless communication qualities. All the proposed methods and algorithms are verified and validated using simulations and field experiments with a variety of mobile robots available at CERN. In summary, this thesis offers novel methods and demonstrates their use to predict energy autonomy and wireless communication range, optimise robots position to improve communication quality and enhance communication range and wireless network qualities of mobile robots for use in applications in hostile environmental characteristics such as scientific facilities emitting ionising radiations. In simpler terms, a set of tools are developed in this thesis for improving, easing and making safer robotic missions in hostile environments. This thesis validates both in theory and experiments that mobile robots can improve wireless communication quality by exploiting robots mobility to dynamically optimise their positions and maintain connectivity even when the (radio signal) environment possess non-line-of-sight characteristics. The methods developed in this thesis are well-suited for easier integration in mobile robots and can be applied directly at the application layer of the wireless network. The results of the proposed methods have outperformed other comparable state-of-the-art methods.


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The paper presents investigations into multiple input multiple output wireless communication systems, which are carried out from an electromagnetic perspective. The first part of the paper focuses on signal propagation models, which can be used for determining the MIMO system capacity or its performance when various space-time coding schemes are applied. Two types of models are considered. In the first model, array antennas are treated in an exact electromagnetic manner but interactions with scattering objects are incorporated using an approximate single bounce scattering approach. The other model is a simple but exact electromagnetic (EM) model, which takes into account EM interactions between antennas and scatterers. In this model, parallel wire dipoles represent antennas as well as scatterers. The second part of the paper reports on investigations into two types of MIMO testbeds. The first one is a simple transmit/receive diversity tested while the other one is a full MIMO testbed. The paper briefly describes the results obtained during the undertaken investigations


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Variations are inherent in all manufacturing processes and can significantly affect the quality of a final assembly, particularly in multistage assembly systems. Existing research in variation management has primarily focused on incorporating GD&T factors into variation propagation models in order to predict product quality and allocate tolerances. However, process induced variation, which has a key influence on process planning, has not been fully studied. Furthermore, the link between variation and cost has not been well established, in particular the effect that assembly process selection has on the final quality and cost of a product. To overcome these barriers, this paper proposes a novel method utilizing process capabilities to establish the relationship between variation and cost. The methodology is discussed using a real industrial case study. The benefits include determining the optimum configuration of an assembly system and facilitating rapid introduction of novel assembly techniques to achieve a competitive edge.


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El presente artículo describe el proceso de implementación de un modelo de predicción de la propagación de señales en interiores, basado en el modelo semiempírico de K. W. Cheung, J. H. M. Sau, y R. D. Murch,[1] donde se tienen en cuenta la atenuacióndebida a la distancia, el ángulo de incidencia sobre las paredes, laatenuación asociada a estas mismas y las zonas de Fresnel.Los datos del entorno a simular son tomados de un archivo DXF que debe seguir un formato establecido. Se obtienen del usuario la atenuación asociada a cada tipo de pared y la ubicacióndel punto de acceso. También se desarrolla un algoritmo desombreado que optimiza el tiempo de simulación debido a su sencillez. Finalmente se muestra la comparación de los resultados de la simulación y los datos obtenidos en la prueba de campo.


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A significant part of the life of a mechanical component occurs, the crack propagation stage in fatigue. Currently, it is had several mathematical models to describe the crack growth behavior. These models are classified into two categories in terms of stress range amplitude: constant and variable. In general, these propagation models are formulated as an initial value problem, and from this, the evolution curve of the crack is obtained by applying a numerical method. This dissertation presented the application of the methodology "Fast Bounds Crack" for the establishment of upper and lower bounds functions for model evolution of crack size. The performance of this methodology was evaluated by the relative deviation and computational times, in relation to approximate numerical solutions obtained by the Runge-Kutta method of 4th explicit order (RK4). Has been reached a maximum relative deviation of 5.92% and the computational time was, for examples solved, 130,000 times more higher than achieved by the method RK4. Was performed yet an Engineering application in order to obtain an approximate numerical solution, from the arithmetic mean of the upper and lower bounds obtained in the methodology applied in this work, when you don’t know the law of evolution. The maximum relative error found in this application was 2.08% which proves the efficiency of the methodology "Fast Bounds Crack".


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The acceptance of broadband ultrasound attenuation for the assessment of osteoporosis suffers from a limited understanding of ultrasound wave propagation through cancellous bone. It has recently been proposed that the ultrasound wave propagation can be described by a concept of parallel sonic rays. This concept approximates the detected transmission signal to be the superposition of all sonic rays that travel directly from transmitting to receiving transducer. The transit time of each ray is defined by the proportion of bone and marrow propagated. An ultrasound transit time spectrum describes the proportion of sonic rays having a particular transit time, effectively describing lateral inhomogeneity of transit times over the surface of the receiving ultrasound transducer. The aim of this study was to provide a proof of concept that a transit time spectrum may be derived from digital deconvolution of input and output ultrasound signals. We have applied the active-set method deconvolution algorithm to determine the ultrasound transit time spectra in the three orthogonal directions of four cancellous bone replica samples and have compared experimental data with the prediction from the computer simulation. The agreement between experimental and predicted ultrasound transit time spectrum analyses derived from Bland–Altman analysis ranged from 92% to 99%, thereby supporting the concept of parallel sonic rays for ultrasound propagation in cancellous bone. In addition to further validation of the parallel sonic ray concept, this technique offers the opportunity to consider quantitative characterisation of the material and structural properties of cancellous bone, not previously available utilising ultrasound.


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This work addresses fundamental issues in the mathematical modelling of the diffusive motion of particles in biological and physiological settings. New mathematical results are proved and implemented in computer models for the colonisation of the embryonic gut by neural cells and the propagation of electrical waves in the heart, offering new insights into the relationships between structure and function. In particular, the thesis focuses on the use of non-local differential operators of non-integer order to capture the main features of diffusion processes occurring in complex spatial structures characterised by high levels of heterogeneity.


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Impulse propagation in biological tissues is known to be modulated by structural heterogeneity. In cardiac muscle, improved understanding on how this heterogeneity influences electrical spread is key to advancing our interpretation of dispersion of repolarization. We propose fractional diffusion models as a novel mathematical description of structurally heterogeneous excitable media, as a means of representing the modulation of the total electric field by the secondary electrical sources associated with tissue inhomogeneities. Our results, analysed against in vivo human recordings and experimental data of different animal species, indicate that structural heterogeneity underlies relevant characteristics of cardiac electrical propagation at tissue level. These include conduction effects on action potential (AP) morphology, the shortening of AP duration along the activation pathway and the progressive modulation by premature beats of spatial patterns of dispersion of repolarization. The proposed approach may also have important implications in other research fields involving excitable complex media.