68 resultados para Organophilic bentonites
In layered silicate-epoxy nanocomposites organic modification of the silicates makes them compatible with the epoxy which intercalates into the clay galleries. The effect of clay dispersion on epoxies of high Tg is not clear. Decreases of the epoxy Tg have been frequently reported. The presence of clay may cause stoichiometry imbalances that conduces to the formation of imperfect networks
Catalysis at organophilic silica-rich surfaces of zeolites and feldspars might generate replicating biopolymers from simple chemicals supplied by meteorites, volcanic gases, and other geological sources. Crystal–chemical modeling yielded packings for amino acids neatly encapsulated in 10-ring channels of the molecular sieve silicalite-ZSM-5-(mutinaite). Calculation of binding and activation energies for catalytic assembly into polymers is progressing for a chemical composition with one catalytic Al–OH site per 25 neutral Si tetrahedral sites. Internal channel intersections and external terminations provide special stereochemical features suitable for complex organic species. Polymer migration along nano/micrometer channels of ancient weathered feldspars, plus exploitation of phosphorus and various transition metals in entrapped apatite and other microminerals, might have generated complexes of replicating catalytic biomolecules, leading to primitive cellular organisms. The first cell wall might have been an internal mineral surface, from which the cell developed a protective biological cap emerging into a nutrient-rich “soup.” Ultimately, the biological cap might have expanded into a complete cell wall, allowing mobility and colonization of energy-rich challenging environments. Electron microscopy of honeycomb channels inside weathered feldspars of the Shap granite (northwest England) has revealed modern bacteria, perhaps indicative of Archean ones. All known early rocks were metamorphosed too highly during geologic time to permit simple survival of large-pore zeolites, honeycombed feldspar, and encapsulated species. Possible microscopic clues to the proposed mineral adsorbents/catalysts are discussed for planning of systematic study of black cherts from weakly metamorphosed Archaean sediments.
Today, there are growing concerns about the presence of environmental pollutants in many parts of the world. In particular, a lot of attention has been drawn to the levels of water and soil contaminants (de Paiva et al., 2008). The majority of these contaminants consist of NOCs (non-ionic organic compounds) and can enter our waterways through industrial activities, mining operations, crop and animal production, waste disposal and accidental leakage (de Paiva et al., 2008; Park et al., 2011). Therefore, there is an increased interest in the synthesis of new materials that can be used to remove potentially carcinogenic and toxic water contaminants. Smectite type organoclays are widely used in numerous applications, such as sorbent agents for environmental remediation, due to their unique properties (Jiunn-Fwu et al., 1990; Sheng et al., 1996; Zhou et al., 2007; Bektas et al., 2011; Park et al., 2011). This investigation focuses on beidellite (SBId-1), which belongs to the smectite clay family. Their properties include high cation exchange capacity (CEC), swelling properties, porous, high surface area and consequential strong adsorption/absorption capacity (Xi et al., 2007). However, swelling clays in general are not an effective sorbent agent in nature due to their hydrophilic properties. The hydrophilic properties of the clay can be changed to organophilic by intercalating a cationic surfactant. Many applications of organoclays are strongly dependent on their structural properties and hence, a better understanding of the configuration and structural change of organoclay is crucial. Organoclays were synthesised through ion exchange of 21CODTMA (MW: 392.5 g mol-1) and characterised using XRD and FTIR spectroscopy. This study investigates the structural and conformational changes of beidellite intercalated with octadecyltrimethylammonium bromide.
Present in situ chemical treatment technologies for mitigation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination are in the developmental stage or being tested. To devise efficient strategies for restricting the movement of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) molecules in the contaminated soil, it is proposed to utilize the sorption–interaction relationships between the petroleum contaminants and the soil substrate. The basic questions addressed in this paper are as follows (i) What are the prominent chemical constituents of the various petroleum fractions that interact with the soil substrate? (ii) What are the functional groups of a soil that interact with the contaminants? (iii) What are the bonding mechanisms possible between the soil functional groups and the PHC contaminants? (iv) What are the consequent changes brought about the soil physical properties on interaction with PHC's? (v) What are the factors influencing the interactions between PHC molecules and clay particles of the soil substrate? (vi) What is the possibility of improving the soil's attenuation ability for PHC's? The development of answers to the basic questions reveal that petroleum hydrocarbons comprise a mixture of nonpolar alkanes and aromatic and polycyclic hydrocarbons, that have limited solubility in water. The bonding mechanism between the nonpolar PHC's and the clay surface is by way of van der Waals attraction. The adsorption of the nonpolar hydrocarbons by the clay surface occurs only when their (i.e., the hydrocarbon molecules) solubility in water is exceeded and the hydrocarbons exist in the micellar form. Dilute solutions of hydrocarbons in water, i.e., concentrations of hydrocarbons at or below the solubility limit, have no effect on the hydraulic conductivity of clay soils. Permeation with pure hydrocarbons invariably influences the clay hydraulic conductivity. To improve the attenuation ability of soils towards PHC's, it is proposed to coat the soil surface with "ultra" heavy organic polymers. Adsorption of organic polymers by the clay surface may change the surface properties of the soil from highly hydrophilic (having affinity for water molecules) to organophilic (having affinity for organic molecules). The organic polymers attached to the clay surface are expected to attenuate the PHC molecules by van der Waals attraction, by hydrogen bonding, and also by adsorption into interlayer space in the case of soils containing swelling clays.
Owing to its favourable physical, chemical and rheological properties, densely compacted bentonite or bentonite-sand mix is considered as a suitable buffer material in deep geological repositories to store high level nuclear waste. Iodine-129 is one of the significant nuclides in the high level waste owing to its long half life and poor sorption onto most geologic media. Bentonite by virtue of negatively charged surface has negligible affinity to retain iodide ions. As organo-bentonites are known to retain iodide ions, the present study characterizes hexadecylpyridinium chloride (HDPyCl.H2O) treated bentonite from Barmer India (referred as HDPy+B) for physico-chemical properties, engineering properties and the iodide adsorption behavior of the organo clay. Batch experiments revealed that HDPy+ ions are largely retained (94 % retention) via cation exchange; the ion-exchange process neutralizes the negative surface charge and bridges clay particles leading to reduction in Atterberg limits, clay content and sediment volume. The organo clay retains iodide by Coulombic attraction (at primary sites) and anion exchange (at secondary sites). The free-energy change (Delta G (o) = -25.5 kJ/mol) value indicated that iodide retention by organo clay is favored physical adsorption process. Iodide adsorption capacity of organo clay decreased significantly (85-100 %) on dilution with 50-80 % bentonite. On the other hand, dilution of bentonite with 50 % organo clay caused 58 % reduction in swell potential and 21 % reduction in swell pressure.
A conventional liner with a good performance against inorganic contaminants with a minimal hydraulic conductivity does not usually perform well for retention/removal of leachates containing organic contaminants. Organic modification of clay can render the naturally organophobic clay tobe organophilic. Incorporation of modified organo clay along with unmodified inorganic clay in liner systems can overcome the inherent incompatibility of conventional liners to organic contaminants and can increase organic sorption. The performance of commercially available organo clay and natural bentonite and mixtures of them in different pore fluids has been studied. It is found that the properties of mixtures improve with increase in organically modified clay particularly in non aqueous fluids from the considerations of liner application.
The conceptual model for deep geological disposal of high level nuclear waste (HLW) is based on multiple barrier system consisting of natural and engineered barriers. Buffer/backfill material is regarded as the most important engineered barrier in HLW repositories. Due to large swelling ability, cation adsorption capacity, and low permeability bentonite is considered as suitable buffer material in HLW repositories. Japan has identified Kunigel VI bentonite, South Korea - Kyungju bentonite, China - GMZ bentonite, Belgium - FoCa clay, Sweden - MX-80 bentonite, Spain - FEBEX bentonite and Canada - Avonseal bentonite as candidate bentonite buffer for deep geological repository program. An earlier study on Indian bentonites by one of the authors suggested that bentonite from Barmer district of Rajasthan (termed Barmer 1 bentonite), India is suited for use as buffer material in deep geological repositories. However, the hydro-mechanical properties of the Barmer 1 bentonite are unavailable. This paper characterizes Barmer 1 bentonite for hydro-mechanical properties, such as, swell pressure, saturated permeability, soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) and unconfined compression strength at different dry densities. The properties of Barmer 1 bentonite were compared with bentonite buffers reported in literature and equations for designing swell pressure and saturated permeability coefficient of bentonite buffers were arrived at. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Influence of initial degree of saturation on swell pressures of compacted Barmer bentonite specimens
Densely compacted bentonite or bentonite-sand mixture has been identified as suitable buffer in deep geological repositories as its exceptionally high swelling capacity enables tight contact between the waste canister and surrounding rock. The degree of saturation of the compacted bentonite buffer can increase upon ingress of groundwater from the surrounding rock mass or decrease from evaporation due to high temperature (50-210 degrees C) derived from the waste canister. Available studies indicate that the influence of initial moisture content or degree of saturation on the swell pressure or swell potential of compacted bentonites is unclear. Some studies suggest that initial degree of saturation has an influence, while others suggest that it does not have bearing on the swell pressure of compacted bentonites. This paper examines the influence of initial degree of saturation in montmorillonite voids (termed,S-r,S-MF) on swell pressure of compacted Barmer bentonite-sand mixtures (dry density range: 1.4-2 Mg/m(3)) from micro-structural considerations. The experimental results bring out that, constant dry density specimens that developed similar number of hydration layers upon wetting developed comparable swell pressures and were unaffected by variations in initial S-r,S-MF values. Comparatively, constant dry density specimens that developed dis-similar number of hydration layers upon wetting established different swell pressures and were responsive to variations in initial S-r,S-MF. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A área de pesquisa de materiais nanoestruturados tem recebido destacada atenção nos últimos anos por parte da comunidade científica, ressaltando-se os nanocompósitos à base de polímero e argila. Nesta Dissertação foram sintetizados nanocompósitos à base de poliuretano (NWPUs) com argilas do tipo montmorilonita (MMT), hidrofóbicas (organofílicas) e hidrofílica. Os monômeros empregados na síntese foram poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG); polibutadieno líquido hidroxilado (HTPB); ácido dimetilolpropiônico (DMPA), diisocianato de isoforona (IPDI) e hidrazina (HYD), como extensor de cadeia. Nas formulações, foram variadas as proporções de HTPB e o teor das argilas. As argilas organofílica Cloisite 30B e hidrofílica Cloisite Na+ foram incorporadas em 1, 3 e 5 %, enquanto que a organofílica Cloisite 15A foi incorporada no teor de 1%. As dispersões foram caracterizadas quanto ao teor de sólidos totais, tamanho médio de partículas e viscosidade. Os filmes vazados a partir das dispersões foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), difração de raios-x (XDR), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) e microscopia de força atômica (AFM). A resistência térmica e a transição vítrea dos materiais foram determinadas por termogravimetria (TG) e calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), respectivamente. O teor de absorção de água e o comportamento mecânico dos filmes foram avaliados. Foi verificada, por XRD, a ausência do pico de cristalinidade, característico das argilas puras e não-deslaminadas. As micrografias obtidas por SEM confirmam uma dispersão homogênea das argilas na matriz poliuretânica. Os filmes à base de nanocompósitos (NWPUs) apresentaram propriedades mecânicas superiores às apresentadas por aqueles obtidos a partir das dispersões sem a presença de argila (WPUs). A adesão dos revestimentos formados, pela aplicação das dispersões em diversos substratos, também foi verificada visualmente. Os resultados das análises mostraram que houve a formação de nanocompósitos à base de água, formados tanto a partir da argila hidrofílica quanto das organofílicas
O Brasil é produtor de argilas e conta com grandes reservas deste recurso natural. Porém, grande parte da sua produção é comercializada seca e moída. O desenvolvimento de argilas para seu uso como reforço em nanocompósitos poliméricos constitui uma opção para os produtores desta matéria prima que teriam assim um produto com maior valor agregado. Este trabalho visa avaliar o potencial uso como nanocarga de duas argilas nacionais provenientes da Bacia de Taubaté, São Paulo, denominadas ALIGRA e SANTA FÉ. As frações de tamanho de partícula médio menor de 0,02 mm, obtidas por peneiramento á úmido da argila homogeneizada e seca, foram utilizadas no desenvolvimento do trabalho experimental. Os estudos de caracterização, envolvendo análise granulométrica, química, mineralógica, morfológica, térmica e textural, revelaram características muito semelhantes em ambas às argilas. Fração argila, maior de 70% em massa. Composição química conforme a definição química de uma argila e os teores de seus componentes mostram valores intermédios entre as apresentadas pelas bentonitas e argila caulinítica usadas com fins de comparação. Ressaltamse boas propriedades adsorventes. Área superficial específica BET ao redor de 120 m2/g, valor maior do que o apresentado por muitas bentonitas naturais (74,5 m2/g). Predominantemente mesoporosas, com poros, maiormente em forma de fenda, característicos da estrutura em camadas das argilas. Baixa capacidade de troca catiônica, 12 meq/100g. Difratogramas de raios-X revelaram a predominância do estratificado ilita/esmectita, caulinita e quartzo na argila ALIGRA, e de ilita, caulinita e quartzo na argila SANTA FÉ. Prosseguiu-se com a argila ALIGRA a preparação da argila organofílica. A argila organofílica foi obtida por troca catiônica com o sal quaternário de amônio: cloro cetril trimetil amônio, depois de homogeneizada em sódio com cloreto de sódio. Análises FTIR e TGA indicaram que houve inserção dos cátions orgânicos. Testes preliminares foram feitas, preparando misturas das argilas com matriz de polipropileno e usando como agente compatibilizante polipropileno enxertado com anidrido maleico. Resultados de ensaios de tração reportam algumas melhoras nas propriedades testadas com as composições preparadas com as argilas purificadas. Com as composições com argilas organofílicas somente foi melhorado o alongamento na rotura. Estudos ais aprofundados são recomendados.
The first three reports in this series (Parts I, II and III) deals with binders and technologies used in stabilisation/ solidification (S/S) practice and research in the UK. This first part covers 'basic principles'while the second covers 'research' and the third 'applications'. The purpose of this work, which forms part of the Network STARNET on stabilisation/solidification treatment and remediation, is to identify the knowledge gaps and future research needs in this field. This paper describes the details and basic principles of available binders and technologies in the UK. The introduction in the report includes background on S/S, legislation aspects, overview of STARNET and its activities and details of commonly used binder selection criteria. The report is then divided into two main sections. The first covers binders and includes cement, blastfurnace slag, pulverised fuel ash, lime, natural and organophilic clays, bitumen, waste binders and concludes with proprietary binders. The second part details implementation processes for S/S treatment systems starting with ex-situ treatment systems, such as plant processing, direct mixing and in-drum processing and finishes with in-situ treatment processes, such as mechanical mixing and pressure mixing. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group.
Surfactant-clay interactions are key for the development of new clay applications and inorganic-organic nanocomposites. Bentonite, with montmorillonite as the principal clay mineral constituent, was modified with varying concentrations of hexadecethyltrimethylammonium chloride (HDTMA), as a reference cationic surfactant, polypropylene glycol (PPG) 1200 and 2000, as non-ionic surfactants, and lecithin and Topcithin®, as amphiphilic phospholipid surfactants, according to the cation exchange capacity (CEC). The modified bentonites were characterised by X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry, specific surface area and pore volume. Three intercalation regions have been identified depending on the surfactant. The non-ionic surfactant caused only a crystalline expansion of bentonite interlayers, while the cationic surfactant induced an osmotic intercalation. The amphiphilic lecithin derivatives intercalated more extensively with the bentonite matrix. The TGA and the FTIR spectra showed that, at lower concentrations, the PPGs and HDTMA adopted a disordered conformation that required more energy to degrade, while at higher concentrations, the surfactants were ordered in the interlayer space of the bentonite. The lecithin derivative surfactant had a greater thermal and conformation stability. The specific surface area reduced with increasing surfactant concentrations. This study highlights the effect of surfactant type on the interlayer space of montmorillonite in the perspective of developing novel clay functions. © 2013.