152 resultados para PALMAR HYPERHIDROSIS


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Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Acentuación en Manejo de Vida Silvestre y Desarrollo Sustentable) UANL, 2009.


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Estudio did??ctico elaborado por alumnos de primero de BUP bajo la direcci??n de la profesora de Ciencias Naturales. El objetivo principal es introducir, de forma sistem??tica, a los alumnos en el conocimiento del propio medio, tomando como unidad de referencia la zona natural donde se encuentra situado el Instituto. Dicho estudio propone una actividad en consonancia con los intereses de los alumnos, vivencias personales y realidad de su entorno no s??lo en cuanto a la Naturaleza, sino tambi??n desde un punto de vista hist??rico, geogr??fico, socio-econ??mico, etc., sensibiliz??ndoles hacia los problemas del medio ambiente, intentanto con ello cultivar los valores sociales, econ??micos y morales por el conocimiento de la Naturaleza y su ciencia, es decir, una responsabilidad humana en la Naturaleza.


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El artículo forma parte de una sección de la revista dedicada a intercambio de experiencias


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In tetrapod squamates, the diversity of micro-ornamentations of the epidermis of the contact areas of hands and feet is generally associated with constraints and modalities related to locomotion. Polychrus acutirostris is a medium-sized lizard that occurs in open heterogeneous habitats in South America, such as the cerrados, caatingas, and fallow lands. It progresses slowly on branches of various diameters in its arboreal environment. It can also move more rapidly on the ground. The hands and feet are prehensile and may be considered an adaptation for grasping and climbing. Epidermal surfaces from the palmar and plantar areas of the hands and feet of P. acutirostris were prepared for SEM examination, and studied at various magnifications. They show three major levels of complexity: (1) scale types, organized in gradients of size and imbrication, (2) scalar ornamentations, organized by increasing complexity and polarity, and (3) presence of Oberhautchen showing typically iguanian honeycomb micro-ornamentations. The shape and surface structure of the scales with their pattern of micro-ornamental peaks, which improve grip, and the grasping hands and feet indicate that P. acutirostris is morpho-functionally specialized for arboreality. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Foram comparadas duas técnicas de neurorrafia em seis eqüinos, divididos em três grupos (G), conforme o tempo para a biópsia. Os animais foram submetidos a neurectomia dos nervos digitais palmares (NDP) e aplicaram-se duas suturas epineurais (SE) e suturas com tubos de silicone (STS) em cada animal. Avaliaram-se os animais mensalmente pelo teste de sensibilidade e exame do aparelho locomotor até a realização das biópsias dos NDP. Aos 30 dias pós-cirurgia foi realizada biópsia no GI, aos 60 dias no GII e aos 180 dias no GIII. Macroscopicamente, o NDP encontrou-se envolvido por tecido conjuntivo fibroso. Microscopicamente, constataram-se proliferação axonal em uma amostra do GI e neuromas nas amostras dos GI, GII e GIII. Houve proliferação de tecido conjuntivo em todos os grupos no local de reparação para SE e adentrando no interior do tubo na STS. Visibilizaram-se infiltrado de células inflamatórias, alterações no coto proximal e degeneração no coto distal na SE e na STS. As técnicas não apresentaram resultados satisfatórios quanto ao grau de regeneração do coto proximal até o coto distal.


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Plantar hyperhidrosis can cause great changes to an individual's quality of life. We described a case successfully treated by the minimally invasive method of percutaneous injection of 7.0% phenolic solution into the lumbar sympathetic chains.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: Loss of muscle strength may represent a burden on everyday tasks significantly compromising the quality of life for mastectomy patients. In addition to the reduced strength of the upper limb, has been shown in mastectomy patients and difficulties in reducing grip. Objectives: To analyze the possible differences in grip strength among women undergoing breast cancer surgery and to compare the body composition. Methods: In the control group (CG n = 46) women participated in the community of FCT / UNESP aged 35 to 70 years without acute orthopedic pathologies. In the experimental group (EG n = 49) participated in women undergoing surgery for breast cancer, without bilateral lymphedema and independent of time and type of surgery. Were evaluated by dynamometer, by Dual Energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and physical assessment. Results: We observed significant differences in grip strength (p = 0.000), when the group after mastectomy compared with the control group and the radical mastectomy surgery left and quandrandectomia left (p = 0.004). Regarding the presence of lymphedema, statistical difference was observed in the composition of lean mass and trunk fat (p = 0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the experimental group are lower grip strength and trunk lean body mass when compared with the control group. The experimental group showed higher values of fat mass when there was presence of lymphedema


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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a influência da obesidade e da força de preensão palmar (FPP) no equilíbrio postural estático de idosas ativas nas condições de olhos abertos e fechados. Participaram 31 idosas (16 eutróficas e 15 obesas). A idade média e o Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC) das eutróficas foram, respectivamente, 68,3±2,7 anos e 23,4±1,6kg/m², e das obesas 69,1±2,7 anos e 33,5±3kg/m². A FPP foi avaliada usando um dinamômetro (JAMAR). O equilíbrio postural estático foi avaliado usando um sistema tridimensional nas condições de olhos abertos (OA) e fechados (OF), durante 90 segundos cada condição. A FPP das idosas eutróficas foi 25,1±4,6kgf e das obesas foi 24,8±5,2kgf, não havendo diferenças significativas. No equilíbrio postural, foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos apenas no deslocamento máximo a-p com AO (p=0,04) e OF (p<0,01), com as idosas obesas apresentando menor deslocamento a-p em relação às eutróficas. Não houve correlação entre o deslocamento máximo a-p com IMC e a FPP. No presente estudo FPP não influenciou o equilíbrio postural estático, enquanto a obesidade foi fator determinante de menor deslocamento ântero-posterior de idosas ativas.


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[ES] En este artículo se presenta un sistema novedoso para la autenticación automática de personas basado en un indicador biométrico de la mano: la huella de la región dígito palmar. La imagen de los pliegues de la base del dedo índice se ha tomado con una cámara digital comercial. Dichas imágenes han sido digitalmente procesadas con el fin de realzar las colinas y valles de los pliegues de la piel. Estas líneas son seguidas para establecer los puntos de bifurcación y término denominados minucias, los cuales forman el descriptor de la huella dígito palmar. Un clasificador basado en un umbral y el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson verifica si una nueva huella pertenece a la identidad reclamada. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una confianza superior al 98% trabajando con 38 personas entre las cuales se incluyen huellas de baja calidad.


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[ES] La hiperhidrosis consiste en una sudoración excesiva, que supera las necesidades fisiológicas, que puede ser generalizada o localizada y crea alteraciones psicológicas, sociales o laborales graves. Las formas localizada son las más frecuentes, especialmente la palmar, axilar y plantar, combinándose, por lo general, dos o más de estas localizaciones. Acostumbra a ser de origen desconocido, denominándose hiperhidrosis primaria o idiopática. El tratamiento está indicado en aquellos casos graves y que afectan de forma importante a la vida del paciente. El tratamiento puede ser médico, con escaso éxito, o quirúrgico. El tratamiento quirúrgico consiste en la desconexión quirúrgica del sistema nervioso simpático que estimula las glándulas sudoríparas de estas zonas (simpaticolisis).


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Therapy of metacarpal neck fractures depending on radiographically measured palmar angulation is discussed controversially in the literature. Some authors describe normal hand function of malunited metacarpal neck fractures with a palmar angulation up to 70°; others define 30° as the uppermost limit to maintain normal hand function. However, the methods of measuring palmar angulation are not clearly defined. Here, we present a new method to measure palmar angulation using ultrasound. The aim of this prospective study is to compare the radiographic methods of measuring palmar angulation with the ultrasound method. PATIENTS/MATERIAL AND METHOD: 20 patients with a neck fracture of the metacarpals IV or V were treated either conservatively or operatively. 2 weeks after trauma or operation, an x-ray was performed. 2 examiners measured the palmar angulation on the oblique and lateral projections using 2 different methods (medullary canal and dorsal cortex methods). At the same time, the 2 examiners performed measurements of palmar angulation using ultrasound. The measurements obtained with the different methods as well as by the 2 examiners at 2 different terms were compared. Intra- and interobserver reliability of each method was calculated, and for the ultrasound method a test for accuracy of the measured angles was performed.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Evidence-based information is limited on distribution of local anaesthetic solution following perineural analgesia of the palmar (Pa) and palmar metacarpal (PaM) nerves in the distal aspect of the metacarpal (Mc) region ('low 4-point nerve block'). OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate the potential distribution of local anaesthetic solution after a low 4-point nerve block using a radiographic contrast model. METHODS: A radiodense contrast medium was injected subcutaneously over the medial or the lateral Pa nerve at the junction of the proximal three-quarters and distal quarter of the Mc region (Pa injection) and over the ipsilateral PaM nerve immediately distal to the distal aspect of the second or fourth Mc bones (PaM injection) in both forelimbs of 10 mature horses free from lameness. Radiographs were obtained 0, 10 and 20 min after injection and analysed subjectively and objectively. Methylene blue and a radiodense contrast medium were injected in 20 cadaver limbs using the same techniques. Radiographs were obtained and the limbs dissected. RESULTS: After 31/40 (77.5%) Pa injections, the pattern of the contrast medium suggested distribution in the neurovascular bundle. There was significant proximal diffusion with time, but the main contrast medium patch never progressed proximal to the mid-Mc region. The radiological appearance of 2 limbs suggested that contrast medium was present in the digital flexor tendon sheath (DFTS). After PaM injections, the contrast medium was distributed diffusely around the injection site in the majority of the limbs. In cadaver limbs, after Pa injections, the contrast medium and the dye were distributed in the neurovascular bundle in 8/20 (40%) limbs and in the DFTS in 6/20 (30%) of limbs. After PaM injections, the contrast and dye were distributed diffusely around the injection site in 9/20 (45%) limbs and showed diffuse and tubular distribution in 11/20 (55%) limbs. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Proximal diffusion of local anaesthetic solution after a low 4-point nerve block is unlikely to be responsible for decreasing lameness caused by pain in the proximal Mc region. The DFTS may be penetrated inadvertently when performing a low 4-point nerve block.