964 resultados para Orchid mature seeds
Stachyose synthase (STS) (EC was purified to homogeneity from mature seeds of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis). Electrophoresis under denaturing conditions revealed a single polypeptide of 90 kD. Size-exclusion chromatography of the purified enzyme yielded two activity peaks with apparent molecular masses of 110 and 283 kD. By isoelectric focusing and chromatofocusing the protein was separated into several active forms with isoelectric point values between pH 4.7 and 5.0. Purified STS catalyzed the transfer of the galactosyl group from galactinol to raffinose and myo-inositol. Additionally, the enzyme catalyzed the galactinol-dependent synthesis of galactosylononitol from d-ononitol. The synthesis of a galactosylcyclitol by STS is a new oberservation. Mutual competitive inhibition was observed when the enzyme was incubated with both substrates (raffinose and ononitol) simultaneously. Galactosylononitol could also substitute for galactinol in the synthesis of stachyose from raffinose. Although galactosylononitol was the less-efficient donor, the Michaelis constant value for raffinose was lower in the presence of galactosylononitol (13.2 mm) compared with that obtained in the presence of galactinol (38.6 mm). Our results indicate that STS catalyzes the biosynthesis of galactosylononitol, but may also mediate a redistribution of galactosyl residues from galactosylononitol to stachyose.
The structure of the fruit and seed in development of Chorisia speciosa are described with the main purpose of clarifying the origin and nature of the hairs that cover the seeds and aiding future taxonomical and ecological studies of the group. The fruit is an ellipsoid loculicide capsule and presents the exocarp formed by 7-10 cells layers, with very thick walls and evident simple pits. A great number of mucilage secretory cavities and ramified vascular bundles, accompanied by fibers, occur in the parenchymatic mesocarp. The endocarp derives from the ventral epidermis of the ovary wall, whose cells undergo a gradual elongation, become lignified, and constitute the trichomes which cover the mature seeds. The fruit aperture occurs by means of a suture evident in the ovarian wall in the middle region of the carpel leaf. Anatropous and bitegmic ovules, provided by a hypostase, give rise to campilotropous and bitegmic seeds. The testa is uniseriate, the exotegmen is completely formed by macrosclereids, and mucilage secretory cavities occur in the mesotegmen. The endotegmen, which is differentiated in the endothelium, is crushed in the mature seed. The plicate embryo, which occupies practically the entire seminal cavity, is found between endosperm layers, both being rich in lipids.
According to the literature, the seeds of Chamaecrista lack pleurograms and have pitted testas aligned in vertical lines. Preliminary observations have revealed that these small structures consist of superficial alterations of the testa that are coloured differently to the rest of the seed coat and stand out as pits. However, no anatomical inspection has yet determined the precise composition of these pits. The present work examined the morphology, surface micromorphology, anatomy, and histochemistry of the seed coat of mature seeds of C. desvauxii var. latistipula, C. flexuosa, and C. nictitans var. patellaria in order to elucidate the structural nature of the seed coat pits. For this, seed coats were studied using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Structural modifications were examined in the seed coats of the studied species, and variations were noted in the mucilaginous layer, in the thickness of the palisade layer, and in the presence of larger hypodermic cells. Based on the anatomical features observed, and comparing these with published data on pleurograms in the Caesalpinioideae, it was determined that the structures referred to previously as tegumental pits on Chamaecrista seeds are actually small and numerous pleurograms, reported here for the first time. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.
T. micrantha (L.) Blume (Ulmaceae), a common pioneer tree species in Brazil, is used in the restoration of degraded areas. The fruits are fleshy and indehiscent, with only one water impermeable seed. During the fruiting period, fruits of different colours are found at the same time on the same branch. This research aimed to correlate fruit colour with other physical indicators of seed maturity and to Verify the effect of temperature regime on seed germination. Collected fruits were separated in to green, green-red and red colour and for each of these maturation stages, size, moisture content and dry matter of both fruits and seeds were determined. Seeds were scarified with sulphuric acid and submitted to a germination test conducted at constant (20 degreesC, 30 degreesC and 40 degreesC) and alternating (20-30 degreesC, 30-40 degreesC and 20-40 degreesC) temperatures for 15 weeks. Seed germination percentage and speed were analysed after five weeks and the fmal percentage of germinated and Viable seeds after 15 weeks. Seed maturity is attained when the fruits are green-red. At this stage, moisture content was about 64% for fruits and 10% for seeds. Alternating temperature was required for seed germination and 20-30 degreesC was the best option. Most seeds had germinated after five weeks, providing mature seeds, acid scarification and alternating temperature were used.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The study of functional morphological traits enables us to know fundamental aspects of the dynamics of plant communities in local and global habitats. Regenerative morphological traits play an important role in defining plant history and ecological behavior. Seed and fruit characteristics determine to a large extent the patterns for dispersal, germination, establishment and seedling recruitment a given species exhibits on its natural habitat. Despite their prominent role, seed and fruit traits have been poorly studied at the community level of woody plant species in neo-tropical dry forests. In the present study we aimed at i) evaluate the functional role of morphological traits of seeds, fruits and embryo in woody plant species; ii) determine which are the morphological patterns present in seeds collected from the community of woody species that occur in neo-tropical dry forests; and iii) compare woody plant species seed mass values comparatively between neo-tropical dry and tropical forests. To do so, mature seeds were collected from 79 plant species that occur in the Tumbesian forest of Southwest Ecuador. The studied species included the 42 and 37 most representative tree and shrubbery species of the Tumbesian forest respectively. A total of 18 morphological traits (seven quantitative and 11 qualitative) were measured and evaluated in the seeds, fruits and embryos of the selected species, and we compared the seeds mass with other forest types. Our results showed a huge heterogeneity among traits values in the studied species. Seed mass, volume and number were the traits that vary the most at the community level, i.e. seed length ranged from 1.3 to 39 mm, and seed width from 0.6 to 25 mm. Only six embryo types were found among the 79 plant species. In 40 % of the cases, fully developed inverted embryos with large and thick cotyledons to store considerable amount of nutrients were recorded. We concluded that highly variable and functionally complementary morphological traits occur among the studied woody plants of the dry Tumbesian forest. The latter favors a plethora of behavioral mechanisms to coexist among woody species of the dry forest in response to the environmental stress that is typical of arid areas.
Carrot (Daucus carota) extracellular protein 3 (EP3) class IV endochitinases were previously identified based on their ability to rescue somatic embryos of the temperature-sensitive cell line ts11. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed that a subset of the morphologically distinguishable cell types in embryogenic and nonembryogenic suspension cultures, including ts11, express EP3 genes. No expression was found in somatic embryos. In carrot plants EP3 genes are expressed in the inner integumentary cells of young fruits and in a specific subset of cells located in the middle of the endosperm of mature seeds. No expression was found in zygotic embryos. These results support the hypothesis that the EP3 endochitinase has a “nursing” function during zygotic embryogenesis and that this function can be mimicked by suspension cells during somatic embryogenesis.
In many plants, osmotic stress induces a rapid accumulation of proline through de novo synthesis from glutamate. This response is thought to play a pivotal role in osmotic stress tolerance [Kishor, P. B. K., Hong, Z., Miao, G.-H., Hu, C.-A. A. and Verma, D. P. S. (1995) Plant Physiol. 108, 1387-1394]. During recovery from osmotic stress, accumulated proline is rapidly oxidized to glutamate and the first step of this process is catalyzed by proline oxidase. We have isolated a full-length cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana, At-POX, which maps to a single locus on chromosome 3 and that encodes a predicted polypeptide of 499 amino acids showing significant similarity with proline oxidase sequences from Drosophila and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (55.5% and 45.1%, respectively). The predicted location of the encoded polypeptide is the inner mitochondrial membrane. RNA gel blot analysis revealed that At-POX mRNA levels declined rapidly upon osmotic stress and this decline preceded proline accumulation. On the other hand, At-POX mRNA levels rapidly increased during recovery. Free proline, exogenously added to plants, was found to be an effective inducer of At-POX expression; indeed, At-POX was highly expressed in flowers and mature seeds where the proline level is higher relative to other organs of Arabidopsis. Our results indicate that stress- and developmentally derived signals interact to determine proline homeostasis in Arabidopsis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effect of sheep digestion and mastication on Malva parviflora L. seed transmission, viability and germination was investigated. Mature M. parviflora seeds were subjected to 2 seed treatments: 'scarified', where the hard seed coat was manually cut to allow inhibition, and 'unscarified', where the hard seed coat was not cut. Seeds were placed directly into the rumen of fistulated sheep and removed at 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h of rumen digestion. After 12 h of in sacco exposure to digestion in the rumen, the germination of seeds that were initially scarified dropped from 99.2 to 1.4% and longer exposure periods produced no germinable seeds. In contrast, seeds that were unscarified when placed in the rumen produced over 92% germination regardless of in sacco digestion time, although manual scarification after retrieval was essential to elicit germination. In a second experiment, unscarified seeds (29000) were fed in a single meal to fistulated sheep and feces were collected at regular intervals between 6 and 120 h after feeding. Fecal subsamples were taken to determine number of seeds excreted, seed germination on agar and seed germination from feces. Major seed excretion in the feces commenced after 12 h and continued until 144 h, with peaks between 36 and 72 h after consumption. Although mastication and gut passage killed the majority of unscarified seeds, about 20% were recovered intact and over 90% of these recovered seeds were viable and could, thus, potentially form an extensive seed bank. A few excreted seeds (1%) were able to germinate directly from feces, which increased to a maximum of 10% after subsequent dry summer storage (3 months). Through information gained in this study, there is a potential to utilise livestock in an integrated weed management program for the control of M. parviflora, provided additional measures of weed control are in place such as holding periods (> 7 days) for movement of livestock from weed infested areas.
Senna occidentalis is a weed toxic to different animal species. Very little is known about the effects of prolonged exposure to low doses of S. occidentalis on developmental toxicology. Thus, the present study proposes an approach to evaluate the perinatal toxicity of S. occidentalis seeds in goats. Twenty-one pregnant goats were fed rations containing 0% (control), 1% (Sol group), 2% (So2 group) and 4% (So4 group) mature S. occidentalis seeds from pregnancy detection on day 27 after mating until parturition; weight gains and serum biochemistry were evaluated. Fetuses were evaluated using ultrasonographic measurements; neonates were evaluated by body morphometry, weight gains, and serum biochemistry. Fetal resorption occurred in 2 So4 dams and one dam died. Only a few minor alterations in serum biochemistry occurred in dams and kids; even so one So4 group dam had tissue lesions as vacuolations in hepatocytes and kidneys; necrosis in skeletal and cardiac muscles and for the first time lesions were observed in sciatic nerve cells. No relevant alterations in body morphometry were observed. This study suggests that 4% S. occidentalis seeds is toxic for pregnant goats, but levels of seeds less than 4% have little impact on fetal and post birth body development. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to assess the desiccation tolerance and DNA integrity in Eugenia pleurantha seeds dehydrated to different moisture contents (MCs). Seeds extracted from mature fruits were submmited to drying in silica gel and evaluated at every five percentual points of decrease from the initial MC (35.5%, fresh weight basis). The effects of dehydration on seeds were verified through germination tests and DNA integrity assessment. Undried seeds achieved 87% germination, value reduced to 36% after being dried to 9.8% MC. When dried slightly more, to 7.4% MC, seeds were no longer able to germinate, suggesting an intermediate behavior in relation to desiccation tolerance. It was observed DNA degradation in seeds with 7.4% MC, which might have contributed to the loss of seed germination.
The aim of this study was to assess the desiccation tolerance and DNA integrity in Eugenia pleurantha seeds dehydrated to different moisture contents (MCs). Seeds extracted from mature fruits were dried in silica gel and evaluated at every five percentual points of decrease from the initial MC (35.5%, fresh weight basis). The effects of dehydration on seeds were verified through germination tests and DNA integrity assessment. Undried seeds achieved 87% germination, value reduced to 36% after being dried to 9.8% MC. When dried slightly more, to 7.4% MC, seeds were no longer able to germinate, suggesting an intermediate behavior in relation to desiccation tolerance. DNA degradation was observed in seeds with 7.4% MC, which might have contributed to the loss of seed germination.
Storage of 'Swingle' citrumelo seeds in different maturation stages subjected to fungicide treatment
The establishment of citrus orchards with rootstocks from seed with a low physiological quality has been a recurring problem. Low quality seeds directly affect both the final stand and the time required for seedling production. The irregular maturation of fruits, seed recalcitrance, and the high incidence of fungi, make long term storage difficult, even at low temperatures. This study evaluated the storage potential and the use of fungicide treatments on 'Swingle' citrumelo seeds extracted from fruits collected at two maturation stages, green or ripe. The seeds were subjected to a thermal treatment, treated with Derosal, Thiram or Tecto+Captan fungicides, packaged in impermeable polyethylene bags and stored in a cold chamber for nine months. Every three months, the physiological and sanitary qualities of the seeds were evaluated from germination and sanitary tests and also from enzyme profiles. Seeds from green fruits deteriorated less than those from mature fruits; deterioration increased up to nine months of storage; treatment with the Tecto+Captan mixture gave effective pathogen control and maintained seed quality during storage. The germination of the green and ripe seeds is satisfactory (70%) after three months storage.