983 resultados para PD-1


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The success of AAV2 mediated hepatic gene transfer in human trials for diseases such as hemophilia has been hampered by a combination of low transduction efficiency and a robust immune response directed against these vectors. We have previously shown that AAV2 is targeted for destruction in the cytoplasm by the host-cellular kinase/ubiquitination/proteasomal degradation machinery and modification of the serine(S)/threonine(T) kinase and lysine(K) targets on AAV capsid is beneficial. Thus targeted single mutations of S/T>A(S489A, S498A, T251A) and K>R (K532R) improved the efficiency of gene transfer in vivo as compared to wild type (WT)-AAV2 vectors (∼6-14 fold). In the present study, we evaluated if combined alteration of the phosphodegrons (PD), which are the phosphorylation sites recognized as degradation signals by ubiquitin ligases, improves further the gene transfer efficiency. Thus, we generated four multiple mutant vectors (PD: 1+3, S489A+K532R, PD: 1+3, S489A+K532R together with T251 residue which did not lie in any of the phosphodegrons but had shown increased transduction efficiency compared to the WT-AAV2 vector (∼6 fold) and was also conserved in 9 out of 10 AAV serotypes (AAV 1 to 10), PD: 1+3, S489A+K532R+S498A and a fourth combination of PD: 3, K532R+T251. We then evaluated them in vitro and in vivo and compared their gene transfer efficiency with either the WT-AAV2 or the best single mutant S489A-AAV2 vector. The novel multiple mutations on the AAV2 capsid did not affect the overall vector packaging efficiency. All the multiple AAV2 mutants showed superior transduction efficiency in HeLa cells in vitro when compared to either the WT (62-72% Vs 21%) or the single mutant S489A (62-72% Vs 50%) AAV2 vectors as demonstrated by FACS analysis (Fig. 1A). On hepatic gene transfer with 5x10^10 vgs per animal in C57BL/6 mice, all the multiple mutants showed increased transgene expression compared to either the WT-AAV2 (∼15-23 fold) or the S489A single mutant vector (∼2-3 fold) (Fig.1B and C). These novel multiple mutant AAV2 vectors also showed higher vector copy number in murine hepatocytes 4 weeks post transduction, as compared to the WT-AAV2 (∼5-6 Vs 1.4 vector copies/diploid genome) and further higher when compared to the single mutant S489A(∼5-6 fold Vs 3.8 fold) (Fig.1D). Further ongoing studies will demonstrate the therapeutic benefit of one or more of the multiple mutants vectors in preclinical models of hemophilia.


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Immunotherapy is a promising strategy for the treatment of various types of cancer. An antibody that targets programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) pathway has been shown to be active towards various types of cancer, including melanoma and lung cancer. MPDL3280A, an anti‑PD-L1 antibody, has shown clear clinical activity in PD-L1-overexpressing bladder cancer with an objective response rate of 40-50%, resulting in a breakthrough therapy designation granted by FDA. These events pronounce the importance of targeting the PD-L1 pathway in the treatment of bladder cancer. In the present study, we investigated the prognostic significance of the expression of three genes in the PD-L1 pathway, including PD-L1, B7.1 and PD-1, in three independent bladder cancer datasets in the Gene Expression Omnibus database. PD-L1, B7.1 and PD-1 were significantly associated with clinicopathological parameters indicative of a more aggressive phenotype of bladder cancer, such as a more advanced stage and a higher tumor grade. In addition, a high level expression of PD-L1 was associated with reduced patient survival. Of note, the combination of PD-L1 and B7.1 expression, but not other combinations of the three genes, were also able to predict patient survival. Our findings support the development of anti-PD-L1, which blocks PD-L1-PD-1 and B7.1-PD-L1 interactions, in treatment of bladder cancer. The observations were consistent in the three independent bladder cancer datasets consisting of a total of 695 human bladder specimens. The datasets were then assessed and it was found that the expression levels of the chemokine CC-motif ligand (CCL), CCL3, CCL8 and CCL18, were correlated with the PD-L1 expression level, while ADAMTS13 was differentially expressed in patients with a different survival status (alive or deceased). Additional investigations are required to elucidate the role of these genes in the PD-L1-mediated immune system suppression and bladder cancer progression. In conclusion, findings of this study suggested that PD-L1 is an important prognostic marker and a therapeutic target for bladder cancer.


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A recent phase 2 study of metastatic colorectal carcinoma (CRC) patients showed that mismatch repair gene status was predictive of clinical response to PD-1-targeting immune checkpoint blockade. Further examination revealed strong correlation between PD-L1 protein expression and microsatellite instability (MSI) in stage IV CRC, suggesting that the amount of PD-L1 protein expression could identify late stage patients who may benefit from immunotherapy. To assess whether the clinical associations between PD-L1 gene expression and MSI identified in metastatic CRC are also present in stage II/III CRC, we used in silico analysis to elucidate the cell types expressing the PD-L1 gene. We found a significant association of PD-L1 gene expression with MSI in early stage CRC (P < 0.001) and show that unlike in non-CRC tumors, PD-L1 is derived predominantly from the immune infiltrate. We demonstrate that PD-L1 gene expression has positive prognostic value in the adjuvant disease setting (PD-L1low v PD-L1high HR = 9.09; CI, 2.11-39.10). PD-L1 gene expression had predictive value, as patients with high PD-L1 expression appear to be harmed by standard-of-care treatment (HR = 4.95; CI,1.10-22.35). Building on the promising results from the metastatic CRC PD-1-targeting trial, we provide compelling evidence that PD-L1high/MSI/immunehigh stage II/III CRC patients should not receive standard chemotherapy. This conclusion supports the rationale to clinically evaluate this patient subgroup for PD-1 blockade treatment.


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L’infection par le VIH-1 est caractérisée par une déplétion progressive des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que par un dysfonctionnement des cellules T qui, en l’absence de traitements anti-rétroviraux, conduit inéluctablement à la progression de la maladie vers le stade SIDA. Certains des mécanismes impliqués dans ce dysfonctionnement de la réponse cellulaire T ont été élucidés et ont révélé un rôle important de la molécule PD-1 dans l’exhaustion des cellules T en phase chronique de l’infection. En effet, des niveaux élevés de PD-1 ont été associés à une charge virale élevée ainsi qu’à une diminution de la production de cytokines et de la capacité de proliférer des cellules T spécifiques du virus. De plus, bloquer in vitro l’interaction de PD-1 avec son ligand PD-L1 en utilisant un anticorps bloquant rétabli la fonction de ces cellules. De façon intéressante, notre groupe ainsi que d’autres équipes, ont montré que l’expression de PD-1 était non seulement augmentée sur les cellules spécifiques de l’antigène mais aussi sur les cellules T totales. Cependant, peu de choses sont connues quant à l’impact de l’expression de PD-1 sur le renouvellement et la différenciation des cellules T qui expriment PD-1, et ce au cours de l’infection. L’expression de PD-1 n’a notamment pas été étudiée en phase aigue de l’infection. Nous montrons clairement que, aussi bien chez les individus en phase aigue qu’en phase chronique de l’infection, l’expression de PD-1 est augmentée sur toutes les sous-populations T, y compris les cellules naïves. Nous avons également mis en relief une distribution anormale des sous-populations T, ces cellules ayant un phénotype plus différencié, et ce à tous les stades de la maladie. Dans cette thèse, nous discutons le rôle possible de PD-1 dans l’homéostasie des cellules T chez les individus infectés par le VIH-1. En étudiant la transition de la phase aigue à la phase chronique de l’infection, nous avons trouvé que les sous-populations T CD8+ des individus récemment infectés exprimaient moins de PD-1 que celles des individus à un stade plus avancé de la maladie. Ces niveaux plus élevés de PD-1 sur les cellules T CD8+ en phase chronique sont associés à des niveaux réduits de prolifération in vivo – comme mesuré par l’expression de Ki67 – suggérant que l’expression de PD-1 est partiellement impliquée dans cette perte de fonction des cellules T CD8+. De plus, les cellules naïves s’accumulent en fréquence lors de la transition de la phase aigue à la phase chronique de l’infection. Considérant que les cellules naïves expriment déjà des hauts niveaux de PD-1, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’activation initiale des cellules T chez les individus chroniquement infectés est affectée. En résumé, nous proposons un modèle où des hauts niveaux d’expression de PD-1 sont associés à (1) un dysfonctionnement de la réponse cellulaire T CD8+ et (2) un défaut d’activation des cellules naïves ce qui contribue non seulement à la progression de la maladie mais aussi ce qui va limiter l’efficacité de potentiels vaccins dans l’infection par le VIH-1 en empêchant toute nouvelle réponse d’être initiée. Afin de mieux disséquer la réponse immunitaire mise en place lors d’une infection comme celle du VIH-1, nous avons développé un outil qui permet de détecter les cellules T CD4+ i.e. des tétramères de CMH de classe II. Ces réactifs ont pour but d’augmenter l’avidité du CMH de classe II pour son ligand et donc de détecter des TCR de faible affinité. Dans cette thèse, nous décrivons une méthode originale et efficace pour produire diverses molécules de HLA-DR liant de façon covalente le peptide antigénique. Mieux déterminer les mécanismes responsables de l’exhaustion des cellules T dans l’infection par le VIH-1 et de la progression de la maladie, ainsi que développer des outils de pointe pour suivre ces réponses T, est central à une meilleure compréhension de l’interaction entre le virus et le système immunitaire de l’hôte, et permettra ainsi le développement de stratégies pertinentes pour lutter contre l’infection par le VIH-1.


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Les cellules T CD8+ jouent un rôle primordial dans le contrôle des infections virales en limitant la dissémination des cellules infectées. Lors de l’infection chronique par le virus HIV, les cellules T CD8+ HIV-spécifiques ne se différencient pas en cellules effectrices fonctionnelles capables de tuer les cellules infectées par le virus ; ces cellules ne sont plus capables de proliférer ou de produire l’ IL-2. Ces cellules expriment PD-1 et l’engagement de PD-1, par son ligand, aboutit a plusieurs de ces déficits fonctionnels des cellules T . Le rôle de PD-1 dans la régulation d'évènements transcriptionnels contrôlant la différentiation et l'obtention des fonction effectrices des cellules T CD8+ reste à démontrer. Id2 joue un rôle central dans la différenciation des cellules T CD8+ effectrices. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que le défaut de maturation observé chez les cellules T CD8+ PD-1 high HIV-spécifiques (CD8+PD-1hi) au cours de l’infection chronique par le virus HIV pouvait être lié à la diminution d’expression du régulateur Id2. Nous avons ainsi démontré que l'engagement de PD-1 contribuait à une diminution d'expression de Id2 et de ses cibles transcriptionnelles. La surexpression de Id2 de ces cellules a permis de restaurer l'expression de marqueurs tels que Granzyme B et Bcl-2 et diminuir l’expression du marqueur de maturation de CD27. La famille des cytokines à chaine gamma joue un rôle clef dans la survie et l’homéostasie des cellules T. Dans ce travail, nous avons démontré que l’IL-15 était unique grâce à ses capacités de stimulation de l’expression d’Id2 et ses propriétés favorisant la survie ainsi que la différenciation des cellules T CD8+ effectrices. l’IL-15 induit la prolifération de toutes les populations de cellules T mémoires provenant de donneurs sains. L’addition de cette cytokine aux sous-populations cellulaires Ttm et Tem a permis leur différenciation en cellules effectrices capables de produire Granzyme B alors que la stimulation par l’IL-15 des cellules Tcm ne favorise pas leur différenciation. Un test de cytotoxicitié par cytométrie en flux nous a permis de confirmer que la stimulation de cellules T CD8+ HIV spécifiques par l’IL-15 favorisait l’expression de Id2 et restaurait les fonctions cytotoxiques des cellules T CD8+ HIV spécifiques. En conclusion, nous avons pour la première fois dans cette thèse défini les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la modulation de l’expression du régulateur transcriptionnel Id2 par l’IL-15. Nous avons également révélé comment l’engagement de PD-1 conduisait a une altération de l’expression et de la fonction d’Id2 et favorisait la diminution des fonctions effectrices des cellules T CD8-HIV spécifiques. Une perspective de traitement avec des agents tels que l’IL-15 ou le bloquage de PD-1, en combinaison avec les traitements conventionnels, pourrait contribuer à une meilleure stimulation des réponses immunes favorisant ainsi la réactivation des cellules T CD8+ et permettant la destruction de cellules T CD4+ infectées de manière latente.


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Background: Inhibitory signals mediated via molecules such as programmed death-1 (PD-1) play a critical role in downmodulating immune responses and maintaining peripheral tolerance. We investigated the involvement of cytokines and PD-1 engagement in mediating the T-cell unresponsiveness to bacterial and ubiquitous antigens in periodontal diseases. Methods: Gingival and peripheral blood samples from healthy individuals and patients with chronic periodontitis were collected and used for the subsequent assays. Leukocytes in the lesion site and blood were evaluated using flow cytometry. The production of interferon-gamma, interleukin-10, and transforming growth factor-P proteins was evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the presence of PD-1+cells in the inflamed gingiva was confirmed by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy for CD4 and PD-1 colocalization. Results: T cells from patients with chronic periodontitis proliferated poorly in response to Aggregatibacter actinomycetem comitans (previously Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans) antigen. T-cell unresponsiveness was not associated with imbalanced cytokine production. However, T cells from patients with chronic periodontitis expressed significantly higher levels of PD-1 either upon isolation or after culture with antigens. Moreover, PD-1 blocking did not result in significant T-cell proliferation in cells cultured with phytohemagglutinin or bacterial antigens. The blockade of PD-1 resulted in the increased production of IFN-gamma. In addition, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing PD-1 accumulated in lesions with chronic periodontitis. Conclusion: These data show that PD-1 engagement could be involved in the modulation of IFN-gamma production by T cells in patients with chronic periodontitis. J Periodontol 2009,80:1833-1844.


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In this work, 1 wt % Pd/ZrO(2)-CeO(2) mixed oxide nanotubes with 90 mol % CeO(2) were synthesized following a very simple, high-yield procedure and their properties were characterized by synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), and scanning and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (SEM and HRTEM). In situ XANES experiments were carried out under reducing conditions to investigate the reduction behavior of these novel nanotube materials. The Pd/CeO(2)-based nanotubes exhibited the cubic phase (Fm3m space group). The nanotube walls were composed of nanoparticles with an average crystallite size of about 7 nm, and the nanotubes exhibited a large specific surface area (85 m(2).g(-1)). SEM and HRTEM studies showed that individual nanotubes were composed of a curved sheet of these nanoparticles. Elemental analysis showed that the Ce:Zr:Pd ratios appeared to be approximately constant across space, suggesting compositional homogeneity in the samples. XANES results indicated that the extent of reduction of these materials is low and that the Ce(4+) state is in the majority over the reduced Ce(3+) state. The results suggest that Pd cations-most likely Pd(2+)-form a Pd-Ce-Zr oxide solid solution and that the Pd(2+) is stabilized against reduction in this phase. However, incorporation of the Pd (1 wt %) into the crystal lattice of the nanotubes also appeared to destabilize Ce(4+) against reduction to Ce(3+) and caused a significant increase in its reducibility.


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As perinatally HIV-1-infected children grow into adolescents and young adults, they are increasingly burdened with the long-term consequences of chronic HIV-1 infection, with long-term morbidity due to inadequate immunity. In progressive HIV-1 infection in horizontally infected adults, inflammation, T cell activation, and perturbed T cell differentiation lead to an "immune exhaustion'', with decline in T cell effector functions. T effector cells develop an increased expression of CD57 and loss of CD28, with an increase in co-inhibitory receptors such as PD-1 and Tim-3. Very little is known about HIV-1 induced T cell dysfunction in vertical infection. In two perinatally antiretroviral drug treated HIV-1-infected groups with median ages of 11.2 yr and 18.5 yr, matched for viral load, we found no difference in the proportion of senescent CD28(-)CD57(+)CD8(+) T cells between the groups. However, the frequency of Tim-3(+)CD8(+) and Tim-3(+)CD4(+) exhausted T cells, but not PD-1(+) T cells, was significantly increased in the adolescents with longer duration of infection compared to the children with shorter duration of HIV-1 infection. PD-1(+)CD8(+) T cells were directly associated with T cell immune activation in children. The frequency of Tim-3(+)CD8(+) T cells positively correlated with HIV-1 plasma viral load in the adolescents but not in the children. These data suggest that Tim-3 upregulation was driven by both HIV-1 viral replication and increased age, whereas PD-1 expression is associated with immune activation. These findings also suggest that the Tim-3 immune exhaustion phenotype rather than PD-1 or senescent cells plays an important role in age-related T cell dysfunction in perinatal HIV-1 infection. Targeting Tim-3 may serve as a novel therapeutic approach to improve immune control of virus replication and mitigate age related T cell exhaustion.


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Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a malignant myeloproliferative disease with a characteristic chronic phase (cp) of several years before progression to blast crisis (bc). The immune system may contribute to disease control in CML. We analyzed leukemia-specific immune responses in cpCML and bcCML in a retroviral-induced murine CML model. In the presence of cpCML and bcCML expressing the glycoprotein of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus as a model leukemia antigen, leukemia-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) became exhausted. They maintained only limited cytotoxic activity, and did not produce interferon-gamma or tumor necrosis factor-alpha or expand after restimulation. CML-specific CTLs were characterized by high expression of programmed death 1 (PD-1), whereas CML cells expressed PD-ligand 1 (PD-L1). Blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction by generating bcCML in PD-1-deficient mice or by repetitive administration of alphaPD-L1 antibody prolonged survival. In addition, we found that PD-1 is up-regulated on CD8(+) T cells from CML patients. Taken together, our results suggest that blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction may restore the function of CML-specific CTLs and may represent a novel therapeutic approach for CML.


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BACKGROUND Programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) receptor triggering by PD ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibits T cell activation. PD-L1 expression was detected in different malignancies and associated with poor prognosis. Therapeutic antibodies inhibiting PD-1/PD-L1 interaction have been developed. MATERIALS AND METHODS A tissue microarray (n=1491) including healthy colon mucosa and clinically annotated colorectal cancer (CRC) specimens was stained with two PD-L1 specific antibody preparations. Surgically excised CRC specimens were enzymatically digested and analysed for cluster of differentiation 8 (CD8) and PD-1 expression. RESULTS Strong PD-L1 expression was observed in 37% of mismatch repair (MMR)-proficient and in 29% of MMR-deficient CRC. In MMR-proficient CRC strong PD-L1 expression correlated with infiltration by CD8(+) lymphocytes (P=0.0001) which did not express PD-1. In univariate analysis, strong PD-L1 expression in MMR-proficient CRC was significantly associated with early T stage, absence of lymph node metastases, lower tumour grade, absence of vascular invasion and significantly improved survival in training (P=0.0001) and validation (P=0.03) sets. A similar trend (P=0.052) was also detectable in multivariate analysis including age, sex, T stage, N stage, tumour grade, vascular invasion, invasive margin and MMR status. Interestingly, programmed death receptor ligand 1 (PDL-1) and interferon (IFN)-γ gene expression, as detected by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in fresh frozen CRC specimens (n=42) were found to be significantly associated (r=0.33, P=0.03). CONCLUSION PD-L1 expression is paradoxically associated with improved survival in MMR-proficient CRC.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A infecção por HIV-1 é um grave problema de saúde pública causando elevada taxa de morbidade e mortalidade. Entretanto, alguns indivíduos são considerados resistentes à infecção por HIV-1, mesmo após repetidas exposições ao vírus. Vários fatores imunológicos e genéticos podem estar associados a resistência à infecção, como ativação de componentes da imunidade inata e também devido ao baixo perfil de ativação das células T. É possível que nos indivíduos expostos e não infectados por HIV-1 (ENI) ocorra uma importante atuação das células T secretoras de IL-17 e IL-22, e também as células T reguladoras, pois são necessárias para a manutenção e homeostase das mucosas associadas ao intestino (GALT). OBJETIVO: Avaliar o fenótipo e a função de células TCD4+ e TCD8+ em casais sorodiscordante ao HIV-1, compostos por indivíduos ENI e os parceiros infectados por HIV-1. MÉTODOS: Os casais sorodiscordantes ao HIV-1, consistiam de 23 indivíduos expostos não-infectados (ENI), 14 mulheres e 9 homens, com mediana de 41 anos e 21 parceiros infectados por HIV-1 (HIV), 20 homens e 1 mulher com mediana de 41 anos. Os controles saudáveis foram 24 indivíduos (14 mulheres e 10 homens) com mediana de 37 anos. Os casais sorodiscordantes foram compostos por 16 heterossexuais e 7 homossexuais, com tempo de relacionamento de 13 anos. As frequências de células Th17, Th22 e Tc22, as células T polifuncionais foram analisadas em células mononucleares (CMNs) do sangue periférico, estimulados com peptídeos da região Gag do HIV-1 e da enterotoxina B do Staphylococcus aureus (SEB), a frequência de células T reguladoras, o perfil fenotípico de exaustão/diferenciação e a expressão da integrina alfa4?7 e CCR9 em células T, foram realizados por citometria de fluxo. RESULTADOS: No grupo HIV, as células T CD4+ e CD8+ do sangue periférico mostrou maior frequência de CD95 e PD-1 e baixa expressão de CD127 comparado ao grupo ENI e controle. A frequência de células Th17 em CMNs aumentou nos grupos ENI e HIV-1 na condição sem estímulo, contudo, após estímulo com os peptídeos da região p24 da Gag do HIV-1 induziu resposta somente no grupo HIV-1. O grupo ENI mostrou resposta antígeno-especifica somente para IL-22. Além disto, avaliando as células Tc22 e Th22, foi verificado aumento da resposta aos peptídeos da Gag e também ao SEB, nos grupos HIV e ENI. A presença de células T polifuncionais antígeno-especificas, secretoras de 5-4 citocinas, foi detectada apenas em células T CD38+ no grupo HIV, enquanto os indivíduos ENI mostraram resposta polifuncional por células T CD38- somente ao estímulo policlonal por SEB. Uma diminuição do número absoluto de células T reguladoras (CD4+CD25+CD127low/-Foxp3+) foi detectada no grupo HIV comparado ao ENI e controle, com maior expressão de moléculas HLA-DR e CD95. Além disto, foi detectado diminuição na frequência de células TCD8+ ?4?7+ no grupo ENI e de células TCD4+ alfa4beta7+ nos grupos ENI e HIV. Houve uma correlação positiva entre as células Tc22 e Th22 com as células TCD8+ e TCD4+ que expressam alfa4beta7, no grupo ENI e HIV-1. CONCLUSÃO: Os indivíduos ENI são capazes de desenvolver resposta antígeno-específicas relacionadas com a IL-22, que possui importante função na imunidade de mucosas. Além disto, mostram presença de células T polifuncionais com baixo perfil de ativação a estímulo policlonal. Os dados evidenciam que os indivíduos ENI, mostram indução de células Tc22, aumento de expressão de moléculas de migração para o intestino e equilíbrio entre as células efetoras e Treg, que em conjunto, devem exercer importante papel para a resistência à infecção por HIV-1


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Chronic inflammation is now recognized as a major cause of malignant disease. In concert with various mechanisms (including DNA instability), hypoxia and activation of inflammatory bioactive lipid pathways and pro-inflammatory cytokines open the doorway to malignant transformation and proliferation, angiogenesis, and metastasis in many cancers. A balance between stimulatory and inhibitory signals regulates the immune response to cancer. These include inhibitory checkpoints that modulate the extent and duration of the immune response and may be activated by tumor cells. This contributes to immune resistance, especially against tumor antigen-specific T-cells. Targeting these checkpoints is an evolving approach to cancer immunotherapy, designed to foster an immune response. The current focus of these trials is on the programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) receptor and its ligands (PD-L1, PD-L2) and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4). Researchers have developed anti-PD-1 and anti-PDL-1 antibodies that interfere with the ligands and receptor and allow the tumor cell to be recognized and attacked by tumor-infiltrating T-cells. These are currently being studied in lung cancer. Likewise, CTLA-4 inhibitors, which have had success treating advanced melanoma, are being studied in lung cancer with encouraging results.


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本论文从超分子化学和纳米材料的角度探讨了如何制备高稳定的、电化学可逆的、表面可更新的溶胶-凝胶碳陶瓷电极,主要研究结果如下:1.首次通过粉末X-射线衍射实验确证了通过溶胶-凝胶反应制备PMo_(12)/甲基硅酸盐准分子水平杂化材料的可行性,进而制备出可更新表面的、高稳定的杂多酸修饰电极。2.对1,10-菲咯啉-5, 6-二酮(PD)和六氟磷酸三(1,10-菲咯啉-5, 6-二酮)合铁 (II) (FePD)进行了改进合成,用溶胶-凝胶技术制备了 FePD/碳陶瓷杂化材料电极。FePD/碳陶瓷杂化材料电极对碘酸盐的电化学还原有较高的催化活性,故被用作食盐中碘酸盐测定的电化学传感器。3.合成出粒径分布较窄的铁氰化铜纳米粒子。由于铁氰化铜纳米粒子比表面较大,表面原子配位严重不足,与石墨表面有氢键和π-π相互作用,故其易于在石墨微粉表面沉积。进而利用溶胶凝胶技术制备了表面可更新的、硬质的铁氰化铜/碳陶瓷电极。该修饰电极可以催化谷胱甘肽的氧化、制备简单、化学和机械稳定性高、表面更新重视性好。4.以丁胺为诱导物,合成出新亚甲蓝(NMB)和亚甲蓝(MB)阳离子插入的 α-ZrP层柱纳米复合材料,利用红外光谱、粉末X-射线衍射和电镜对其进行了表征。制备了均匀担载有 NMBZrP 和 MBZrP亚微米粒子的石墨粉。用溶胶-凝胶技术制备了NMBZrP (或 MBZrP)/碳陶瓷电极。5.设计并合成出二茂铁丁酸阴离子/水滑石纳米复合材料(LDH-Fc),利用元素分析、~(13)C固体核磁共振、红外光谱、粉末X-射线衍射和透射电镜对其进行表征。发现 LDH-Fc 纳米粒子在去离子水中可以形成稳定的胶体溶液,考虑到胶体溶液的亚稳态性质,通过沉积过程制备出均匀担载有LDH-Fc的石墨粉,利用光电子能谱确证了LDH-Fc在石墨粉表面的沉积。用溶胶-凝胶技术制备了LDH-Fc/碳陶瓷电极。


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用便携式微机伏安仪对贵金属Pd的电化学性能和测定进行了研究。在1 mol/L HCl溶液中Pd(Ⅱ)浓度2.5ng/ml~60μg/ml范围峰高是线性增加的。回收范围82%~105%。相对标准偏差为(n=8)3.8%。本法应用于贵金属回收液中Pd的测定,获得较为满意的结果。


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报道了四川冕宁稀土矿床碳酸岩7件样品的PGE和Au含量分析结果,其含量(WB/10^-9)范围分别为Ir0.5~0.78,Ru 1.61~6.75,Rh 0.08~0.14,Pt 2.62~12.15,Pd 1.11γ3.65和Au1.24~8.61。原始地幔标准化的PGE模式呈Ru、Pt、Pd相对富集和Ir、Rh相对亏损的“燕子型”。分析认为,碳酸岩具有一定携带PGE的能力;本区碳酸岩具“燕子型”PGE配分模式可能是其源区地幔PGE配分模式的反演;深源富CO2流体交代作用原始地幔可能是形成其“燕子型”PGE配分模式主要因素。