999 resultados para Ordinary concrete


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Concrete is a universal material in the construction industry. With natural resources like sand and aggregate, fast depleting, it is time to look for alternate materials to substitute these in the process of making concrete. There are instances like exposure to solar radiation, fire, furnaces, and nuclear reactor vessels, special applications like missile launching pads etc., where concrete is exposed to temperature variations In this research work, an attempt has been made to understand the behaviour of concrete when weathered laterite aggregate is used in both conventional and self compacting normal strength concrete. The study has been extended to understand the thermal behaviour of both types of laterised concretes and to check suitability as a fire protection material. A systematic study of laterised concrete considering parameters like source of laterite aggregate, grades of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and types of supplementary cementitious materials (fly ash and GGBFS) has been carried out to arrive at a feasible combination of various ingredients in laterised concrete. A mix design methodology has been proposed for making normal strength laterised self compacting concrete based on trial mixes and the same has also been validated. The physical and mechanical properties of laterised concretes have been studied with respect to different variables like exposure temperature (200°C, 400°C and 600°C) and cooling environment (air cooled and water cooled). The behaviour of ferrocement elements with laterised self compacting concrete has also been studied by varying the cover to mesh reinforcement (10mm to 50mm at an interval of 10mm), exposure temperature and cooling environment.


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The research in the area of geopolymer is gaining momentum during the past 20 years. Studies confirm that geopolymer concrete has good compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and durability. These properties are comparable with OPC concrete.There are many occasions where concrete is exposed to elevated temperatures like fire exposure from thermal processor, exposure from furnaces, nuclear exposure, etc.. In such cases, understanding of the behaviour of concrete and structural members exposed to elevated temperatures is vital. Even though many research reports are available about the behaviour of OPC concrete at elevated temperatures, there is limited information available about the behaviour of geopolymer concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures. A preliminary study was carried out for the selection of a mix proportion. The important variable considered in the present study include alkali/fly ash ratio, percentage of total aggregate content, fine aggregate to total aggregate ratio, molarity of sodium hydroxide, sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio, curing temperature and curing period. Influence of different variables on engineering properties of geopolymer concrete was investigated. The study on interface shear strength of reinforced and unreinforced geopolymer concrete as well as OPC concrete was also carried out. Engineering properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures (ambient to 800 °C) were studied and the corresponding results were compared with those of conventional concrete. Scanning Electron Microscope analysis, Fourier Transform Infrared analysis, X-ray powder Diffractometer analysis and Thermogravimetric analysis of geopolymer mortar or paste at ambient temperature and after exposure to elevated temperature were also carried out in the present research work. Experimental study was conducted on geopolymer concrete beams after exposure to elevated temperatures (ambient to 800 °C). Load deflection characteristics, ductility and moment-curvature behaviour of the geopolymer concrete beams after exposure to elevated temperatures were investigated. Based on the present study, major conclusions derived could be summarized as follows. There is a definite proportion for various ingredients to achieve maximum strength properties. Geopolymer concrete with total aggregate content of 70% by volume, ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate of 0.35, NaOH molarity 10, Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio of 2.5 and alkali to fly ash ratio of 0.55 gave maximum compressive strength in the present study. An early strength development in geopolymer concrete could be achieved by the proper selection of curing temperature and the period of curing. With 24 hours of curing at 100 °C, 96.4% of the 28th day cube compressive strength could be achieved in 7 days in the present study. The interface shear strength of geopolymer concrete is lower to that of OPC concrete. Compared to OPC concrete, a reduction in the interface shear strength by 33% and 29% was observed for unreinforced and reinforced geopolymer specimens respectively. The interface shear strength of geopolymer concrete is lower than ordinary Portland cement concrete. The interface shear strength of geopolymer concrete can be approximately estimated as 50% of the value obtained based on the available equations for the calculation of interface shear strength of ordinary portland cement concrete (method used in Mattock and ACI). Fly ash based geopolymer concrete undergoes a high rate of strength loss (compressive strength, tensile strength and modulus of elasticity) during its early heating period (up to 200 °C) compared to OPC concrete. At a temperature exposure beyond 600 °C, the unreacted crystalline materials in geopolymer concrete get transformed into amorphous state and undergo polymerization. As a result, there is no further strength loss (compressive strength, tensile strength and modulus of elasticity) in geopolymer concrete, whereas, OPC concrete continues to lose its strength properties at a faster rate beyond a temperature exposure of 600 °C. At present no equation is available to predict the strength properties of geopolymer concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures. Based on the study carried out, new equations have been proposed to predict the residual strengths (cube compressive strength, split tensile strength and modulus of elasticity) of geopolymer concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures (upto 800 °C). These equations could be used for material modelling until better refined equations are available. Compared to OPC concrete, geopolymer concrete shows better resistance against surface cracking when exposed to elevated temperatures. In the present study, while OPC concrete started developing cracks at 400 °C, geopolymer concrete did not show any visible cracks up to 600 °C and developed only minor cracks at an exposure temperatureof 800 °C. Geopolymer concrete beams develop crack at an early load stages if they are exposed to elevated temperatures. Even though the material strength of the geopolymer concrete does not decrease beyond 600 °C, the flexural strength of corresponding beam reduces rapidly after 600 °C temperature exposure, primarily due to the rapid loss of the strength of steel. With increase in temperature, the curvature at yield point of geopolymer concrete beam increases and thereby the ductility reduces. In the present study, compared to the ductility at ambient temperature, the ductility of geopolymer concrete beams reduces by 63.8% at 800 °C temperature exposure. Appropriate equations have been proposed to predict the service load crack width of geopolymer concrete beam exposed to elevated temperatures. These equations could be used to limit the service load on geopolymer concrete beams exposed to elevated temperatures (up to 800 °C) for a predefined crack width (between 0.1mm and 0.3 mm) or vice versa. The moment-curvature relationship of geopolymer concrete beams at ambient temperature is similar to that of RCC beams and this could be predicted using strain compatibility approach Once exposed to an elevated temperature, the strain compatibility approach underestimates the curvature of geopolymer concrete beams between the first cracking and yielding point.


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The work for the present thesis started in California, during my semester as an exchange student overseas. California is known worldwide for its seismicity and its effort in the earthquake engineering research field. For this reason, I immediately found interesting the Structural Dynamics Professor, Maria Q. Feng's proposal, to work on a pushover analysis of the existing Jamboree Road Overcrossing bridge. Concrete is a popular building material in California, and for the most part, it serves its functions well. However, concrete is inherently brittle and performs poorly during earthquakes if not reinforced properly. The San Fernando Earthquake of 1971 dramatically demonstrated this characteristic. Shortly thereafter, code writers revised the design provisions for new concrete buildings so to provide adequate ductility to resist strong ground shaking. There remain, nonetheless, millions of square feet of non-ductile concrete buildings in California. The purpose of this work is to perform a Pushover Analysis and compare the results with those of a Nonlinear Time-History Analysis of an existing bridge, located in Southern California. The analyses have been executed through the software OpenSees, the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation. The bridge Jamboree Road Overcrossing is classified as a Standard Ordinary Bridge. In fact, the JRO is a typical three-span continuous cast-in-place prestressed post-tension box-girder. The total length of the bridge is 366 ft., and the height of the two bents are respectively 26,41 ft. and 28,41 ft.. Both the Pushover Analysis and the Nonlinear Time-History Analysis require the use of a model that takes into account for the nonlinearities of the system. In fact, in order to execute nonlinear analyses of highway bridges it is essential to incorporate an accurate model of the material behavior. It has been observed that, after the occurrence of destructive earthquakes, one of the most damaged elements on highway bridges is a column. To evaluate the performance of bridge columns during seismic events an adequate model of the column must be incorporated. Part of the work of the present thesis is, in fact, dedicated to the modeling of bents. Different types of nonlinear element have been studied and modeled, with emphasis on the plasticity zone length determination and location. Furthermore, different models for concrete and steel materials have been considered, and the selection of the parameters that define the constitutive laws of the different materials have been accurate. The work is structured into four chapters, to follow a brief overview of the content. The first chapter introduces the concepts related to capacity design, as the actual philosophy of seismic design. Furthermore, nonlinear analyses both static, pushover, and dynamic, time-history, are presented. The final paragraph concludes with a short description on how to determine the seismic demand at a specific site, according to the latest design criteria in California. The second chapter deals with the formulation of force-based finite elements and the issues regarding the objectivity of the response in nonlinear field. Both concentrated and distributed plasticity elements are discussed into detail. The third chapter presents the existing structure, the software used OpenSees, and the modeling assumptions and issues. The creation of the nonlinear model represents a central part in this work. Nonlinear material constitutive laws, for concrete and reinforcing steel, are discussed into detail; as well as the different scenarios employed in the columns modeling. Finally, the results of the pushover analysis are presented in chapter four. Capacity curves are examined for the different model scenarios used, and failure modes of concrete and steel are discussed. Capacity curve is converted into capacity spectrum and intersected with the design spectrum. In the last paragraph, the results of nonlinear time-history analyses are compared to those of pushover analysis.


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The development of alkali-activated binders with superior engineering properties and longer durability has emerged as an alternative to ordinary portland cement (OPC). It is possible to use alkali-activated natural pozzolans to prepare environmentally friendly geopolymer cement leading to the concept of sustainable development. This paper presents a summary of an experimental work that was conducted to determine mechanical strength, modulus of elasticity, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and shrinkage of different concrete mixtures prepared with alkali-activated Iranian natural pozzolans—namely Taftan andesite and Shahindej dacite, both with and without calcining. Test data were used for Taftan pozzolan to identify the effects of water-binder ratios (w/b) and curing conditions on the properties of the geopolymer concrete, whereas the influence of material composition was studied by activating Shahindej pozzolan both in the natural and calcined states. The results show that alkali-activated natural pozzolan (AANP) concretes develop moderate-to-high mechanical strength with a high modulus of elasticity and a shrinkage much lower than with OPC.


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One of the important factors in the use of portland cement concrete is its durability, and most of the situations where durability is lacking have been identifi ed and strategies to manage durability have been implemented. Geopolymer concrete, made from an alkali-activated natural pozzolan (AANP), provides an important opportunity for the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with the manufacture of concrete but has a limited history of durability studies. Until its different properties are well understood there is no desire to adopt this new technology of unknown provenance by the concrete industry. This paper presents an experimental study of oxygen and chloride permeability of AANP concrete prepared by activating Taftan andesite and Shahindej dacite (Iranian natural pozzolans), with and without calcining, and the correlations between these properties and compressive strength. The results show that compared to ordinary portland cement (OPC) concrete, AANP concrete has lower oxygen permeability at later ages; but it shows moderate to high chloride ion penetrability.


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In the near future, geopolymers or alkali-activated cementitious materials will be used as new high-performance construction materials of low environmental impact with a reasonable cost. This material is a good candidate to partially replace ordinary portland cement (OPC) in concrete as a major construction material that plays an outstanding role in the construction industry of different structures. Geopolymer materials are inorganic polymers based on alumina and silica units; they are synthesized from a wide range of dehydroxylated alumina-silicate powders condensed with alkaline silicate in a highly alkaline environment. Geopolymeric materials can be produced from a wide range of alumina-silica, including natural products--such as natural pozzolan and metakaolin--or coproducts--such as fly ash (coal and lignite), oil fuel ash, blast furnace or steel slag, and silica fume--and provide a route toward sustainable development. Using lesser amounts of calcium-based raw materials, lower manufacturing temperature, and lower amounts of fuel result in reduced carbon emissions for geopolymer cement manufacture up to 22 to 72% in comparison with portland cement. A study has been done by the authors to investigate the intrinsic nature of different types of Iranian natural pozzolans to determine the activators and methods that could be used to produce a geopolymer concrete based on alkali-activated natural pozzolan (AANP) and optimize mixture design. The mechanical behavior and durability of these types of geopolymer concrete were investigated and compared with normal OPC concrete mixtures cast by the authors and also reported in the literature. This paper summarizes the main conclusions of the research regarding pozzolanic activity, activator properties, engineering and durability properties, applications and evaluation of carbon footprint, and cost for AANP concrete.


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The use of dune sand for replacing ordinary fine aggregate in concrete has environmental benefits and the feasibility has been demonstrated in China and some Middle East countries. However, the use of dune sand tends to decrease the engineering properties (compressive strength and workability) of concrete. To improve engineering properties of dune sand concrete (DSC), the current paper is to check which strength andslump levels can be obtained by optimization of mix proportions. Results show that the ratio of cement to sand (C/S) has significant influence on the engineering properties of DSC. At low C/S ratio, the engineeringproperties of DSC are inferior to those of concretes made with normal sand (NSC). However, when C/S ratio exceeds 0.75, DSC has comparable or even better engineering properties compared to NSC. In the range ofinvestigated C/S ratio, DSC has comparable tensile splitting strength and elastic modulus to its reference NSC.Based on the experimental results, the Australia dune sand can be used as fine aggregate whenever mix proportions are properly controlled.


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The effects of strain rate on compressive and tensile strength of fly ash based geopolymer concrete were investigated experimentally. Four mixes of geopolymer concrete using different alkaline solutions and under vary curing conditions were prepared. One mix of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete was prepared for comparison. Both Quasi-Static tests using standard MTS and dynamic tests using Split-Hopkinson pressures bar (SHPB) were conducted, which were giving varying strain rate loadings from 10‾⁷ to 103 per second. The strain rate effect is presented as the ratio of dynamic compressive strength to static compressive strength (DIF). Results show that DIFs of geopolymer concrete are generally higher than those of OPC concrete at strain range of 187/s to 346/s (compression tests) and 7/s to 13/s (splitting tensile tests), respectively. This tendency is independent on loading regimes (compression or tension). This suggests that geopolymer concrete can be used as an alternative construction material to OPC concrete for the structures which has a high risk of being subjected to impact loadings.


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Significant research advances have been made in the field of carbon nanotube (CNT) reinforced ordinary Portland cement (OPC) paste composites in recent years. However, the distribution of CNTs in fresh OPC paste is yet to be fully researched and quantified, thereby creating a technical barrier to CNT utilization in concrete construction. In this study, fresh OPC paste was treated as a two-phase material containing solid particles (cement grains) and liquid solutions (pore solutions). A centrifugation-based technique was proposed to separate these two phases and the presence of CNTs in each phase was quantified. UV-Vis spectrometry showed that the degree of dispersion can achieve above 90 wt% using polycarboxylate superplasticizer. The results suggested an upper limit of 0.26 wt% for CNT addition into water before mixing with OPC, and the dispersion was found to be stable for at least 4 hours. Based on scanning electron imaging, the adsorption phenomenon of CNTs on OPC grains with size less than 4 μm was discovered. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicated these adsorptive particles have lower Ca to Si ratio. It was observed that about 0.5 mg of CNTs per gram of OPC grains was adsorbed in solid OPC grains in typical fresh OPC pastes. On the basis of these results, a conceptual model was proposed for the distribution of CNTs in fresh OPC paste where about 33 wt% of the CNTs stay in pore solution and 65 wt% of CNTs are adsorbed on OPC grains.


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In this paper, a singularly perturbed ordinary differential equation with non-smooth data is considered. The numerical method is generated by means of a Petrov-Galerkin finite element method with the piecewise-exponential test function and the piecewise-linear trial function. At the discontinuous point of the coefficient, a special technique is used. The method is shown to be first-order accurate and singular perturbation parameter uniform convergence. Finally, numerical results are presented, which are in agreement with theoretical results.


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Bomb attacks carried out by terrorists, targeting high occupancy buildings, have become increasingly common in recent times. Large numbers of casualties and property damage result from overpressure of the blast followed by failing of structural elements. Understanding the blast response of multi-storey buildings and evaluating their remaining life have therefore become important. Response and damage analysis of single structural components, such as columns or slabs, to explosive loads have been examined in the literature, but the studies on blast response and damage analysis of structural frames in multi-storey buildings is limited and this is necessary for assessing the vulnerability of them. This paper investigates the blast response and damage evaluation of reinforced concrete (RC) frames, designed for normal gravity loads, in order to evaluate their remaining life. Numerical modelling and analysis were carried out using the explicit finite element software, LS DYNA. The modelling and analysis takes into consideration reinforcement details together and material performance under higher strain rates. Damage indices for columns are calculated based on their residual and original capacities. Numerical results generated in the can be used to identify relationships between the blast load parameters and the column damage. Damage index curve will provide a simple means for assessing the damage to a typical multi-storey building RC frame under an external bomb circumstance.


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This paper presents a detailed description of the influence of critical parameters that govern the vulnerability of columns under lateral impact loads. Numerical simulations are conducted by using the Finite Element program LS-DYNA, incorporating steel reinforcement, material models and strain rate effects. A simplified method based on impact pulse generated from full scale impact tests is used for impact reconstruction and effects of the various pulse loading parameters are investigated under low to medium velocity impacts. A constitutive material model which can simulate failures under tri-axial state of stresses is used for concrete. Confinement effects are also introduced to the numerical simulation and columns of Grade 30 to 50 concrete under pure axial loading are analysed in detail. This research confirmed that the vulnerability of the axially loaded columns can be mitigated by reducing the slenderness ratio and concrete grade, and by choosing the design option with a minimal amount of longitudinal steel. Additionally, it is evident that approximately a 50% increase in impact capacity can be gained for columns in medium rise buildings by enhancing the confinement effects alone. Results also indicated that the ductility as well as the mode of failure under impact can be changed with the volumetric ratio of lateral steel. Moreover, to increase the impact capacity of the vulnerable columns, a higher confining stress is required. The general provisions of current design codes do not sufficiently cover this aspect and hence this research will provide additional guidelines to overcome the inadequacies of code provisions.