990 resultados para PALLADIUM CATALYSTS


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New and robust methodologies have been designed for palladium-catalyzed crosscoupling reactions involving·a novel·class oftertiary phosphine ligand incorporating a phospha-adamantane framework. It has been realized that bulky, electron-rich phosphines, when used as ligands for palladium, allow for cross-coupling reactions involving even the less reactive aryl halide substrates with a variety of coupling partners. In an effort to design new ligands suitable for carrying out cross-coupling transformations, the secondary phosphine, 1,3,5,7-tetramethyl-2,4,8-trioxa-6phosphaadamantane was converted into a number of tertiary phosphine derivatives. The ability of these tertiary phosphaadamantanes to act as effective ligands in the palladiumcatalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling was examined. 1,3,5,7-Tetramethyl-6-phenyl-2,4,8trioxa- 6-phosphaadamantane (PA-Ph) used in combination with Pdz(dba)3permitted the reaction of an array of aryl iodides, bromides and chlorides with a variety arylboronic acids to give biaryls in good to excellent yields. Subsequently, palladium complexes of PA-Ph were prepared and isolated in high yields as air stable palladium bisphosphine complexes. Two different kinds of crystals were isolated and upon characterization revealed two complexes, Pd(PA-Ph)z.dba and Pd(PA-Ph)zOz. Preliminary screening for their catalytic activity indicated that the former is more reactive than the latter. Pd(PAPh) z.dba was applied as the catalyst for Sonogashira cross-coupling reactions of aryl iodides and bromides and in the reactions of aryl bromides and chlorides with ketones to give a-arylated ketones at mild temperatures in high yields.


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New and robust methodologies have been designed for palladiumcatalyzed cross-coupling reactions involving a library of novel tertiary phosphine ligands incorporating a phospha-adamantane framework. The secondary phosphine, l,3,5,7-tetramethyl-2,4,8-trioxa-6-phospha-adamantane was converted into a small library of tertiary phosphine derivatives and the ability of these tertiary phosphaadamantanes to act as effective ligands in the palladium-catalyzed amination reaction and p-alkyl-Suzuki cross-coupling was examined. l,3,5,7-Tetramethyl-6- phenyl-2,4,8-trioxa-6-phosphaadamantane (PA-Ph) used in combination with Pd2(dba)3 CHCI3 facilitated the reaction of an array of aryl iodides, bromides and chlorides with a variety secondary and primary amines to give tertiary and secondary amines respectively in good to excellent yields. 8-(2,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)- l,3,5,7-tetramethyl-2,4,6-trioxa-8-phospha-tricyclo[*3,7*]decane used in combination with Pd(0Ac)2 permitted the reaction of an array of alkyl iodides, and bromides with a variety aryl boronic acids and alkyl 9-BBN compounds in good to excellent yields. Subsequent to this work, the use of phosphorous based ionic liquids, specifically tetradecyltrihexylphosphonium chloride (THPC), in the Heck reaction provided good to excellent yields in the coupling of aryl iodides and bromides with a variety of olefins.


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Stone-fruit activated carbon (SAC) and modified versions containing acidic oxygen and basic nitrogen groups have been used to prepare palladium catalysts by wet impregnation. Carbon supports and catalysts are investigated by thermo-gravimetric analysis, TPD, oxygen chemisorption, TEM and XPS. The influence of the nature of the functional groups on the dispersion and oxidation state of palladium and its activity in hydrogen oxidation is investigated. Pd dispersion is found to increase with the basic strength of functional groups on the support. XPS reveals that introduction of amine groups in SAC results in an increased proportion of Pd0, resistant to re-oxidation. Palladium catalysts supported on activated carbon modified by diethylamine groups are found to exhibit the highest metal dispersion and greatest activity in hydrogen oxidation. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This dissertation covers progress with bimetallic polymerization catalysts. The complexes we have designed were aimed at expanding the capabilities of homogeneous polymerization catalysts by taking advantage of multimetallic effects. Such effects were examined in group 4 and group 10 bimetallic complexes; proximity and steric repulsion were determined to be major factors in the effects observed.

Chapters 2 and 3 introduce the rigid p-terphenyl dinucleating framework utilized in most of this thesis. The permethylation of the central arene allows for the separation of syn and anti atropisomers of the terphenyl compounds. Kinetic studies were carried out to examine the isomerization of the dinucleating bis(salicylaldimine) ligand precursors. Metallation of the syn and anti bis(salicylaldimine)s using Ni(Me)2(tmeda) and excess pyridine afforded dinickel bisphenoxyiminato complexes with a methyl and a pyridyl ligand on each nickel. The syn and anti atropisomers of the dinickel complexes were structurally characterized and utilized in ethylene and ethylene/α-olefin polymerizations. Monometallic analogues were also synthesized and tested for polymerization activity. Ethylene polymerizations were performed in the presence of primary, secondary, and tertiary amines – additives that generally deactivate nickel polymerization catalysts. Inhibition of this deactivation was observed with the syn atropisomer of the bimetallic species, but not with the anti or monometallic analogues. A mechanism was proposed wherein steric repulsion of the substituents on proximal nickel centers disfavors simultaneous ligation of base to both of the metal centers. The bimetallic effect has been explored with respect to size and binding ability of the added base.

Chapter 4 presents the optimization of the bisphenoxyimine ligand synthesis and synthesis of syn and anti m-terphenyl analogues. Metallation with NiClMe(PMe3)2 yielded phosphine-ligated dinickel complexes, which have been structurally characterized. Ethylene/1-hexene copolymerizations in the presence of amines using Ni(COD)2 as a phosphine scavenger showed significantly improved activity relative to the pyridine-ligated analogues. Incorporation of amino olefins in copolymerizations with ethylene was accomplished, and a mechanism was proposed based on proximal effects. Copolymerization trials with a variety of amino olefins and ethylene/1-hexene/amino olefin terpolymerizations were completed.

Early transition metal complexes based on the rigid p-terphenyl framework were designed with a variety of donor sets (Chapter 5 and Appendix B). Chapter 5 details the use of syn dizirconium di[amine bis(phenolate)] complexes for isoselective 1-hexene and propylene homopolymerizations. Ligand variation and monometallic complexes were studied to determine the origin of tacticity control. A mechanistic proposal was presented based on the symmetry at zirconium and the steric effects of the proximal metal center. Appendix B covers additional studies of bimetallic early transition metal complexes based on the p-terphenyl. Dititanium, dizirconium, and asymmetric complexes with bisphenoxyiminato ligands and derivatives thereof were targeted. Progress toward the synthesis of these complexes is described along with preliminary polymerization data. 1-hexene/diene copolymerizations and attempted polymerizations in the presence of ethers and esters with the syn dizirconium di[amine bis(phenolate)] complexes demonstrate the potential for further applications of this system in catalysis.

Appendix A includes work toward palladium catalysts for insertion polymerization of polar monomers. These complexes were based on dioxime and diimine frameworks with the intent of binding Lewis acidic metals at the oxime oxygens, at pendant phenolic donors, or at pendant aminediol moieties. The synthesis and structural characterization of a number of palladium and Lewis acid complexes is presented. Due to the instability of the desired species, efforts toward isolation of the desired complexes proved unsuccessful, though preliminary ethylene/methyl acrylate copolymerizations using in situ activation of the palladium species were attempted.


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Foi estudada a influência da temperatura na desativação de catalisadores automotivos comerciais, à base de Pt/Rh e de Pd/Rh, de diferentes fabricantes. Foram empregadas técnicas de caracterização textural e físico-química como FRX, AAS, fisissorção de N2, TG-ATD, DRX, RTP, quimissorção de H2 e MEV-EDX. Os catalisadores foram avaliados nas reações de oxidação do CO e oxidação do propano, utilizando uma mistura de gases estequiométrica semelhante ao gás de exaustão. Os catalisadores denominados G e V, de Pt/Rh e Pd/Rh, respectivamente, foram envelhecidos a 900C, em condições estequiométricas, e a 1200C, em ar, por períodos de tempo determinados. Em relação ao envelhecimento a 900C, apesar da caracterização apontar melhores resultados para o catalisador G, a comparação com os catalisadores novos indicou que a extensão da desativação sofrida pelo catalisador V foi menor do que aquela sofrida pelo catalisador G. O envelhecimento oxidante a 1200C foi muito prejudicial ao desempenho de ambos os catalisadores. Os difratogramas dos catalisadores envelhecidos nestas condições mostraram fenômenos importantes de transição de fase da alumina, bem como indícios de formação de novas fases a partir do óxido misto de Ce/Zr. Os perfis de RTP mostraram uma grande queda na redutibilidade, tanto para o catalisador G como para o V após este envelhecimento, e as micrografias de MEV-EDX mostraram estruturas muito sinterizadas e vários pontos de Pd aglomerado no catalisador V. Esse catalisador também apresentou partículas de texturas incomuns. Além disso, para ambos foi verificado indícios de perda de material nas amostras calcinadas por 72h a 1200C. Com relação aos resultados de avaliação catalítica, o catalisador G apresentou um desempenho inferior ao do catalisador V. A realização de envelhecimentos em atmosfera oxidante pode justificar esse comportamento uma vez que esse procedimento promove a formação de óxidos de platina, menos ativos que a platina metálica para essas reações. Além disso, este catalisador apresentou um teor de Pt bem abaixo daqueles registrados na literatura para catalisadores automotivos comerciais. Por outro lado, para catalisadores de Pd, o envelhecimento oxidante leva à formação de PdO, mais ativo que o Pd metálico. Outra observação significativa em relação à avaliação catalítica foi o fato de o catalisador G novo ter apresentado uma atividade muito baixa, especialmente para o propano, que tendeu a aumentar com o envelhecimento térmico. Foi sugerido que este catalisador precisaria de uma ativação térmica, a qual o catalisador V parece ter sido submetido durante a fabricação, pois há indícios da ocorrência de certo desgaste térmico neste catalisador novo, como mostrados pelos resultados de fisissorção de N2, DRX, TG-ATD, RTP e MEV-EDX. Foi também mostrado que os resultados de quimisorção de H2, apesar de não poderem ser usados na determinação da dispersão metálica, apresentaram uma tendência de correlação entre o consumo de H2 e o desempenho catalítico expresso como T50 ou T20. Observa-se um aumento na atividade catalítica quando a quantidade de H2 dessorvido (DTP-H2) aumenta. Concluindo, o envelhecimento térmico mostrou ser prejudicial ao desempenho do catalisador comercial, principalmente para situações drásticas como o envelhecimento realizado a 1200C em condições oxidantes


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Heck coupling reactions of methyl acrylate with various aryl bromides have been investigated using a Pd/TPP catalyst in toluene under pressurized CO2 conditions up to 13 MPa. Although CO2 is not a reactant, the pressurization of the reaction liquid phase with CO2 has positive and negative impacts on the rate of Heck coupling depending on the structures of the substrates examined. In the case of either 2-bromoacetophenone or 2-bromocinnamate, the conversion has a maximum at a CO2 pressure of about 3 MPa; for the former, it is much larger by a factor of 3 compared with that under ambient pressure. For 2-bromobenzene, in contrast, the conversion is minimized at a similar CO2 pressure, being half compared with that at ambient pressure


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Heck coupling reactions of methyl acrylate with various aryl bromides have been investigated using a Pd/TPP catalyst in toluene under pressurized CO2 conditions up to 13 MPa. Although CO2 is not a reactant, the pressurization of the reaction liquid phase with CO2 has positive and negative impacts on the rate of Heck coupling depending on the structures of the substrates examined. In the case of either 2-bromoacetophenone or 2-bromocinnamate, the conversion has a maximum at a CO2 pressure of about 3 MPa;


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A catalyst of Rh nanoparticles supported on a carbon nanofiber, 5 wt.% Rh/CNF, with an average size of 2-3 nm has been prepared by a method of incipient wetness impregnation. The catalyst presented a high activity in the ring hydrogenation of phenol in a medium of supercritical CO2 (scCO(2)) at a low temperature of 323 K. The presence of compressed CO2 retards hydrogenation of cyclohexanone to cyclohexanol under the reaction conditions used, and this is beneficial for the formation of cyclohexanone, increasing the selectivity to cyclohexanone.


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In this paper, it is reported for the first time that a carbon-supported Pd-P (Pd-P/C) catalyst for the anodic catalyst in the direct formic acid fuel cell (DFAFC) can be prepared. The Pd-P/C catalyst shows that its electrocatalytic activity and especially its stability for the oxidation of formic acid are much higher than that of a Pd/C catalyst. Therefore, the Pd-P/C catalyst may have practical applications in DFAFCs.


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The selective hydrogenation of , unsaturated aldehydes has been performed in a range of room temperature ionic liquids. The reaction data reported show that it is possible to enhance the selectivity of supported palladium catalysts for the reduction of the conjugated CC bond by using ionic liquids as solvents compared with conventional molecular organic solvents. The catalyst system is easily recycled without the need to isolate or filter the catalyst and may be used without further treatment.


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The dehydrogenation of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrocarbazole (THCZ) to form carbazole (CZ) over supported palladium catalysts was examined in the presence of hydrogen acceptors. As expected, liquid hydrogen acceptors increased the rate of reaction but, importantly, gaseous hydrogen acceptors also have been used. Ethene, propene, and but-1-ene showed up to a fivefold increase in the rate of dehydrogenation. Moreover, compared with the analogous liquid systems, the gaseous alternatives are a potentially more economic method of enhancing the activity and provide a simpler workup. The mechanism for the increase in rate was examined by density functional theory calculations, which showed that the propene hydrogenation competes effectively with the back-hydrogenation of the intermediates formed during the THCZ dehydrogenation, resulting in a shift in the equilibrium toward to the formation of CZ. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The one-pot synthesis of the fungicide fenpropimorph has been achieved using two different synthetic strategies in an ionic liquid. The first pathway consists of a Heck coupling followed by reductive amination; the second pathway consists of an aldol condensation followed by hydrogenation/reductive amination. Homogeneous and heterogeneous palladium catalysts have been utilised in the ionic liquid to provide a catalyst/solvent system that is suitable for recycling and process optimisation.


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The Heck arylation of 2-methylprop-2-en- I -ol in ionic liquids and organic solvents is reported using a range of homogeneous and heterogeneous palladium catalysts. Higher activity is observed in the ionic liquid media compared with N-methyl pyrrolidinone and under solventless conditions. The ionic liquid-catalyst system may be recycled easily with little loss in activity, although significant palladium leaching from the heterogeneous catalyst was observed. In the case of Trans-bis(2,3-dihydro-3-methylbenzothiazole-2-ylidene)diiodopalladium (11) reported to be highly active for this transformation, significant induction petiods were observed indicating that nanoparticles may be responsible for the catalysis. Using the ionic liquid Heck reaction, a recyclable synthesis for the fragrance beta-Lilial((R)) has been developed. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.