983 resultados para Oral care


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Background: Cross-sectional studies have demonstrated that a specific polymorphism (allele 2 of both IL-1A +4845 and IL-1B +3954) in the IL-1 gene cluster has been associated with an increased susceptibility to severe periodontal disease and to an increased bleeding tendency during periodontal maintenance. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between IL-1 genotype and periodontitis in a prospective longitudinal study in an adult population of essentially European heritage. Methods: From an ongoing study of the Oral Care Research Programme of The University of Queensland, 295 subjects consented to genotyping for IL-1 allele 2 polymorphisms. Probing depths and relative attachment levels were recorded at baseline, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months using the Florida probe. Periodontitis progression at a given site was defined as attachment loss greater than or equal to2 mm at any observation period during the 5 years of the study and the extent of disease progression determined by the number of sites showing attachment loss. Porphyromonas gingivalis, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Prevotella intermedia were detected using ELISA. Results: 38.9% of the subjects were positive for the composite IL-1 genotype. A relationship between the IL-1 positive genotype and increased mean probing pocket depth in non-smokers greater than 50 years of age was found. Further, IL-1 genotype positive smokers and genotype positive subjects with P. gingivalis in their plaque had an increase in the number of probing depths greater than or equal to3.5 mm, There was a consistent trend for IL-1 genotype positive subjects to experience attachment loss when compared with IL-1 genotype negative subjects. Conclusion: The results of this study have shown an interaction of the IL-1 positive genotype with age, smoking and P. gingivalis which suggests that IL-1 genotype is a contributory but non-essential risk factor for periodontal disease progression in this population.


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A beautiful smile is directly related with white teeth. Nowadays oral care has increased and developed processes for beautiful smiles. Dental bleaching is frequently used in odontology, not just for health care also for aesthetic treatment. With the possibility of teeth bleaching, now the importance is in, how white the tooth is? Because color is relate to an individual perception. In order to assets teeth correct color identification has been developed many color guides, models, spaces and analytical methods. Spite all of these useful tools the color interpretation depends on environmental factors, position of the sample in the data acquisition and most importantly the instrument sensitivity. The commons methods have proved to be useful. They are easy to handle, some are portable but they do not have a high sensitivity. The present work is based on the integration of a new analytical technique for color acquisition. High spectral Image (HSI) is able to performed image analysis with high quality and efficiency. HSI is used in many fields and we used it for color image analysis within the bleaching process. The main comparison was done with the HSI and the colorimeter through the processes of two different bleaching protocols. The results showed that HSI has higher sensitivity than the colorimeter. During the analysis the dental surface with the HSI we were able to notice surface changes. These changes were analyzed by roughness studies.


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La maladie rénale peut se manifester avec différents types de pathologies buccales pouvant augmenter les risques de bactériémie. Bien que l’endocardite infectieuse soit une condition rare chez les patients atteints de maladie rénale, elle peut toutefois être retrouvée suite à des infections nosocomiales. Dans le passé, une antibiothérapie prophylactique était prescrite aux patients hémodialysés pour les protéger de l’endocardite infectieuse et de l’infection de l’accès d’hémodialyse. Aujourd’hui, cette recommandation est révolue. Afin de contrer les risques de bactériémie transitoire, une attention particulière doit être apportée aux soins d’hygiène orale à la maison. Le but de l’étude est d’évaluer l’efficacité de deux méthodes d’enseignement d’hygiène orale chez les patients atteints de maladie rénale. Objectifs de recherche Les trois objectifs de recherche sont a) d’évaluer les connaissances des parents de patients atteints de maladies rénales sur l’endocardite infectieuse et le lien avec la santé buccodentaire; b) d’évaluer la perception des parents par rapport à la santé buccodentaire de leur enfant et leurs habitudes d’hygiène orale; et c) de comparer l’influence de deux méthodes d’hygiène orale sur l’indice de plaque chez les enfants atteints de maladies rénales. Hypothèses Les deux hypothèses de recherche sont que a) les parents d’enfants atteints de maladies rénales connaissent et adhèrent aux recommandations émises par l’American Heart Association; et que b) l’amélioration de l’indice de plaque chez les patients atteints de maladies rénales est plus grande pour le groupe recevant des instructions par le matériel audiovisuel par rapport à ceux qui les reçoivent par le néphrologue. Méthodologie Suite à l’obtention d’un certificat d’éthique à la recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, 37 des 38 sujets recrutés âgés entre 6 et 16 ans (19 filles et 18 garçons) ont participé à cette étude transversale. Suite à la signature d’un consentement éclairé, les sujets sont assignés par randomisation à l’un des deux groupes d’instructions d’hygiène orale, soit celui sans instructions spécifiques (groupe 1) ou par matériel audiovisuel (groupe 2). Un questionnaire portant sur les connaissances des parents en rapport avec la santé buccodentaire est remis aux parents. Un indice de plaque initial est noté avant l’application des instructions d’hygiène orale reçues. Un indice de plaque final mis en évidence à l’aide de pastilles révélatrices est documenté avec des photographies intra-orales et mesuré par deux observateurs, testés pour la fiabilité intra et inter-observateurs. Résultats Les analyses statistiques ne démontrent aucune différence significative entre les deux groupes d’instructions d’hygiène orale. Les variables à l’étude (âge, sexe, suivi dentaire, fréquence des soins à la maison, connaissances et motivation) ne montrent aucune influence significative sur la qualité de l’hygiène orale des sujets. Seul l’indice de plaque initial est inversement relié à la perception des parents face à la santé buccodentaire de leur enfant : plus le relevé de plaque est bas, plus la santé buccodentaire est perçue comme bonne. Conclusion Selon les résultats de notre étude, il n’existe pas de différence statistiquement significative entre les deux méthodes d’instructions d’hygiène orale. Néanmoins, les deux techniques permettent de diminuer significativement l’indice de plaque chez les enfants atteints de maladies rénales et de conscientiser cette population à l’importance du maintien d’une bonne santé buccodentaire.


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Utgångspunkten för denna litteraturstudie är att ventilatorassocierad pneumoni (VAP) går att förebygga. Syftet med detta arbete var att kartlägga olika evidensbaserade munvårdsmetoder som används av intensivvårdssjuksköterskor för att förebygga VAP hos ventilatorbehandlade patienter. Syftet var också att belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar intensivvårdssjuksköterskans utförande av evidensbaserad munvård till ventilatorbehandlade patienter. Studien utfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Till resultatet användes 16 vetenskapliga artiklar. För att kunna bedöma artiklarnas vetenskapliga kvalitet granskades artiklarna utifrån en modifierad granskningsmall. Samtliga artiklar fick höga kvalitetspoäng, vilket innebär hög vetenskaplig relevans. Resultatet av litteraturstudien visar att i flera av de evidensbaserade munvårdsprotokoll som publicerats den senaste tiden finns några återkommande punkter. Dessa punkter är; bedömning av munhålans status, tandborstning med barntandborste, munsköljmedel och att munnen fuktas med ett intervall av två till sex timmar. Flera faktorer påverkar intensivvårdssjuksköterskans utförande av evidensbaserad munvård. Genom att införa ett evidensbaserat munvårdsprotokoll för ventilatorbehandlade intensivvårdspatienter och ge personalen utbildning i munvård kan incidensen av VAP minska. Resultatet visar också att generellt sett är kunskapsnivån låg hos intensivvårdssjuksköterskor gällande förebyggande åtgärder för att förhindra VAP. Om sjuksköterskan anser att hon/han har tid att utföra munvård blir resultatet av högre kvalitet och hon/han upplever också åtgärden som mindre obehaglig. Detta innebär att försök att förbättra omvårdnaden och därmed minska antalet vårdrelaterade infektioner även är en organisatorisk fråga.


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Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva uppfattningen hos sjuksköterskor med tjänst på särskilda boenden gällande deras arbete med tillämpningen av munhälsobedömningar och deras uppfattning om hur munvård utförs. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ deskriptiv design. Data samlades in hjälp av intervjuer med sjuksköterskor (n= 6).  Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys och fyra olika teman identifierades: Sjuksköterskors uppfattning om munvård, sjuksköterskors uppfattning om munhälsobedömning, sjuksköterskors uppfattning om munvår och munhälsobedömning i samband med palliativ vård samt sjuksköterskor uppfattning om samarbete med folktandvården. Resultat: Resultatet visade sjuksköterskorna uppfattade att munhälsobedömningar sällan utförs av sjuksköterskorna. Dock ansåg de att munhälsobedömning och munvård utförs regelbundet av såväl sjuksköterskor samt omvårdnadspersonal när vårdtagarna befinner sig i livets slutskede. De eftersöker instruktioner och utbildning av munhälsobedömning enligt ROAG innan detta införs i verksamheten. Munhälsobedömning har utförts av folktandvården en gång om året och de har även kommit till boendena om det finns problem med någon vårdtagares munhälsa. Folktandvården är ansvarig för att skriva vårdtagarnas munvårdskort som är ett stöd för vårdpersonalen vid utförande av daglig munvård. Resultatet har även visat att daglig munvård utförs av undersköterskor och vårdbiträden. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att munhälsobedömning utförs bristfälligt av sjuksköterskor i den kommunala äldreomsorgen. Vidare anser de tillfrågade sjuksköterskorna att utbildning i munhälsobedömningsinstrumentet ROAG är nödvändig innan införandet.


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Bakgrund: Munvård av god kvalitet är av stor betydelse för en frisk munhåla och därmed ökat välbefinnande. Kognitiva nedsättningar hos personer med demenssjukdom försvårar deras förståelse för munvård och därmed deras förmåga att samarbeta med omvårdnadspersonalen. Utförandet av munvård hos personer med demenssjukdom kan därför leda till situationer som omvårdnadspersonalen upplever som hinder för själva utförandet av munvård. Syfte: Att tydliggöra faktorer som omvårdnadspersonalen upplever som hinder, samt på vilket sätt omvårdnadspersonalen bemästrar dessa hinder vid utförandet av munvård för personer med demenssjukdom. Metod: En empirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats, där åtta omvårdnadspersonal intervjuades i två fokusgrupper. Informanterna bestod av både undersköterskor och vårdbiträden i respektive grupp. Analysen genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra teman och tio undergrupper. Brist på kunskap och stöd, samt omvårdnadspersonalens upplevelser av olika känslor i samband med utförandet av munvård framstod som hinder i utförandet av munvård. För att bemästra dessa hinder använde sig omvårdnadspersonalen av både personliga och gemensamma strategier. Konklusion: Omvårdnadspersonal som utför munvård hos personer med demenssjukdom ansvarar för en svår arbetsuppgift. Brist på kunskap och stöd, kan utgöra ett hinder vid utförandet av munvård. Omvårdnadspersonalen är i behov av utökat stöd och utbildning i utförandet, detta för att kunna övervinna hindren och känna trygghet och säkerhet vid utförandet av munvård hos personer med demenssjukdom.


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The assessment of oral health status in elderly patients is essential for the development of specific health policies. The prevalence of oral diseases is high in this population. The self-perception of oral health conditions influences the demand for oral care and quality of life for seniors. The aim of this study was to assess self-perception of oral health status in 100 elderly of both sexes, aged 60 years or older and functionally independent the Basic Health Unit of Felipe Camarão II, Natal, Brazil. For comparison of self-perception data was collected in Bom Pastor, Natal / RN. In this research data were collected a questionnaire grouped into two parts. The first part with the socio-demographic data, subjective and objective condition of oral health and access to the service, the second part GOHAI Index. This index consists of 12 items that make it possible to obtain information involving aspects of chewing, speech, phonation, and self-assessed oral health. The results were subjected to statistical tests of Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test (α = 0.05), to identify possible predictors of self-evaluation. As a result, 69% were female, ages ranged from 60 to 86 years, with a median of 65 years. In relation to marital status 48% were married. For the years of study, the sample had an average of 3 years. For the last visit to the dentist, only 27% of seniors had visited the Dentist for less than a year. Regarding the questions about the presence of gingival and dental problems were answered by 46% and 21% respectively. The data on the perception of your teeth and gums, 44%. The index showed GOHAI value for self-perception of 30 points to Felipe Camarão and 28 points for the Bom Pastor, both considered a low perception. We identified predictors of self-rated number of people in the room, participate in any associational activity, there is problems with your teeth and your gums. Concluded a negative self-perception of oral health condition by Gone in both areas, influenced by socioeconomic and cultural issues, although they realize the importance given to oral health, but by the misfortunes of other prominent favored little valuing of oral health


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Objective: To evaluate the perception of basic attention healthcare users as to the implantation of the Integral Dental Assistance Protocol (PAIO, in Portuguese) and the effect of this program on the oral health condition, oral hygiene, access to and resolubility of the service, in a public basic health unit of João Pessoa-PB. Method: The sample was composed of 32 volunteers, for whom a sixphase intervention was programed: diagnosis of dental needs; resolution of urgencies; restorative interventions; application of promotional measures; evaluation of the health level obtained; and periodic follow-up visits. Data were collected by means of a semistructured interview and a questionnaire, applied before and after PAIO implantation. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed according to the content analysis technique. The effect of PAIO implantation was evaluated by using an increasing scoring system ranging from 1 to 10. The Wilcoxon test was applied with a confidence level of 95%. Results: For the participants that attended the PAIO (n=20), the program contributed to improve oral health condition (100%) and knowledge (100%). The users reported satisfaction (n=12) and had a positive evaluation (n=12), achieved by means of the improvement of oral health condition (n=8), faster and easier access to treatment (n=7), scheduling of dental appoints and warrant of being treated (n=6), welcoming (n=5), motivation for oral care (n=5), and perspective of continuity of PAIO (n=6). The initial evaluation of the users received scores between 5.7 and 7.6. After PAIO implantation, the users' perception was improved (p<0.01), with scores between 9.6 and 9.9. Conclusion: According to the users, the implantation of PAIO contributed to the qualification of health service and oral health care, being a favorable aspect to increase the access to and resolubility of the service.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Patients with neurological disorders have an increased risk of oral and systemic diseases due to compromised oral hygiene. If patients lose the ability to swallow and chew food as a result of their disorder, enteral nutrition is often utilized. However, this type of feeding may modify salivary antioxidant defenses, resulting in increased oxidative damage and the emergence of various diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of enteral nutrition on biochemical parameters in the unstimulated whole saliva composition of patients with neurological disorders. For this, enzymatic (superoxide dismutase - SOD; glutathione peroxidase - GPx) and non-enzymatic (uric acid; ferric ion reducing antioxidant power - FRAP) antioxidant activity, as well as a marker for oxidative damage (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances - TBARS) were analyzed. Unstimulated whole saliva was collected from 12 patients with neurological disorders and tube-feeding (tube-fed group - TFG), 15 patients with neurological disorders and normal feeding via the mouth (non-tube-fed group - NTFG), and 12 volunteers without neurological disorders (control group - CG). The daily oral hygiene procedures of TFG and NTFG patients were similar and dental care was provided monthly by the same institution's dentist. All patients exhibited adequate oral health conditions. The salivary levels of FRAP, uric acid, SOD, GPx, TBARS, and total protein were compared between studied groups. FRAP was increased (p < 0.05) in the NTFG (4651 +/- 192.5 mmol/mL) and the TFG (4743 +/- 116.7 mmol/mL) when compared with the CG (1844 +/- 343.8 mmol/mL). GPx values were lower (p < 0.05) in the NTGF (8.24 +/- 1.09 mmol/min/mg) and the TFG (8.37 +/- 1.60 mmol/min/mg) than in the CG (15.30 +/- 2.61 mmol/min/mg). Uric acid in the TFG (1.57 +/- 0.23 mg/dL) was significantly lower than in the NTFG (2.34 +/- 0.20 mg/dL) and the CG (3.49 +/- 0.21 mg/dL). Protein was significantly lower in the TFG (5.35 +/- 0.27 g/dL) than in the NTFG (7.22 +/- 0.57 g/dL) and the CG (7.86 +/- 0.54 g/dL). There was no difference in the salivary flow rate and SOD between groups. Enteral nutrition in patients with neurological disorders was associated with lower oxidative damage, resulting in increased salivary. antioxidant capacity. These results emphasize the importance of oral care for this population to prevent oral and systemic diseases. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study focused on the risk factors in mother-child relationship that predispose babies to the development of dental caries. A prospective cohort study with 80 mother-child pairs was conducted. The mothers responded at 12, 18 and 30 months after their children's birth, to questions about variables related to diet, sucking habits, and oral care. Children were clinically examined to verify caries lesions (white spot lesions or cavitation). Data were analysed using Chi squared or Fisher's exact tests. The significance level was set at 5 %. Of the total, 3.75 % showed cavitated lesions after 18 months; 6.25 and 45 % had spot white lesions, respectively, at 18 and 30 months. The cariogenic diet was high at 12 (63.75 %) and 30 (88.75 %) months. Good oral hygiene was present in a minority of children at 12 months (46.25 %), but increased at 30 months (65 %), helping to prevent cavities and white spot lesions over this period (p = 0.0005). The variables of the blocks sucking habits and diet were not associated with caries. The lack of oral care in children was a risk factor for dental caries development.


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La salute orale dei soggetti affetti da patologie sistemiche responsabili di disabilità fisiche e/o psichiche, in particolare in età evolutiva, è un obiettivo da perseguire di primaria importanza al fine di migliorare la qualità della vita del bambino e garantirgli un buon inserimento nel contesto sociale. Ricerche sperimentali e cliniche hanno individuato i momenti eziopatogenetici delle diverse problematiche che si riscontrano a carico del cavo orale, con una frequenza superiore nei pazienti disabili rispetto alla restante popolazione, attribuendo ai batteri formanti la placca e a quelli con la capacità di indurre un danno parodontale un ruolo chiave. Diversi sono stati i protocolli di prevenzione e terapia proposti nel tempo, costruiti proprio in relazione all’età del soggetto ed alla tipologia della disabilità; tuttavia risulta di fondamentale importanza chiarire il complesso rapporto tra la popolazione microbica orale e l'ospite nello stato di malattia. In un contesto del genere, intento del lavoro di ricerca è proprio quello di portare a termine un progetto di bonifica dentaria su un gruppo di pazienti in età compresa tra i 2 e i 17 anni, affetti da patologie sistemiche e patologie del cavo orale, sulla base di un profilo microbiologico, a partire da tamponi salivari e prelievi parodontali. Stilando il profilo microbiologico del “gruppo campione” e confrontandolo con quello di un gruppo di pazienti di controllo, lo studio si propone di riuscire a delineare i miglioramenti, qualora ci fossero, post terapia odontostomatologica e di riuscire a trovare una base microbiologica alle patologie extra -orali annesse.


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In the recent years, for oral care in general, both improving oral hygiene and tobacco use cessation have been identified as necessary measures to gain and maintain long-term periodontal health. This growing evidence has given the dental team a whole new task to tackle when achieving and maintaining oral health with their patients. In order to support dental patients to quit tobacco use, it is helpful for the clinician to have a clear understanding of the genesis of 'tobacco use disease' in general. At present, the evidence-based method for tobacco use cessation consists of professional counselling on behavioural change using the so called "5A Method" (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist and Arrange") in combination with pharmacotherapy. A suitable model for behavioural support in tobacco use cessation would help patients to move from one stage to the next. People who want to quit the smoking habit do not always participate in carefully controlled nicotine withdrawal programs, e.g. in linear fashion and from start to finish. Nevertheless, simple instructions - like those offered in the "Assist" (to help) and "Arrange" (to organize follow-up visits) - can be valuable tools for dental professionals supporting their patients to quit smoking. On the basis of significant evidence on the recovery of the oral mucosa and the periodontal tissue following tobacco use cessation, a new task has been emerged in dentistry: the role of oral health professionals providing counselling for patients who ought to quit tobacco use.


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To assess the prevalence of tooth wear on buccal/facial and lingual/palatal tooth surfaces and identify related risk factors in a sample of young European adults, aged 18-35 years. Calibrated and trained examiners measured tooth wear, using the basic erosive wear examination (BEWE) on in 3187 patients in seven European countries and assessed the impact of risk factors with a previously validated questionnaire. Each individual was characterized by the highest BEWE score recorded for any scoreable surface. Bivariate analyses examined the proportion of participants who scored 2 or 3 in relation to a range of demographic, dietary and oral care variables. The highest tooth wear BEWE score was 0 for 1368 patients (42.9%), 1 for 883 (27.7%), 2 for 831 (26.1%) and 3 for 105 (3.3%). There were large differences between different countries with the highest levels of tooth wear observed in the UK. Important risk factors for tooth wear included heartburn or acid reflux, repeated vomiting, residence in rural areas, electric tooth brushing and snoring. We found no evidence that waiting after breakfast before tooth brushing has any effect on the degree of tooth wear (p=0.088). Fresh fruit and juice intake was positively associated with tooth wear. In this adult sample 29% had signs of tooth wear making it a common presenting feature in European adults.