975 resultados para Oscillatory pump


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Objective To delineate the effects of extracorporeal bypass on biomarkers of hemostasis, fibrinolysis, and inflammation and clinical sequelae. Methods Patients were assigned prospectively and randomly to either on-pump (n=41) or off-pump (n=51) coronary bypass surgery. The concentrations of C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, D-dimer, and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 in blood were quantified before and after (1 and 24 h) surgery. Similar surgical and anesthetic procedures were used for both groups. Clinical events were assessed during initial hospitalization and at the end of I year. Results The concentrations of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 and D-dimer were greater compared with preoperative values 1 and 24 h after surgery in both groups, but their concentrations increased to a greater extent 24 h after surgery in the on-pump group (P<0.01). The concentration of C-reactive protein did not change appreciably immediately after surgery in either group but increased in a parallel manner 24 h after either on-pump or off-pump surgery (P<0.01). Bypass surgery in the on-pump group was associated with greater blood loss during surgery and more bleeding after surgery (P <= 0.01). The incidence of all other complications was similar in the two groups. Conclusion On-pump surgery was associated with biochemical evidence of a prothrombotic state early after surgery but no greater incidence of thrombotic events was observed. The prothrombotic state might be a consequence of extracorporeal bypass, compensation in response to more bleeding, or both in patients undergoing on-pump surgery. Coron Artery Dis 20:100-105 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Time series of vertical sediment fluxes are derived from concentration time series in sheet flow under waves. While the concentrations C(z,t) vary very little with time for \z\ < 10d(50), the measured vertical sediment fluxes Q(zs)(z,t) vary strongly with time in this vertical band and their time variation follows, to some extent, the variation of the grain roughness Shields parameter 02,5(t). Thus, sediment distribution models based on the pickup function boundary condition are in some qualitative agreement with the measurements. However, the pickup function models are only able to model the upward bursts of sediment during the accelerating phases of the flow. They are, so far, unable to model the following strong downward sediment fluxes, which are observed during the periods of flow deceleration. Classical pickup functions, which essentially depend on the Shields parameter, are also incapable of modelling the secondary entrainment fluxes, which sometimes occur at free stream velocity reversal. The measured vertical fluxes indicate that the effective sediment settling velocity in the high [(0.3 < C(z,t) < 0.4] concentration area is typically only a few percent of the clear water settling velocity, while the measurements of Richardson and Jeronimo [Chem. Eng. Sci. 34 (1979) 1419], from a different physical setting, lead to estimates of the order 20%. The data does not support gradient diffusion as a model for sediment entrainment from the bed. That is, detailed modelling of the observed near-bed fluxes would require diffusivities that go negative during periods of flow deceleration. An observed general trend for concentration variability to increase with elevation close to the bed is also irreconcilable with diffusion models driven by a bottom boundary condition. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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The Oscillatory baffled reactor (OBR) can be used to produce particles with controlled size and morphology, in batch or continuous flow. This is due to the effect of the superimposed oscillations that radially mixes fluid but still allows plug-flow (or close to plug flow) behaviour in a continuous system. This mixing, combined with a close to a constant level of turbulence intensity in the reactor, leads to tight droplet and subsequent product particle size distributions. By applying population balance equations together with experimental droplet size distributions, breakage rates of droplets can be determined and this is a useful tool for understanding the product engineering in OBRs. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we report our modelling evaluation on the effect of tracer density on axial dispersion in a batch oscillatory baffled column (OBC). Tracer solution of potassium nitrite, its specific density ranged from 1.0 to 1.5, was used in the study, and was injected to the vertical column from either the top or bottom. Local concentration profiles are measured using conductivity probes at two locations along the height of the column. Using the experimental measured concentration profiles together with both 'Tank-in-Series' and 'Plug Flow with Axial Dispersion' models, axial dispersion coefficients were determined and used to describe the effect of specific tracer density on mixing in the OBC. The results showed that the axial dispersion coefficients evaluated by the two models are very similar in both magnitudes and trends, and the range of variations in such coefficients is generally larger for the bottom injection than for the top one. Empirical correlations linking the mechanical energy for mixing, the specific density of tracer and axial dispersion coefficient were established. Using these correlations, we identified the enhancements of up to 269% on axial dispersion for various specific tracer densities. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the effects of low ouabain concentrations on systolic (SAP) and diastolic (DAP) arterial pressures and on pressor reactivity in 3-month-old male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Arterial blood pressure (BP) and pressor reactivity to phenylephrine (PHE) were investigated before and after 0.18 μg/kg ouabain administration (N = 6). The influence of hexamethonium (N = 6), canrenone (N = 6), enalapril (N = 6), and losartan (N = 6) on ouabain actions was evaluated. Ouabain increased BP (SAP: 137 ± 5.1 to 150 ± 4.7; DAP: 93.7 ± 7.7 to 116 ± 3.5 mmHg; P < 0.05) but did not change PHE pressor reactivity. Hexamethonium reduced basal BP in control but not in ouabain-treated rats. However, hexamethonium + ouabain increased DAP sensitivity to PHE. Canrenone did not affect basal BP but blocked ouabain effects on SAP. However, after canrenone + ouabain administration, DAP pressor reactivity to PHE still increased. Enalapril and losartan reduced BP and abolished SAP and DAP responses to ouabain. Enalapril + ouabain reduced DAP reactivity to PHE, while losartan + ouabain reduced SAP and DAP reactivity to PHE. In conclusion, a small dose of ouabain administered to SHR increased BP without altering PHE pressor reactivity. Although the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), Na+ pump and autonomic reflexes are involved in the effects of ouabain on PHE reactivity, central mechanisms might blunt the actions of ouabain on PHE pressor reactivity. The effect of ouabain on SAP seems to depend on the inhibition of both Na+ pump and RAS, whereas the effect on DAP seems to depend only on RAS.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores


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A multi-resistência a antibióticos e medicamentos usados em quimioterapia é um dos grandes problemas com os quais as instituições de saúde se debatem hoje em dia. A acção provocada por bombas de efluxo é uma das suas causas. Estas bombas têm uma importância fundamental, uma vez que, ao expelirem todo o tipo de tóxicos para o exterior das células, também expelem medicamentos, fazendo com que estes não tenham o efeito desejado dentro delas. As bombas de efluxo são transportadores que se encontram nas membranas de todo o tipo de células. Existem dois grandes tipos de bombas de efluxo: as primárias e as secundárias. As primeiras conferem multi-resistência principalmente em células eucariotas, como as células do cancro em humanos, tendo como função a mediação da repulsa de substâncias tóxicas por intermédio da hidrólise de ATP. A primeira a ser descoberta e mais estudada destas bombas foi a ABCB1 que é o gene que codifica a glicoproteína-P (P de permeabilidade). Enquanto as secundárias, que são a maior fonte de multi-resistência em bactérias, promovem a extrusão de substâncias tóxicas através da força motriz de protões. Neste tipo de bombas são conhecidas quatro famílias principais, das quais uma das mais importantes é a superfamília RND, uma vez que inclui a bomba AcrAB-TolC, que é muito importante no metabolismo xenobiótico de bactérias Gramnegativas, nomeadamente a E.coli. Com o objectivo de reverter a multi-resistência, tanto em células eucariotas como procariotas, têm-se desenvolvido estratégias de combate que envolvem a descoberta de substâncias que inibam as bombas de efluxo. Assim sendo, ao longo dos tempos têm sido descobertas variadas substâncias que cumprem este objectivo. É o caso, por exemplo, dos derivados de fluoroquinolonas usados como inibidores de bombas de efluxo em bactérias ou do Tamoxifen, utilizado na terapia de pacientes com cancro da mama. Um dos grupos de substâncias estudados para o desenvolvimento de possíveis compostos que actuem como reversores de multi-resistência são os compostos derivados de hidantoínas. Estes, são conhecidos por possuírem uma grande variedade de propriedades bioquímicas e farmacológicas, sendo portanto usados para tratarem algumas doenças em humanos, como a epilepsia. Nestes, estão englobados compostos com actividade anti-convulsão que constitui a sua grande mais-valia e, dependente da substituição no anel que os constitui, uma grande variedade de outras propriedades farmacológicas como a anti-fungica, a anti-arritmica, a anti-viral, a anti-diabética ou por exemplo a antagonização de determinados receptores, como os da serotonina. Apesar de pouco usados em estudos experimentais para desenvolver substâncias anti-carcinogénicas, existem alguns estudos com este efeito. Objectivos: O presente projecto envolve o estudo de bombas de efluxo primárias e secundárias, em células eucariotas e procariotas, respectivamente. Em bactérias, foram usados quatro modelos experimentais: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, E. coli AG 100 e Salmonella Enteritidis NCTC 13349. Em células de cancro foram usadas, células T de linfoma de rato parentais e células T de linfoma de rato transfectadas com o gene humano MDR-1. O principal objectivo deste estudo foi a pesquisa de novos moduladores de bombas de efluxo presentes em bactérias e células do cancro, tentando assim contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novos agentes farmacológicos que consigam reverter a multi-resistência a medicamentos. Assim sendo foram testados trinta compostos derivados de hidantoínas: SZ-2, SZ-7, LL-9, BS-1, JH-63, MN-3, TD-7k, GG-5k, P3, P7, P10, P11, RW-15b, AD-26, RW-13, AD-29, KF-2, PDPH-3, Mor-1, KK-XV, Thioam-1, JHF-1, JHC-2, JHP-1, Fur-2, GL-1, GL-7, GL-14, GL-16, GL-18. Como forma de atingir estes objectivos, a actividade biológica dos trinta compostos derivados de hidantoínas foi avaliada nas quatro estirpes de bactérias da seguinte forma: foram determinadas as concentrações mínimas inibitórias dos trinta compostos como forma de definir as concentrações em que os compostos seriam utilizados. Os compostos foram posteriormente testadas com um método fluorométrico de acumulação de brometo de etídeo, que é um substrato comum em bombas de efluxo bacterianas, desenvolvido por Viveiros et al. A actividade biológica dos compostos derivados de hidantoínas nas células de cancro foi demonstrada por diferentes métodos. O efeito anti-proliferativo e citotóxico dos trinta compostos foi avaliado nas células T de linfoma de rato transfectadas com o gene humano MDR-1 pelo método de thiazolyl de tetrazólio (MTT). Como o brometo de etídeo também é expelido pelos transportadores ABC, estes compostos foram posteriormente testados com um método fluorométrico de acumulação de brometo de etídeo desenvolvido por Spengler et al nos dois diferentes tipos de células eucariotas. Resultados: A maioria dos compostos derivados de hidantoínas foi eficaz na modulação de bombas de efluxo, nas duas estirpes de bactérias Gram-negativas e nos dois diferentes tipos de células T de linfoma. Em contraste com estes resultados, nas duas estirpes de células Gram-positivas, a maioria dos compostos tiveram pouco efeito na inibição de bombas de efluxo ou até nenhum, em muitos dos casos. De uma maneira geral os melhores compostos nas diferentes estirpes de bactérias foram: Thioam-1, SZ-2, P3, Rw-15b, AD-26, AD-29, GL-18, GL-7, KF-2, SZ-7, MN-3, GL-16 e GL- 14. Foram portanto estes os compostos que provocaram maior acumulação de brometo de etídeo, inibindo assim com maior eficácia as bombas de efluxo. No presente estudo, a maioria dos compostos conseguiu inibir a resistência provocada pela bomba de efluxo ABCB1, tanto nas células parentais bem como nas células que sobre-expressam esta bomba, causando a acumulação de brometo de etídeo dentro das células. As células que sobreexpressam a bomba ABCB1 foram posteriormente testadas com citometria de fluxo que é a técnica padrão para pesquisa de inibidores de bombas de efluxo. Os compostos que foram mais efectivos na inibição da bomba ABCB1, causando assim maior acumulação de brometo de etídeo nas células que sobre-expressam esta bomba foram: PDPH-3, GL-7, KK-XV, AD-29, Thioam-1, SZ-7, KF-2, MN-3, RW-13, LL-9, P3, AD-26, JH-63 e RW- 15b. Este facto não corroborou totalmente os resultados da citometria de fluxo uma vez que os moduladores que provocaram maior inibição da bomba ABCB1 foram o MN-3, JH-63 e o BS-1, sendo que o último não foi seleccionado como um bom composto usando o método fluorométrico de acumulação de brometo de etídeo. Conclusão: Os compostos derivados de hidantoínas testados tiveram maior efeito nas estirpes de bactérias Gram-negativas do que nas Gram-positivas. Relativamente às células eucariotas, as estruturas mais activas apresentam substituintes aromáticos bem como alguns fragmentos aminicos terciários.


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Triple therapy is accepted as the treatment of choice for H. pylori eradication. In industrialized countries, a proton pump inhibitor plus clarithromycin and amoxicillin or nitroimidazole have shown the best results. Our aims were: 1. To study the eradication rate of the association of a proton pump inhibitor plus tinidazole and clarithromycin on H. pylori infection in our population. 2. To determine if previous treatments, gender, age, tobacco, alcohol use, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) change the response to therapy. METHODS: Two hundred patients with peptic ulcer (upper endoscopy) and H. pylori infection (histology and rapid urease test - RUT) were included. A proton pump inhibitor (lansoprazole 30 mg or omeprazole 20 mg), tinidazole 500 mg, and clarithromycin 250 mg were dispensed twice a day for a seven-day period. Eradication was assessed after 10 to 12 weeks of treatment through histology and RUT. RESULTS: The eradication rate of H. pylori per protocol was 65% (128/196 patients). This rate was 53% for previously treated patients, rising to 76% for not previously treated patients, with a statistical difference p<0.01. No significant difference was observed regarding sex, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and NSAID use, but for elderly patients the difference was p = 0.05. Adherence to treatment was good, and side effects were mild. CONCLUSIONS: A proton pump inhibitor, tinidazole, and clarithromycin bid for seven days resulted in H. pylori eradication in 65% of the patients. Previous treatments were the main cause of treatment failure.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of the intraaortic balloon (IAoB) in association with coronary angioplasty in high-risk patients. METHODS: Fourteen high-risk patients unresponsive to clinical therapy and with formal contraindication to surgical revascularization were treated by coronary angioplasty, most of which was followed by stenting. All procedures were performed with circulatory support with the IAoB. This study reports the early results and the late findings after 12 months of follow-up. Six patients had multivessel coronary disease; of these, four had left main equivalent lesions and two had unprotected left main coronary artery disease, one of whom had severe "end-vessel" stenosis and the other was a patient with Chagas' disease with single-vessel lesion. Eleven patients had a left ventricular ejection fraction <30%. RESULTS: In 100% of the patients, the procedures were initially successful. Two patients had severe bleeding during the withdrawal of the left femoral sheath. At the end of twelve months, 4 patients were asymptomatic and the others were clinically controlled. There were two late deaths in the 7th and 11th months. CONCLUSION: The combined use of the intraaortic balloon pump and percutaneous coronary angioplasty in high-risk patients with acute ischemic syndromes provides the necessary hemodynamic stability to successfully perform the procedures.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of the oscillatory breathing on the variability of RR intervals (VRR) and on prognostic significance after one year follow-up in subjects with left ventricular global systolic dysfunction. METHODS: We studied 76 subjects, whose age ranged from 40 to 80 years, paired for age and gender, divided into two groups: group I - 34 healthy subjects; group II - 42 subjects with left ventricular global systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction < 0.40). The ECG signals were acquired during 600s in supine position, and analyzed the variation of the thoracic amplitude and the VRR. Clinical and V-RR variables were applied into a logistic multivariate model to foretell survival after one year follow-up. RESULTS: Oscillatory breathing was detected in 35.7% of subjects in vigil state of group II, with a concentration of the spectral power in the very low frequency band, and was independent of the presence of diabetes, functional class, ejection fraction, cause of ventricular dysfunction and survival after one year follow-up. In the logistic regression model, ejection fraction was the only independent variable to predict survival. CONCLUSION: 1) Oscillatory breathing pattern is frequent during wakefulness in the left ventricular global systolic dysfunction and concentrates spectral power in the very low band of V-RR; 2) it does not relate to severity and cause of left ventricular dysfunction; 3) ejection fraction is the only independent predictive variable for survival in this group of subjects.


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Hypoglycemia is a potentially serious complication of insulin therapy. Some insulin-dependent diabetic patients can benefit from continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy (an "insulin pump"), which in most case improves glycemia control and decreases the occurrence of hypoglycemic episodes. However, such events may occur, particularly during initial treatment phases or pregnancy. Severe hypoglycemia is mainly managed by stopping the insulin pump and insuring an adequate carbohydrate intake. Patients with insulin pumps and their entourage should receive specific instruction in the adjustment of pump flow in the presence of dysglycemia-inducing circumstances (illness, physical exertion), as well as in anticipation of high-risk situations, such as motor-vehicle driving.


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Background: The RCP is a 14 French collapsable percutaneous cardiovascular support device positioned in the descending part of the thoracic aorta via the femoral artery. A 10 patient first in man study demonstrated device safety and significant improvement in renal function among high risk PCI patients. We now report haemodynamic and renal efficacy in patients with ADHF.Methods: Prospective non randomised study seeking to recruit 20 patients with ADHF with a need for inotropic or mechanical circulatory support with: i) EF < 30% ii)Cardiac index(CI) < 2.2 L / min / m2 Outcome measures included: 1) Cardiac index (CI) 2) Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure (PCWP) 3) Urine output / serum creatinine 4) Vascular / device complications 5) 30 day mortalityResults: INTERIM ANALYSIS (n=12) The mean age of the study group was 64 years, with a mean baseline creatinine of 193 umol/L, eGFR 38 ml/min. The intended RCP treatment period was 24 hours. During RCP treatment there was a significant mean reduction of PCWP at 4 hours of 17% (25 to 21 mmHg p=0.04). Mean CI increased at 12 hours by 11%, though not reaching significance (1.78 to 1.96 L/min/m2 p=0.08). RCP insertion prompted substantial diuresis. Urine output tripled over the first 12 hours compared to baseline (55 ml/hr vs 213 ml/hr p=0.03). This was associated with significantly improved renal function, a 28% reduction in serum creatinine at 12 hours (193 to 151 umol/L p=0.003), and a increase in eGFR from 38 ml/min to 50 ml/min (p=0.0007). 2 patients previously refused cardiac transplantation were reassessed and successfully transplanted within 9 months of RCP treatment on the basis of demonstrable renal reversibility. There were no vascular or device complications. There were 2 deaths at 30 days, one from multi-organ failure and sepsis, and one from intractable heart failure - neither were device related.Conclusion: RCP support in ADHF patients was associated with improved haemodynamics, and an improvement in renal function. The Reitan Catheter Pump may have a role in providing percutaneous cardiovascular and renal support in the acutely decompensated cardiac patient, and may have a role in suggesting renal reversibility in potential cardiac transplant patients. Further data will be reported at recruitment completion.