983 resultados para PERIAPICAL RADIOGRAPHS
The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and risk factors of apical periodontitis in endodontically treated teeth in a selected population of Brazilian adults. A total of 1,372 periapical radiographs of endodontically treated teeth were analyzed based on the quality of root filling, status of coronal restoration and presence of posts associated with apical periodontitis (AP). Data were analyzed statistically using odds ratio, confidence intervals and chi-square test. The prevalence of AP with adequate endodontic treatment was low (16.5%). This percentage dropped to 12.1% in cases with adequate root filling and adequate coronal restoration. Teeth with adequate endodontic treatment and poor coronal restoration had an AP prevalence of 27.9%. AP increased to 71.7% in teeth with poor endodontic treatment associated with poor coronal restoration. When poor endodontic treatment was combined with adequate coronal restoration, AP prevalence was 61.8%. The prevalence of AP was low when associated with high technical quality of root canal treatment. Poor coronal restoration increased the risk of AP even when endodontic treatment was adequate (OR=2.80; 95%CI=1.87-4.22). The presence of intracanal posts had no influence on AP prevalence.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in patients with agenesis of second premolars and compare the findings with the prevalence of these anomalies in the general population. Materials and Methods: A Brazilian sample of 203 patients aged 8 to 22 years was selected. All patients presented agenesis of at least one second premolar. Panoramic and periapical radiographs and dental casts were used to analyze the presence of other associated dental anomalies, including agenesis of other permanent teeth, ectopia of unerupted permanent teeth, infraocclusion of deciduous molars, microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors, and supernumerary teeth. The occurrence of these anomalies was compared with occurrence data previously reported for the general population. Statistical testing was performed using the chi-square test (P < .05) and the odds ratio. Results: The sample with agenesis of at least one second premolar presented a significantly increased prevalence rate of permanent tooth agenesis (21%), excluding third molars. Among the sample segment aged 14 years or greater (N = 77), occurrence of third-molar agenesis (48%) exceeded twice its normal frequency. Significant increases in occurrence of microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors (20.6%), infraocclusion of deciduous molars (24.6%), and distoangulation of mandibular second premolars (7.8%) were observed. Palatally displaced canine anomaly was also significantly elevated (8.1%). Conclusion: The results provide evidence that agenesis of other permanent teeth, microdontia, deciduous molar infraocclusion, and certain dental ectopias are the products of the same genetic mechanisms that cause second-premolar agenesis. (Angle Orthod. 2009;79:436-441.)
P>Aim To present a 52-year-old male patient who complained of intense pain of short duration in the region of the left external ear and in the ipsilateral maxillary second molar that was relieved by blockade of the auriculotemporal nerve in the infratemporal fossa. Summary Extra- and intraoral physical examination revealed a trigger point that reproduced the symptoms upon finger pressure in the ipsilateral auriculotemporal nerve and in the outer auricular pavilion. The patient`s medical history was unremarkable. The maxillary left second molar tooth was not responsive to pulp sensitivity testing and there was no pain upon percussion or palpation of the buccal sulcus. Periapical radiographs revealed a satisfactory root filling in the maxillary left second molar. On the basis of the clinical signs and symptoms, the auriculotemporal was blocked with 0.5 mL 2% lidocaine and 0.5 mL of a suspension containing dexamethasone acetate (8 mg mL(-1)) and dexamethasone disodium sulfate (2 mg mL(-1)), with full remission of pain 6 months later. The diagnosis was auriculotemporal neuralgia. Key learning point Auriculotemporal neuralgia should be considered as a possible cause of nonodontogenic toothache and thus included in the differential diagnoses. The blockade of the auriculotemporal nerve in the infratemporal fossa is diagnostic and therapeutic. It can be achieved with a solution of lidocaine and dexamethasone.
Objectives. The diagnosis of root fractures by conventional radiographs is still difficult because of limitations of 2D images. Cone-beam volumetric tomography improves the diagnosis capacity in dentistry, such as increased radiation dose to the patient and presence of artifacts on the image. Study design. This study compared the images obtained on conventional periapical radiographs and 3D scans (Accuitomo 3DX) for the diagnosis of root fractures. Twenty patients with suspected root fractures were submitted to examination by periapical radiography and CBCT. Two professionals, unaware of the symptomatology, examined these radiographs and CBCT images according to pre-established scores, which were later checked against the signs and symptoms. Results. The results revealed statistical difference for cone-beam volumetric tomography compared with conventional radiographs in the diagnosis of root fractures. Conclusion. It could be concluded that cone-beam volumetric tomography was better than conventional radiography in the diagnosis of root fractures, thereby constituting an excellent alternative for diagnosis in general practice. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 108: 270-277)
Introduction: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in patients with agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors and to compare the findings with the prevalence of these anomalies in the general population. Methods: A sample of 126 patients, aged 7 to 35 years, with agenesis of at least 1 maxillary lateral incisor was selected. Panoramic and periapical radiographs and dental casts were used to analyze other associated dental anomalies, including agenesis of other permanent teeth, ectopia of unerupted permanent teeth, microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors, and supernumerary teeth. The occurrence of these anomalies was compared with prevalence data previously reported for the general population. Statistical testing was performed with the chi-square test (P<0.05) and the odds ratio. Results: Patients with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis had a significantly increased prevalence rate of permanent tooth agenesis (18.2%), excluding the third molars. The occurrence of third-molar agenesis in a subgroup aged 14 years or older (n = 76) was 35.5%. The frequencies of maxillary second premolar agenesis (10.3%), mandibular second premolar agenesis (7.9%), microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors (38.8%), and distoangulation of mandibular second premolars (3.9%) were significantly increased in our sample compared with the general population. In a subgroup of patients aged 10 years or older (n = 115), the prevalence of palatally displaced canines was elevated (5.2%). The prevalences of mesioangulation of mandibular second molars and supernumerary teeth were not higher in the sample. Conclusions: Permanent tooth agenesis, maxillary lateral incisor microdontia, palatally displaced canines, and distoangulation of mandibular second premolars are frequently associated with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis, providing additional evidence of a genetic interrelationship in the causes of these dental anomalies. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;137:732.e1-732.e6)
Introduction: In this study, we evaluated the influence of intrusion mechanics with accentuated and reversed curve of Spee on root resorption of the maxillary and mandibular incisors. Methods: A sample of 60 patients with Class I and Class II Division 1 malocclusions having nonextraction treatment was divided into 2 groups with the following characteristics: group 1 comprised 30 deepbite patients, treated with accentuated and reversed curve of Spee intrusion mechanics, with an initial mean age of 12.8 +/- 1.23 years (range, 10.01-15.32 years), and group 2 comprised 30 patients with normal overbite treated without intrusion mechanics, with an initial mean age of 12.87 +/- 1.43 years ( range, 10.02-15.36 years). Pretreatment and posttreatment periapical radiographs were used to evaluate root resorption. The groups were compared by using the Mann-Whitney U test. Correlation between root resorption and tooth movement was investigated with the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: The deepbite group treated with accentuated and reversed curve of Spee had statistically greater root resorption ( 1.87) than the normal overbite group ( 1.54), at P=.017. Changes in overbite and vertical displacements of the maxillary central incisor apices had significant correlations to root resorption ( r = 0.30, P =.019; r = 0.27, P =.037, respectively). Conclusions: Accentuating and reversing the curve of Spee in the archwires to correct deep overbite causes more root resorption than nonintrusive mechanics.
P>Aim To investigate the internal and external anatomy of extracted human mandibular canines with two roots and two distinct canals using micro-computed tomography (mu CT). Methodology Fourteen two-rooted human mandibular canines were scanned using a high-resolution mu CT system (SkyScan 1174v2; SkyScan N.V., Kontich, Belgium). The images were processed to evaluate the size of the roots, the furcation regions, the presence of accessory canals, the mean distances between several anatomical landmarks, the position of the apical foramina, the direction of root curvatures, the cross-sectional appearances (SMI index), the volume and surface areas of the root canals. Results Root bifurcation was located in both apical (44%, n = 6) and middle (58%, n = 8) thirds of the root. The size of the buccal and lingual roots was similar in 29% of the sample. From a buccal view, no curvature towards the lingual or buccal direction occurred in either roots. From a proximal view, no straight lingual root occurred. In both views, S-shaped roots were found in 21% of the specimens. Location of the apical foramen varied considerably, tending to the mesio-buccal aspect of both roots. Lateral and furcation canals were observed mostly in the cervical third in 29% and 65% of the sample, respectively. The structure model index (SMI) index ranged from 1.87 to 3.86, with a mean value of 2.93 +/- 0.46. Mean volume and area of the root canals were 11.52 +/- 3.44 mm3 and 71.16 +/- 11.83 mm2, respectively. Conclusions The evaluation of two-rooted mandibular canines revealed that bifurcations occurred in the apical and middle third. S-shaped roots were found in 21% of the specimens. Mean volume, surface area and SMI index of the root canals were 11.52 mm3, 71.16 mm2 and 2.93, respectively.
Introduction: The overeruption of upper molars due to the premature loss of antagonist teeth can be treated with the help of miniscrews. The aim of this study was to evaluate the movement of a typodont molar according to the biomechanical approach used with miniscrews. Study design: The study was conducted with four plaster models filled with typodont wax. In each model we used one absolute anchorage on the palatal side and another on the buccal side in different positions, thus generating four different biomechanical systems. A force of 150 g was applied to each side of the resin tooth. Periapical radiographs were taken preintrusion and immediately after completion of the intrusion. Photographs were taken in both the sagittal and occlusal planes every 3 min. The radiographic films and photographs were measured and compared. Results: A vertical movement of the molar was observed in all the models, with system 4 showing the greatest movement. Rotation in the occlusal plane only occurred in system 2, while in system 1 there was a change in the axial axis of 37 degrees. Conclusions: The anchorage site and the combination of forces applied may determine the resulting tooth movement
Background: The purpose of this study was to compare and evaluate bone and soft tissue levels between immediately placed, immediately restored implants positioned in the esthetic anterior region with different interimplant distances (IID). Methods: Forty-nine patients requiring multiple implant restorations in the anterior regions received 152 implants, which were restored immediately. Periapical radiographs and digital images of 99 interimplant sites were taken at the regular follow-up examinations at 0, 6, 12, and 24 months after surgery. They were digitally recorded and analyzed. The presence of the interproximal papilla was assessed and compared to the distances between the bone crest and the contact point between the natural teeth and the restoration crowns. Results: Implants with an IID <2 mm seemed to lose less bone laterally. When the IID was <2 mm, vertical crestal bone loss was significantly greater than in the group with IID >4 mm. The percentage of the interproximal papilla presence decreased when the distance between the bone crest and the contact point between the two restoration crowns was >6 mm and when two implants were placed at a distance >= 4 mm. Conclusions: To guarantee a better esthetic result in immediately placed, immediately restored implants, the contact point between the two prosthetic crowns should be placed at 3 to 4 mm, and never >6 mm, from the bone peak. Two adjacent implants should be placed at a distance >2 and <4 mm.
OBJETIVOS: determinar a morfologia das 3ª e 4ª vértebras cervicais representativa dos estágios de pré-pico, pico e pós-pico de velocidade de crescimento estatural, definidos previamente pelos centros de ossificação do primeiro dedo em radiografias carpais ou do dedo polegar. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas 120 telerradiografias em norma lateral de 106 pacientes selecionados da clínica de Ortodontia Preventiva e Interceptiva da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba-UNESP e Profis/HRAC-USP que apresentavam as correspondentes radiografias carpais ou do dedo polegar. As telerradiografias foram divididas em três grupos de 40 radiografias, de acordo com os estágios maturacionais pré-pico, pico e pós-pico, definidos pela imagem do primeiro dedo. A morfologia dos corpos das 3ª e 4ª vértebras cervicais foi determinada por dois examinadores devidamente calibrados em dois tempos diferentes. CONCLUSÕES: concluiu-se que o formato retangular horizontal com borda inferior reta foi representativo do estágio de pré-pico, independentemente da vértebra analisada. Já o formato retangular horizontal com borda inferior curva, especialmente se encontrado em C4, ou o formato quadrado com borda inferior reta caracterizaram o pico de velocidade de crescimento. O formato quadrado ou, principalmente, o retangular vertical com borda inferior curva determinaram o estágio de pós-pico de velocidade de crescimento da adolescência.
P>AimTo present a 52-year-old male patient who complained of intense pain of short duration in the region of the left external ear and in the ipsilateral maxillary second molar that was relieved by blockade of the auriculotemporal nerve in the infratemporal fossa.SummaryExtra- and intraoral physical examination revealed a trigger point that reproduced the symptoms upon finger pressure in the ipsilateral auriculotemporal nerve and in the outer auricular pavilion. The patient's medical history was unremarkable. The maxillary left second molar tooth was not responsive to pulp sensitivity testing and there was no pain upon percussion or palpation of the buccal sulcus. Periapical radiographs revealed a satisfactory root filling in the maxillary left second molar. on the basis of the clinical signs and symptoms, the auriculotemporal was blocked with 0.5 mL 2% lidocaine and 0.5 mL of a suspension containing dexamethasone acetate (8 mg mL(-1)) and dexamethasone disodium sulfate (2 mg mL(-1)), with full remission of pain 6 months later. The diagnosis was auriculotemporal neuralgia.Key learning pointAuriculotemporal neuralgia should be considered as a possible cause of nonodontogenic toothache and thus included in the differential diagnoses.The blockade of the auriculotemporal nerve in the infratemporal fossa is diagnostic and therapeutic. It can be achieved with a solution of lidocaine and dexamethasone.
Eighty-four root canals of premolars from six dogs were left open for 7 days, and then sealed and followed for 45 days until periradicular periodontitis developed. The root canals were then treated endodontically using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite as the irrigating solution. After instrumentation, all root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide-based antibacterial dressing (Calen PMCC or Calasept) that was left in place for 30 days. After this period the root canals were filled with gutta-percha cones and a root canal sealer (Sealapex or AH Plus)-group I: Calen PMCC + Sealapex; group II: Calasept + Sealapex; group III: Calen PMCC + AH Plus; and group IV: Calasept + AH Plus. Periapical radiographs of the teeth were made after root canal filling and after 90, 180, 270, and 360 days. Radiographic images were digitalized by scanning, and the Mocha program was used to measure the periapical lesions. Analysis showed that the lesions of groups I to III were statistically similar reduction in size, whereas group IV had a smaller reduction in lesion size (p < 0.05). Copyright © 2001 by The American Association of Endodontists.
Purpose: The goal of this study was to evaluate microbiota and radiographic peri-implant bone loss associated with ligature-induced peri-implantitis. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six dental implants with 4 different surfaces (9 commercially pure titanium, 9 titanium plasma-sprayed, 9 hydroxyapatite, and 9 acid-etched) were placed in the edentulous mandibles of 6 dogs. After 3 months with optimal plaque control, abutment connection was performed. On days 0, 20, 40, and 60 after placement of cotton ligatures, both microbiologic samples and periapical radiographs were obtained. The presence of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia/nigrescens, Campylobacter spp, Capnocytophaga spp, Fusobacterium spp, beta-hemolytic Streptococcus, and Candida spp were evaluated culturally. Results: P intermedia/nigrescens was detected in 13.89% of implants at baseline and 100% of implants at other periods. P gingivalis was not detected at baseline, but after 20 and 40 days it was detected in 33.34% of implants and at 60 days it was detected in 29.03% of dental implants. Fusobacterium spp was detected in all periods. Streptococci were detected in 16.67% of implants at baseline and in 83.34%, 72.22%, and 77.42% of implants at 20, 40, and 60 days, respectively. Campylobacter spp and Candida spp were detected in low proportions. The total viable count analysis showed no significant differences among surfaces (P = .831), although a significant difference was observed after ligature placement (P < .0014). However, there was no significant qualitative difference, in spite of the difference among the periods. The peri-implant bone loss was not significantly different between all the dental implant surfaces (P = .908). Discussion and Conclusions: These data suggest that with ligature-induced peri-implantitis, both time and periodontal pathogens affect all surfaces equally after 60 days.
Purpose: This article reports preliminary clinical results of the Speed Master system, a method for immediate loading of implants for the treatment of mandibular edentulism. Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients with edentulous mandibles were consecutively included in the study. Each received 4 implants between the mental foramina placed using the system's surgical guides. Permanent fixed prostheses fabricated over premanufactured titanium bars were attached to the implants on the day of implant placement. The patients were followed for 15 to 27 months (mean, 19 months). Peri-implant tissues were periodically evaluated. Marginal bone loss was monitored with periapical radiographs using a computerized technique. Satisfaction was assessed by means of a questionnaire. Results: The overall implant and prosthetic survival rates were 100%. At the time of the final follow-up visit, mean marginal bone loss was 1.11 mm, and bleeding on probing was not observed. Only 6.7% of the patients reported any discomfort during treatment, and all patients would recommend the procedure to others. Discussion: The immediate loading of implants placed in the edentulous mandible with the Speed Master surgical and prosthetic protocol reduces treatment time and number of surgical procedures in comparison to classic delayed loading protocols. Conclusion: The rehabilitation of the mandible with an immediately delivered occlusally loaded hybrid prosthesis supported by 4 implants does not appear to jeopardize the success of the osseointegration and represents a viable treatment option.
The advances in digital imaging technology in dentistry have provided an alternative to film-based radiography and have given new options to detect periodontal bone loss. The purpose of this study was to compare inverted and unprocessed digitized radiographic imaging in periodontal bone loss measurements. Thirty-five film-based periapical radiographs of patients suffering from moderate to advanced untreated periodontal bone loss associated to lower premolar and molars was selected from the department files, with 40 bone loss areas. The film-based radiographs were digitized with a flatbed scanner with a transparency and radiograph adapter used for transilluminating the radiograph imaging. Digitization was performed at 600 dpi and in gray scale. The images were digitized using Image Tool software by applying image inversion, that is, transformation of radiopaque structures into radiolucent structures and vice-versa. The digital data were saved as JPEG files. The images were displayed on a 15-inch and 24-bit video monitor under reduced room lighting. One calibrated examiner performed all radiographic measurements, three times, from the cementoenamel junction to the most apical extension of the bone loss, in both types of image (inverted and unprocessed). Brightness and contrast were adjusted according to the examiner's individual demand. Intraclass correlation coefficient was used to compare the measurements from both types of images. The means of radiographic measurements, in mm, for inverted and unprocessed digitized imaging were 6.4485 and 6.3790, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficient was significant (0.99) The inverted and unprocessed digitized radiographic images were reliable and there was no difference in the diagnostic accuracy between these images regarding periodontal bone loss measurements.