457 resultados para PATELLAR TENDON
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
NSAIDs are widely prescribed and used over the years to treat tendon injuries despite its well-known long-term side effects. In the last years several animal and human trials have shown that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) presents modulatory effects on inflammatory markers, however the mechanisms involved are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the short-term effects of LLLT or sodium diclofenac treatments on biochemical markers and biomechanical properties of inflamed Achilles tendons. Wistar rats Achilles tendons (n?=?6/group) were injected with saline (control) or collagenase at peritendinous area of Achilles tendons. After 1?h animals were treated with two different doses of LLLT (810?nm, 1 and 3?J) at the sites of the injections, or with intramuscular sodium diclofenac. Regarding biochemical analyses, LLLT significantly decreased (p?<?0.05) COX-2, TNF-a, MMP-3, MMP-9, and MMP-13 gene expression, as well as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production when compared to collagenase group. Interestingly, diclofenac treatment only decreased PGE2 levels. Biomechanical properties were preserved in the laser-treated groups when compared to collagenase and diclofenac groups. We conclude that LLLT was able to reduce tendon inflammation and to preserve tendon resistance and elasticity. (c) 2012 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 30:19451951, 2012
Intensive scheduling in sports requires athletes to resume physical activity shortly after injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate early isokinetic muscle strength and knee function on bone-patellar tendon-bone (BPTB) ACL reconstruction with double femoral pin fixation or interference screw technique. A prospective study was conducted from 2008 to 2009, with 48 athletes who received femoral BPTB fixation with interference screw (n = 26) or double pin (n = 22). Clinical (IKDC objective score and hop test) and isokinetic muscle strength (peak torque (PT), PT/body weight and flexion/extension rate (F/E) in 60 and 240A degrees/s) were analyzed at 6 months of follow-up. Analysis at baseline showed no differences between groups before surgery related to age, gender, associated injury, Tegner or Lysholm score; thus showing that groups were similar. During follow-up, however, there were significant differences between the two groups in some of the isokinetic muscle strength: PT/BW 60A degrees/s (Double Pin = 200% +/- A 13% vs. Interference Screw = 253% +/- A 16%*, *P = 0.01); F/E 60A degrees/s (Double Pin = 89% +/- A 29%* vs. Interference Screw = 74% +/- A 12%, *P = 0.04). No statistical differences between groups were observed on IKDC objective score, hop test and complications. The significant muscle strength outcome of the interference screw group found in this study gives initial evidence that this fixation technique is useful for athletes that may need accelerated rehabilitation. Early return to sports ability signaled by isokinetic muscle strength is of clinical relevance as it is one of the main goals for athletes' rehabilitation. III.
Efficacia del trattamento con concentrati piastrinici (P.R.P.) nelle lesioni condrali e tendinopatie
Purpose: Recent knowledge regarding tissue biology highlights a complex regulation of growth factors in reaction to tissue damage. Platelet Rich Plasma (P.R.P.), containing a natural pool of growth factors, can be obtained in a simple and minimally invasive way and be applied to the lesion site. The aim of this study is to explore this novel approach to treat cartilage degenerative lesions of the knee and tendon chronic lesions( patellar tendon, and achilles tendon). In this study we evaluated if the treatment with PRP injections can reduce pain and increase function in cases of patellar tendinosis (Jumper’s Knee), in chronic achilles tendinopathy and in patients with cartilage injuries of the knee. Materials and Methods: 40 patients with cartilage lesion of the knee, 28 male and 12 female with mean age 47 y. (min 18- max 52 years), were treated and prospectively evaluated at a minimum 6 months follow-up; in the same way, 12 patients with achilles tendon lesion (8 male and 4 female) with mean age 44,5 y. (min 32-max 58 years) and 10 patients with “Jumper’s Knee” (8 male and 2 female) with mean age 23,2 y. (min 18-max 37 years), were evaluated at 6 months follow up. The procedure involved 3 multiple injections , performed every two weeks. All patients were clinically evaluated at the end of the treatment and at 6 months follow up. IKDC, SF36, EQ-VAS, scores were used for clinical evaluation and patient satisfaction and functional status were also recorded. Results: Statistical analysis showed a significant improvement in the SF36 questionnaire in all parameters evaluated at the end of the therapy and 6 months follow-up in both group(tendinopathies and chondral lesions), and in the EQ VAS and IKDC score (paired T-test, p<0.0005) from basal evaluation to the end of the therapy, and a further improvement was present at 6 months follow-up. Whereas a higher improvement of the sport activity level was achieved in the “Jumper’s Knee” group. No complications related to the injections or severe adverse events were observed during the treatment and follow up period. Conclusion: PRP inhibits excess inflammation, apoptosis, and metalloproteinase activity. These interactive pathways may result in the restoration of tendon or cartilage, which can with stand loading with work or sports activity, thereby diminishing pain. PRP may also modulate the microvascular environment or alter efferent or afferent neural receptors. The clinical results are encouraging, indicating that PRP injections may have the potential to increase the tendon and cartilage healing capacity in cases with chronic tendinosis and chondropathy of the knee.
Introduzione L’attività fisica moderata seguita da improvvisa interruzione può influenzare le caratteristiche biologiche del tendine. Lo scopo del lavoro è stato quello di valutare l’attività cellulare, le caratteristiche istologiche, istomorfometriche e microstrutturali del tendine patellare e della sua entesi in condizioni di non allenamento (sedentarietà), allenamento ed improvviso arresto dell’attività fisica. E’ stato ipotizzato che un’iniezione peri-tendinea di acido ialuronico nelle settimane successive all’improvviso arresto dell’attività fisica potesse mantenere l’integrità strutturale e biologica del tendine patellare. Materiali e Metodi 24 ratti Sprague Dawley maschi di 8 settimane sono stati suddivisi in tre gruppi, allenati per 10 settimane, fino a 60-80% VO2max. I ratti sono stati suddivisi in tre gruppi: Non Allenati (6), Allenati (6), Disallenati (12). A 6 dei 12 ratti del gruppo Detrained, è stata praticata un’infiltrazione peri-tendinea a nel tendine patellare destro di 300 μl di acido ialuronico, mentre nei rimanenti 6, è stata praticata l’infiltrazione con soluzione fisiologica. I tendini rotulei espiantati sono stati valutati con coltura cellulare, valutazione biologica molecolare, valutazioni morfologiche microstrutturali, proliferazione, conta ed attività cellulare. Risultati I risultati in vitro hanno evidenziato vitalità e conta cellulare simili fra i Gruppi Trained e Detrained-HA con un incremento significativo del metabolismo cellulare rispetto agli altri Gruppi. La cellularità ha mostrato valori maggiori nei Gruppi Non Allenati e Detrained-NaCl ove si è osservata una biosintesi del collagene III superiore ai Gruppi Trained e Detrained-HA. Contrariamente, la produzione di collagene I e II presentava valori maggiori nei Gruppi Trained e Detrained-HA suggerendo una superiore efficienza tessutale e metabolica di questi ultimi. Conclusioni Questi risultati confermano che l’allenamento ed il suo improvviso arresto hanno effetti sulla struttura tendinea patellare di ratto e che l’iniezione peritendinea di acido ialuronico nel periodo di inattività ha effetti significativi su metabolismo cellulare e sul tendine rispetto al trattamento con soluzione fisiologica.
BACKGROUND Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is a common lesion. Current treatment emphasizes arthroscopic ACL reconstruction via a graft, although this approach is associated with potential drawbacks. A new method of dynamic intraligamentary stabilization (DIS) was subjected to biomechanical analysis to determine whether it provides the necessary knee stability for optimal ACL healing. METHODS Six human knees from cadavers were harvested. The patellar tendon, joint capsule and all muscular attachments to the tibia and femur were removed, leaving the collateral and the cruciate ligaments intact. The knees were stabilized and the ACL kinematics analyzed. Anterior-posterior (AP) stability measurements evaluated the knees in the following conditions: (i) intact ACL, (ii) ACL rupture, (iii) ACL rupture with primary stabilization, (iv) primary stabilization after 50 motion cycles, (v) ACL rupture with DIS, and (vi) DIS after 50 motion cycles. RESULTS After primary suture stabilization, average AP laxity was 3.2mm, which increased to an average of 11.26mm after 50 movement cycles. With primary ACL stabilization using DIS, however, average laxity values were consistently lower than those of the intact ligament, increasing from an initial AP laxity of 3.00mm to just 3.2mm after 50 movement cycles. CONCLUSIONS Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization established and maintained close contact between the two ends of the ruptured ACL, thus ensuring optimal conditions for potential healing after primary reconstruction. The present ex vivo findings show that the DIS technique is able to restore AP stability of the knee.
OBJECTIVE Correction of all kind of deformities at the distal part of the femur (supracondylar). INDICATIONS Flexion, extension osteotomies, and varus or valgus, and external or internal rotation osteotomies, and shortening osteotomies of the distal femur or combined surgical procedures (e.g., extension and de-rotation osteotomy). CONTRAINDICATIONS Osteotomy through unknown bony process. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE LCP system provides angular stable fixation. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT Without concomitant surgical procedures of soft tissue (e.g., patellar tendon shortening), early functional rehabilitation is possible with immediate weight bearing (35 kg for small fragment plates and 70 kg for large fragment plates). RESULTS The surgical procedure is safe and is associated with few complications. Overall complication rate in this series of patients was 3%.
OBJECTIVE To determine whether body weight, body condition score, or various body dimensions were associated with acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disk extrusion or protrusion and whether any of these factors were associated with severity of clinical signs in Dachshunds. DESIGN Cross-sectional clinical study. ANIMALS 75 Dachshunds with (n = 39) or without (36) acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disk extrusion or protrusion. PROCEDURES Signalment, various body measurements, body weight, body condition score, and spinal cord injury grade were recorded at the time of initial examination. RESULTS Mean T1-S1 distance and median tuber calcaneus-to-patellar tendon (TC-PT) distance were significantly shorter in affected than in unaffected dogs. A 1-cm decrease in T1-S1 distance was associated with a 2.1-times greater odds of being affected, and a 1-cm decrease in TC-PT distance was associated with an 11.1-times greater odds of being affected. Results of multivariable logistic regression also indicated that affected dogs were taller at the withers and had a larger pelvic circumference than unaffected dogs, after adjusting for other body measurements. Results of ordinal logistic regression indicated that longer T1-S1 distance, taller height at the withers, and smaller pelvic circumference were associated with more severe spinal cord injury. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggest that certain body dimensions may be associated with acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disk extrusion or protrusion in Dachshunds and, in affected dogs, with severity of neurologic dysfunction.
Objetivo: com esta revisão bibliográfica pretende-se comparar, tanto a nível funcional como clínico, os três enxertos autólogos atualmente utilizados na reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior, de modo a contribuir para a perceção de qual o melhor tipo de enxerto a utilizar.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and subjective outcomes after arthroscopic-assisted double-bundle posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction. METHODS: A series of 15 patients with grade III isolated chronic PCL tears underwent double-bundle PCL reconstruction. Of these patients, 8 (53%) had simultaneous fractures. The mean time from accident to surgery was 10.8 months (range, 8 to 15 months). The mean age at the time of surgery was 28.2 years (range, 17 to 43 years). All of the patients reported knee insecurity during activities of daily living or light sporting activities, with associated anterior knee pain in 5 patients. Preoperatively, posterolateral or posteromedial corner injuries were ruled out through accurate clinical examination. The knees were assessed before surgery and at a mean follow-up of 3.2 years (range, 2 to 5 years) with a physical examination, 4 different rating scales, and stress radiographs obtained with a Telos device (Telos, Marburg, Germany). RESULTS: Postoperative physical examination revealed a reduction of the posterior drawer and tibial step-off in all cases, although the posterior laxity was not completely normalized. Nevertheless, the patients were subjectively better after surgery. The subjective International Knee Documentation Committee score was significantly ameliorated. With regard to the objective International Knee Documentation Committee score, 6 knees (40%) were graded as abnormal because of posterior displacement of 6 mm or greater on follow-up stress radiographs with the Telos device. On the Lysholm knee scoring scale, the score was excellent in 13% of patients and good in 87%. The mean score on the Hospital for Special Surgery knee ligament rating scale was 85.8. The Tegner activity score showed an amelioration after surgery, but no patient resumed his or her preinjury level of activities. The postoperative stress radiographs revealed an improvement in posterior instability of 50% or more in all but 3 knees (20%). CONCLUSIONS: Our technique of double-bundle PCL reconstruction produced a significant reduction in knee symptoms and allowed the patients to return to moderate or strenuous activity, although the posterior tibial translation was not completely normalized and our results appear to be no better than the results of single-bundle PCL reconstruction. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, therapeutic case series.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the cause of recurrent pathologic instability after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery and the effectiveness of revision reconstruction using a quadriceps tendon autograft using a 2-incision technique. TYPE OF STUDY: Retrospective follow-up study. METHODS: Between 1999 and 2001, 31 patients underwent ACL revision reconstruction because of recurrent pathologic instability during sports or daily activities. Twenty-eight patients were reviewed after a mean follow-up of 4.2 years (range, 3.3 to 5.6 years). The mean age at revision surgery was 27 years (range, 18 to 41 years). The average time from primary procedure to revision surgery was 26 months (range, 9 to 45 months). A clinical, functional, and radiographic evaluation was performed. Also magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scanning was performed. The International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC), Lysholm, and Tegner scales were used. A KT-1000 arthrometer measurement (MEDmetric, San Diego, CA) by an experienced physician was made. RESULTS: Of the failures, 79% had radiographic evidence of malposition of their tunnels. In only 6 cases (21%) was the radiologic anatomy of tunnel placement judged to be correct on both the femoral and tibial side. The MRI or CT showed, in 6 cases, a too-centrally placed femoral tunnel. After revision surgery, the position of tunnels was corrected. A significant improvement of Lachman and pivot-shift phenomenon was observed. In particular, 17 patients had a negative Lachman test, and 11 patients had a grade I Lachman with a firm end point. Preoperatively, the pivot-shift test was positive in all cases, and at last follow-up in 7 patients (25%) a grade 1+ was found. Postoperatively, KT-1000 testing showed a mean manual maximum translation of 8.6 mm (SD, 2.34) for the affected knee; 97% of patients had a maximum manual side-to-side translation <5 mm. At the final postoperative evaluation, 26 patients (93%) graded their knees as normal or nearly normal according to the IKDC score. The mean Lysholm score was 93.6 (SD, 8.77) and the mean Tegner activity score was 6.1 (SD, 1.37). No patient required further revision. Five patients (18%) complained of hypersensitive scars from the reconstructive surgery that made kneeling difficult. CONCLUSIONS: There were satisfactory results after ACL revision surgery using quadriceps tendon and a 2-incision technique at a minimum 3 years' follow-up; 93% of patients returned to sports activities. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, case series, no control group.
Progressive retropatellar arthrosis is often seen in dated rigid distal realignment (i.e. osteotomy of tuberositas) at long-term follow-ups. Therefore, operations for lateral dislocation of the patella are still discussed controversially. Dynamic, proximal realignments seem to have lower rates of arthrosis but higher rates of redislocation. Recently, in anatomic and biomechanic studies, the m. vastus medialis obliquus (vmo) was found to be one of the most important proximal restraints to lateral dislocation of the patella.A total of 28 patients (mean age 21.5 years) were treated between 1994 and 2003 with a plasty of the vmo for lateral patellar dislocation. The technique was performed for most etiologies of femoropatellar instability.For this proximal soft tissue technique, the muscle tendon is detached from its patellar insertion. Subsequently, the tendon is reinserted at the patella 10-15 mm more distally and fixed with Mitek anchors. Full weight bearing in extension is possible immediately after surgery. An active vastus medialis training is started after 6 weeks.Of the patients, 27 were evaluated clinically and radiologically in 2004 (a mean of 5 years postoperatively). A total of 83% of the patients estimated the result to be good or excellent, 10% were satisfied and 7% were discontent. The mean Lysholm-Knee-Score was 83.1 points. Two patients suffered a patella redislocation (7%). A statistically significant improvement of the congruence angle was noted in the radiographs, even in medium-term controls. In 89% of the cases no or only little retropatellar arthrosis was observed. These 5 year results are comparable to those of other techniques for distal or proximal realignments. The rate of redislocation was below average. Compared to the rate of retropatellar arthrosis in long-term results of rigid distal realignment, our patients demonstrated a relative low rate after 5 years. We attribute this to the minimal interference in physiological joint mechanics and to the restored anatomy. In terms of future long-term results, our findings are promising. The idea of a proximal dynamic stabilization and the causal operative approach at the origin of pathology using vmo-plasty was confirmed in recent anatomic and biomechanic studies. Over or under correction of soft tissues could be adapted. More rigid techniques of distal realignment do not allow an adaptation to this extent and can lead to prearthrotic hyperpression in the medial femoropatellar and femorotibial joints.
Although several treatments for tendon lesions have been proposed, successful tendon repair remains a great challenge for orthopedics, especially considering the high incidence of re-rupture of injured tendons. Our aim was to evaluate the pharmacological potential of Aloe vera on the content and arrangement of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) during tendon healing, which was based on the effectiveness of A. vera on collagen organization previously observed by our group. In rats, a partial calcaneal tendon transection was performed with subsequent topical A. vera application at the injury site. The tendons were treated with A. vera ointment for 7 days and excised on the 7(th) , 14(th) , or 21(st) day post-surgery. Control rats received ointment without A. vera. A higher content of GAGs and a lower amount of dermatan sulfate were detected in the A. vera-treated group on the 14(th) day compared with the control. Also at 14 days post-surgery, a lower dichroic ratio in toluidine blue stained sections was observed in A. vera-treated tendons compared with the control. No differences were observed in the chondroitin-6-sulfate and TGF-β1 levels between the groups, and higher amount of non-collagenous proteins was detected in the A. vera-treated group on the 21(st) day, compared with the control group. No differences were observed in the number of fibroblasts, inflammatory cells and blood vessels between the groups. The application of A. vera during tendon healing modified the arrangement of GAGs and increased the content of GAGs and non-collagenous proteins.
Cases of tendinopathy and tendon ruptures have been reported as side effects associated with statin therapy. This work assessed possible changes in the structural and biomechanical properties of the tendons after chronic treatment with statins. Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: treated with atorvastatin (A-20 and A-80), simvastatin (S-20 and S-80) and the group that received no treatment (C). The doses of statins were calculated using allometric scaling, based on the doses of 80 mg/day and 20 mg/day recommended for humans. The morphological aspect of the tendons in A-20, S-20 and S-80 presented signals consistent with degeneration. Both the groups A-80 and S-80 showed a less pronounced metachromasia in the compression region of the tendons. Measurements of birefringence showed that A-20, A-80 and S-80 groups had a lower degree of organization of the collagen fibers. In all of the groups treated with statins, the thickness of the epitenon was thinner when compared to the C group. In the biomechanical tests the tendons of the groups A-20, A-80 and S-20 were less resistant to rupture. Therefore, statins affected the organization of the collagen fibers and decreased the biomechanical strength of the tendons, making them more predisposed to ruptures.