991 resultados para POSIDONIA-OCEANICA
Realització per primera vegada de la cartografia de l’escull de Posidònia oceànica per tal d’observar la seva evolució, i estudi de s’Estany des Peix, concretament de les fortes pressions antròpiques que rep i posterior elaboració d’una proposta el més sostenible possible. S’estudia també la relació entre aquests dos espais
This article documents the addition of 268 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alburnoides bipunctatus, Chamaerops humilis, Chlidonias hybrida, Cyperus papyrus, Fusarium graminearum, Loxigilla barbadensis, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Odontesthes bonariensis, Pelteobagrus vachelli, Posidonia oceanica, Potamotrygon motoro, Rhamdia quelen, Sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii, Sibiraea angustata, Takifugu rubripes, Tarentola mauritanica, Trimmatostroma sp. and Wallago attu. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Alburnoides fasciatus, Alburnoides kubanicus, Alburnoides maculatus, Alburnoides ohridanus, Alburnoides prespensis, Alburnoides rossicus, Alburnoides strymonicus, Alburnoides thessalicus, Alburnoides tzanevi, Carassius carassius, Fusarium asiaticum, Leucaspius delineatus, Loxigilla noctis dominica, Pelecus cultratus, Phoenix canariensis, Potamotrygon falkneri, Trachycarpus fortune and Vimba vimba. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
[EN] Plant Tissue Culture, also called “micropropagation”, is the propagation of plants from different tissues (or explants) in a shorter time than conventional propagation, making use of the ability that many plant cells have to regenerate a whole plant (totipotency).There are two alternative mechanisms by which an explant can regenerate an entire plant, namely organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. Since the last decades, the number of higher terrestrial plants species from which these techniques have been successfully applied has continually increased. However, few attempts have been carried out in marine plants. Previous seagrasses authors have focused their studies on i) vegetative propagation of rhizome fragments as explants in Ruppia maritima, Halophila engelmannii, Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica; ii) culture of meristems in Heterozostera tasmanica, C. nodosa or P. oceanica; and iii) culture of germinated seeds on aseptic conditions, in Thalassia testudinum, H. ovalis, P. coriacea, P. oceanica, and H. decipiens. All these studies determine the most adequate culture medium for each species (seawater, nutrients, vitamins, carbon sources, etc...), often supplemented with different plant growth regulators and the necessary conditions for the culture maintenance, such as light and temperature. On the other hand, several studies have previously established protocols for cell or protoplast isolation in the species Zostera marina, Z. muelleri, P. oceanica, and C. nodosa, using shoots collected from natural meadows as original vegetal source, but further cell growth was never accomplished. Due to the absence of somatic embryogenesis or organogenetic studies in seagrasses we wonder: IS THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION OF TISSUE CULTURE TECHNIQUES POSSIBLE IN SEAGRASSES?
La gestione di sorgenti multiple di disturbo in AMP: il caso delle Isole Tremiti Il seguente lavoro di tesi valuta l’efficacia di protezione di un’area marina protetta (AMP) sui popolamenti di differenti habitat compresi in zone a diverso regime di tutela. Questo tema è molto sentito sia dal punto di vista scientifico, poiché le AMP rappresentano uno esperimento di esclusione delle attività antropiche ad ampia scala, sia dal punto di vista socio-economico per l’interesse che sono in grado di generare nelle comunità locali. Tuttavia, ad oggi, gli studi che abbiano dimostrato l’efficacia di protezione delle AMP sono pochi e sono per lo più diretti sulle specie di maggior interesse commerciale. In generale, c’è un’evidente mancanza di protezione in molte AMP del Mediterraneo e di aree extra-mediterranee che può essere attribuita a diversi fattori, tra cui le caratteristiche fisiche dei siti dove sono state istituite, le modalità di gestione e le numerose attività illegali che vengono svolte all’interno dei loro confini. Inoltre, nelle aree protette, spesso, anche le attività lecite non sono adeguatamente regolamentate, limitando ulteriormente il perseguimento degli obiettivi istitutivi e la tutela della biodiversità marina. Testare le ipotesi sull’efficacia di protezione delle AMP è, quindi, di fondamentale importanza per capire quali tipi di impatti sono maggiormente presenti e per poter fornire agli Enti gestori informazioni utili per migliorare l’amministrazione delle AMP. In particolare, l’AMP dell’arcipelago delle Isole Tremiti, istituita da oltre venti anni, è un’area protetta che presenta molte criticità, come dimostrato in precedenti campagne di monitoraggio condotte dal Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare (CoNISMa). In questo contesto, la presente tesi è stata sviluppata con lo scopo di quantificare l’effetto della regolamentazione di diverse attività umane sui popolamenti del subtidale, della frangia e delle praterie di Posidonia oceanica nell’AMP delle Isole Tremiti a diverse scale spaziali per un periodo di circa dieci anni. Questo lavoro, inoltre, rientra in un progetto finanziato dal Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare al CoNISMa volto ad impostare un’attività di monitoraggio sperimentale e di mitigazione in questa AMP. I campionamenti sono stati condotti tra Giugno e Settembre 2010 e i dati raccolti sono stati integrati a quelli ottenuti nei precedenti monitoraggi svolti nelle Isole Tremiti. I risultati hanno mostrato che: 1) ci sono differenze significative consistenti nel tempo tra il subtidale dell’isola di Pianosa e quello delle altre isole dell’arcipelago; 2) i popolamenti nella frangia di Pianosa, di San Domino e di Caprara non presentano differenze significative; 3) c’è un’elevata variabilità a scala di sito nelle praterie di Posidonia oceanica, ma non si osserva una differenza tra località protette ed impattate. La differenza riscontrata nel subtidale tra zona a protezione integrale (Pianosa) e le altre isole dell’arcipelago (controlli) non è però attribuibile ad un effetto della protezione. Infatti, il subtidale di Pianosa è caratterizzato da un barren molto esteso con elevate percentuali di spugne rosse incrostanti, di alghe rodoficee incrostanti e di ricci di mare, mentre nelle isole di San Domino e di Caprara c’è una maggiore diversità data da alghe corallinacee articolate, alghe erette, idrozoi, ascidiacei e numerose spugne. Diversi fattori possono aver agito nel determinare questo risultato, ma molto probabilmente la cospicua attività di pesca illegale che viene praticata a Pianosa combinata all’attività di grazing degli erbivori, non controllati dai predatori, limita il recupero dei popolamenti. Al contrario, l’assenza di differenze nei popolamenti della frangia delle tre isole campionate fa ipotizzare la mancanza di impatti diretti (principalmente il calpestio) su questo habitat. Per quanto riguarda la Posidonia oceanica i risultati suggeriscono che si stia verificando un ancoraggio indiscriminato su tutte le praterie delle Isole Tremiti e che molto probabilmente si tratta di praterie in forte regressione, come indicano anche le ricerche condotte dall’Università di Bari. C’è bisogno, tuttavia, di ulteriori studi che aiutino a comprendere meglio la variabilità nella riposta dei popolamenti in relazione alle diverse condizioni ambientali e al diverso sforzo di gestione. In conclusione, dai risultati ottenuti, emerge chiaramente come anche nell’AMP delle Isole Tremiti, ci sia una scarsa efficacia di protezione, così come è stato rilevato per la maggior parte delle AMP italiane. Per risolvere le costanti conflittualità che perdurano nelle Isole Tremiti e che non permettono il raggiungimento degli obiettivi istitutivi dell’AMP, è assolutamente necessario, oltre che far rispettare la regolamentazione vigente incrementando il numero di guardacoste sull’isola durante tutto l’anno, procedere, eventualmente, ad una rizonizzazione dell’AMP e sviluppare un piano di gestione in accordo con la popolazione locale adeguatamente sensibilizzata. Solo in questo modo sarà possibile ridurre le numerose attività illegali all’interno dell’AMP, e, allo stesso tempo, rendere gli stessi cittadini una componente imprescindibile della conservazione di questo arcipelago.
Rationale: Coralligenous habitat is considered the second most important subtidal “hot spot” of species diversity in the Mediterranean Sea after the Posidonia oceanica meadows. It can be defined as a typical Mediterranean biogenic hard bottom, mainly produced by the accumulation of calcareous encrusting algae that, together with other builder organisms, form a multidimensional framework with a high micro-spatial variability. The development of this habitat depends on physical factors (i.e. light, hydrodynamism, nutrients, etc.), but also biologic interactions can play a relevant role in structuring the benthic assemblages. This great environmental heterogeneity allows several different assemblages to coexist in a reduced space. One of the most beautiful is that characterised by the Mediterranean gorgonian Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826) that can contribute to above 40% of total biomass of the community and brings significant structural complexity into the coralligenous habitat. In sites moderately exposed to waves and currents, P. clavata can form high-density populations (up to 60 colonies m-2) between 20 – 70 m in depth. Being a suspension feeder, where it forms dense populations, P. clavata plays a significant role in transferring energy from planktonic to benthic system. The effects of the branched colonies of P. clavata could be comparable to those of the forests on land. They can affect the micro scale hydrodynamism and light, promoting or inhibiting the growth of other species. Unfortunately, gorgonians are threatened by several anthropogenic disturbance factors (i.e. fishing, pollution, tourism) and by climatic anomalies, linked to the global changes, that are responsible of thermal stress, development of mucilage and enhanced pathogens activity, leading to mass mortality events in last decades. Till now, the possible effects of gorgonian forest loss are largely unknown. Our goal was to analyse the ecological role of these sea fan forests on the coralligenous benthic assemblages. Experimental setup and main results: The influence of P. clavata in the settlement and recruitment of epibenthic organisms was analysed by a field experiment carried out in two randomly selected places: Tavolara island and Portofino promontory. The experiment consisted in recreate the presence and absence of the gorgonian forest on recruitment panels, arranged in four plots per type (forested and non-forested), interspersed each other, and deployed at the same depth. On every forested panel 3 gorgonian colonies about 20 cm height were grafted with the use of Eppendorf tubes and epoxy resin bicomponent simulating a density of 190 sea fans per m-2. This density corresponds to a mean biomass of 825 g DW m-2,3 which is of the same order of magnitude of the natural high-density populations. After about 4 months, the panels were collected and analysed in laboratory in order to estimate the percent cover of all the species that have colonized the substrata. The gorgonian forest effects were tested by multivariate and univariate permutational analyses of the variance (PERMANOVA). Recruited assemblages largely differed between the two study sites, probably due to different environmental conditions including water quality and turbidity. On overall, the presence of P. clavata reduced the settlement and recruitment of several algae: the shadow caused by the gorgonian might reduce light availability and therefore their growth. This effect might be greater in places where the waters are on average more clear, since at Portofino it is less visible and could be masked by the high turbidity of the water. The same pattern was registered for forams, more abundant outside gorgonian forest, probably linked with algal distribution, shadowing effect or alimentary competition. The last one hypothesis could be valid also for serpulids polychaetes that growth mainly on non-forested panels. An opposite trend, was showed by a species of bryozoan and by an hydroid that is facilitated by the presence of P. clavata, probably because it attenuates irradiance level and hydrodynamism. Species diversity was significantly reduced by the presence of P. clavata forests at both sites. This seems in contrast with what we expected, but the result may be influenced by the large algal component on non-forested panels. The analysis confirmed the presence of differences in the species diversity among plots and between sites respectively due to natural high variability of the coralligenous system and to different local environment conditions. The reduction of species diversity due to the presence of gorgonians appeared related to a worst evenness rather than to less species richness. With our experiment it is demonstrated that the presence of P. clavata forests can significantly alter local coralligenous assemblages patterns, promoting or inhibiting the recruitment of some species, modifying trophic relationships and adding heterogeneity and complexity to the habitat. Moreover, P. clavata could have a stabilising effect on the coralligenous assemblages.
The thesis describes the molluscan biodiversity of the infralittoral off-shore reefs in the "Secche di Tor Paterno" marine protected area lying in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea off the coasts of Lazio south of Roma. Data originate from underwater sampling activities carried out by SCUBA diving in four biocoenoses: Posidonia oceanica leaves and rhizomes, coralligenous concretions and detritic pools. The representativeness of molluscs as descriptors of biocoenoses is evaluated by preliminary comparisons with data about Polychaeta, Pleocyemata (Crustacea) and Brachiopoda obtained in the same survey. The malacocoenoses of the four biocoenoses are treated in detail. Then data are compared with other data sets to assess differences and similarities with other communities. The agreement between death and living assemblages in the reefs is evaluated for the Posidonia oceanica and the coralligenous biocoenosis and was carried out by a set of standard metrics and some benthic ecology methods. Molluscs perform very well as descriptors of biocoenoses, better than the other phyla. The molluscan assemblages of the reefs are very rich in species despite richness is mainly concentrated in the coralligenous and in the rhizomes of Posidonia oceanica. The leaves of Posidonia oceanica host a rather poor assemblage. Detritic pools host a poor but peculiar species assemblage. The dead-live agreement showed that death assemblages are highly representative of sediments of nearby biocoenoses as a result of low bottom transport. Fidelity metrics suggest a good agreement between the living and death assemblages when species richness and taxonomic composition are considered. The study suggests that fidelity is lower when considering the species dominance. These differences could be associated to the trophism of species and possibly to the species life span.
Macrophytes growing in shallow coastal zones characterised by intense metabolic activity have the capacity to modify pH within their canopy and beyond. We observed diel pH changes in shallow (5-12 m) seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadows spanning 0.06 pH units in September to 0.24 units in June. The carbonate system (pH, DIC, and aragonite saturation state (omega Ar)) and O2 within the meadows displayed strong diel variability driven by primary productivity, and changes in chemistry were related to structural parameters of the meadow, in particular, the leaf surface area available for photosynthesis (LAI). LAI was positively correlated to mean, max and range pHNBS and max and range omega Ar. In June, vertical mixing (as Turbulent Kinetic Energy) influenced max and min omega Ar, while in September there was no effect of hydrodynamics on the carbonate system within the canopy. Max and range omega Ar within the meadow showed a positive trend with the calcium carbonate load of the leaves, pointing to a possible link between structural parameters, omega Ar and carbonate deposition.
El arrecife artificial de Tabarca se diseñó e instaló principalmente con el objetivo de impedir la pesca de arrastre ilegal sobre las praderas de Posidonia oceanica. Además se diseñó un arrecife alveolar experimental para estudiar sus efectos sobre la ictiofauna litoral y sus posibilidades como lugar de pesca alternativo a la flota artesanal de Tabarca. La ictiofauna asociada al arrecife artificial de Tabarca se estudió mediante censos visuales durante tres años consecutivos entre 1990 y 1992, con una frecuencia estacional. Los resultados muestran una estructura de la comunidad condicionada por el diseño y emplazamiento de los módulos. La dinámica temporal manifiesta una clara diferencia según consideremos el poblamiento total o sólo el residente: el primero refleja una pauta muy fluctuante, poco predecible; el poblamiento residente muestra una tendencia hacia la estructuración, con un aumento progresivo de especies sedentarias predadoras, y un incremento significativo de la biomasa. Estos resultados refuerzan las interpretaciones que dan un papel condicionante al tamaño del arrecife artificial y a su localización.
Actualmente se ha detectado la existencia de un gradiente de biodiversidad, marcado por el eje Nor-Oeste/Sur-Este y justificado por variables ambientales claves como la latitud, salinidad, temperatura, circulación de las masas de agua, etc. La conjunción de estas variables hacen del litoral de Murcia una de las zonas de mayor biodiversidad del Mediterráneo, mar ya de por sí caracterizado por una alta biodiversidad. Una de las singularidades paisajísticas del litoral murciano son los cañones submarinos cercanos a la línea de costa, propuestos en la Cumbre Mundial de Desarrollo Sostenible de Johannesburgo (2002) como hábitats únicos de gran importancia ecológica. La disposición geográfica del litoral murciano lo convierte en una pantalla que frena el agua procedente del Atlántico y que pasa por Gibraltar, configurando un espacio marino en el que convergen especies mediterráneas y atlánticas, tanto a nivel pelágico como nerítico. La Región de Murcia muestra una gran cantidad de hábitats marinos contenidos en la Lista Patrón de Hábitats Marinos presentes en España, pero si existe un hábitat emblemático en el medio marino mediterráneo y, por ende, en el litoral de la Región de Murcia, es el generado por las praderas de Posidonia oceanica (Posidonietum oceanicae). Otro importantísimo valor natural regional es la laguna salada del Mar Menor, hábitat prioritario de la Directiva Hábitats, que alberga importantes poblaciones de caballito de mar, langostinos y otras especies de interés, además de ser un importante lugar de paso e invernada de aves acuáticas, limícolas y marinas.
A new classification of microtidal sand and gravel beaches with very different morphologies is presented below. In 557 studied transects, 14 variables were used. Among the variables to be emphasized is the depth of the Posidonia oceanica. The classification was performed for 9 types of beaches: Type 1: Sand and gravel beaches, Type 2: Sand and gravel separated beaches, Type 3: Gravel and sand beaches, Type 4: Gravel and sand separated beaches, Type 5: Pure gravel beaches, Type 6: Open sand beaches, Type 7: Supported sand beaches, Type 8: Bisupported sand beaches and Type 9: Enclosed beaches. For the classification, several tools were used: discriminant analysis, neural networks and Support Vector Machines (SVM), the results were then compared. As there is no theory for deciding which is the most convenient neural network architecture to deal with a particular data set, an experimental study was performed with different numbers of neuron in the hidden layer. Finally, an architecture with 30 neurons was chosen. Different kernels were employed for SVM (Linear, Polynomial, Radial basis function and Sigmoid). The results obtained for the discriminant analysis were not as good as those obtained for the other two methods (ANN and SVM) which showed similar success.
La Zona de Especial Conservación (ZEC) de Calahonda, se encuentra localizada en una zona de transición entre aguas atlánticas y mediterráneas, en la cual además coinciden tres regiones biogeográficas (el mar de Alborán, dentro de la provincia Mediterránea, la plataforma atlántica europea del Sur y los Afloramientos Saharauis, ambas dentro de la provincia Lusitánica). Todo esto junto con las características oceanográficas de la zona (gran influencia de agua atlántica y afloramientos casi permanentes) hacen que sea una de las zonas más biodiversas de toda Europa. Los constantes afloramientos de la zona junto con la influencia atlántica hacen que esta zona sea unas de las más productivas de todo el mediterráneo. Esta alta productividad es la responsable, en parte, de la baja claridad de sus aguas. Esto hace que en el ZEC”Calahonda”, encontremos praderas de fanerógamas como: el endemismo mediterráneo Posidonia oceanica o Cymodocea nodosa con una estructura fragmentada y con unos parámetros fenológicos característicos (alta densidad de haces y hojas cortas) en comparación con otras praderas mediterráneas. Por lo tanto, sería interesante estudiar como esta configuración de las praderas y la influencia atlántica del ZEC”Calahonda” podrán influir en las comunidades bentónicas asociadas a ellas y su dinámica temporal. Para ello se eligieron los crustáceos decápodos, pues son un grupo muy abundante y diverso tanto en aguas someras como profundas, y además su alta movilidad nos permitiría estudiar el flujo de especies e individuos entre los diferentes hábitats. Además de las praderas de fanerógamas antes citadas, también se estudiaron los fondos de macroalgas fotófilas, pues son los más abundantes en términos de cobertura dentro del ZEC”Calahonda”. Cada una de las asociaciones de decápodos ligadas a cada una de los tres hábitats estudiados, presentaron una composición faunística característica. Si bien es verdad que también compartieron un gran número de especies. En cuanto a la tendencia temporal de las asociaciones, cada una tuvo una dinámica diferente. Así, las asociaciones ligadas a C. nodosa presentaron una dinámica temporal fuertemente correlacionada con la fenológica de la planta. Mientras que las asociaciones ligadas a P. oceanica y los fondos de macrolagas, mostraron una dinámica temporal independiente de la fenología, siendo los eventos de reclutamiento, la temperatura del agua y la complejidad estructural del hábitat, entre otras, las variables responsables de ella. La estructura en mosaico de los fondos del ZEC”Calahonda”, formados por rodales de P. oceanica, C. nodosa y fondos de macroalgas, generan un hábitat con una alta complejidad estructural. El cual permite un flujo de especies entre ellos, generando unas asociaciones de decápodos muy diversas y estables en el tiempo.