75 resultados para PMT


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The Electrochemical stability of poly(3-methylthiophene) (PMT) thin film modified glassy carbon electrodes was investigated experimentally with successive cyclic voltammetry(CV) The effects of electrolyte solutions on the stability were studied. In the presence of small hydrated anions (less-than-or-equal-to 3.5nm) in the solution, the electroactivity of PMT films decreased with the characteristics of second order kinetics. In a solution with large hydrated anions (greater-than-or-equal-to 4 nm), PMT films have good stability. PMT/GO electrode can electrocatalyse the oxidation of Br- and Cl- anions, and loses its electroactivity rapidly. X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) have demonstrated that chlorine has bonded covalently onto the PMT structure after OV cycles in NaCl solutions.


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The soluble poly-o-toluidine (POT) and poly-m-toluidine (PMT) have been success- fully prepared under controlled conditions of polymerization and post-treatment, and characterized by IR, VPO and elemental analysis. It is found that the soluble and insol- uble polymers obtained with two different methods (Ⅰ and Ⅱ) have the similar conduc- tivity and molecular chain structure. VPO measurement shows that the number average molecular weight (Mn) of soluble polymers is about 3000. The mole ratio o...


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气体探测器在核物理及粒子物理领域有着广泛的应用,尤其是阻性板室探测器,以其低廉的造价、优异的性能在各个大型实验室中都发挥着重要的作用。日本国家高能物理实验室(KEK)的Belle探测器,斯坦福大学斯坦福直线加速器中心(SLAC)的BaBar大型探测器,欧洲核子中心(CERN)的大型强子对撞机(LHC)的CMS与ATLAS谱仪,北京高能物理研究所(IHEP)的BESⅢ谱仪都使用阻性板室作为触发系统或缪子探测器。 随着HIRFL-CSR项目的完工。RIBLL2开展高能放射性束物理实验成为可能,而为了鉴别高能重离子碰撞实验中出射的高能轻粒子,有必要测量粒子的飞行时间(TOF)。为此,我们研制了单隙定时RPC,并作了简单性能测试。在CSR实验终端上,它可以作为传统塑料闪烁晶体+PMT时间探测器的替代,成为反应出射产物测量的大型探测器系统(4π)中的重要成员。 本论文对RPC的发展历史以及被广泛应用的原因做了深入而详细的研究,并对RPC的结构、性能、工作模式、特点、气体系统等进行了深入探讨。研制了一套单气隙RPC探测器样机,测设了一些相关性能,并对所遇到问题的产生原因以及解决方案进行了分析。为了测试RPC的需要,搭建了一套多组分工作气体配气系统,论文中还对包括质量流量计的选定,相关配件的选择,以及后期整个配气系统的组装与调试进行了详细描述


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鲳属鱼类是鲈形目中具有很高经济价值的名贵鱼类,广泛分布于我国沿海。我国是鲳鱼产量最高的国家之一,仅1995年产量就达20.9万吨(中国渔业统计年鉴,1995),约占世界鲳鱼达的60%以上.近二、三十年来,由于受传统业资源的过度开发、近海资源不足以及海洋环境污染因素影响,我国四大渔业中的大、小黄鱼及带鱼资源相继衰竭,使年产约20万吨的鲳属鱼类在我国海洋渔业中占据越来越理要的地位,引起了国内外鱼类学家的广泛注意。然而,鲳属鱼类的分布和命名问题,长期以来,国内外专家学者众说纷绘纭、菲衷一是。本文总结的近二百年来有问中国鲳属鱼类分类研究的国内外文献资料,根据中国科学院海洋研究所历年(1951-1998)采集并收藏的以及新补充采集的鲳鱼标本,对我国沿海鲳属鱼类的外部形态(包括体形、体色、鳍、鳞片)、消化器官(包括牙齿、食道侧囊、胃、幽门盲囊、肠、肝)、呼吸器官、感觉器官、骨骼系统(包括脑颅、咽颅、脊椎骨、附肢骨骼)等生化特征作了系统地比较研究,并用支序分类学原理和方法分析了中国鲳属种间的系统发育关第,得到如下结果:1. 中国沿海鲳属鱼分共有5种:银鲳Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen,1788)、翎鲳P. punctatissimus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845)、灰鲳 P.cinereus (Bloch, 1793) 、中国鲳P. chinensis (Euphrasen, 1788)和珍鲳P. minor Liu et Li, 1998, sp. nov,. 其中银鲳、灰鲳和中国鲳曾多次出现在我国近海地区性鱼类志和地方鱼类志中,本文对它们进物了准确的鉴定和描述,对翎属P. punctatissimus 进行了重新描述,在我国为新记录;论证了珍鲳P. minor为区别于鲳属其它独立有效的一新种。2. 形态学化较研究表明,5种鲳属鱼类在体形、体色、鳍棘、鳍条、牙齿、幽门盲囊、鳃耙、头后部侧线管、 头骨、脊椎骨、耳石等特征方面存在明显的种间差异,可作为鲳属鱼类分类的有效鉴别特征。3.中国沿海的中国鲳P. chinensis (Euphrasen,1788)与印渡洋的瑷鲳 P. ctous (Cuvier et Valenciennes, 1833)形态差异很小,认为P. atous (Cuivier et Valenciennes, 1833) 与P.chinensis (Euphrasen, 1788)可能为同一种,P. atous 应为P. chinesnsis 的同物异名。4.鲳属鱼类的肌浆蛋白酶(Pm)、酯酶(EST)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)具有明显的种的特异性,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)则无种间差异。青岛、上海、厦门和珠海4个取样地点的银鲳的Pm和EST酶谱完全相同,同样,上述4个取地点的瓴鲳Pmt EST 酶谱也完全相同,从生化学的角度证明我国各海区的银鲳的翎鲳各为同一个种。5.银鲳和翎鲳为广盐广域种,我国黄渤海、东海、台湾海峡和地海均有分布,而且种群数量最大;灰鲳和中国鲳分布于我国东海南部、台湾海峡中部以南和南海,为亚暖水种,种数量次之:珍鲳仅分布于台湾海峡南部的大陆沿岸及南海,为暖水种,其种群数量较小,在当在形成一定的渔汛。6.系统发育关系分析表明,中国鲳属鱼类构成一个单群,此属的共同离征有:1)成鱼无腹鳍;2)背鳍鳍条多于31枚;3)臀鳍鳍条多于30 枚;4)背鳍和臀鳍前部鳍条延长;5)下颌牙齿为三峰型; 6)食道侧囊1个;7)食道侧囊内乳突有放射状脚根;8)脊椎骨数目少、眼眶窝大、后颞窝骨显、耳石厚等近祖特征,但它们仍然具有鳃耙数目多、下颌牙禽少等近祖特征,也是较早期分化种;中国鲳具有个体大、背鳍和臀鲳不具鳍棘、背鳍和臀鳍鳍条数目较多、鳃耙数少且短、翼蝶骨较发达等特征,是毗较特化种; 翎鲳和灰鲳具有鳍第鳍棘和脊椎骨数目较多、鳃耙数较少等区同祖征和具有显著延长的背鳍和臀鳍前部鳍条等共同离征,是一对姐妹种。


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Preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit undergo repeated exposure to procedural and ongoing pain. Early and long-term changes in pain processing, stress-response systems and development may result from cumulative early pain exposure. So that appropriate treatment can be given, accurate assessment of pain is vital, but is also complex because these infants' responses may differ from those of full-term infants. A variety of uni- and multidimensional assessment tools are available; however, many have incomplete psychometric testing and may not incorporate developmentally important cues. Near-infrared spectroscopy and/or EEG techniques that measure neonatal pain responses at a cortical level offer new opportunities to validate neonatal pain assessment tools.


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In this study, a gold nanoparticle (Au-NP)-based detection method for sensitive and specific DNA-based diagnostic applications is described. A sandwich format consisting of Au-NPs/DNA/PMP (Streptavidin-coated MagnetSphere Para-Magnetic Particles) was fabricated. PMPs captured and separated target DNA while Au-NPs modified with oligonucleotide detection sequences played a role in recognition and signal production. Due to the much lower stability of mismatched DNA strands caused by unstable duplex structures in solutions of relatively low salt concentration, hybridization efficiency in the presence of different buffers was well investigated, and thus, the optimized salt concentration allowed for discrimination of single-mismatched DNA (MMT) from perfectly matched DNA (PMT). Therefore, quantitative information concerning the target analyte was translated into a colorimetric signal, which could easily and quantitatively measured by low-cost UV–vis spectrophotometric analysis. The results indicated this to be a very simple and economic strategy for detection of single-mismatched DNA strands.


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Gestión del conocimiento


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Gestión del conocimiento


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There are many known taste receptors specific to each taste attribute. This thesis examines the relationship between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variations (CNVs) in known taste and taste pathway receptors TAS2R38, Gustin, and TRPM5 and for PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil) taster status (PTS), thermal taster status (TTS), and orosensory sensation intensity ratings. PTS is a proxy for general taste responsiveness, and the ability to taste PROP classifies individuals into three phenotypes: super (PST), medium (PMT), and non-tasters (PNT). Another taste phenotype, also serving as a proxy for general taste responsiveness, is TTS, classifying individuals as thermal tasters (TTs) or thermal non-tasters (TnTs). DNA extractions from buccal cells obtained from 60 individuals were performed and analysis of TAS2R38, Gustin, and TRPM5 variations were conducted through Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), sequencing for SNPs, and upQMPSF for CNV analysis of TRPM5. Among the SNPs and CNVs studied, only TAS2R38 was found to be significantly associated with PTS and intensity ratings for sweet, bitter, and sour taste as well as astringency. However, not all PROP phenotypic differences can be explained by the variations at these three SNP sites in TAS2R38, suggesting the involvement of additional genes. No association was found between TTS and TAS2R38 or Gustin, confirming that PTS and TTS are not genetically associated. The examined TRPM5 SNPs and CNVs did not correlate with TTS. Therefore, further research is necessary into other factors contributing to PTS and TTS.


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La protection des enfants dans les pays en développement constitue encore aujourd’hui une problématique qui continue à alimenter la préoccupation et des débats sur l’avenir des enfants à l’échelle nationale et internationale. En dépit des interventions répétées des organismes internationaux œuvrant dans le domaine de la protection des enfants à travers le monde, les conditions socioéconomiques de millions d’enfants ne cessent d’empirer, laissant ainsi leur avenir dans une incertitude accablante. Le souci de secourir ces enfants a ouvert la voie à l’amplification du phénomène d’adoption internationale qui témoigne d’une forme de «solidarité» internationale en faveur des enfants à travers le monde mais qui finit par s’imposer comme une forme de protection sociale qui transcende les frontières nationales. En Haïti, la précarité des conditions de vie a permis la mise en action d’un ensemble de stratégies d’entraide se reposant sur des liens communautaires forts qui se veut une sorte de soupape pour amortir les impacts sur les membres de la famille, mais qui s’étend parfois sur toute la communauté. Dans cette dynamique, l’enfant bénéficie d’une attention soutenue. Ainsi, certains membres de la diaspora haïtienne en Amérique du Nord, plus précisément à Montréal ont procédé à l’adoption dans leur famille élargie en Haïti. L’objectif de cette recherche est donc de dégager une appréhension de l’adoption intrafamiliale en Haïti, plus particulièrement celle réalisée par des haïtiens vivants à Montréal. Mais de manière spécifique, nous visons à : 1) comprendre la nature des décisions d’adopter et sa spécificité en contexte d’adoption intrafamiliale chez les adoptants québécois originaires d’Haïti, 2) établir les étapes et le contexte des démarches d’adoption qui caractérisent les projets des adoptants haïtiens québécois et 3) comprendre dans quelle mesure la protection des enfants fait partie du désir d’adopter chez ces adoptants en dégageant leur point de vue. Cette recherche nous a permis de comprendre que l’adoption intrafamiliale en Haïti est marquée par une grande diversité de motivations tels que le désir d’enfants, le sauvetage des enfants, la redevance sociale, la réussite sociale de l’enfant, l’accès à l’éducation, le désengagement social, le souci de maintenir à distance l’esprit de clan et le don d’enfants. Si ces motifs visent pour la plupart à la protection de l’enfant, ils sont aussi en lien avec la culture haïtienne qui voit dans celui-ci une véritable lueur d’espoir pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie des parents dans leurs vieux jours.


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Presentar las principales corrientes teóricas surgidas en torno a la motivación de logro así como de las diversas interpretaciones que se han dado a los resultados obtenidos en las investigaciones realizadas en el área, durante los últimos 35 años, y analizar las características de personalidad de los grupos de sujetos con diferente motivación de logro. Estudiantes voluntarios de tercer curso de BUP del Instituto Padre Manjón de Granada, con una edad media de 17 años. Aplicación de diferentes cuestionarios y pruebas a los alumnos, para hallar el grado de motivación de logro resultante; basándose en el rendimiento de los sujetos y las calificaciones medias finales de curso. Medida 'N ACH' de la motivación de logro, escala de Ray-Lynn de la motivación de logro, PTM de Hermans, cuestionario de motivación de logro de Mehrbian, cuestionarios de ansiedad (DAS, TAQ, MAS) para la medida del motivo de miedo al fracaso, prueba de rendimiento, test de inteligencia general, test de aptitudes diferenciales (DAT), cuestionario de personalidad 16 PF. BMDP 2d Frecuency Count Routine, se analiza mediante un Chi cuadrado la frecuencia de historias relacionadas con el logro y no relacionadas, correlación de Pearson, aplicación de la fórmula de Kuder-Richardson, BMDP 6r Partial Correlation and Multivariate Regression, cálculo del coeficiente de semejanza de perfiles. Los resultados de la investigación apoyan la posición de Atkinson y Birch. Ante la imposibilidad de utilizar los cuestionarios como medida alternativa al sistema proyectivo, es la puntuación combinada 'N ACH-DAS' la única que ofrece las suficientes garantías de estar realmente midiendo la motivación de logro resultante de los sujetos. Son las imagenes con un mayor nivel de sugerncia las que provocan una mayor activación de la necesidad de logro, la puntuación 'N ACH TAT' permite pronosticar el rendimiento de los sujetos, los sujetos con un mismo nivel de motivación de logro resultante difieren significativamente entre si en personalidad, en función del sexo, el cuestionario PMT de Hermans y la subescala OT de Ray son los que presentaron una mayor validez predictiva referente al rendimiento de mujeres y hombres.


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Recent research in Australia has found that people with a mental illness experience higher mortality rates from preventable illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and diabetes compared to the general population. Lifestyle and other behavioural factors contribute significantly to these illnesses. Lifestyle behaviours that affect these illnesses include lack of physical activity, consumption of a poor diet and cigarette smoking. Research on the influence of these factors has been mainly directed towards the mainstream population in Australia. Consequently, there remains limited understanding of health behaviours among individuals with psychiatric disabilities, their health needs, or factors influencing their participation in protective health behaviours. This thesis presents findings from two studies. Study 1 evaluated the utility of the main components of Roger’s (1983) Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to explain health behaviours among people with a mental illness. A clinical population of individuals with schizophrenia (N=83), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (N=70) and individuals without a mental illness (N=147) participated in the study. Respondents provided information on intentions and self-reported behaviour of engaging in physical activity, following a low-fat diet, and stopping smoking. Study 2 investigated the health care service needs of people with psychiatric disabilities (N=20). Results indicated that the prevalence of overweight, cigarette smoking and a sedentary lifestyle were significantly greater among people with a mental illness compared to that reported for individuals without a mental illness. Major predictors of the lack of intentions to adopt health behaviours among individuals with schizophrenia and MDD were high levels of fear of cardiovascular disease, lack of knowledge of correct dietary principles, lower self-efficacy, a limited social support network and a high level of psychiatric symptoms. In addition, findings demonstrated that psychiatric patients are disproportionately higher users of medical services, but they are under-users of preventive medical care services. These differences are primarily due to a lack of focus on preventive health, feelings of disempowerment and lower satisfaction of patient-doctor relationships. Implications of these results are discussed in terms of designing education and preventive programs for individuals with schizophrenia and MDD.


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A poly(3-methylthiophene) (PMT)/multi-walled carbon nanotube (CNT) composite is synthesized by in situ chemical polymerization. The PMT/CNT composite is used as an active cathode material in lithium metal polymer cells assembled with ionic liquid (IL) electrolytes. The IL electrolyte consists of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (EMIBF4) and LiBF4. A small amount of vinylene carbonate is added to the IL electrolyte to prevent the reductive decomposition of the imidazolium cation in EMIBF4. A porous poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (P(VdF-co-HFP)) film is used as a polymer membrane for assembling the cells. Electrochemical properties of the PMT/CNT composite electrode in the IL electrolyte are evaluated and the effect of vinylene carbonate on the cycling performance of the lithium metal polymer cells is investigated. The cells assembled with a non-flammable IL electrolyte and a PMT/CNT composite cathode are promising candidates for high-voltage–power sources with enhanced safety.


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Este trabalho descreve PMT – Pattern-based Methodology Tailoring, uma abordagem para a adaptação de metodologias de desenvolvimento de software, baseada em padrões e em critérios de risco. Seu principal objetivo é estabelecer meios de se adaptar uma linguagem de padrões organizacionais ao contexto de um projeto específico, o que é obtido através da seleção sistemática dos padrões organizacionais mais adequados aos requisitos do projeto. O trabalho é motivado pelo levantamento de que os arcabouços de processos de software existentes pouco fazem para compreender as necessidades de um projeto antes de definir a metodologia a ser aplicada. PMT utiliza uma análise dos riscos e do contexto de criticalidade para guiar o processo de adaptação. Padrões organizacionais que descrevem técnicas preventivas para os riscos identificados são selecionados por um mecanismo sistemático de seleção, o qual é suportado por uma ferramenta, chamada PMT-Tool.