1000 resultados para Origine évolutive
Les premiers chrétiens ont sans doute rassemblé assez tôt, dès les années 40, des collections de paroles de Jésus, des séries de paraboles, des cycles de miracles. Les premiers documents achevés qu'ils ont produits sont toutefois des lettres, avant que n'apparaisse le premier évangile, celui de Marc, juste avant 70. À l'origine du christianisme fut la lettre.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) This collection of studies in honor of François Bovon highlights the rich diversity found within early expressions of Christianity as evidenced in ancient texts, traditions, symbols, and motifs. Old labels like 'apocrypha' or 'heresy' that for centuries have suppressed much of this evidence are removed, previous assumptions are questioned, and the old data are examined afresh along with the latest discoveries. The studies fall into six areas: ancient gospels, acts, early Christian movements, ancient interpretations, art, and manuscripts. Contributors include James Robinson, Helmut Koester, Harold Attridge, Karen King, and Jean-Daniel Kaestli.
The case of a patient with severe pulmonary hypertension whose etiology has remained unknown until an autopsy was performed is discussed in a symposium of pathological anatomy. This case helped to address the diagnostic and therapeutic management of pulmonary hypertension. The broad differential diagnosis of this disease requires a diagnostic strategy to be developped. Clinical reasoning leading to a probable diagnosis based on clinical biological and radiological information is not only a difficult task for the speaker but also a rich source of learning opportunities for our medical community.
There is increasing recognition of an autoimmune origin of pharmacoresistant epileptic disorders. Besides the paraneoplastic limbic encephalopathies (LE), reports of syndromes of non-paraneoplastic LE are increasingly reported in the last 5-10 years. Three antibodies are now relatively well described: Voltagegated potassium channels (VGKC), Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and N-methyl-D-apartate receptor-(NMDA) antibodies. We review clinical syndromes, associated imaging and laboratory findings. While most reports arise from adult populations, children and adolescents are also concerned as evidenced by increasing observations. Early recognition is mandatory, since early immunomodulatory treatment appears to be related to significant better outcome.
Le concept de test relationnel (test, en anglais ; Weiss et Sampson, 1986 [16]) est présenté. Ses origines dans les écrits de Freud sont brièvement retracées et son inscription dans la théorie des croyances pathogènes de Weiss présentée. Par ailleurs, les autres éléments de la théorie psychanalytique de Weiss sont présentés (buts thérapeutiques, obstacles, traumas, insight, test relationnel). Toutes ces étapes sont illustrées par des exemples tirés de la littérature. Un développement récent du concept de test relationnel est présenté et appliqué à la psychothérapie des troubles de la personnalité (Sachse, 2003 [14]). Finalement, les auteurs donnent deux brefs exemples de tests relationnels tirés de leur propre pratique de psychothérapeute et discutent des modèles en les comparant entre eux. Des conclusions concernant l'utilité du concept de test relationnel pour la pratique psychothérapeutique et la recherche en psychothérapie sont proposées. The test concept (Weiss and Sampson, 1986 [16]) is presented. Its origins in Freud's works are briefly evoked and its place within the theory of pathogenic beliefs by Weiss presented. We present also the remaining elements of Weiss' psychoanalytic theory which are objectives, obstacles, traumas and insight. Every step of the reflection is illustrated with case examples, drawn from the literature. A recent development of the test concept is presented and applied to the psychotherapy of personality disorders (Sachse, 2003 [14]). Finally, the authors give brief examples of tests having occurred in their own practice as psychotherapists and discuss the models by comparing them among each other. Conclusions are drawn concerning the usefulness of the test concept for psychotherapy practice and research.