998 resultados para POSTURAL RESPONSES


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Previous research has shown that the postural configuration adopted by a subject, such as active leaning, influences the postural response to an unpredictable support surface translation. While those studies have examined large differences in postural conditions, it is of additional interest to examine the effects of naturally occurring changes in standing posture. Thus, it was hypothesized that the normal postural sway observed during quiet standing would affect the responses to an unpredictable support surface translation. Seventeen young adults stood quietly on a moveable platform and were perturbed in either the forward or backward direction when the location of the center of pressure (COP) was either 1.5 standard deviations anterior or posterior to the mean baseline COP signal. Postural responses, in the form of electromyographic (EMG) latencies and amplitudes, were recorded from lower limb and trunk muscles. When the location of the COP at the time of the translation was in the opposite, as compared to the same, direction as the upcoming translation, there was a significantly earlier onset of the antagonists (10-23%, i.e. 15-45 ms) and a greater EMG amplitude (14-39%) in four of the six recorded muscles. Stepping responses were most frequently observed during trials where the position of the COP was opposite to the direction of the translation. The results support the hypothesis that postural responses to unpredictable support surface translations are influenced by the normal movements of postural sway. The results may help to explain the large variability of postural responses found between past studies.


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Background: Rapid compensatory arm reactions represent important response strategies following an unexpected loss of balance. While it has been assumed that early corrective actions arise largely from sub-cortical networks, recent findings have prompted speculation about the potential role of cortical involvement. To test the idea that cortical motor regions are involved in early compensatory arm reactions, we used continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) to temporarily suppress the hand area of primary motor cortex (M1) in participants prior to evoking upper limb balance reactions in response to whole body perturbation. We hypothesized that following cTBS to the M1 hand area evoked EMG responses in the stimulated hand would be diminished. To isolate balance reactions to the upper limb participants were seated in an elevated tilt-chair while holding a stable handle with both hands. The chair was held vertical by a magnet and was triggered to fall backward unpredictably. To regain balance, participants used the handle to restore upright stability as quickly as possible with both hands. Muscle activity was recorded from proximal and distal muscles of both upper limbs.

Results: Our results revealed an impact of cTBS on the amplitude of the EMG responses in the stimulated hand muscles often manifest as inhibition in the stimulated hand. The change in EMG amplitude was specific to the target hand muscles and occasionally their homologous pairs on the non-stimulated hand with no consistent effects on the remaining more proximal arm muscles.

Conclusions: Present findings offer support for cortical contributions to the control of early compensatory arm reactions following whole-body perturbation.


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Il est bien connu des professionnels de la vision que l’ajustement des verres progressifs sur un patient presbyte peut induire de l’inconfort et des difficultés posturales (Timmis, Johnson, Elliott, & Buckley, 2010). Ces plaintes sont directement associées à l’information visuelle perçue à travers les verres progressifs. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est d’identifier quels sont les paramètres d’un stimulus visuel (p.ex. fréquence temporelle ou vélocité) à l’origine de la perturbation posturale et de l’inconfort. Les distorsions dynamiques perçues à travers des verres progressifs s’apparentent aux mouvements d’un bateau qui roule de droite à gauche ou qui tangue d’avant en arrière. Ce type de stimulation visuelle a été reproduit dans une voute d’immersion en réalité virtuelle avec un sol à texture de damier noir et blanc qui oscillait périodiquement de droite à gauche et d’avant en arrière à différentes fréquences et amplitudes. Les études qui portent sur ce sujet montrent que la réponse posturale induite visuellement augmente avec la vélocité de stimulation et diminue lorsque la fréquence augmente. Cette information peut paraitre contradictoire, car ces deux variables sont liées entre elles par l’amplitude et covarient dans le même sens. Le premier objectif de cette thèse était de déterminer les causes possibles de cette contradiction. En faisant varier la fréquence temporelle de stimulation visuelle, on retrouve deux domaines de réponse posturale. Le premier domaine correspond aux fréquences inférieures à 0,12 Hz. Dans ce domaine, la réponse posturale est visuodépendante et augmente avec la vélocité du stimulus. Le second domaine postural correspond aux fréquences supérieures à 0,25 Hz. Dans ce domaine, la réponse posturale sature et diminue avec l’augmentation de la fréquence. Cette saturation de la réponse posturale semble causée par des limitations biomécaniques et fréquentielles du système postural. D’autres études ont envisagé d’étudier l’inconfort subjectif induit par des stimuli visuels périodiques. Au sein de la communauté scientifique, deux théories principales se confrontent. La théorie sensorielle repose sur les conflits sensoriels induit par le stimulus visuel tandis que la théorie posturale suggère que l’inconfort est la conséquence de l’instabilité posturale. Nos résultats révèlent que l’inconfort subjectif induit par une stimulation visuelle dynamique dépend de la vélocité du stimulus plutôt que de sa fréquence. L’inconfort peut être prédit par l’instabilité naturelle des individus en l’absence de stimulus visuel comme le suggère la théorie posturale. Par contre, l’instabilité posturale induite par un stimulus visuel dynamique ne semble pas être une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour entrainer de l’inconfort. Ni la théorie sensorielle ni la théorie posturale ne permettent à elles seules d’expliquer tous les mécanismes à l’origine de l’inconfort subjectif. Ces deux théories sont complémentaires, l’une expliquant que l’instabilité intrinsèque est un élément prédictif de l’inconfort et l’autre que l’inconfort induit par un stimulus visuel dynamique résulte d’un conflit entre les entrées sensorielles et les représentations acquises par l’individu.


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Le risque de chute est une problématique bien présente chez les personnes âgées ou ayant une atteinte neurologique et reflète un déficit des mécanismes neuronaux assurant l’équilibre. De précédentes études démontrent que l’intégration des informations sensorielles est essentielle au contrôle de l’équilibre et que l’inhibition présynaptique (IP) serait un mécanisme important dans le contrôle de la transmission sensorielle. Ainsi, le but de cette étude était d’identifier la contribution du mécanisme d’IP à l’induction de réponses posturales efficaces suite à une perturbation d’équilibre. Notre hypothèse est qu’une diminution d’IP contribuerait à l’induction des ces réponses, en augmentant l’influence de la rétroaction sensorielle sur les réseaux de neurones spinaux. Afin de démontrer cette hypothèse, nous avons d’abord évalué l’excitabilité spinale pendant les perturbations vers l’avant ou vers l’arrière, à l’aide du réflexe H. L’excitabilité spinale était modulée selon la direction de la perturbation et cette modulation survenait dès 75 ou 100 ms (p<0.05), soit avant l’induction des réactions posturales. Puis, à l’aide de techniques plus précises de convergence spinale, nous avons démontré que l’IP était diminuée dès 75 et 100 ms dans les deux directions, suggérant que la transmission des informations sensorielles vers la moelle épinière est accrue juste avant le déclenchement de la réponse posturale. Cette étude met en évidence un mécanisme-clé permettant d’augmenter la rétroaction des informations sensorielles nécessaires à l’induction de réponses posturales appropriées. L’évaluation de ce mécanisme pourrait mener à une meilleure identification des individus à risque de chute.


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The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of manipulation of the characteristics of visual stimulus on postural control in dyslexic children. A total of 18 dyslexic and 18 non-dyslexic children stood upright inside a moving room, as still as possible, and looked at a target at different conditions of distance between the participant and a moving room frontal wall (25-150 cm) and vision (full and central). The first trial was performed without vision (baseline). Then four trials were performed in which the room remained stationary and eight trials with the room moving, lasting 60 s each. Mean sway amplitude, coherence, relative phase, and angular deviation were calculated. The results revealed that dyslexic children swayed with larger magnitude in both stationary and moving conditions. When the room remained stationary, all children showed larger body sway magnitude at 150 cm distance. Dyslexic children showed larger body sway magnitude in central compared to full vision condition. In the moving condition, body sway magnitude was similar between dyslexic and non-dyslexic children but the coupling between visual information and body sway was weaker in dyslexic children. Moreover, in the absence of peripheral visual cues, induced body sway in dyslexic children was temporally delayed regarding visual stimulus. Taken together, these results indicate that poor postural control performance in dyslexic children is related to how sensory information is acquired from the environment and used to produce postural responses. In conditions in which sensory cues are less informative, dyslexic children take longer to process sensory stimuli in order to obtain precise information, which leads to performance deterioration. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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During voluntary arm movements, the medial back muscles are differentially active. It is not known whether differential activity also occurs when the trunk is perturbed unpredictably, when the earliest responses are initiated by short-latency spinal mechanisms rather than voluntary commands. To assess this, in unpredictable and self-initiated conditions, a weight was dropped into a bucket that was held by the standing subject (n = 7). EMG activity was recorded from the deep (Deep MF), superficial (Sup MF) and lateral (Lat MF) lumbar multifidus, the thoracic erector spinae (ES) and the biceps brachii. With unpredictable perturbations, EMG activity was first noted in the biceps brachii, then the thoracic ES, followed synchronously in the components of the multifidus. During self-initiated perturbations, background EMG in the Deep MF increased two- to threefold, and the latency of the loading response decreased in six out of the seven subjects. In Sup MF and Lat MF, this increase in background EMG was not observed, and the latency of the loading response was increased. Short-latency reflex mechanisms do not cause differential action of the medial back muscles when the trunk is loaded. However, during voluntary tasks the central nervous system exerts a 'tuned response', which involves discrete activity in the deep and superficial components of the medial lumbar muscles in a way that varies according to the biomechanical action of the muscle component.


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Study Design. Quiet stance on supporting bases with different lengths and with different visual inputs were tested in 24 study participants with chronic low back pain (LBP) and 24 matched control subjects. Objectives. To evaluate postural adjustment strategies and visual dependence associated with LBP. Summary of Background Data. Various studies have identified balance impairments in patients with chronic LBP, with many possible causes suggested. Recent evidence indicates that study participants with LBP have impaired trunk muscle control, which may compromise the control of trunk and hip movement during postural adjustments ( e. g., hip strategy). As balance on a short base emphasizes the utilization of the hip strategy for balance control, we hypothesized that patients with LBP might have difficulties standing on short bases. Methods. Subjects stood on either flat surface or short base with different visual inputs. A task was counted as successful if balance was maintained for 70 seconds during bilateral stance and 30 seconds during unilateral stance. The number of successful tasks, horizontal shear force, and center-of-pressure motion were evaluated. Results. The hip strategy was reduced with increased visual dependence in study participants with LBP. The failure rate was more than 4 times that of the controls in the bilateral standing task on short base with eyes closed. Analysis of center-of-pressure motion also showed that they have inability to initiate and control a hip strategy. Conclusions. The inability to control a hip strategy indicates a deficit of postural control and is hypothesized to result from altered muscle control and proprioceptive impairment.


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Anterior knee pain (AKP) is common and has been argued to be related to poor patellofemoral joint control due to impaired coordination of the vasti muscles. However, there are conflicting data. Changes in motor unit firing may provide more definitive evidence. Synchronization of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) in vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) may contribute to coordination in patellofemoral joint control. We hypothesized that synchronization may be reduced in AKP. Recordings of single MUAPs were made from VMO and multiunit electromyograph (EMG) recordings were made from VL. Averages of VL EMG recordings were triggered from the single MUAPs in VMO. Motor units in VL firing in association with the VMO motor units would appear as a peak in the VL EMG average. Data were compared to previous normative data. The proportion of trials in which a peak was identified in the triggered averages of VL EMG was reduced in people with AKP (38%) compared to controls (90%). Notably, although 80% of subjects had values less than controls, 20% were within normal limits. These results provide new evidence that motor unit synchronization is modified in the presence of pain and provide evidence for motor control dysfunction in AKP. Perspective: This study shows that coordination of motor units between the medial and lateral vasti muscles in people with anterior knee pain is reduced compared to people without knee pain. It confirms that motor control dysfunction is a factor in this condition and has implications for selection of rehabilitation strategies. (c) 2005 by the American Pain Society.


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Study Design. Biomechanical study of unembalmed human lumbar segments. Objective. To investigate the effects of tensioning the lumbar fasciae ( transversus abdominis [TrA]) aponeurosis) on segment stiffness during flexion and extension. Summary of Background Data. Animal and human studies suggest that TrA may influence intersegmental movement via tension in the middle and posterior layers of lumbar fasciae ( MLF, PLF). Methods. Compressive flexion and extension moments were applied to 17 lumbar segments from 9 unembalmed cadavers with 20 N lateral tension of the TrA aponeurosis during: 1) static tests: load was compared when fascial tension was applied during static compressive loads into flexion-extension; 2) cyclic loading tests: load, axial displacement, and stiffness were compared during repeated compressive loading cycles into flexion-extension. After testing, the PLF was incised to determine the tension transmitted by each layer. Results. At all segments and loads (< 200 N), fascial tension increased resistance to flexion loads by similar to 9.5 N. In 15 of 17, fascial tension decreased resistance to extension by similar to 6.6 N. Fascial tension during cyclic flexion loading decreased axial displacement by 26% at the onset of loading (0 - 2 N) and 2% at 450 N ( 13 of 17). During extension loading, fascial tension increased displacement at the onset of loading ( 10 of 17) by similar to 23% and slightly (1%) decreased displacement at 450 N. Segment stiffness was increased by 6 N/mm in flexion (44% at 25 N) and decreased by 2 N/mm (8% at 25 N) in extension. More than 85% of tension was transmitted through the MLF. Conclusions. Tension on the lumbar fasciae simulating moderate contraction of TrA affects segmental stiffness, particularly toward the neutral zone.


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Patellofemoral pain (PFP) may be related to unfavorable knee joint loading. Delayed and/or reduced activity of vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and different movement patterns have been identified in individuals with PFP in some studies, whereas other studies have failed to show a difference compared to non-affected controls. The discrepancy between study results may depend on the different tasks that have been investigated. No previous study has investigated these variables in postural responses to unpredictable perturbations in PFP. Whole body three dimensional kinematics and surface EMG of quadriceps muscles activation was studied in postural responses to unpredictable support surface translations in 17 women with PFP who were pain free at the time of testing, and 17 matched healthy controls. The results of the present study showed earlier onset of VMO activity and associated changes in kinematics to anterior platform translation in the PFP subjects. We suggest that the relative timing between the portions quadriceps muscles may be task specific and part of an adapted response in attempt to reduce knee joint loading. This learned response appears to remain even when the pain is no longer present.


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Background: Chronic exposure to musical auditory stimulation has been reported to improve cardiac autonomic regulation. However, it is not clear if music acutely influences it in response to autonomic tests. We evaluated the acute effects of music on heart rate variability (HRV) responses to the postural change maneuver (PCM) in women. Method: We evaluated 12 healthy women between 18 and 28 years old and HRV was analyzed in the time (SDNN, RMSSD, NN50 and pNN50) and frequency (LF, HF and LF/HF ratio) domains. In the control protocol, the women remained at seated rest for 10 minutes and quickly stood up within three seconds and remained standing still for 15 minutes. In the music protocol, the women remained at seated rest for 10 minutes, were exposed to music for 10 minutes and quickly stood up within three seconds and remained standing still for 15 minutes. HRV was recorded at the following time: rest, music (music protocol) 0–5, 5–10 and 10–15 min during standing. Results: In the control protocol the SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50 indexes were reduced at 10–15 minutes after the volunteers stood up, while the LF (nu) index was increased at the same moment compared to seated rest. In the protocol with music, the indexes were not different from control but the RMSSD, pNN50 and LF (nu) were different from the music period. Conclusion: Musical auditory stimulation attenuates the cardiac autonomic responses to the PCM.


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Background Chronic exposure to musical auditory stimulation has been reported to improve cardiac autonomic regulation. However, it is not clear if music acutely influences it in response to autonomic tests. We evaluated the acute effects of music on heart rate variability (HRV) responses to the postural change maneuver (PCM) in women. Method We evaluated 12 healthy women between 18 and 28 years old and HRV was analyzed in the time (SDNN, RMSSD, NN50 and pNN50) and frequency (LF, HF and LF/HF ratio) domains. In the control protocol, the women remained at seated rest for 10 minutes and quickly stood up within three seconds and remained standing still for 15 minutes. In the music protocol, the women remained at seated rest for 10 minutes, were exposed to music for 10 minutes and quickly stood up within three seconds and remained standing still for 15 minutes. HRV was recorded at the following time: rest, music (music protocol) 0–5, 5–10 and 10–15 min during standing. Results In the control protocol the SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50 indexes were reduced at 10–15 minutes after the volunteers stood up, while the LF (nu) index was increased at the same moment compared to seated rest. In the protocol with music, the indexes were not different from control but the RMSSD, pNN50 and LF (nu) were different from the music period. Conclusion Musical auditory stimulation attenuates the cardiac autonomic responses to the PCM.


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This study was designed to examine differences in the coupling dynamics between upper limb motion, physiological tremor and whole body postural sway in young healthy adults. Acceleration of the hand and fingers, forearm EMG activity and postural sway data were recorded. Estimation of the degree of bilateral and limb motion-postural sway coupling was determined by cross correlation, coherence and Cross-ApEn analyses. The results of the analysis revealed that, under postural tremor conditions, there was no significant coupling between limbs, muscles or sway across all metrics of coupling. In contrast, performing a rapid alternating flexion/extension movement about the wrist joint (with one or both limbs) resulted in stronger coupling between limb motion and postural sway. These results support the view that, for physiological tremor responses, the control of postural sway is maintained independent to tremor in the upper limb. However, increasing the level of movement about a distal segment of one arm (or both) leads to increased coupling throughout the body. The basis for this increased coupling would appear to be related to the enhanced neural drive to task-specific muscles within the upper limb.


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The physiological adaptation to the erect posture involves integrated neural and cardiovascular responses that might be determined by genetic factors. We examined the familial- and individual-specific components of variance for postural changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in 767 volunteer nuclear adult families from the Victorian Family Heart Study. In 274 adult sibling pairs, we made a genome-wide scan using 400 markers for quantitative trait loci linked with the postural changes in systolic and diastolic pressures. Overall, systolic pressure did not change on standing, but there was considerable variation in this phenotype (SD=8.1 mm Hg). Familial analyses revealed that 25% of the variance of change in systolic pressure was attributable to genetic factors. In contrast, diastolic pressure increased by 6.3 mm Hg (SD=7.0 mm Hg) on standing and there was no evidence of contributory genetic factors. Multipoint quantitative genome linkage mapping suggested evidence (Z=3.2) of linkage of the postural change in systolic pressure to chromosome 12 but found no genome-wide evidence of linkage for the change in diastolic pressure. These findings suggest that genetic factors determine whether systolic pressure decreases or increases when one stands, possibly as the result of unidentified alleles on chromosome 12. The genetics of postural changes in systolic blood pressure might reflect the general buffering function of the baroreflex; thereby, the predisposition to sudden decreases or increases in systolic pressure might cause postural hypotension or vessel wall disruption, respectively.


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BACKGROUND: To prevent falls in the elderly, especially those with low bone density, is it necessary to maintain muscle coordination and balance. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of classical balance training (BAL) and whole-body vibration training (VIB) on postural control in post-menopausal women with low bone density. METHODS: Sixty-eight subjects began the study and 57 completed the nine-month intervention program. All subjects performed resistive exercise and were randomized to either the BAL- (N=31) or VIB-group (N=26). The BAL-group performed progressive balance and coordination training and the VIB-group underwent, in total, four minutes of vibration (depending on exercise; 24-26Hz and 4-8mm range) on the Galileo Fitness. Every month, the performance of a single leg stance task on a standard unstable surface (Posturomed) was tested. At baseline and end of the study only, single leg stance, Romberg-stance, semi-tandem-stance and tandem-stance were tested on a ground reaction force platform (Leonardo). RESULTS: The velocity of movement on the Posturomed improved by 28.3 (36.1%) (p<0.001) in the VIB-group and 18.5 (31.5%) (p<0.001) in the BAL-group by the end of the nine-month intervention period, but no differences were seen between the two groups (p=0.45). Balance tests performed on the Leonardo device did not show any significantly different responses between the two groups after nine months (p≥0.09). CONCLUSIONS: Strength training combined with either proprioceptive training or whole-body vibration was associated with improvements in some, but not all, measures of postural control in post-menopausal women with low bone density. The current study could not provide evidence for a significantly different impact of whole-body vibration or balance training on postural control.