999 resultados para Orb-web spiders


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Orbiculariae consists of two major clades: the cribellate Deinopidea and the much more diverse ecribellate Araneoidea. It has been hypothesized that the higher diversity of Araneoidea is a consequence of the superiority of the viscid orb web. However, this explanation seems incomplete: for example, cribellate silk may perform better than viscid silk in some contexts. Here, we consider the hypothesis that the diversification of Araneoidea was facilitated by changes in microhabitat occupation behavior due to the cheaper viscid orb web. In the present work we investigate the idea that the reduction in site tenacity caused by the emergence of the viscid orb web has led to an increase in the exploration of different resources and to a greater diversification of the Arancoidea through the evolutionary time. To test this idea, we evaluated the response of one cribellate orb web spider (Zosis geniculata Olivier 1789, Uloboridae) and one ecribellate orb web spider (Metazygia rogenhoferi Keyserling 1878, Arancidae) to abrupt prey absence. The changes in site tenacity and the day-to-day investment in web silk were evaluated. Spiders with three-dimensional webs tend to exhibit greater site tenacity than spiders making orb webs. Zosis geniculata and M. rogenhoferi show similar site tenacity when prey is ample. When prey is unavailable, the tenacity of the cribellate species increases while the tenacity of the ecribellate remains unchanged, and the silk investment of both species decreases. However, this decrease in silk investment is more extensive in Z. geniculata. These results coincide with the idea that a less costly ecribellate orb web leads to a lower tenacity and suggest that more frequent microhabitat abandonment in a context of insect radiation (Neiptera) leads to more diverse and opportunistic exploration of microhabitats that, in the long term, may be one explanation for the greater Araneoidea diversification.


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Orb-weaving spiders (Araneidae) are commonly regarded as generalist insect predators but resources provided by plants such as pollen may be an important dietary supplementation. Their webs snare insect prey, but can also trap aerial plankton like pollen and fungal spores. When recycling their orb webs, the spiders may therefore also feed on adhering pollen grains or fungal spores via extraoral digestion. In this study we measured stable isotope ratios in the bodies of two araneid species (Aculepeira ceropegia and Araneus diadematus), their potential prey and pollen to determine the relative contribution of pollen to their diet. We found that about 25% of juvenile orb-weaving spiders’ diet consisted of pollen, the other 75% of flying insects, mainly small dipterans and hymenopterans. The pollen grains in our study were too large to be taken up accidentally by the spiders and had first to be digested extraorally by enzymes in an active act of consumption. Therefore, pollen can be seen as a substantial component of the spiders’ diet. This finding suggests that these spiders need to be classified as omnivores rather than pure carnivores.


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The mechanical behavior and microstructure of minor ampullate gland silk (miS) of two orb-web spinning species, Argiope trifasciata and Nephila inaurata, were extensively characterized, enabling detailed comparison with other silks. The similarities and differences exhibited by miS when compared with the intensively studied major ampullate gland silk (MAS) and silkworm (Bombyx mori) silk offer a genuine opportunity for testing some of the hypotheses proposed to correlate microstructure and tensile properties in silk. In this work, we show that miSs of different species show similar properties, even when fibers spun by spiders that diverged over 100 million years are compared. The tensile properties of miS are comparable to those of MAS when tested in air, significantly in terms of work to fracture, but differ considerably when tested in water. In particular, miS does not show a supercontraction effect and an associated ground state. In this regard, the behavior of miS in water is similar to that of B. mori silk, and it is shown that the initial elastic modulus of both fibers can be explained using a common model. Intriguingly, the microstructural parameters measured in miS are comparable to those of MAS and considerably different from those found in B. mori. This fact suggests that some critical microstructural information is still missing in our description of silks, and our results suggest that the hydrophilicity of the lateral groups or the large scale organization of the sequences might be routes worth exploring.


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Major ampullate silk fibers of orb web-weaving spiders have impressive mechanical properties due to the fact that the underlying proteins partially fold into helical/amorphous structures, yielding relatively elastic matrices that are toughened by anisotropic nanoparticulate inclusions (formed from stacks of beta-sheets of the same proteins). In vivo the transition from soluble protein to solid fibers involves a combination of chemical and mechanical stimuli (such as ion exchange, extraction of water and shear forces). Here we elucidate the effects of such stimuli on the in vitro aggregation of engineered and recombinantly produced major ampullate silk-like proteins (focusing on structure-function relationships with respect to their primary structures), and discuss their relevance to the storage and assembly of spider silk proteins in vivo. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Venom glands are alreadypresent in theoldes t spider group, the Mesothelae. Theglands lie in the anterior portion of the cheliceral basal segment but are very small, and it is doubtful how much the venom contributes to the predatory success. In mygalomorph spiders, the well-developed venom glands are still in the basal segment of the chelicerae and produce powerful venom that is injected via the cheliceral fangs into a victim. In all other spiders (Araneomorphae), the venom glands have become much larger and reach into the prosoma where they can take up a considerable proportion of this body part. Only a few spiders have reduced their venom glands, either partially or completely (Uloboridae, Holarchaeidae and Symphytognathidae are usually mentioned) or modified them significantly (Scytodidae, see Suter and Stratton 2013). As well as using venom, spiders may also use their chelicerae to overwhelm an item of prey. It is primarily a question of size whether a spider chews up small arthropods without applying venom or if it injects venom first. Very small and/or defenceless arthropods are picked up and crashed with the chelicerae, while larger, dangerous or well-defended items are carefully approached and only attacked with venom injection. Some spiders specialize on prey groups, such as noctuid moths (several genera of bola spiders among Araneidae), web spiders (Mimetidae), ants (Zodarion species in Zodariidae, aphantochiline thomisids, several genera among Theridiidae, Salticidae, Clubionidae and Gnaphosidae) or termites (Ammoxenidae). However, these more or less monophagous species amount only to roughly 2 % of all known spider species, while 98 % are polyphagous. From these considerations, it follows that the majority of spider venoms are not tailored to any given invertebrate or insect group but are rather unspecialized to be effective over a broad spectrum of prey types that spiders naturally encounter.


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El presente proyecto de fin de grado es uno de los resultados generados en un proyecto de financiación privada por parte de Telefónica consistente en el desarrollo y posterior implantación de un sistema para minería de datos de empresas presentes en Internet. Este TFG surge a partir de un proyecto que el grupo de investigación AICU-LABS (Mercator) de la UPM ha desarrollado para Telefónica, y tiene como elemento principal el desarrollo de Agentes web (también llamados robots software, “softbots” o “crawlers”) capaces de obtener datos de empresas a partir de sus CIF a través de internet. El listado de empresas nos los proporciona Telefónica, y está compuesto por empresas que no son clientes de Telefónica en la actualidad. Nuestra misión es proporcionarles los datos necesarios (principalmente teléfono, correo electrónico y dirección de la empresa) para la creación de una base de datos de potenciales clientes. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea, se ha realizado una aplicación que, a partir de los CIF que nos proporcionan, busque información en internet y extraiga aquella que nos interese. Además se han desarrollado sistemas de validación de datos para ayudarnos a descartar datos no válidos y clasificar los datos según su calidad para así maximizar la calidad de los datos producidos por el robot. La búsqueda de datos se hará tanto en bases de datos online como, en caso de localizarlas, las propias páginas web de las empresas. ABSTRACT This Final Degree Project is one of the results obtained from a project funded by Telefónica. This project consists on the development and subsequent implantation of a system which performs data mining on companies operating on the Internet. This document arises from a project the research group AICU-LABS (Mercator) from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has developed for Telefónica. The main goal of this project is the creation of web agents (also known as “crawlers” or “web spiders”) able to obtain data from businesses through the Internet, knowing only their VAT identification number. The list of companies is given by Telefónica, and it is composed by companies that are not Telefónica’s customers today. Our mission is to provide the data required (mainly phone, email and address of the company) to create a database of potential customers. To perform this task, we’ve developed an application that, starting with the given VAT numbers, searches the web for information and extracts the data sought. In addition, we have developed data validation systems, that are capable of discarding low quality data and also sorting the data according to their quality, to maximize the quality of the results produced by the robot. We’ll use both the companies’ websites and external databases as our sources of information.


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This project identified a novel family of six 66-68 residue peptides from the venom of two Australian funnel-web spiders, Hadronyche sp. 20 and H. infensa: Orchid Beach (Hexathelidae: Atracinae), that appear to undergo N- and/or C-terminal post-translational modifications and conform to an ancestral protein fold. These peptides all show significant amino acid sequence homology to atracotoxin-Hvf17 (ACTX-Hvf17), a non-toxic peptide isolated from the venom of H. versuta, and a variety of AVIT family proteins including mamba intestinal toxin 1 (MIT1) and its mammalian and piscine orthologs prokineticin 1 (PK1) and prokineticin 2 PK2). These AVIT family proteins target prokineticin receptors involved in the sensitization of nociceptors and gastrointestinal smooth muscle activation. Given their sequence homology to MITI, we have named these spider venom peptides the MIT-like atracotoxin (ACTX) family. Using isolated rat stomach fundus or guinea-pia ileum organ bath preparations we have shown that the prototypical ACTX-Hvf17, at concentrations up to 1 mu M, did not stimulate smooth muscle contractility, nor did it inhibit contractions induced by human PK1 (hPK1). The peptide also lacked activity on other isolated smooth muscle preparations including rat aorta. Furthermore, a FLIPR Ca2+ flux assay using HEK293 cells expressing prokineticin receptors showed that ACTX-Hvf17 fails to activate or block hPK1 or hPK2 receptors. Therefore, while the MIT-like ACTX family appears to adopt the ancestral disulfide-directed beta-hairpin protein fold of MIT1, a motif believed to be shared by other AVIT family peptides, variations in the amino acid sequence and surface charge result in a loss of activity on prokineticin receptors. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The orb-weaving spider Nephila edulis incorporates into its web a band of decaying animal and plant matter. While earlier studies demonstrate that larger spiders utilise these debris bands as caches of food, the presence of plant matter suggests additional functions. When organic and plastic items were placed in the webs of N. edulis, some of the former but none of the latter were incorporated into the debris band. Using an Y-maze olfactometer, we show that sheep blowflies Lucilia cuprina are attracted to recently collected debris bands, but that this attraction does not persist over time. These data reveal an entirely novel foraging strategy, in which a sit-and-wait predator attracts insect prey by utilising the odours of decaying organic material. The spider's habit of replenishing the debris band may be necessary to maintain its efficacy for attracting prey.


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The capture web of N. clavipes presents viscous droplets, which play important roles in web mechanics and prey capture. By using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, it was demonstrated that the web droplets are constituted of different chemical environments, provided by the existence both of an aqueous and a lipid layer, which, in turn, present a suspension of tenths of vesicles containing polypeptides and/or tipids. GC/EI-MS Analysis of the contents of these vesicles led to the identification of some saturated fatty acids, such as decanoic acid, undecanoic acid, dodecanoic acid, tetradecanoic acid, octadecanoic acid, and icosanoic acid, while other components were unsaturated fatty acids, such as (Z)-tetradec-9-enoic acid, (Z)-octadec-9-enoic acid, and (Z)-icosa-11-enoic acid; and polyunsaturated fatty acids like (9Z,12Z)-octadeca-9,12-dienoic acid, (9Z,12Z,15Z)-octadeca-9,12,15-trienoic acid, and (11Z,14Z)-icosa-11,14-dienoic acid. Toxic proteins such as calcium-activated proteinase and metalloproteinase jararhagin-like precursor were also identified by using a proteomic approach, indicating the possible involvement of these enzymes in the pre-digestion of spiders' preys web-captured. Apparently, the mixture of fatty acids are relatively toxic to insects by topical application (LD50 64.3 +/- 7.6 ng mg(-1) honeybee), while the proteins alone present no topical effect; however, when injected into the prey-insects, these proteins presented a moderate toxicity (LD50 40.3 +/- 4.8 ng mg(-1) honeybee); the mixture of fatty acids and proteins is very toxic to the preys captured by the web droplets of the viscid spiral of Nephila clavipes when topically applied on them (LD50 14.3 +/- 1.8ng mg(-1) honeybee).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Spiders are the most important terrestrial predators among arthropods. Their ecological success is reflected by a high biodiversity and the conquest of nearly every terrestrial habitat. Spiders are closely associated with silk, a material, often seen to be responsible for their great ecological success and gaining high attention in life sciences. However, it is often overlooked that more than half of all Recent spider species have abandoned web building or never developed such an adaptation. These species must have found other, more economic solutions for prey capture and retention, compensating the higher energy costs of increased locomotion activity. Here we show that hairy adhesive pads (scopulae) are closely associated with the convergent evolution of a vagrant life style, resulting in highly diversified lineages of at least, equal importance as the derived web building taxa. Previous studies often highlighted the idea that scopulae have the primary function of assisting locomotion, neglecting the fact that only the distal most pads (claw tufts) are suitable for those purposes. The former observations, that scopulae are used in prey capture, are largely overlooked. Our results suggest the scopulae evolved as a substitute for silk in controlling prey and that the claw tufts are, in most cases, a secondary development. Evolutionary trends towards specialized claw tufts and their composition from a low number of enlarged setae to a dense array of slender ones, as well as the secondary loss of those pads are discussed further. Hypotheses about the origin of the adhesive setae and their diversification throughout evolution are provided.


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Purpose – The article aims to review a university course, offered to students in both Australia and Germany, to encourage them to learn about designing, implementing, marketing and evaluating information programs and services in order to build active and engaged communities. The concepts and processes of Web 2.0 technologies come together in the learning activities, with students establishing their own personal learning networks (PLNs). Design/methodology/approach – The case study examines the principles of learning and teaching that underpin the course and presents the students' own experiences of the challenges they faced as they explored the interactive, participative and collaborative dimensions of the web. Findings – The online format of the course and the philosophy of learning through play provided students with a safe and supportive environment for them to move outside of their comfort zones, to be creative, to experiment and to develop their professional personas. Reflection on learning was a key component that stressed the value of reflective practice in assisting library and information science (LIS) professionals to adapt confidently to the rapidly changing work environment. Originality/value – This study provides insights into the opportunities for LIS courses to work across geographical boundaries, to allow students to critically appraise library practice in different contexts and to become active participants in wider professional networks.


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A first case of subsociality is reported for the genus Latrodectus. Individuals were found sharing the same web and feeding together. In captivity they showed mutual tolerance and communal feeding. This finding is remarkable for two reasons. First, widow spiders, even compared with other spiders, are famously aggressive and cannibalistic so that social behavior in the genus was unexpected. Second, the genus nests outside the ""Anelosimus + lost colulus"" clade where all the other social theridiids are found.


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Spiders are considered conservative with regard to their resting metabolic rate, presenting the same allometric relation with body mass as the majority of land-arthropods. Nevertheless, web-building is thought to have a great impact on the energetic metabolism, and any modification that affects this complex behavior is expected to have an impact over the daily energetic budget. We analyzed the possibility of the presence of the cribellum having an effect on the allometric relation between resting metabolic rate and body mass for an ecribellate species (Zosis geniculata) and a cribellate one (Metazygia rogenhoferi), and employed a model selection approach to test if these species had the same allometric relationship as other land-arthropods. Our results show that M. rogenhoferi has a higher resting metabolic rate, while Z. geniculata fitted the allometric prediction for land arthropods. This indicates that the absence of the cribellum is associated with a higher resting metabolic rate, thus explaining the higher promptness to activity found for the ecribellate species. If our result proves to be a general rule among spiders, the radiation of Araneoidea could be connected to a more energy-consuming life style. Thus, we briefly outline an alternative model of diversification of Araneoidea that accounts for this possibility. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.