998 resultados para PHYSICAL MAP


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We have generated a physical map of human chromosome bands 20q11.2-20q13.1, a region containing a gene involved in the development of one form of early-onset, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, MODY1, as well as a putative myeloid tumor suppressor gene. The yeast artificial chromosome contig consists of 71 clones onto which 71 markers, including 20 genes, 5 expressed sequence tags, 32 simple tandem repeat DNA polymorphisms, and 14 sequence-tagged sites have been ordered. This region spans about 18 Mb, which represents about 40% of the physical length of 20q. Using this physical map, we have refined the location of MODY1 to a 13-centimorgan interval (approximately equal to 7 Mb) between D20S169 and D20S176. The myeloid tumor suppressor gene was localized to an 18-centimorgan interval (approximately equal to 13 Mb) between RPN2 and D20S17. This physical map will facilitate the isolation of MODY1 and the myeloid tumor suppressor gene.


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An integrated map of the genome of the tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, was constructed by using a twin-pronged approach. Pulsed-field gel electrophoretic analysis enabled cleavage sites for Asn I and Dra I to be positioned on the 4.4-Mb circular chromosome, while, in parallel, clones from two cosmid libraries were ordered into contigs by means of fingerprinting and hybridization mapping. The resultant contig map was readily correlated with the physical map of the genome via the landmarked restriction sites. Over 165 genes and markers were localized on the integrated map, thus enabling comparisons with the leprosy bacillus, Mycobacterium leprae, to be undertaken. Mycobacterial genomes appear to have evolved as mosaic structures since extended segments with conserved gene order and organization are interspersed with different flanking regions. Repetitive sequences and insertion elements are highly abundant in M. tuberculosis, but the distribution of IS6110 is apparently nonrandom.


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BRCA1 is a breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility gene on human chromosome 17q21. We describe a complete and detailed physical map of a 500-kb region of genomic DNA containing the BRCA1 gene and the partial cloning in phage P1 artificial chromosomes. Approximately 70 exons were isolated from this region, 11 of which were components of the BRCA1 gene. Analysis of the other exons revealed a rho-related G protein and the interferon-induced leucine-zipper protein IFP-35.


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BACKGROUND: The increasing number of assembled mammalian genomes makes it possible to compare genome organisation across mammalian lineages and reconstruct chromosomes of the ancestral marsupial and therian (marsupial and eutherian) mammals. However, the reconstruction of ancestral genomes requires genome assemblies to be anchored to chromosomes. The recently sequenced tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) genome was assembled into over 300,000 contigs. We previously devised an efficient strategy for mapping large evolutionarily conserved blocks in non-model mammals, and applied this to determine the arrangement of conserved blocks on all wallaby chromosomes, thereby permitting comparative maps to be constructed and resolve the long debated issue between a 2n=14 and 2n=22 ancestral marsupial karyotype. RESULTS: We identified large blocks of genes conserved between human and opossum, and mapped genes corresponding to the ends of these blocks by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). A total of 242 genes was assigned to wallaby chromosomes in the present study, bringing the total number of genes mapped to 554 and making it the most densely cytogenetically mapped marsupial genome. We used these gene assignments to construct comparative maps between wallaby and opossum, which uncovered many intrachromosomal rearrangements, particularly for genes found on wallaby chromosomes X and 3. Expanding comparisons to include chicken and human permitted the putative ancestral marsupial (2n=14) and therian mammal (2n=19) karyotypes to be reconstructed. CONCLUSIONS: Our physical mapping data for the tammar wallaby has uncovered the events shaping marsupial genomes and enabled us to predict the ancestral marsupial karyotype, supporting a 2n=14 ancestor. Futhermore, our predicted therian ancestral karyotype has helped to understand the evolution of the ancestral eutherian genome.


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Oryctes baculovirus is a viral biocide exploited for the control of the insect pest Oryctes rhinoceros. We have recently established a physical map of the genome of the Indian isolate of Oryctes baculovirus (OBV-KI). Here we examine the genomic relatedness between OBV-KI and OBV-PV505, the type isolate (originally from the Philippines), by DNA reassociation kinetics and by the use of restriction endonucleases. On the basis of differences in restriction-enzyme profiles between the two genomes, and previously reported differences in protein profiles and antigenic makeup, we propose the taxonomic status of a variant of Oryctes baculovirus for the Indian isolate.


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The distal half of the bacteriophage T4 tail fiber interacts with the surface of the bacterium during adsorption. The largest polypeptide in this half fiber is the product of gene 37 (P37). During assembly of the tail fiber, P37 interacts with the product of gene 38 (P38). These two gene products are incompatible with the corresponding gene products from the related phage T2. T2 P37 does not interact with T4 P38 and T2 P38 does not interact with T4 P37. Crosses between T2 and T4 phages mutant in genes 37 and 38 have shown that the carboxyl end of P37 interacts with P38 and with the bacterial surface. In the corresponding region of gene 37 and in gene 38 there is no recombination between T2 and T4. In the rest of gene 37 there are two small regions with relatively high recombination and a region of low recombination.

When T2/T4 heteroduplex DNA molecules are examined in the electron microscope four nonhomologous loops appear in the region of genes 37 and 38. Heteroduplexes between hybrid phages which have part of gene 37 from T4 and part from T2 have roughly located gene 37 mutations in the heteroduplex pattern. For a more precise location of the , mutations a physical map of gene 37 was constructed by determining the molecular weights of amber polypeptide fragments on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. When the physical and heteroduplex maps are aligned, the regions of low recombination correspond to regions of nonhomology between T2 and T4. Regions with relatively high recombination are homologous.

The molecular weight of T2 P37 is about 13,000 greater than that of T4 P37. Analysis of hybrid phage has shown that this molecular weight difference is all at the carboxyl end of P37.

An antiserum has been prepared which is specific for the distal half fiber of T4. Tests of the ability of gene 37 hybrids to block this antiserum show that there are at least 4 subclasses of antigen specified by different parts of P37.

Observations in the electron microscope of the tailfiber - anti- body complexes formed by the gene 37 hybrids and the specific anti- serum have shown that P37 is oriented linearly in the distal half fiber with its N-terminus near the joint between the two half fibers and its C-terminus near the tip of the fiber. These observations lead to a simple model for the structure of the distal half fiber.

The high recombination in T4 gene 34 was also investigated. A comparison of genetic and physical maps of gene 34 showed that there is a gradient of increasing recombination near one end of the gene.


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We have cloned chromosomal genes mediating the aerobactin iron transport system from the enteroinvasive strain Escherichia coli 978-77. The physical map of the region spanning the siderophore biosynthesis genes and the upstream portion of the receptor gene in strain 978-77-derived clones was identical to the corresponding regions in pColV-K30, while the downstream portion was different. Recombinant plasmids derived from strain 978-77 encoded a 76-kDa outer membrane protein, in contrast to the 74-kDa polypeptide encoded by similar clones derived from pColV-K30. No differences were found in the uptake of ferric aerobactin mediated by either the 76-kDa- or the 74-kDa-encoding plasmids. In contrast, cells containing the 76-kDa-encoding plasmids showed a 16-fold decrease in susceptibility to cloacin compared with cells harboring the 74-kDa-encoding plasmids. Two classes of chimeric aerobactin receptor genes were constructed by exchanging sequences corresponding to the downstream portion from the aerobactin receptor gene of both systems. The pColV-K30-978-77 chimeric gene encoded a 76-kDa outer membrane protein which mediated a low level of cloacin susceptibility, whereas the 978-77-pColV-K30 type encoded a protein of 74 kDa determining a level of cloacin susceptibility identical to that mediated by pColV-K30.


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The European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, is one of the most important marine species cultivated in Southern Europe and has not benefited from selective breeding. One of the major goals in the sea bass (D. labrax) aquaculture industry is to understand and control the complexity of growth associated traits. The aim of the methodology developed for the studies reported in the thesis was not only to establish genetic and genomic resources for sea bass, but to also develop a conceptual strategy to efficiently create knowledge in a research environment that can easily be transferred to the aquaculture industry. The strategy involved; i) establishing an annotated sea bass transcriptome and then using it to, ii) identify new genetic markers for target QTL regions so that, iii) new QTL analysis could be performed and marker based resolution of the DNA regions of interest increased, and then iv) to merge the linkage map and the physical map in order to map the QTL confidence intervals to the sea bass genome and identify genes underlying the targeted traits. Finally to test if genes in the QTL regions that are candidates for divergent growth phenotypes have modified patterns of transcription that reflects the modified whole organism physiology SuperSAGE-SOLiD4 gene expression was used with sea bass with high growth heterogeneity. The SuperSAGE contributed to significantly increase the transcriptome information for sea bass muscle, brain and liver and also led to the identification of putative candidate genes lying in the genomic region of growth related QTL. Lastly all differentially expressed transcripts in brain, liver and muscle of the European sea bass with divergent specific growth rates were mapped to gene pathways and networks and the regulatory pathways most affected identified and established the tissue specific changes underlying the divergent SGR. Owing to the importance of European sea bass to Mediterranean aquaculture and the developed genomics resources from the present thesis and from other studies it should be possible to implement genetic selection programs using marker assisted selection.


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With the aim of determining the genetic basis of metabolic regulation in tomato fruit, we constructed a detailed physical map of genomic regions spanning previously described metabolic quantitative trait loci of a Solanum pennellii introgression line population. Two genomic libraries from S. pennellii were screened with 104 colocated markers from five selected genomic regions, and a total of 614 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)/cosmids were identified as seed clones. Integration of sequence data with the genetic and physical maps of Solanum lycopersicum facilitated the anchoring of 374 of these BAC/cosmid clones. The analysis of this information resulted in a genome-wide map of a nondomesticated plant species and covers 10% of the physical distance of the selected regions corresponding to approximately 1% of the wild tomato genome. Comparative analyses revealed that S. pennellii and domesticated tomato genomes can be considered as largely colinear. A total of 1,238,705 bp from both BAC/cosmid ends and nine large insert clones were sequenced, annotated, and functionally categorized. The sequence data allowed the evaluation of the level of polymorphism between the wild and cultivated tomato species. An exhaustive microsynteny analysis allowed us to estimate the divergence date of S. pennellii and S. lycopersicum at 2.7 million years ago. The combined results serve as a reference for comparative studies both at the macrosyntenic and microsyntenic levels. They also provide a valuable tool for fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci in tomato. Furthermore, they will contribute to a deeper understanding of the regulatory factors underpinning metabolism and hence defining crop chemical composition.


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Ten type I loci from HSA 10 (IL2RA and VIM), HSA11 (HBB and FSHB) and HSA20 (THBD, AVP/OXT, GNAS1, HCK and TOP1) and two domestic cattle type II loci (CSSM30 and BL42) were FISH mapped to R-banded river buffalo (BBU) and sheep (OAR) chromosomes. IL2RA (HSA 10) maps on BBU 14q13 and OAR13q13, VIM (HSA 10) maps on BBU14q15 and OAR13q15, HBB (HSA11) maps on BBU16q25 and OAR15q23, FSHB (HSA11) maps on BBU16q28 and OAR15q26. THBD (HSA20) maps on BBU 14q15 and OAR13q15 while AVP/OXT. GNAS1, HCK, and TOP I (HSA20) as well as CSSM30 and BL42 map on the same large band of BBU 14q22 and OAR13q22. All loci were mapped on the same homologous chromosomes and chromosome bands of the two species, and these results agree with those earlier reported in cattle homologous chromosomes 15 and 13. respectively, confirming the high degree of both banding and physical map similarities among the bovid species. Indirect comparisons between physical maps achieved on bovid chromosomes and those reported on HSA10, HSA11 and HSA20 were performed. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a collective term used to describe phenotypically diverse forms of defective tooth enamel development. AI has been reported to exhibit a variety of inheritance patterns, and several loci have been identified that are associated with AI. We have performed a genome-wide scan in a large Brazilian family segregating an autosomal dominant form of AI and mapped a novel locus to 8q24.3. A maximum multipoint LOD score of 7.5 was obtained at marker D8S2334 (146,101,309 bp). The disease locus lies in a 1.9 cM (2.1 Mb) region according to the Rutgers Combined Linkage-Physical map, between a VNTR marker (at 143,988,705 bp) and the telomere (146,274,826 bp). Ten candidate genes were identified based on gene ontology and microarray-facilitated gene selection using the expression of murine orthologues in dental tissue, and examined for the presence of a mutation. However, no causative mutation was identified.


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The majority of chromosomes in Oreochromis niloticus, as with most fish karyotyped to date, cannot be individually identified owing to their small size. As a first step in establishing a physical map for this important aquaculture species of tilapia we have analyzed the location of the vertebrate telomeric repeat sequence, (TTAGGG)n, in O. niloticus. Southern blot hybridization analysis and a Bal31 sensitivity assay confirm that the vertebrate telomeric repeat is indeed present at O. niloticus chromosomal ends with repeat tracts extending for 4-10 kb on chromosomal ends in erythrocytes. Fluorescent in situ hybridization revealed that (TTAGGG)n is found not only at telomeres, but also at two interstitial loci on chromosome 1. These data support the hypothesis that chromosome 1, which is significantly larger than all the other chromosomes in the karyotype, was produced by the fusion of three chromosomes and explain the overall reduction of chromosomal number from the ancestral teleost karyotype of 2n=48 to 2n=44 observed in tilapia.


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In durum wheat, two major QTL for grain yield (Qyld.idw-2B and Qyld.idw-3B) and related traits were identified in a recombinant population derived from Kofa and Svevo (Maccaferri et al. 2008). To further investigate the genetic and physiological basis of allelic variation for this important trait, the fine mapping of Qyld.idw-2B e Qyld.idw-3B was done during the PhD. In this regard, new molecular markers were added to increase the map resolution in the target interval. For Qyld.idw-2B region COS markers derived from the synteny between wheat and rice/ sorghum /brachypodiu genomes were screened. While for Qyld.idw-3B region SSR, ISBP and COS markers obtained from BAC end-sequences and BAC sequences generated during the construction of the 3B physical map (Paux et al., 2008) were screened. In the RIL population a final map resolution of 2,8 markers/cM for Qyld.idw-2B and 0,6 markers/cM for Qyld.idw-3B were obtained. Eighteen pairs of near-isogenic lines (NILs) for Qyld.idw-3B were obtained from F4:5 heterogeneous inbred families. In order to confirm the phenotypic effect of the QTL all pairs were evaluated in field trials (2010 and 2011) for all traits. Three pairs of NILs, with contrasted haplotypes at the target region, were crossed to produce a large F2 population (ca. 7,500 plants in total) that was screened for the identification of recombinants. A total of 233 homozygous F4:5 segmental isolines were obtained and the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of these materials were done. A fine mapping for Qyld.idw-3B was obtained and the QTL peak was identified in a interval of 0,4 cM. All markers were anchored to the Chinese Spring physical map of chr. 3B, which allowed us to identify the BAC Contigs spanning the QTL region and to assign the QTL peak to Contig 954. Sequencing of this contig has revealed the presence of 42 genes.


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A complete physical map of Escherichia coli K-12 strain MG1655 was constructed by digesting chromosomal DNA with the infrequently cutting restriction enzymes NotI, SfiI and XbaI and separating the fragments by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. The map was used to compare six K-12 strains of E. coli. Although several differences were noted and localized, the map of MG1655 was representative of all the K-12 strains tested. The maps were also used to analyze chromosomal rearrangements in the E. coli strain MG1655. The spontaneous and UV induced frequencies of tandem duplication formation were measured at several loci distributed around the chromosome. The spontaneous duplication frequency varied from 10$\sp{-5}$ to 10$\sp{-3}$ and increased at least ten-fold following mild UV irradiation treatment. Duplications of several regions of the chromosome, including the serA region and the metE region, were mapped using pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Duplications of serA were found to be large, ranging in size from 600 kb to 2100 kb. Several of the duplications isolated at serA were caused by ectopic recombination between IS5 elements and between IS186 elements. Duplications of the metE region, however, were almost exclusively the result of ectopic recombination between ribosomal RNA cistrons. Duplication frequencies were determined at both serA and metE in wild type and mismatch repair mutant strains (mutL, mutS, uvrD and recF). Even though all of the mismatch repair mutations increased duplication frequency of metE, the largest increases were observed in the mutL and mutS strains. Duplication frequency of serA was increased less dramatically by mutations in mismatch repair. Several duplications of metE isolated in a wild type and a mismatch repair mutant were mapped. The results showed that the same repeated sequences were used for duplication formation in the mismatch repair mutant as were used in the wild type strain. Several isolates showed evidence of multiple rearrangements indicating that mismatch repair may play a role in stabilizing the genome by controlling chromosomal rearrangement. ^