1000 resultados para Optical brightening agents


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Lasting glow: Under femtosecond laser irradiation, graphene oxide nanoparticles (GONs) give strong two-photon luminescence (TPL; see picture). The presence of GONs also induces microbubbling, which causes cell death at an order of magnitude lower laser power than when cells are not labeled. The results show that GONs can be used for TPL-based imaging and photothermal cancer therapy.


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Necrophagous blowfly pupae are valuable contributors to the estimation of post-mortem interval, should an accurate age estimate be obtained. At present, this is reliant on a combination of rearing and destructive methods conducted on preserved samples, including morphological observation and gene expression analyses. This study demonstrates the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a tool for in vivo morphological observation and pupal age estimation. Using a Michelson OCT microscope, alive and preserved four and ten-day old Calliphora vicina pupae were scanned in different orientations. Two and three-dimensional images were created. Morphological characteristics such as the brain, mouthparts and legs were identifiable in both living and preserved samples, with distinct differences noted between the two ages. Absorption of light by the puparium results in a vertical resolution of 1-2 mm, preventing observation of deeper tissues. The use of contrast agents or a longer wavelength laser would improve the images obtainable. At present, the data suggests OCT provides a primary view of external and internal morphology, which can be used to distinguish younger and older pupae for further analysis of age and PMI estimation.


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Image photometry reveals that the F ring is approximately twice as bright during the Cassini tour as it was during the Voyager flybys of 1980 and 1981. It is also three times as wide and has a higher integrated optical depth. We have performed photometric measurements of more than 4800 images of Saturn's F ring taken over a 5-year period with Cassini's Narrow Angle Camera. We show that the ring is not optically thin in many observing geometries and apply a photometric model based on single-scattering in the presence of shadowing and obscuration, deriving a mean effective optical depth tau approximate to 0.033. Stellar occultation data from Voyager PPS and Cassini VIMS validate both the optical depth and the width measurements. In contrast to this decades-scale change, the baseline properties of the F ring have not changed significantly from 2004 to 2009. However, we have investigated one major, bright feature that appeared in the ring in late 2006. This transient feature increased the ring's overall mean brightness by 84% and decayed with a half-life of 91 days. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aim: To investigate pulp chamber penetration of bleaching agents in teeth following restorative procedures. Methodology: Bovine lateral incisors were sectioned 3 mm apical to the cemento-enamel junction and the coronal pulpal tissue was removed. Teeth were divided into six groups (n = 10): G1, G2 and G3 were not submitted to any restorative procedure, while G4, G5 and G6 were submitted to Class V preparations and restored with composite resin. Acetate buffer was placed in the pulp chamber and treatment agents were applied for 60 min at 37°C as follows: G1 and G4, immersion into distilled water; G2 and G5, 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) exposure; G3 and G6, 35% CP bleaching. The buffer solution was removed and transferred to a glass tube where leuco crystal violet and horseradish peroxidase were added, producing a blue solution. The optical density of the blue solution was determined spectrophotometrically at 596 nm. A standard curve made with known amounts of hydrogen peroxide was used to convert the optical density values of the coloured samples into microgram equivalents of hydrogen peroxide. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). Results: Amounts of hydrogen peroxide found in the pulp chamber of G2 and G5 specimens (0.1833 ± 0.2003 μg) were significantly lower (P = 0.001) when compared to G3 and G6 specimens (0.4604 ± 0.3981 μg). Restored teeth held significantly higher (P = 0.001) hydrogen peroxide concentrations in the pulp chamber than intact teeth. Conclusion: Higher concentrations of the bleaching agent produced higher levels of hydrogen peroxide in the pulp chamber, especially in restored teeth.


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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the exposure of different endodontic materials to different dye solutions by evaluating the optical density of the dye solutions. Seventy-five plastic tubes were filled with one of the following materials: AH Plus, Sealapex, Portland cement, MTA (Angelus and Pro Root) and fifteen control plastic tubes were not. Each specimen of material and control was immersed in a container with 1 ml of each dye solution. A 0.1 ml-dye solution aliquote was removed before immersion and after 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours of each specimen immersion to record its optical density (OD) in a spectrophotometer. Statistical analysis was performed with ANOVA and Tukey tests (5%). No significant difference was found among any of the solution OD values for AH Plus cement. Portland cement promoted different OD values after 12 hours of immersion. MTA-Angelus cement presented different OD values only for 2% rhodamine B and the MTA-Pro Root cement presented different OD values in all 2% rhodamine B samples. Sealapex cement promoted a reduction in the India Ink OD values. Dye evaluation through OD seems to be an interesting method to select the best dye solution to use in a given marginal leakage study.


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Diese Arbeit ist ein Beitrag zu den schnell wachsenden Forschungsgebieten der Nano-Biotechnologie und Nanomedizin. Sie behandelt die spezifische Gestaltung magnetischer Nanomaterialien für verschiedene biomedizinische Anwendungsgebiete, wie beispielsweise Kontrastmittel für die magnetische Resonanztomographie (MRT) oder "theragnostische" Agenzien für simultane optische/MR Detektion und Behandlung mittels photodynamischer Therapie (PDT).rnEine Vielzahl magnetischer Nanopartikel (NP) mit unterschiedlichsten magnetischen Eigenschaften wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit synthetisiert und erschöpfend charakterisiert. Darüber hinaus wurde eine ganze Reihe von Oberflächenmodifizierungsstrategien entwickelt, um sowohl die kolloidale als auch die chemische Stabilität der Partikel zu verbessern, und dadurch den hohen Anforderungen der in vitro und in vivo Applikation gerecht zu werden. Diese Strategien beinhalteten nicht nur die Verwendung bi-funktionaler und multifunktioneller Polymerliganden, sondern auch die Kondensation geeigneter Silanverbindungen, um eine robuste, chemisch inerte und hydrophile Siliziumdioxid- (SiO2) Schale um die magnetischen NP auszubilden.rnGenauer gesagt, der Bildungsmechanismus und die magnetischen Eigenschaften monodisperser MnO NPs wurden ausgiebig untersucht. Aufgrund ihres einzigartigen magnetischen Verhaltens eignen sich diese NPs besonders als (positive) Kontrastmittel zur Verkürzung der longitudinalen Relaxationszeit T1, was zu einer Aufhellung im entsprechenden MRT-Bild führt. Tatsächlich wurde dieses kontrastverbessernde Potential in mehreren Studien mit unterschiedlichen Oberflächenliganden bestätigt. Au@MnO „Nanoblumen“, auf der anderen Seite, sind Vertreter einer weiteren Klasse von Nanomaterialien, die in den vergangenen Jahren erhebliches Interesse in der wissenschaftlichen Welt geweckt hat und oft „Nano-hetero-Materialien“ genannt wird. Solche Nano-hetero-partikel vereinen die individuellen physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der jeweiligen Komponenten in einem nanopartikulärem System und erhöhen dadurch die Vielseitigkeit der möglichen Anwendungen. Sowohl die magnetischen Merkmale von MnO, als auch die optischen Eigenschaften von Au bieten die Möglichkeit, diese „Nanoblumen“ für die kombinierte MRT und optische Bildgebung zu verwenden. Darüber hinaus erlaubt das Vorliegen zweier chemisch unterschiedlicher Oberflächen die gleichzeitige selektive Anbindung von Katecholliganden (auf MnO) und Thiolliganden (auf Au). Außerdem wurde das therapeutische Potential von magnetischen NPs anhand von MnO NPs demonstriert, die mit dem Photosensibilisator Protoporhyrin IX (PP) funktionalisiert waren. Bei Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht initiiert PP die Produktion von zytotoxisch-reaktivem Sauerstoff. Wir zeigen, dass Nierenkrebszellen, die mit PP-funktionalisierten MnO NPs inkubiert wurden nach Bestrahlung mit Laserlicht verenden, während sie ohne Bestrahlung unverändert bleiben. In einem ähnlichen Experiment untersuchten wir die Eigenschaften von SiO2 beschichteten MnO NPs. Dafür wurde eigens eine neuartige SiO2-Beschichtungsmethode entwickelt, die einer nachfolgende weitere Anbindung verschiedenster Liganden und die Einlagerung von Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen durch herkömmliche Silan- Sol-Gel Chemie erlaubt. Die Partikel zeigten eine ausgezeichnete Stabilität in einer ganzen Reihe wässriger Lösungen, darunter auch physiologische Kochsalzlösung, Pufferlösungen und humanes Blutserum, und waren weniger anfällig gegenüber Mn-Ionenauswaschung als einfache PEGylierte MnO NPs. Des Weiteren konnte bewiesen werden, dass die dünne SiO2 Schicht nur einen geringen Einfluss auf das magnetische Verhalten der NPs hatte, so dass sie weiterhin als T1-Kontrastmittel verwendet werden können. Schließlich konnten zusätzlich FePt@MnO NPs hergestellt werden, welche die individuellen magnetischen Merkmale eines ferromagnetischen (FePt) und eines antiferromagnetischen (MnO) Materials vereinen. Wir zeigen, dass wir die jeweiligen Partikelgrößen, und damit das resultierende magnetische Verhalten, durch Veränderung der experimentellen Parameter variieren können. Die magnetische Wechselwirkung zwischen beiden Materialien kann dabei auf Spinkommunikation an der Grenzfläche zwischen beiden NP-Sorten zurückgeführt werden.rn


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PURPOSE We assessed the effects of intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapy on scleral architecture using spectral domain anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT). METHODS A total of 35 eyes of 35 patients treated with at least 30 intravitreal injections in one eye in the inferotemporal quadrant with ranibizumab or aflibercept and 10 or less intravitreal injections in the fellow eye attending the intravitreal injection clinic were included. Enhanced depth imaging anterior segment OCT was used to measure scleral thickness. For each eye the sclera was measured in four quadrants at 3 mm from the limbus. In addition axial eye length was measured in all subjects using partial coherence interferometry. RESULTS The mean number of intravitreal injections was 42 (range, 30-73) and 1.6 (range, 0-9) in the fellow eyes. In the study eyes with more than 30 injections the average scleral thickness in the inferotemporal quadrant was 568.4 μm (SD ± 66 μm) and 590.6 μm (SD ± 75 μm) in the fellow eyes with 10 or less injections (P = 0.003). The mean average scleral thickness in the other three quadrants (inferonasal, superotemporal, and superonasal) was 536.6 μm in the study eyes (SD ± 100 μm) and 545.2 μm (SD ± 109 μm) in the fellow eyes (P = 0.22). There was a borderline association of the total number of injections with scleral thickness change in the inferotemporal quadrant (r = 0.3, P = 0.052). CONCLUSIONS Intravitreal injections may lead to scleral changes when applied repeatedly in the same quadrant. Thus, alternating the injection site should be considered in patients requiring multiple intravitreal injections.


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PURPOSE A review of treat-and-extend regimens (TERs) with intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents in retinal diseases. METHODS There is a lack of consensus on the definition and optimal application of TER in clinical practice. This article describes the supporting evidence and subsequent development of a generic algorithm for TER dosing with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents, considering factors such as criteria for extension. RESULTS A TER algorithm was developed; TER is defined as an individualized proactive dosing regimen usually initiated by monthly injections until a maximal clinical response is observed (frequently determined by optical coherence tomography), followed by increasing intervals between injections (and evaluations) depending on disease activity. The TER regimen has emerged as an effective approach to tailoring the dosing regimen and for reducing treatment burden (visits and injections) compared with fixed monthly dosing or monthly visits with optical coherence tomography-guided regimens (as-needed or pro re nata). It is also considered a suitable approach in many retinal diseases managed with intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy, given that all eyes differ in the need for repeat injections. CONCLUSION It is hoped that this practical review and TER algorithm will be of benefit to health care professionals interested in the management of retinal diseases.


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The development of drugs for the control of tumor angiogenesis requires a simple, accurate, and economical assay for tumor-induced vascularization. We have adapted the orthotopic implantation model to angiogenesis measurement by using human tumors labeled with Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein for grafting into nude mice. The nonluminous induced capillaries are clearly visible against the very bright tumor fluorescence examined either intravitally or by whole-body luminance in real time. The orthotopic implantation model of human cancer has been well characterized, and fluorescence shadowing replaces the laborious histological techniques for determining blood vessel density. Intravital images of orthotopically implanted human pancreatic tumors clearly show angiogenic capillaries at both primary and metastatic sites. A quantitative time course of angiogenesis was determined for an orthotopically growing human prostate tumor periodically imaged intravitally in a single nude mouse over a 19-day period. Whole-body optical imaging of tumor angiogenesis was demonstrated by injecting fluorescent Lewis lung carcinoma cells into the s.c. site of the footpad of nude mice. The footpad is relatively transparent, with comparatively few resident blood vessels, allowing quantitative imaging of tumor angiogenesis in the intact animal. Capillary density increased linearly over a 10-day period as determined by whole-body imaging. Similarly, the green fluorescent protein-expressing human breast tumor MDA-MB-435 was orthotopically transplanted to the mouse fat pad, where whole-body optical imaging showed that blood vessel density increased linearly over a 20-week period. These powerful and clinically relevant angiogenesis mouse models can be used for real-time in vivo evaluation of agents inhibiting or promoting tumor angiogenesis in physiological microenvironments.


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Fluorescence-enhanced optical imaging is an emerging non-invasive and non-ionizing modality towards breast cancer diagnosis. Various optical imaging systems are currently available, although most of them are limited by bulky instrumentation, or their inability to flexibly image different tissue volumes and shapes. Hand-held based optical imaging systems are a recent development for its improved portability, but are currently limited only to surface mapping. Herein, a novel optical imager, consisting primarily of a hand-held probe and a gain-modulated intensified charge coupled device (ICCD) detector, is developed towards both surface and tomographic breast imaging. The unique features of this hand-held probe based optical imager are its ability to; (i) image large tissue areas (5×10 sq. cm) in a single scan, (ii) reduce overall imaging time using a unique measurement geometry, and (iii) perform tomographic imaging for tumor three-dimensional (3-D) localization. Frequency-domain based experimental phantom studies have been performed on slab geometries (650 ml) under different target depths (1-2.5 cm), target volumes (0.45, 0.23 and 0.10 cc), fluorescence absorption contrast ratios (1:0, 1000:1 to 5:1), and number of targets (up to 3), using Indocyanine Green (ICG) as fluorescence contrast agents. An approximate extended Kalman filter based inverse algorithm has been adapted towards 3-D tomographic reconstructions. Single fluorescence target(s) was reconstructed when located: (i) up to 2.5 cm deep (at 1:0 contrast ratio) and 1.5 cm deep (up to 10:1 contrast ratio) for 0.45 cc-target; and (ii) 1.5 cm deep for target as small as 0.10 cc at 1:0 contrast ratio. In the case of multiple targets, two targets as close as 0.7 cm were tomographically resolved when located 1.5 cm deep. It was observed that performing multi-projection (here dual) based tomographic imaging using a priori target information from surface images, improved the target depth recovery over using single projection based imaging. From a total of 98 experimental phantom studies, the sensitivity and specificity of the imager was estimated as 81-86% and 43-50%, respectively. With 3-D tomographic imaging successfully demonstrated for the first time using a hand-held based optical imager, the clinical translation of this technology is promising upon further experimental validation from in-vitro and in-vivo studies.