986 resultados para Ovarian tumor


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Interactions between neoplastic cells and the host stroma play a role in both tumor cell migration and proliferation. Stromal cells provide structural support for malignant cells, modulate the tumor microenvironment, and influence phenotypic behavior as well as the aggressiveness of the malignancy. In response, the tumor provides growth factors, cytokines, and cellular signals that continually initiate new stromal reactions and recruit new cells into the microenvironment to further support tumor growth. Since growing tumors recruit local cells, as well as supplemental cells from the circulation, such as fibroblasts and endothelial precursors, the question arises if it would be possible to access circulating stromal cells to modify the tumor microenvironment for therapeutic benefits. One such cell type, mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), could theoretically be engrafted into stroma. MSC are pluripotent cells that have been shown to form stromal elements such as myofibroblasts, perivascular tissues and connective tissues. Several reports have demonstrated that MSC can incorporate into sites of wound healing and tissue repair, due to active tissue remodeling and local paracrine factors, and given the similarity between wound healing and the carcinoma induced stromal response one can hypothesize that MSC have the potential to be recruited to sites of tumor development. In addition, gene-modified MSC could be used as cellular vehicles to deliver gene products into tumors. My results indicate that MSC home to and participate in tumor stroma formation in ovarian tumor xenografts in mice. Additionally, once homed to tumor beds, MSC proliferate rapidly and integrate. My studies aim at understanding the fate of MSC in the tumor microenvironment, as well as utilizing them for cellular delivery of therapeutic genes into the stroma of ovarian carcinomas. ^


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An abundance of monocytes and macrophages (MO/MA) in the microenvironment of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) suggests possible dual roles for these cells. Certain MO/MA subpopulations may inhibit tumor growth by antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), phagocytosis, or stimulation of adaptive immunity. In contrast, other MO/MA subpopulations may support tumor growth by immunosuppressive or pro-angiogenic cytokine production. A better understanding of the phenotype and activity of MO/MA in EOC should lead to greater insight into their role in the immunopathobiology of EOC and hence suggest targets for treatment. We have found differences in the proportions of MO/MA subpopulations in the peripheral blood and ascites of EOC patients compared to normal donors, and differences in MO/MA surface phenotype in the associated tumor environment compared to the systemic circulation. We also demonstrate that, following their activation in vitro, monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) from the peripheral blood and ascites of EOC patients exhibit antitumor effector activities that are different from the behavior of normal donor cells. The phenotypic characteristics and antitumor activity of CD14+ MO/MA and an isolated subpopulation of CD14brightCD16 −HLA-DR+ MO/MA were compared in samples of normal donor peripheral blood and the peripheral blood and ascites from EOC patients. MDM were cultured with macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and activated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or a combination of LPS plus recombinant interferon-gamma. We determined that MO/MA from EOC patients had altered morphology and significantly less ADCC and phagocytic activity than did MO/MA from normal donors. ADCC and phagocytosis are mediated by receptors for the Fe portion of IgG (FcγRs), the expression of which were also found to be deficient on EOC MDM from peripheral blood and ascites. Anti-tumor functions not mediated by the FcγRs, such as macrophage mediated cytotoxicity and cytostasis, were not impaired in EOC MDM compared to normal donor MDM. Our findings also showed that MDM from both EOC patients and normal donors produce M-CSF-stimulated cytokines, including interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin-6, which have the potential to support ovarian tumor growth and metastasis. These findings may be relevant to the pathogenesis of EOC and to the development of future bioimmunotherapeutic strategies. ^


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Techniques of tissue engineering and cell and molecular biology were used to create a biodegradable scaffold for transfected cells to produce complex proteins. Mullerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) causes regression of Mullerian ducts in the mammalian embryo. MIS also causes regression in vitro of ovarian tumor cell lines and primary cells from ovarian carcinomas, which derive from Mullerian structures. In a strategy to circumvent the complicated purification protocols for MIS, Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with the human MIS gene were seeded onto biodegradable polymers of polyglycolic acid fibers and secretion of MIS confirmed. The polymer-cell graft was implanted into the right ovarian pedicle of severe combined immunodeficient mice. Serum MIS in the mice rose to supraphysiologic levels over time. One week after implantation of the polymer-cell graft, IGROV-1 human tumors were implanted under the renal capsule of the left kidney. Growth of the IGROV-1 tumors was significantly inhibited in the animals with a polymer-cell graft of MIS-producing cells, compared with controls. This novel MIS delivery system could have broader applications for other inhibitory agents not amenable to efficient purification and provides in vivo evidence for a role of MIS in the treatment of ovarian cancer.


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Here we describe the case of a 19-year-old woman with a poorly differentiated ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor and an elevated serum alphafetoprotein level. The patient presented with diffuse abdominal pain and bloating. Physical examination, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a right ovarian tumor that was histopathologically diagnosed as a poorly differentiated Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor with heterologous elements. Her alpha-fetoprotein serum level was undetectable after tumor resection. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors are rare sex cord-stromal tumors that account for 0.5% of all ovarian neoplasms. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors tend to be unilateral and occur in women under 30 years of age. Although they are the most common virilizing tumor of the ovary, about 60% are endocrineinactive tumors. Elevated serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein are rarely associated with Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors, with only approximately 30 such cases previously reported in the literature. The differential diagnosis should include common alpha-fetoprotein-producing ovarian entities such as germ cell tumors, as well as other non-germ cell tumors that have been rarely reported to produce this tumor marker.


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Os tecomas são tumores raros do ovário, do grupo dos tumores dos cordões sexuais, de natureza sólida e frequentemente unilaterais. Têm maior incidência no período pósmenopausa e normalmente são silenciosos. Quando sintomáticos traduzem-se por dor pélvica e metrorragia (condicionada pela habitual natureza produtora de estrogénios do tumor). Podem ser concomitantes a síndrome de Meigs e/ou de Golin-Goltz e associaremse a transformação benigna ou maligna do endométrio. Embora a ecografia possa ser inespecífica neste contexto, uma avaliação multiparamétrica abrangente em ressonância magnética, incluindo por estudo dinâmico e com ponderação em difusão, permite frequentemente orientar de modo favorável a marcha diagnóstica. Apresentamos um caso raro de tecoma do ovário, com espessamento associado do endométrio, avaliado por ecografia ginecológica por vias supra-púbica e transvaginal bem como tomografia computorizada e ressonância magnética, confirmado cirurgicamente. Tratou-se de uma examinada caucasiana de 61 anos de idade, apresentando-se com metrorragia pósmenopáusica, sem outros sintomas nem contexto familiar relevante. Procedeu-se, a este propósito, a uma revisão da literatura focada no diagnóstico multimodal diferencial, apresentação clínica, tratamento e prognóstico destes tumores.


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We present a case of a postmenopausal woman diagnosed with an ovarian mass containing thyroid follicles and foci of papillary thyroid carcinoma during pathological examination. This patient referred having had a metachronous thyroid malignancy 10 years before. The differential diagnosis between a thyroid malignancy arising from a struma ovarii and a metastatic ovarian tumor originating from thyroid-cancer is challenging. Struma ovarii should be considered when thyroid components are the predominant element or when thyroid malignant tissue is identified within an ovarian lesion. Thyroid carcinoma arising from a struma ovarii is reported to occur in a minority of cases. Of these, papillary carcinoma is the most frequent subtype encountered. Regarding primary thyroid carcinomas, papillary carcinomas have a lower metastatic potential when compared to follicular carcinomas, and most of the metastases occur in the cervical lymph nodes. Ovarian metastases are exceedingly rare and generally associated with widespread disease. However, they must be considered in the presence of previous history of malignant thyroid carcinoma. The authors review the main clinical, imaging and therapeutic aspects of both these entities and present the most likely diagnosis.


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Gene therapy is a promising novel approach for treating cancers resistant to or escaping currently available modalities. Treatment approaches are based on taking advantage of molecular differences between normal and tumor cells. Various strategies are currently in clinical development with adenoviruses as the most popular vehicle. Recent developments include improving targeting strategies for gene delivery to tumor cells with tumor specific promoters or infectivity enhancement. A rapidly developing field is as well replication competent agents, which allow improved tumor penetration and local amplification of the anti-tumor effect. Adenoviral cancer gene therapy approaches lack cross-resistance with other treatment options and therefore synergistic effects are possible. This study focused on development of adenoviral vectors suitable for treatment of various gynecologic cancer types, describing the development of the field from non-replicating adenoviral vectors to multiple-modified conditional replicating viruses. Transcriptional targeting of gynecologic cancer cells by the use of the promoter of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor type 1 (flt-1) was evaluated. Flt-1 is not expressed in the liver and thus an ideal promoter for transcriptional targeting of adenoviruses. Our studies implied that the flt-1 promoter is active in teratocarcinomas.and therefore a good candidate for development of oncolytic adenoviruses for treatment of this often problematic disease with then poor outcome. A tropism modified conditionally replicating adenovirus (CRAd), Ad5-Δ24RGD, was studied in gynecologic cancers. Ad5-Δ24RGD is an adenovirus selectively replication competent in cells defective in the p16/Rb pathway, including many or most tumor cells. The fiber of Ad5-Δ24RGD contains an integrin binding arginine-glycine-aspartic acid motif (RGD-4C), allowing coxackie-adenovirus receptor independent infection of cancer cells. This approach is attractive because expression levels of CAR are highly variable and often low on primary gynecological cancer cells. Oncolysis could be shown for a wide variety of ovarian and cervical cancer cell lines as well as primary ovarian cancer cell spheroids, a novel system developed for in vitro analysis of CRAds on primary tumor substrates. Biodistribution was evaluated and preclinical safety data was obtained by demonstrating lack of replication in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The efficicacy of Ad5-Δ24RGD was shown in different orthotopic murine models including a highly aggressive intraperitoneal model of disseminated ovarian cancer cells, where Ad5-Δ24RGD resulted in complete eradication of intraperitoneal disease in half of the mice. To further improve the selectivity and specificity of CRAds, triple-targeted oncolytic adenoviruses were cloned, featuring the cyclo-oxygenase-2 (cox-2) promoter, E1A transcomplementation and serotype chimerism. Those viruses were evaluated on ovarian cancer cells for specificity and oncolytic potency with regard to two different cox2 versions and three different variants of E1A (wild type, delta24 and delta2delta24). Ad5/3cox2Ld24 emerged as the best combination due to enhanced selectivity without potency lost in vitro or in an aggressive intraperitoneal orthotopic ovarian tumor model. In summary, the preclinical therapeutic efficacy of the CRAds tested in this study, taken together with promising biodistribution and safety data, suggest that these CRAds are interesting candidates for translation into clinical trials for gynecologic cancer.


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Human pancreatic juice contains two major trypsinogen isoenzymes called trypsinogen-1 and -2, or cationic and anionic trypsinogen, respectively. Trypsinogen isoenzymes are also expressed in various normal and malignant tissues. We aimed at developing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and time-resolved immunofluorometric methods recognizing human trypsinogen-1 and -2, respectively. Using these MAbs and methods we purified, characterized and quantitated trypsinogen isoenzymes in serum samples, ovarian cyst fluids and conditioned cell culture media. In sera from healthy subjects and patients with extrapancreatic disease the concentration of trypsinogen-1 is higher than that of trypsinogen-2. However, in acute pancreatitis we found that the concentration of serum trypsinogen-2 is 50-fold higher than in controls, whereas the difference in trypsinogen-1 concentration is only 15-fold. This suggested that trypsinogen-2 could be used as a diagnostic marker for acute pancreatitis. In human ovarian cyst fluids tumor-associated trypsinogen-2 (TAT-2) is the predominant isoenzyme. Most notably, in mucinous cyst fluids the levels of TAT-2 were higher in borderline and malignant than in benign cases. The increased levels in association with malignancy suggested that TAT could be involved in ovarian tumor dissemination and breakage of tissue barriers. Serum samples from patients who had undergone pancreatoduodenectomy contained trypsinogen-2. Trypsinogen-1 was detected in only one of nine samples. These results suggested that the expression of trypsinogen is not restricted to the pancreas. Determination of the isoenzyme pattern by ion exchange chromatography revealed isoelectric variants of trypsinogen isoenzymes in serum samples. Intact trypsinogen isoenzymes and tryptic and chymotryptic trypsinogen peptides were purified and characterized by mass spectrometry, Western blot analysis and N-terminal sequencing. The results showed that pancreatic trypsinogen-1 and -2 are sulfated at tyrosine 154 (Tyr154), whereas TAT-2 from a colon carcinoma cell line is not. Tyr154 is located within the primary substrate binding pocket of trypsin, thus Tyr154 sulfation is likely to influence substrate binding. The previously known differences in charge, substrate specificity and inhibitor binding between pancreatic and tumor-associated trypsinogens are suggested to be caused by sulfation of Tyr154 in pancreatic trypsinogens.


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A carcinogênese epitelial ovariana tem sido foco de estudos científicos em todo o mundo desenvolvido. A angiogênese tumoral ovariana é um processo multifatorial que resulta em vários produtos pró-angiogênicos. Entre eles, o fator de crescimento vascular endotelial (VEGF) é predominante. Os objetivos deste estudo foram relacionar as dosagens do VEGF dos fluidos peritoneais, do plasma periférico e do infundíbulo pélvico aos níveis de citorredução em pacientes operadas de adenocarcinoma epitelial de ovário (CEO); formular um modelo probabilístico de citorredução e utilizar estas dosagens para estimar a probabilidade do desfecho de citorredução. Além disto, foi criada uma nova variável chamada carga de VEGF. Pelo procedimento step-wise a citorredução foi melhor descrita pela carga de VEGF, mas faltou Normalidade aos resíduos, não sendo possível a adequação de um modelo matemático. Porém, a curva ROC, forneceu uma área sob a curva de 0,84, com sensibilidade de 71,4 % e especificidade variando de 69,5 a 73,9%. O ponto de corte ótimo foi 15,52 log de picograma de carga de VEGF. A odds-ratio (OR) calculada para citorredução ótima descrita pela carga de VEGF foi de 11 (IC= 2,59 ; 46,78). No grupo com estágio avançado (III e IV), a OR foi de 6 (IC= 1,15; 31,22). Apesar do pequeno número de casos, esta nova variável pode vir a ser um auxiliar na determinação de situações onde cirurgia citorredutora deixa de ser a pedra fundamental do tratamento primário do CEO e a indução quimioterápica passe a ter o principal papel na citorredução química antes da cirugia nestes casos.


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No presente trabalho é descrita a obtenção de hidrazonas derivadas de isoniazida e de seus complexos de cobre(II) e gálio(III) candidatos a protótipos de fármacos antituberculose e antitumoral. Para investigar o efeito da modificação química sobre as bioatividades do fármaco isoniazida, foram preparados cinco derivados hidrazônicos: 2-piridinocarboxaldeído isonicotinoil hidrazona (HPCIH, 1), 2-acetilpiridina isonicotinoil hidrazona (HAPIH, 2), 2-benzoilpiridina isonicotinoil hidrazona (HBPIH, 3), 2-piridinoformamida isonicotinoil hidrazona (HPAmIH, 4) e 2-pirazinoformamida isonicotinoil hidrazona (HPzAmIH, 5), sendo o composto HPAmIH (4) inédito. Análises de ponto de fusão, espectroscopia de infravermelho (IV), espectrometria de massas, ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN), análise elementar e termogravimetria confirmaram a obtenção e pureza das hidrazonas. Foi determinada ainda a estrutura de HPCIH (1) por difração de raios X de monocristal. Essas moléculas foram efetivas em inibir o crescimento de cepas de micobactérias Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (ATCC 27294) nas concentrações testadas, com exceção de HPzAmIH (5). As hidrazonas HAPIH (2) e HBPIH (3) foram os compostos orgânicos mais ativos (concentração inibitória mínima, CIM = 0,625 g/mL), apresentando atividade antimicobacteriana apenas duas vezes inferior à do fármaco isoniazida.Quanto à ação contra células tumorais, as hidrazonas HAPIH (2) e HBPIH (3) foram as mais potentes contra as linhagens OVCAR-8 (tumor de ovário - humano), HCT-116 (tumor de cólon - humano) e SF-295 (glioblastoma humano), com inibições de 34,98 a 98,63% do crescimento celular, na concentração de 5 g/mL, enquanto que a isoniazida não foi efetiva contra as linhagens estudadas. Para avaliar o efeito da coordenação a metais sobre a atividade farmacológica das hidrazonas, foram sintetizados os complexos de cobre(II) e gálio(III), sendo todos inéditos: [Cu(HPCIH)Cl2]∙H2O (6), [Cu(HAPIH)Cl2]∙H2O (7), [Cu2(HBPIH)2Cl2]Cl2∙4H2O(8), [Cu(HPAmIH)Cl2]∙H2O (9), [Cu(HPzAmIH)Cl2]∙H2O (10), [Ga(HPCIH)2](NO3)32H2O (11), [Ga(HAPIH)(APIH)](NO3)22H2O (12), [Ga(HPAmIH)(PAmIH)](NO3)22H2O(13) e [Ga(HPzAmIH)(PzAmIH)](NO3)2H2O (14). Os complexos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de IV, análise elementar, condutivimetria, RMN e espectroscopia eletrônica. Em geral, os complexos também demonstraram ação contra M. tuberculosis, sendo que apenas para 6, 9, 10 e 14 foi verificada melhor atividade em relação às hidrazonas livres. Os complexos metálicos foram tanto quanto ou mais ativos contra as células tumorais OVCAR-8, HCT-116 e SF-295 do que as hidrazonas livres. Merecem destaque os complexos 79 e 12, que apresentaram inibição de crescimento celular de 72,2100%, na concentração de 5 g/mL. Os resultados demonstram portanto que em geral os compostos 114 são menos ativos do que a isoniazida contra M. tuberculosis, enquanto que a modificação química do fármaco, formando-se hidrazonas com posterior complexação cobre(II) e gálio(III) constituíram uma estratégia interessante na obtenção de compostos mais potentes contra células tumorais


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In this study we describe a novel interaction between the breast/ovarian tumor suppressor gene BRCA1 and the transcription factor GATA3, an interaction, which is important for normal breast differentiation. We show that the BRCA1-GATA3 interaction is important for the repression of genes associated with triple-negative and basal-like breast cancer (BLBCs) including FOXC1, and that GATA3 interacts with a C-terminal region of BRCA1. We demonstrate that FOXC1 is an essential survival factor maintaining the proliferation of BLBCs cell lines. We define the mechanistic basis of this corepression and identify the GATA3-binding site within the FOXC1 distal promoter region. We show that BRCA1 and GATA3 interact on the FOXC1 promoter and that BRCA1 requires GATA3 for recruitment to this region. This interaction requires fully functional BRCA1 as a mutant BRCA1 protein is unable to localize to the FOXC1 promoter or repress FOXC1 expression. We demonstrate that this BRCA1-GATA3 repression complex is not a FOXC1-specific phenomenon as a number of other genes associated with BLBCs such as FOXC2, CXCL1 and p-cadherin were also repressed in a similar manner. Finally, we demonstrate the importance of our findings by showing that loss of GATA3 expression or aberrant FOXC1 expression contributes to the drug resistance and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition-like phenotypes associated with aggressive BLBCs. Oncogene (2012) 31, 3667-3678; doi:10.1038/onc.2011.531; published online 28 November 2011


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Le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire est le cancer gynécologique le plus agressif avec le plus haut taux de mortalité. La croissance des cellules cancéreuses de l’ovaire est limitée par les nutriments de l’environnement, le fer étant un des éléments indispensables à leur prolifération. L’hémochromatose héréditaire est une maladie associée à une accumulation corporelle de fer. Cette maladie est liée à deux mutations majeures du gène HFE soit H63D et C282Y. Étant donnée l’influence de la protéine HFE sur l’entrée du fer dans la cellule, des mutations du gène HFE pourraient être associées à une croissance rapide des cellules cancéreuses. Des études de génotypage du gène HFE effectuées chez 526 patientes avec cancer épithélial de l’ovaire, ont révélées une fréquence allélique de la mutation C282Y significativement plus élevées chez les patientes avec tumeur ovarienne comparativement aux patientes du groupe contrôle (5.9% versus 1.3%, p = 0.02). De plus, le taux de survie des patientes avec mutations C282Y et tumeur ovarienne de G3, après 2 ans, est faible (20%) lorsque comparé à celui des patientes sans mutations (60%, p = 0.005). Une analyse de régression multivariée de Cox a démontrée un risque relatif de 3.1, suggérant que les patientes avec mutations C282Y ont 3 fois plus de chance d’avoir une faible survie (p=0.001). Également, des études de corrélation ont démontrées que les niveaux de ferritine du sérum étaient plus élevés chez les patientes avec grade avancé du cancer épithélial de l’ovaire (r = 0.445 et p= 0.00001), suggérant que ce paramètre pourrait servir comme marqueur tumoral. Afin de comprendre ces résultats, nous avons tout d’abord étudiés l’influence des mutations HFE sur les cellules cancéreuses. Pour ce faire, la lignée du cancer de l’ovaire TOV-112D, homozygote pour la mutation C282Y, a été transfectée avec les vecteurs HFEwt et HFEC282Y. Bien qu’aucune différence significative n’ait été trouvée en termes de TfR totaux, des analyses par FACS ont démontrées un phénotype de déficience de fer pour les clones stables HFEwt. In vitro, la restauration de la protéine HFE, dans la lignée TOV-112D du cancer de l’ovaire, n’influence pas la croissance cellulaire. Ensuite, nous avons étudiés l’influence des niveaux de fer sur la progression tumorale. Une expérience in vivo préliminaire a démontré une tendance à un volume tumoral supérieur dans un modèle de souris de surcharge de fer,HfeRag1-/-. De plus, les souris HfeRag1-/-, injectées avec la lignée du cancer de l’ovaire TOV-21G, ont montrées des niveaux significativement plus faibles de fer sérique comparativement à leur contrôle (fer sérique 40±7μM versus 27±6μM, p = 0.001). En conclusion, des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires afin de comprendre davantage le rôle des mutations HFE sur la progression tumorale. Notamment, les niveaux élevés de fer pourraient rendre les cellules tumorales résistantes aux traitements ou encore, augmenter la toxicité et ainsi, contribuer à un mauvais prognostique.


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Nous avons étudié le transcriptome de neuf échantillons d'ARN extraits de cultures primaires de cellules non tumorales de l’épithélium de surface de l’ovaire (NOSE) provenant de quatre donneuses non porteuses de mutation, deux mutées sur BRCA1 et trois sur BRCA2, ainsi que de quatre échantillons d’ARN extraits de cultures primaires de cellules tumorales de l’ovaire (TOV) provenant de trois donneuses porteuses de mutation sur BRCA1 et une sur BRCA2. Nous avons identifié, pour la première fois, les signatures moléculaires associées à la présence d’une mutation de BRCA1 et BRCA2 dans les cellules NOSEs ainsi que la signature associée à la transformation tumorale des cellules NOSEs en TOVs chez les porteuses de mutation de BRCA1. Nous avons également localisé les domaines chromosomiques comportant des gènes corégulés en association avec la présence d’une mutation de BRCA1 dans les cellules NOSEs. Les allèles sauvage et muté de BRCA2 étaient exprimés dans les cellules TOVs provenant des porteuses de la mutation 8765delAG sur BRCA2. Nous avons observé que le niveau d’expression des transcrits de BRCA2 était plus élevé dans les cellules provenant des tumeurs ovariennes les plus agressives chez les femmes porteuses de la mutation 8765delAG sur BRCA2, les transcrits correspondants à l’allèle muté contribuant avec un pourcentage élevé du niveau d’expression total du gène. Le phénotype tumoral observé chez les Canadiennes Françaises porteuses de cette mutation pourrait résulter d’un effet de dosage de l’allèle muté.


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Objetivos: avaliar a correlação entre os aspectos laparoscópicos e os achados histológicos estromais incluindo, a profundidade da lesão endometriótica peritoneal, e na relação com a teoria evolutiva da endometriose. Métodos: foram selecionadas para o estudo 67 pacientes submetidas à laparoscopia por algia pélvica, infertilidade, tumor anexial e outras indicações. A avaliação laparoscópica baseou-se no aspecto visual do implante suspeito de endometriose peritoneal, o qual foi biopsiado. de acordo com o aspecto laparoscópico, as lesões foram agrupadas em: grupo V - lesões vermelhas, grupo N - lesões negras e grupo B - lesões brancas. Os parâmetros histológicos estudados foram: profundidade da lesão, presença de hemossiderina no estroma, vascularização estromal e presença de fibrose no estroma. Resultados: a profundidade da lesão mostrou diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos de estudo. As lesões vermelhas mostraram-se superficiais em 100% dos casos. As lesões negras apresentaram-se superficiais em 55,6%, intermediárias em 38,9% e profundas em 5,5%. As lesões brancas mostraram-se superficiais em 28%, intermediárias em 68% e profundas em 4%. A presença de hemossiderina no estroma se mostrou equivalente nos 3 grupos. A presença de vasos no estroma da lesão endometriótica, que foi classificada de I a III de acordo com a quantidade, demonstrou diferenças significantes entre os 3 grupos, sendo que a vascularização exuberante (grau III) esteve presente em 60% das lesões vermelhas e em 10% das lesões brancas. A presença de tecido fibrótico na lesão endometriótica apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos 3 grupos de estudo, sendo mais freqüente no grupo B (lesões brancas), com 70,6%. Conclusão: as variáveis analisadas nos diferentes grupos de estudo demostraram diferença significantes entre os grupos, reforçando a teoria evolutiva da endometriose peritoneal.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB