995 resultados para PERCENTAGE


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OBJETIVO: Implantar um novo modelo de cuidado ao parto e reduzir o percentual de cesarianas entre as gestantes da UNIMED Jaboticabal.MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo desenvolvido em uma instituição do interior paulista, que teve início em 2012 e propôs o redesenho do modelo de cuidado ao parto com a revisão de todo o processo assistencial por meio da Ciência da Melhoria Contínua. Para medir os resultados das mudanças, foram selecionados nove indicadores e suas respectivas metas.RESULTADOS: O indicador de partos vaginais atingiu a meta de 40%, após sete meses do início da intervenção. Este indicador entre as gestantes do SUS atingiu 66%. A taxa de mortalidade perinatal decresceu 25% comparando-se 2012 a 2014 e a taxa de prematuridade foi de 3/100 nascidos vivos em 2014. O percentual de gestantes da UNIMED com 6 ou mais consultas de pré-natal atingiu 95%. Em relação aos custos hospitalares per capita referentes à assistência ao parto, notou-se um decréscimo de 27%, quando comparados os anos de 2012 e 2013. Tal queda não se sustentou e o custo hospitalar per capita, em 2014, retornou aos mesmos patamares de 2012. A remuneração dos obstetras registrou um acréscimo de 72%, se comparados os anos de 2012, 2013 e 2014. Houve queda de 61% dos custos com a unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) neonatal, comparando os anos de 2012 e 2013. A taxa de admissão em UTI neonatal acompanhou a redução dos custos e foi de 55%, se comparados os anos de 2012 a 2014, entre as gestantes da UNIMED. Não houve o alcance da meta de 80% de participação das gestantes nos cursos de preparação para o nascimento. A porcentagem de gestantes satisfeitas e muito satisfeitas com a assistência ao parto atingiu 86%.CONCLUSÃO: Este projeto atingiu seus objetivos, reduzindo o percentual de cesarianas entre as gestantes da UNIMED Jaboticabal, e constituiu-se em um exemplo concreto da realização do triplo objetivo em saúde: melhorar a experiência dos envolvidos e os resultados de saúde de populações e indivíduos e realizar estas duas tarefas com menor custo, eliminando desperdícios assistenciais.


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Globalization and liberalization, with the entry of many prominent foreign manufacturers, changed the automobile scenario in India, since early 1990’s. World Leaders in automobile manufacturing such as Ford, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Hyundai, Renault, Mitsubishi, Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Nissan set up their manufacturing units in India in joint venture with their Indian counterpart companies, by making use of the Foreign Direct Investment policy of the Government of India, These manufacturers started capturing the hearts of Indian car customers with their choice of technological and innovative product features, with quality and reliability. With the multiplicity of choices available to the Indian passenger car buyers, it drastically changed the way the car purchase scenario in India and particularly in the State of Kerala. This transformed the automobile scene from a sellers’ market to buyers’ market. Car customers started developing their own personal preferences and purchasing patterns, which were hitherto unknown in the Indian automobile segment. The main purpose of this paper is to come up with the identification of possible parameters and a framework development, that influence the consumer purchase behaviour patterns of passenger car owners in the State of Kerala, so that further research could be done, based on the framework and the identified parameters.


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Rootstock-induced dwarfing of apple scions revolutionized global apple production during the twentieth century, leading to the development of modern intensive orchards. A high root bark percentage (the percentage of the whole root area constituted by root cortex) has previously been associated with rootstock induced dwarfing in apple. In this study, the root bark percentage was measured in a full-sib family of ungrafted apple rootstocks and found to be under the control of three loci. Two QTL for root bark percentage were found to co-localise to the same genomic regions on chromosome 5 and chromosome 11 previously identified as controlling dwarfing, Dw1 and Dw2, respectively. A third QTL was identified on chromosome 13 in a region that has not been previously associated with dwarfing. The development of closely linked 3 Sequence-tagged site STS markers improved the resolution of allelic classes thereby allowing the detection of dominance and epistatic interactions between loci, with high root bark percentage only occurring in specific allelic combinations. In addition, we report a significant negative correlation between root bark percentage and stem diameter (an indicator of tree vigour), measured on a clonally propagated grafted subset of the mapping population. The demonstrated link between root bark percentage and rootstock-induced dwarfing of the scion leads us to propose a three-locus model that is able to explain levels of dwarfing from the dwarf ‘M.27’ to the semi-invigorating rootstock ‘M.116’. Moreover, we suggest that the QTL on chromosome 13 (Rb3) might be analogous to a third dwarfing QTL, Dw3 that has not previously been identified.


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O canistel é uma fruteira originada no México e América Central, sendo introduzida no Brasil em 1986. As plantas apresentam porte médio, porém podem atingir até 15 metros de altura; as folhas medem cerca de 10 a 25 cm; as flores são completas e pequenas, e o fruto apresenta coloração amarela quando maduro, com polpa esbranquiçada e sabor doce. A propagação pode ser realizada por semente ou por enxertia. em vista da quase total ausência de informações sobre a cultura e a possibilidade de cultivo comercial, realizou-se o presente trabalho, no qual se avaliou o efeito da temperatura na porcentagem de germinação de sementes. Foi verificado que as melhores taxas foram obtidas à temperatura de 30ºC e as menores a 15ºC, 20ºC e 40ºC, sendo esta última a pior delas.


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Previously, survival of rabies infection was shown to correlate with low IL-6 serum concentration in mice subjected to post-exposure treatment with the Fuenzalida Palacios rabies vaccine in conjunction with the immunomodulator Propionibacterium acnes, previously Corynebacterium parvum. Considering the substitution of the Fuenzalida Palacios rabies vaccine by the Vero cell raised anti-rabies vaccine in almost all countries, the objective of this work was to evaluate the survival and cytokine serum concentration of rabies virus-infected mice treated with P. acnes in conjunction with or the anti-rabies-VERO vaccine. For this, Swiss mice were experimentally infected with street rabies virus and subjected to vaccine and/or P. acnes following infection. Animals were killed at different times and serum was collected to evaluate cytokines. The greatest survival was observed in animals given one or two does of P. acnes in the absence of vaccination. Animals given anti-rabies VERO vaccine alone or with three doses of P. acnes had the second highest survival rate. The group that had the highest percentage of mortality also had the highest IL-6 concentration on the 10th day, a time correlating with clinical symptoms of the animals. The results reinforce the inefficacy of anti-rabies vaccine in only one dose as a post-exposure treatment irrespective of the type of vaccine used, the immunomodulation activity of P. acnes in rabies post-exposure treatment and suggest a role for IL-6 in rabies virus pathogenesis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to compare the percentage of gutta-percha (PGP) in mesial root canals of mandibular molars obturated with LC (Lateral Compaction) or SC (Single Cone) ProTaper Universal System techniques at different levels of the root. Mesial root canals of 20 human permanent molars with similar anatomical characteristics were instrumented using the ProTaper Universal rotary system technique until the F2 instrument, with 20 canals filled by SC ProTaper Universal technique and 20 canals by the LC technique. The mesial roots were sectioned transversely to 3, 5, and 7 mm from the root apex. Digital images of specimens were obtained at MIC-D digital microscope in increases of 30 to 35X. The gutta-percha area was measured using ImageTool software. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni test (a = 0.05). The SC technique provided greater PGP than the LC technique in the apical third (3 mm) (P < 0.001). In the other thirds (5 and 7 mm) there was no statistical difference between the two techniques regarding the PGP (P > 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between thirds of the root canal for both techniques (P > 0.05). It was concluded that SC technique provided greater PGP than the LC technique in the apical third of mesial root canals of mandibular molars. There was no difference between the two techniques regarding the PGP in the cervical and middle thirds. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:12291232, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was analyze the (co)variance components and genetic and phenotypic relationships in the following traits: accumulated milk yield at 270 days (MY270,), observed until 305 days of lactation; accumulated milk yield at 270 days (MY270/A) and at 305 days (MY305), observed until 335 days of lactation; mozzarella cheese yield (MCY) and fat (FP) and protein (PP) percentage, observed until 335 days of lactation. The (co)variance components were estimated by Restricted Maximum Likelihood methodology in analyses single, two and three-traits using animal models. Heritability estimated for MY270, MY270/A, MY305, MCY, FP and PP were 0.22; 0.24, 0.25, 0.14, 0.29 and 0.40 respectively. The genetic correlations between MCY and the variables MY270, MY270/A, MY305, PP and FP was: 0.85; 1.00; 0.89; 0.14 and 0.06, respectively. This way, the selection for the production of milk in long period should increase MCY. However, in the search of animals that produce milk with quality, the genetic parameters suggest that another index should be composed allying these studied traits.


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Milk yield, fat yield, and fat percentage during the first three lactations were studied using New York Holsteins that were milked twice daily over a 305-d, mature equivalent lactation. Those data were used to estimate variances from direct and maternal genetic effects, cytoplasmic effects, sire by herd interaction, and cow permanent environmental effects. Cytoplasmic line was traced to the last female ancestor using DHI records from 1950 through 1991. Records were 138,869 lactations of 68,063 cows calving from 1980 through 1991. Ten random samples were based on herd code. Samples averaged 4926 dams and 2026 cytoplasmic lines. Model also included herd-year-seasons as fixed effects and genetic covariance for direct-maternal effects. Mean estimates of the effects of maternal genetic variances and direct-maternal covariances, as fractions of phenotypic variances, were 0.008 and 0.007 for milk yield, 0.010 and 0.010 for fat yield, and 0.006 and 0.025 for fat percentage, respectively. Average fractions of variance from cytoplasmic line were 0.011, 0.008, and 0.009 for milk yield, fat yield, and fat percentage. Removal of maternal genetic effects and covariance for maternal direct effects from the model increased the fraction of direct genetic variance by 0.014, 0.021, and 0.046 for milk yield, fat yield, and fat percentage; little change in the fraction was due to cytoplasmic line. Exclusion of cytoplasmic effects from the model increased the ratio of additive direct genetic variance to phenotypic variance by less than 2%. Similarly, when sire by herd interaction was excluded, the ratio of direct genetic variance to phenotypic variance increased 1% or less.


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The aim of present work was to study, through means and variances of generations, the genetic control of fruit-set percentage in tomatoes, in a biparental cross between line Jab-95 (resistant to fruit-set) and 'Caribe' cultivar (susceptible to fruit-set) after being subjected to high temperatures. F1, F2, and backcross generations for both parents (P 1, P2) were produced in a greenhouse at FCAVUNESP, Jaboticabal-SP, Brazil. A randomized complete block experimental design with four replications was used to evaluate the different generations. Estimates of genetic parameters were obtained according to Mather and Jinks (1982). An additive-dominant model was fitted to explain the variation observed. The mean degree of dominance (0.54), indicated incomplete dominance in the direction of increasing fruit-set percentage at high temperatures. The genetic control of fruit-set percentage, at high temperatures, for tomato was found to be oligogenic or polygenic (3.54 genes). The heritability in a limited sense was 83.91%, suggesting that the selection of individuals based on the characteristic evaluated can be efficient.


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