964 resultados para Organisational context
Since the second half of the 1990s, knowledge management has taken shape and has been firmly consolidated as a new discipline within the realm of organisations. The principal objective of this work is to determine whether content management systems (CMS) can become the most appropriate technological standard for consolidating this field. The article describes and analyses the major functions (publishing and exploitation) of these new systems. It then examines the field of knowledge management ¿what are the different types of knowledge that we can find within an organisational context¿ and then identifies and analyses the operations critical to managing it appropriately. The article concludes by evaluating the extent to which technological solutions provided by CMS can assist in properly implementing these critical operations.
Previous research on productivity is often associated with manufacturing or uses manufacturing definitions of productivity. Marketing research on services has not been satisfied with the manufacturing definitions. No universal definition for service productivity exists. The lack of a universal definition highlights the complexity entailed in the concept of productivity. The objective of this study was to investigate service productivity in situations, where traditional ways are in some cases even not possible or are not enough. In one definition of the productivity of service organisations there is the efficiency of the organisation on the input side and on the output side the customers’ perceived quality or value-in-use. To learn about value-in-use, many methods have been developed. A common practice is to make customer opinion surveys in the form of customer questionnaires and interviews. However, customers cannot always be asked directly, for example, because of impaired cognitive abilities. Such cases include the elderly and children. Furthermore, customer opinion surveys are time consuming. In addition, customers do not always know what kind of services they would benefit from. For the empirical part of the study, a business area was identified where traditional ways of measuring value-in-use are difficult or in some cases even not possible. This business area is safety telephone services. These services are most often used by the elderly. The way to define value-in-use here was to assess how well the services offered met customer expectations. Comparing the services customers asked for and the services provided to them indicated whether customer expectations were met. This study showed that customers had their ideas concerning the contents of the services but many times the services provided did not meet these expectations. Organisational efficiency aspirations can decrease customers’ value-in-use. This study found a solution, in which increasing organisational efficiency would go hand-in-hand with increasing customers’ value-in-use; the result being that the organisations’ needs and the service users’ expectations were in line. Value creation for customers produced organisational efficiency and thus increased productivity. In this study, customer expectations were observed by means of wellness technology. With the help of modern technology, customer expectations can be followed quickly and easily and customers can co-create with the organisation. This type of an approach could be useful even in the development of other services for other ages and in different contexts. If a service organisation decreases the number of personnel and, at the same time, tries to offer services to the same or a larger clientele, customers easily notice the change, which is often negative. To avoid harmful decrease in value-in-use, limitations to the aspiration of efficiency should be implemented – one of such is that the organisation is required to meet certain quality standards defined by experts. The aim is to secure that, as a result of efficiency aspirations in the organisation, the quality of the service offerings does not diminish below mutually agreed standards. Traditionally, when productivity in services has been estimated, organisational efficiency has not been combined with both customer expectations and an expert assessment of quality. This study contributes with novel thinking entitled ‘Relationship Management of the Elderly’. This study handles productivity, expert defined quality and value-in-use in an organisational context, which is practically untouched in previous research studies.
Työntekijöiden kokema psykologinen omistajuus ja muutokseen suhtautuminen kietoutuvat yhteen tämän tutkimuksen tarkastelussa. Organisaatiot kohtaavat nykypäivänä jatkuvaa muutostarvetta ja työntekijöiden muutokseen suhtautumisella on merkittävä vaikutus muutoshankkeiden onnistuneessa läpiviennissä. Toisaalta työtä kohtaan koetut psykologisen omistajuuden tunteet nähdään merkittävänä työhön ja työn kokemiseen liittyvänä tunteena. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena onkin ymmärtää miten työntekijöiden kokema psykologinen omistajuus ilmenee työntekijöiden muutokseen suhtautumisessa. Tutkimuksen tarkastelu tapahtuu organisatorisessa kontekstissa, merkityksen luomisen viitekehyksessä. Tutkimus suoritettiin fenomenografisena tapaustutkimuksena liiketoiminnan tukipalveluita tarjoavassa asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksen muodostavat neljä erilaista kuvauskategoriaa, jotka kuvaavat kohdeorganisaation työntekijöiden työtään kohtaan kokemia psykologisen omistajuuden tunteita ja sitä kuinka nämä tunteet näyttäytyvät heidän muutokseen suhtautumisessa. Psykologinen omistajuus ja muutokseen suhtautuminen ovat monitahoisia ilmiöitä, joissa yksilön kokemukseen vaikuttavat useat eri tekijät. Psykologista omistajuutta tunteva yksilö on lähtökohtaisesti valmiimpi kohtaamaan muutoksia psykologisen omistajuuden tunteiden ja muutosvalmiuden pohjautuessa monelta osin samoihin tekijöihin. Toisaalta voimakkaat psykologisen omistajuuden tunteet voivat olla yksilöä uuvuttavia, mikä saa muutokset näyttäytymään taakkana myönteisistä aikomuksista huolimatta.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur la gestion des risques informationnels dans l’entreprise privée. Plus précisément, nous avons cherché à comprendre, à partir de l’expérience et du point de vue des gestionnaires de la sécurité, comment s’élaborait une prise de décisions relativement à la protection des actifs informationnels d’une entreprise, de l’identification des risques à la mise en place de mesures visant à les réduire. Pour ce faire, nous devions dégager les éléments du contexte organisationnel qui contribuent à façonner les décisions du gestionnaire de la sécurité en cette matière en considérant deux principales dimensions : la dynamique relationnelle à l’œuvre de même que les enjeux, les contraintes et les opportunités susceptibles d’influence la prise de décisions. Nous voulions également connaitre le rôle et les responsabilités du gestionnaire de la sécurité au sein de ce processus décisionnel et préciser, le cas échéant, sa participation au modèle de gouvernance de gestion des risques. Pour rendre compte de la complexité de ce processus, il semblait approprié de concevoir un cadre théorique combinant deux approches: l’approche multidimensionnelle du risque et l’approche de la transaction sociale. Si la première considère que la définition du risque doit être contextualiser, l’autre admet que la dynamique relationnelle n’est pas le simple fait de jeux entres acteurs stratégiques. L’analyse en fonction de ses deux approches a révélé que la gestion des risques informationnels dans une entreprise est largement tributaire des caractéristiques personnelles du gestionnaire de la sécurité. Certes, le contexte organisationnel et la multiplication des enjeux sécuritaires exercent une influence considérable sur le processus décisionnel mais l’expérience, les connaissances et les capacités communicationnelles du gestionnaire contribuent directement à la réussite de chaque phase du processus de gestion des risques informationnels.
An essential aspect of school effectiveness theory is the shift from the social to the organisational context, from the macro- to the micro-culture. The school is represented largely as a bounded institution, set apart, but also in a precarious relationship with the broader social context. It is ironic that at a time when social disadvantage appears to be increasing in Britain and elsewhere, school effectiveness theory places less emphasis on poverty, deprivation and social exclusion. Instead, it places more emphasis on organisational factors such as professional leadership, home/school partnerships, the monitoring of academic progress, shared vision and goals. In this article, the authors evaluate the extent to which notions of effectiveness have displaced concerns about equity in theories of educational change. They explore the extent to which the social structures of gender, ethnicity, sexualities, special needs, social class, poverty and other historical forms of inequality have been incorporated into or distorted and excluded from effectiveness thinking.
In much the same way we consider our house or car 'mine', we may also consider facets of employment as a possession. Psychological ownership is the state ascribed to such feelings of possession in the absence of any formal or legal claims of ownership. In the present context, the target of such feelings of ownership is directed towards the employing organisation, or individual employee's specific job. TJie aim of this research is to extend previous propositions of ownership feelings to encompass related work attitudes and behavioural outcomes of psychological ownership in an organisational context. As a result, a theory of psychological ownership in organisations is presented encompassing antecedents, consequences, and the related work attitudes of job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Questionnaire data from 68 employees and their managers was used to test hypotheses derived from the proposed theory. Results revealed that psychological ownership predicted the work attitudes of job satisfaction and organisational commitment, and mediated the relationship between autonomy and these work attitudes. Both organisation- based and job-based psychological ownership were found to be distinct work attitudes, distinguishable from job satisfaction and organisational commitment. There was no support, however, for a direct or mediated relationship between psychological ownership and behavioural outcomes, including in-role behaviour, and helping and voice extra-role behaviours. These findings have considerable theoretical and empirical implications for the field of psychological ownership, and offer support for psychological ownership as a real and important work attitude.
Research has shown that informal mentoring relationships benefit the protégé, mentor and employing organisation. As such they have been of interest to public accounting firms. The functioning of these relationships in Big Eight/Big Five accounting firms has been investigated in the USA and more recently in Ireland. The career outcome of most interest has been turnover intentions. This paper reports the results of a questionnaire study of mentoring relationships in the Australian state of Queensland. The receipt of mentoring support by accountants is found to be associated with not only lower turnover intentions, but also higher job satisfaction, and lower intentions of female accountants to seek part-time employment. The impact of the organisational context in which these relationships are initiated and cultivated is also investigated. The size of the accounting firm and the national culture of the country in which the firm operates, appear to have some bearing on mentoring experiences.
This paper explores the complexities and contradictions of frontline practice that pose problems for personalised social care through enhanced choice. It draws on semi-structured interviews with community care workers, social workers, occupational therapists and care managers in a social service department. Practitioners interviewed were asked about their current assessment and documentation system, including the assessment documents currently used; how they approached information gathering and the topics they explored with service users; and their experience of documenting assessment and care management. The paper argues that the validity and sustainability of personalised social care in frontline practice relies on developing a thorough understanding of the complex and implicit assessment processes operating at the service user/practitioner interface and the inevitable tensions that arise for practitioners associated with the organisational context and broader service environment. The findings demonstrate the variability among practitioners in how they collect information and more importantly, the critical role practitioners occupy in determining the kinds of topics to be explored during the assessment process. In so doing, it shows how practitioners can exert control over the decision-making process. More importantly, it provides some insight into how such processes are shaped by the constraints of the organisational context and broader service environment. Complexities and contradictions may be an inherent part of frontline practice. The issues discussed in this paper, however, highlight potential areas that might be targeted in conjunction with implementing personalised social care through enhanced choice for people with disabilities.
This article presents part of the findings of a multi-method study into employee perceptions of fairness in relation to the organisational career management (OCM) practices of a large financial retailer. It focuses on exploring how employees construct fairness judgements of their career experiences and the role played by the organisational context and, in particular, OCM practices in forming these judgements. It concludes that individuals can, and do, separate the source and content of (in)justice when it comes to evaluating these experiences. The relative roles of the employer, line manager and career development opportunities in influencing employee fairness evaluations are discussed. Conceptual links with organisational justice theory are proposed, and it is argued that the academic and practitioner populations are provided with empirical evidence for a new theoretical framework for evaluating employee perceptions of, and reactions to, OCM practices.
This article examines the careers and changing roles of British production and operations managers through three surveys covering the last quarter of the twentieth century. Careers are examined in terms of both their organisational context and the subjective experiences of those who have chosen this field, during a period of great turbulence for manufacturing due to growing global competition. The persistent features of such roles and responsibilities are contrasted with the changes in focus and demands. The managers' sources of satisfaction and frustration are outlined as are their perceptions of their situation in relation to managers in other areas. The article concludes by considering what has changed and what needs to change, in order for manufacturing to gain maximum benefit from the contribution of these managers.
This special issue of the Journal of the Operational Research Society is dedicated to papers on the related subjects of knowledge management and intellectual capital. These subjects continue to generate considerable interest amongst both practitioners and academics. This issue demonstrates that operational researchers have many contributions to offer to the area, especially by bringing multi-disciplinary, integrated and holistic perspectives. The papers included are both theoretical as well as practical, and include a number of case studies showing how knowledge management has been implemented in practice that may assist other organisations in their search for a better means of managing what is now recognised as a core organisational activity. It has been accepted by a growing number of organisations that the precise handling of information and knowledge is a significant factor in facilitating their success but that there is a challenge in how to implement a strategy and processes for this handling. It is here, in the particular area of knowledge process handling that we can see the contributions of operational researchers most clearly as is illustrated in the papers included in this journal edition. The issue comprises nine papers, contributed by authors based in eight different countries on five continents. Lind and Seigerroth describe an approach that they call team-based reconstruction, intended to help articulate knowledge in a particular organisational. context. They illustrate the use of this approach with three case studies, two in manufacturing and one in public sector health care. Different ways of carrying out reconstruction are analysed, and the benefits of team-based reconstruction are established. Edwards and Kidd, and Connell, Powell and Klein both concentrate on knowledge transfer. Edwards and Kidd discuss the issues involved in transferring knowledge across frontières (borders) of various kinds, from those borders within organisations to those between countries. They present two examples, one in distribution and the other in manufacturing. They conclude that trust and culture both play an important part in facilitating such transfers, that IT should be kept in a supporting role in knowledge management projects, and that a staged approach to this IT support may be the most effective. Connell, Powell and Klein consider the oft-quoted distinction between explicit and tacit knowledge, and argue that such a distinction is sometimes unhelpful. They suggest that knowledge should rather be regarded as a holistic systemic property. The consequences of this for knowledge transfer are examined, with a particular emphasis on what this might mean for the practice of OR Their view of OR in the context of knowledge management very much echoes Lind and Seigerroth's focus on knowledge for human action. This is an interesting convergence of views given that, broadly speaking, one set of authors comes from within the OR community, and the other from outside it. Hafeez and Abdelmeguid present the nearest to a 'hard' OR contribution of the papers in this special issue. In their paper they construct and use system dynamics models to investigate alternative ways in which an organisation might close a knowledge gap or skills gap. The methods they use have the potential to be generalised to any other quantifiable aspects of intellectual capital. The contribution by Revilla, Sarkis and Modrego is also at the 'hard' end of the spectrum. They evaluate the performance of public–private research collaborations in Spain, using an approach based on data envelopment analysis. They found that larger organisations tended to perform relatively better than smaller ones, even though the approach used takes into account scale effects. Perhaps more interesting was that many factors that might have been thought relevant, such as the organisation's existing knowledge base or how widely applicable the results of the project would be, had no significant effect on the performance. It may be that how well the partnership between the collaborators works (not a factor it was possible to take into account in this study) is more important than most other factors. Mak and Ramaprasad introduce the concept of a knowledge supply network. This builds on existing ideas of supply chain management, but also integrates the design chain and the marketing chain, to address all the intellectual property connected with the network as a whole. The authors regard the knowledge supply network as the natural focus for considering knowledge management issues. They propose seven criteria for evaluating knowledge supply network architecture, and illustrate their argument with an example from the electronics industry—integrated circuit design and fabrication. In the paper by Hasan and Crawford, their interest lies in the holistic approach to knowledge management. They demonstrate their argument—that there is no simple IT solution for organisational knowledge management efforts—through two case study investigations. These case studies, in Australian universities, are investigated through cultural historical activity theory, which focuses the study on the activities that are carried out by people in support of their interpretations of their role, the opportunities available and the organisation's purpose. Human activities, it is argued, are mediated by the available tools, including IT and IS and in this particular context, KMS. It is this argument that places the available technology into the knowledge activity process and permits the future design of KMS to be improved through the lessons learnt by studying these knowledge activity systems in practice. Wijnhoven concentrates on knowledge management at the operational level of the organisation. He is concerned with studying the transformation of certain inputs to outputs—the operations function—and the consequent realisation of organisational goals via the management of these operations. He argues that the inputs and outputs of this process in the context of knowledge management are different types of knowledge and names the operation method the knowledge logistics. The method of transformation he calls learning. This theoretical paper discusses the operational management of four types of knowledge objects—explicit understanding; information; skills; and norms and values; and shows how through the proposed framework learning can transfer these objects to clients in a logistical process without a major transformation in content. Millie Kwan continues this theme with a paper about process-oriented knowledge management. In her case study she discusses an implementation of knowledge management where the knowledge is centred around an organisational process and the mission, rationale and objectives of the process define the scope of the project. In her case they are concerned with the effective use of real estate (property and buildings) within a Fortune 100 company. In order to manage the knowledge about this property and the process by which the best 'deal' for internal customers and the overall company was reached, a KMS was devised. She argues that process knowledge is a source of core competence and thus needs to be strategically managed. Finally, you may also wish to read a related paper originally submitted for this Special Issue, 'Customer knowledge management' by Garcia-Murillo and Annabi, which was published in the August 2002 issue of the Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53(8), 875–884.
Allocation procedures, have attracted considerable interest among higher education institutions in recent years. Relevant previous research indicates that several universities adopt different approaches to the resource allocation problem, employing models and procedures that reflect their organisational arrangements and their internal socio – political dynamics. We argue that while studying accounting processes in their organisational context, the role of trust should also be considered carefully. In particular, it is very important to consider the attitudes of the individuals involved and interacting within organisational processes, and especially the trust between them, which plays an important role to the overall good governance of these processes. In our study, the role of interpersonal trust in an old Scottish University resource allocation process is examined. The study indicates that trust is a very necessary insight to the facilitation of social structures of accountability that enhance a better governance of the resource allocation process.
This research studies the issue of using strategic information technology for improving organisational effectiveness. It analyses different academic approaches explaining the nature of information systems and the need organisations feel of developing strategic information systems planning processes, to improve organisational effectiveness. It chooses Managerial Cybernetics as the theoretical foundation supporting development of a "Strategic Information Systems Planning" Framework, and uses it for supporting the analysis of a documented story about the process lived by the Colombian President's Office, in 1990-1992. It argues that by analysing the situation through this new analysis framework we may enlighten some previously unclear situations lived, and not yet properly explained through other approaches to strategic information systems planning. The documented history explains the organisational context and strategic postures of the Colombian President's Office and the Colombian Public Sector, at that time, as well as some of the strategic information systems defined and developed. In particular it analyses a system developed jointly by the President's Office and the National Planning Department, for measuring results of the main national development programmes. Then, it reviews these situations, in the light of the new framework and presents the main findings of the exercise. Finally, it analyses the whole research exercise, the perceived usefulness of the chosen frameworks and tools to enlighten the real situations analysed that were not clear enough, and some open research paths to follow for future researchers interested in the issue.
The aim of this research is to investigate how risk management in a healthcare organisation can be supported by knowledge management. The subject of research is the development and management of existing logs called "risk registers", through specific risk management processes employed in a N.H.S. (Foundation) Trust in England, in the U.K. Existing literature on organisational risk management stresses the importance of knowledge for the effective implementation of risk management programmes, claiming that knowledge used to perceive risk is biased by the beliefs of individuals and groups involved in risk management and therefore is considered incomplete. Further, literature on organisational knowledge management presents several definitions and categorisations of knowledge and approaches for knowledge manipulation in the organisational context as a whole. However, there is no specific approach regarding "how to deal" with knowledge in the course of organisational risk management. The research is based on a single case study, on a N.H.S. (Foundation) Trust, is influenced by principles of interpretivism and the frame of mind of Soft Systems Methodology (S.S.M.) to investigate the management of risk registers, from the viewpoint of people involved in the situation. Data revealed that knowledge about risks and about the existing risk management policy and procedures is situated in several locations in the Trust and is neither consolidated nor present where and when required. This study proposes a framework that identifies required knowledge for each of the risk management processes and outlines methods for conversion of this knowledge, based on the SECI knowledge conversion model, and activities to facilitate knowledge conversion so that knowledge is effectively used for the development of risk registers and the monitoring of risks throughout the whole Trust under study. This study has theoretical impact in the management science literature as it addresses the issue of incomplete knowledge raised in the risk management literature using concepts of the knowledge management literature, such as the knowledge conversion model. In essence, the combination of required risk and risk management related knowledge with the required type of communication for risk management creates the proposed methods for the support of each risk management process for the risk registers. Further, the indication of the importance of knowledge in risk management and the presentation of a framework that consolidates knowledge required for the risk management processes and proposes way(s) for the communication of this knowledge within a healthcare organisation have practical impact in the management of healthcare organisations.