394 resultados para PARALYSIS
In a prospective nonrandomized study, using each baby as his or her own control, we compared intracranial pressure (anterior fontanel pressure as measured with the Digilab pneumotonometer), cerebral perfusion pressure, BP, heart rate, transcutaneous Po2, and transcutaneous Pco2 before, during, and after endotracheal suctioning, with and without muscle paralysis, in 28 critically ill preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome. With suctioning, there was a small but significant increase in intracranial pressure in paralyzed patients (from 13.7 [mean] +/- 4.4 mm Hg [SD] to 15.8 +/- 5.2 mm Hg) but a significantly larger (P less than .001) increase when they were not paralyzed (from 12.5 +/- 3.6 to 28.5 +/- 8.3 mm Hg). Suctioning led to a slight increase in BP with (from 45.3 +/- 9.1 to 48.0 +/- 8.7 mm Hg) and without muscle paralysis (from 45.1 +/- 9.4 to 50.0 +/- 11.7 mm Hg); but there was no significant difference between the two groups. The cerebral perfusion pressure in paralyzed infants did not show any significant change before, during, and after suctioning (31.5 +/- 9.1 mm Hg before v 32.0 +/- 8.7 mm Hg during suctioning), but without muscle paralysis cerebral perfusion pressure decreased (P less than .001) from 32.8 +/- 9.7 to 21.3 +/- 13.1 mm Hg. Suctioning induced a slight decrease in mean heart rate and transcutaneous Po2, but pancuronium did not alter these changes. There was no statistical difference in transcutaneous Pco2 before, during, and after suctioning with and without muscle paralysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Facial palsy is an unusual pathology that requires standard investigations and management. A clinical overview of the current attitudes is suggested to the general practitioners in order to help them in initiating the adequate investigations and treatment before referring the patient to a specialist.
Paralysis with pancuronium bromide is used in newborn infants to facilitate ventilatory support during respiratory failure. Changes in lung mechanics have been attributed to paralysis. The aim of this study was to examine whether or not paralysis per se has an influence on the passive respiratory mechanics, resistance (Rrs) and compliance (Crs) of the respiratory system in newborn infants. In 30 infants with acute respiratory failure, Rrs was measured during paralysis with pancuronium bromide and after stopping pancuronium bromide (group A). Rrs was also measured in an additional 10 ventilated infants in a reversed fashion (group B): Rrs was measured first in nonparalysed infants and then they were paralysed, mainly for diagnostic procedures, and the Rrs measurement repeated. As Rrs is highly dependent on lung volume, several parameters, that depend directly on lung volume were recorded: inspiratory oxygen fraction (FI,O2), arterial oxygen tension/alveolar oxygen tension (a/A) ratio and volume above functional residual capacity (FRC). In group A, the Rrs was not different during (0.236+/-0.09 cmH2O x s x mL(-1)) and after (0.237+/-0.07 cmH2O x s x mL(-1)) paralysis. Also, in group B, Rrs did not change (0.207+/-0.046 versus 0.221+/-0.046 cm x s x mL(-1) without versus with pancuronium bromide). FI,O2, a/A ratio and volume above FRC remained constant during paralysis. These data demonstrate that paralysis does not influence the resistance of the total respiratory system in ventilated term and preterm infants when measured at comparable lung volumes.
Facial reanimation following persistent facial paralysis can be managed with surgical procedures of varying complexity. The choice of the technique is mainly determined by the cause of facial paralysis, the age and desires of the patient. The techniques most commonly used are the nerve grafts (VII-VII, XII-VII, cross facial graft), dynamic muscle transfers (temporal myoplasty, free muscle transfert) and static suspensions. An intensive rehabilitation through specific exercises after all procedures is essential to archieve good results.
Bilateral congenital vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) may result from multiple etiologies or remain idiopathic when no real cause can be identified. If obstructive dyspnea is significant and requires urgent stabilization of the airway, then intubation is performed first and an MRI of the brain is conducted to rule out an Arnold-Chiari malformation that can benefit from a shunt procedure and thus alleviate the need for a tracheostomy. Clinically silent subdural hemorrhage without any birth trauma represents another cause of neonatal BVFP that resolves spontaneously within a month. It is of clinical relevance to recognize this potential cause of BVFP as its short duration may alleviate the need for a tracheostomy. In this article, we present such a case and review the literature to draw the otolaryngologist's attention to this possible etiology.
To study the effects of muscle paralysis on joint mobility, we compared eight premature infants treated with pancuronium bromide with a control group. A significant reduction was observed in hip and knee flexion, and in ankle dorsal extension, which tended to resolve in time. We conclude that muscle paralysis reduces the mobility of selected joints; spontaneous activity appears to prevent long-term contractures.
This paper reports 6 outbreaks of neurological disease associated with paralysis of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves caused by intracranial space occupying lesions in feedlot cattle. The clinical signs observed were characterized by head tilt, uni or bilateral drooping and paralysis of the ears, eyelid ptosis, keratoconjunctivitis, and different degrees of ataxia. Morbidity and mortality rates ranged from 1.1 to 50% and 0 to 1%, respectively. Gross lesions observed included yellow, thickened leptomeninges, and marked enlargement of the roots of cranial nerves VII (facial) and VIII (vestibulocochlear). Histopathologically, there was severe, chronic, granulomatous meningitis and, in one case, chronic, granulomatous neuritis of the VII and VIII cranial nerves. Attempts to identify bacterial, viral, or parasitic agents were unsuccessful. Based on the morphologic lesions, the clinical condition was diagnosed as facial paralysis and vestibular syndrome associated with space occupying lesions in the meninges and the cranial nerves VII and VIII. Feedlot is a practice of growing diffusion in our country and this is a first report of outbreaks of facial paralysis and vestibular disease associated with space occupying lesions in Argentina.
The dicistrovirus Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) has been implicated in the worldwide decline of honey bees. Studies of IAPV and many other bee viruses in pure culture are restricted by available isolates and permissive cell culture. Here we show that coupling the IAPV major structural precursor protein ORF2 to its cognate 3C-like processing enzyme results in processing of the precursor to the individual structural proteins in a number of insect cell lines following expression by a recombinant baculovirus. The efficiency of expression is influenced by the level of IAPV 3C protein and moderation of its activity is required for optimal expression. The mature IAPV structural proteins assembled into empty capsids that migrated as particles on sucrose velocity gradients and showed typical dicistrovirus like morphology when examined by electron microscopy. Monoclonal antibodies raised to recombinant capsids were configured into a diagnostic test specific for the presence of IAPV. Recombinant capsids for each of the many bee viruses within the picornavirus family may provide virus specific reagents for the on-going investigation of the causes of honeybee loss.
The etiology of idiopathic peripheral facial palsy (IPFP) is still uncertain; however, some authors suggest the possibility of a viral infection. Aim: to analyze the ultrastructure of the facial nerve seeking viral evidences that might provide etiological data. Material and Methods: We studied 20 patients with peripheral facial palsy (PFP), with moderate to severe FP, of both genders, between 18-60 years of age, from the Clinic of Facial Nerve Disorders. The patients were broken down into two groups - Study: eleven patients with IPFP and Control: nine patients with trauma or tumor-related PFP. The fragments were obtained from the facial nerve sheath or from fragments of its stumps - which would be discarded or sent to pathology exam during the facial nerve repair surgery. The removed tissue was fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde, and studied under Electronic Transmission Microscopy. Results: In the study group we observed an intense repair cellular activity by increased collagen fibers, fibroblasts containing developed organelles, free of viral particles. In the control group this repair activity was not evident, but no viral particles were observed. Conclusion: There were no viral particles, and there were evidences of intense activity of repair or viral infection.
Tick paralysis (TP) is a rare disease with rapid progression and potential fatal evolution. Immediately after the diagnosis, removal of all ticks from the body of the patient is mandatory. The present study reports for the first time a human case of the disease in Brazil. The patient had loss of muscle strength, decreased reflexes and marked palpebral ptosis. Six hours after removal of the last tick, the ptosis improved and on the following day, the patient had near total regression of the symptoms. This report emphasizes the possible presence of similar cases that should be promptly diagnosed and quickly treated. A new induction pattern for TP in humans associated with immature stages of ticks is also presented.
The hypothyroidism is the most commonly endocrinopathy in dogs, that occurs preferentially in middle-aged pure breed. The clinical signs associated with hypothyroidism are variable, many times non-specific, including metabolical, dermatological or cardiovascular. The main laboratorial findings are non-regenerative anemia and hypercholesterolemia. Hyponatremia, increase on alanine transferase and alkaline phosphatase activity also can be observed in a lower frequency. There are some reports of peripheral neuropathies caused by hypothyroidism, but the pathophysiology of this process is still unknown. There are specific diagnostic tests that can be used to help diagnose hypothyroidism, and those should be aligned together with the animal's clinical symptoms. The thyroxine stimulating hormone, and free and total thyroxine concentrations are the most used tests. A Pit Bull dog, female, over weighted, was treated presenting left facial paralysis. Thyroid function tests confirmed hypothyroidism. The animal was treated with hormonal replacement and there was improvement in clinical signs in 40 days, confirming that hypothyroidism was facial paralysis' cause.