990 resultados para Orbiting astronomical observatories
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory. Original image in color
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory. Image derived from painting of Detroit Observatory by J. A. Cropsey. Color negs: 1479 and 148. On verso: R.D. Palmer, Photographer and Portrait Painter, Huron Street, East of Cook's Hotel. Ann Arbor, Mich.
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory. Observatory from northwest with pine trees and summer garden. On verso: A.L. Colton, Photographer, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Views of the State University a Specialty.
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory.
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory. Stereoscopic photograph showing the 1868 director's residence addition. James C. Watson (wearing top hat) is seen with a telescope on a tripod; his wife, Annette, is standing at the porch. (Source: A Creation of His Own: Tappan's Detroit Observatory by Patricia S. Whitesell) On verso: Views at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory. On verso: The razing of the 1908 wing of the Detroit Observatory on East Ann St. provided a fascinating spectacle for some sidewalk observers a few weeks ago... Published: University Record, July 6, 1976, cover
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory.
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory.
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory.
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory. On verso: Photographed in 1887 by Colton of '89
On verso: University of Michigan News Service; Ann Arbor, Michigan
The Students' Observatory was erected in 1878. It was located to the south of the Detroit Observatory.
The Students' Observatory was erected in 1878. It was located to the south of the Detroit Observatory. Handwritten on verso: Building which housed transit instrument and other instruments which are now in the Angell Hall Domes. On verso: [by A.L. Colton]
The Students' Observatory was erected in 1878. It was located to the south of the Detroit Observatory. On verso: J.M.S. March 31, 1888. In another hand: John Martin Schaeberle. Acting Director of Observatory