949 resultados para Optical Orthogonal Codes


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In this paper optical code-division multiple-access (O-CDMA) packet network is considered, which offers inherent security in the access networks. The application of O-CDMA to multimedia transmission (voice, data, and video) is investigated. The simultaneous transmission of various services is achieved by assigning to each user unique multiple code signatures. Thus, by applying a parallel mapping technique, we achieve multi-rate services. A random access protocol is proposed, here, where all distinct codes are used, for packet transmission. The codes, Optical Orthogonal Code (OOC), or 1D codes and Wavelength/Time Single-Pulse-per-Row (W/T SPR), or 2D codes, are analyzed. These 1D and 2D codes with varied weight are used to differentiate the Quality of Service (QoS). The theoretical bit error probability corresponding to the quality of each service is established using 1D and 2D codes in the receiver noiseless case and compared. The results show that, using 2D codes QoS in multimedia transmission is better than using 1D codes.


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Construction of high rate Space Time Block Codes (STBCs) with low decoding complexity has been studied widely using techniques such as sphere decoding and non Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoders such as the QR decomposition decoder with M paths (QRDM decoder). Recently Ren et al., presented a new class of STBCs known as the block orthogonal STBCs (BOSTBCs), which could be exploited by the QRDM decoders to achieve significant decoding complexity reduction without performance loss. The block orthogonal property of the codes constructed was however only shown via simulations. In this paper, we give analytical proofs for the block orthogonal structure of various existing codes in literature including the codes constructed in the paper by Ren et al. We show that codes formed as the sum of Clifford Unitary Weight Designs (CUWDs) or Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (CIODs) exhibit block orthogonal structure. We also provide new construction of block orthogonal codes from Cyclic Division Algebras (CDAs) and Crossed-Product Algebras (CPAs). In addition, we show how the block orthogonal property of the STBCs can be exploited to reduce the decoding complexity of a sphere decoder using a depth first search approach. Simulation results of the decoding complexity show a 30% reduction in the number of floating point operations (FLOPS) of BOSTBCs as compared to STBCs without the block orthogonal structure.


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The Talbot effect is one of the most basic optical phenomena that has received extensive investigations both because its new results provide us more understanding of the fundamental Fresnel diffraction and also because of its wide applications. We summarize our recent results on this subject. Symmetry of the Talbot effect, which was reported in Optics Communications in 1995, is now realized as the key to reveal other rules for explanation of the Talbot effect for array illumination. The regularly rearranged-neighboring-phase-differences (RRNPD) rule, a completely new set of analytic phase equations (Applied Optics, 1999), and the prime-number decomposing rule (Applied Optics, 2001) are the newly obtained results that reflect the symmetry of the Talbot effect in essence. We also reported our results on the applications of the Talbot effect. Talbot phase codes are the orthogonal codes that can be used for phase coding of holographic storage. A new optical scanner based on the phase codes for Talbot array illumination has unique advantages. Furthermore, a novel two-layered multifunctional computer-generated hologram based on the fractional Talbot effect was proposed and implemented (Optics Letters, 2003). We believe that these new results should bring us more new understanding of the Talbot effect and help us to design novel optical devices that should benefit practical applications. (C) 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The fastest ever 11.25Gb/s real-time FPGA-based optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) transceivers utilizing 64-QAM encoding/decoding and significantly improved variable power loading are experimentally demonstrated, for the first time, incorporating advanced functionalities of on-line performance monitoring, live system parameter optimization and channel estimation. Real-time end-to-end transmission of an 11.25Gb/s 64-QAM-encoded OOFDM signal with a high electrical spectral efficiency of 5.625bit/s/Hz over 25km of standard and MetroCor single-mode fibres is successfully achieved with respective power penalties of 0.3dB and -0.2dB at a BER of 1.0 x 10(-3) in a directly modulated DFB laser-based intensity modulation and direct detection system without in-line optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. The impacts of variable power loading as well as electrical and optical components on the transmission performance of the demonstrated transceivers are experimentally explored in detail. In addition, numerical simulations also show that variable power loading is an extremely effective means of escalating system performance to its maximum potential.


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Detailed investigations of the transmission performance of adaptively modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (AMOOFDM) signals converted using reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers (RSOAs) are undertaken over intensity-modulation and direct-detection (IMDD) single-mode fiber (SMF) transmission systems for WDM-PONs. The theoretical RSOA model adopted for modulating the AMOOFDM signals is experimentally verified rigorously in the aforementioned transmission systems incorporating recently developed real-time end-to-end OOFDM transceivers. Extensive performance comparisons are also made between RSOA and SOA intensity modulators. Optimum RSOA operating conditions are identified, which are independent of RSOA rear-facet reflectivity and very similar to those corresponding to SOAs. Under the identified optimum operating conditions, the RSOA and SOA intensity modulators support the identical AMOOFDM transmission performance of 30Gb/s over 60km SMFs. Under low-cost optical component-enabled practical operating conditions, RSOA intensity modulators with rear-facet reflectivity values of >0.3 outperform considerably SOA intensity modulators in transmission performance, which decreases significantly with reducing RSOA rear-facet reflectivity and optical input power. In addition, results also show that use can be made of the RSOA/SOA intensity modulation-induced negative frequency chirp to improve the AMOOFDM transmission performance in IMDD SMF systems.


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Based on a comprehensive theoretical optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) system model rigorously verified by comparing numerical results with end-to-end real-time experimental measurements at 11.25Gb/s, detailed explorations are undertaken, for the first time, of the impacts of various physical factors on the OOFDM system performance over directly modulated DFB laser (DML)-based, intensity modulation and direct detection (IMDD), single-mode fibre (SMF) systems without in-line optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. It is shown that the low extinction ratio (ER) of the DML modulated OOFDM signal is the predominant factor limiting the maximum achievable optical power budget, and the subcarrier intermixing effect associated with square-law photon detection in the receiver reduces the optical power budget by at least 1dB. Results also indicate that, immediately after the DML in the transmitter, the insertion of a 0.02nm bandwidth optical Gaussian bandpass filter with a 0.01nm wavelength offset with respect to the optical carrier wavelength can enhance the OOFDM signal ER by approximately 1.24dB, thus resulting in a 7dB optical power budget improvement at a total channel BER of 1 × 10(-3).


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Detailed investigations of the effectiveness of three widely adopted optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) adaptive loading algorithms, including power loading (PL), bit loading (BL), and bit-and-power loading (BPL), are undertaken, over < 100km single-mode fibre (SMF) system without incorporating inline optical amplification and chromatic dispersion (CD) compensation. It is shown that the BPL (PL) algorithm always offers the best (worst) transmission performance. The absolute transmission capacity differences between these algorithms are independent of transmission distance and launched optical power. Moreover, it is shown that in comparison with the most sophisticated BPL algorithm, the simplest PL algorithm is effective in escalating the OOFDM SMF links performance to its maximum potential. On the other hand, when employing a large number of subcarriers and a high digital-to-analogue DAC)/analogue-to-digital (ADC) sampling rate, the sophisticated BPL algorithm has to be adopted. © 2011 IEEE.


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Three novel designs of adaptively modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modems using subcarrier modulation (AMOOFDM-SCM) are proposed, for the first time, each of which requires a single IFFT/FFT operation. These designs has a number of salient advantages including a significantly simplified modem configuration due to the involvement of a single IFFT/FFT operation, input/output reconfigurability, dynamic bandwidth allocation capability, cost reduction and system flexibility and performance robustness to variations in transmission link conditions. Investigations show that these three modems are capable of supporting >60Gb/s AMOOFDM-SCM signal transmission over 20km, 40km and 60km single-mode fibre-based intensity modulation and direct detection transmission links without optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. Copyright © 2010 The authors.


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The 7.5-Gb/s real-time end-to-end optical orthogonal frequency-division- multiplexing (OOFDM) transceivers incorporating variable power loading on each individual subcarrier are demonstrated experimentally using a live-optimized reflective semiconductor optical amplifier intensity modulator having a modulation bandwidth as narrow as 1 GHz. Real-time OOFDM signal transmission at 7.5 Gb/s over 25-km standard single-mode fiber is achieved across the $C$-band in simple intensity modulation and direct detection systems without in-line optical amplification and dispersion compensation. © 2006 IEEE.


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End-to-end real-time experimental demonstrations are reported, for the first time, of aggregated 11.25Gb/s over 26.4km standard SMF, optical orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OOFDMA) PONs with adaptive dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA). The demonstrated intensity-modulation and direct-detection (IMDD) OOFDMA PON system consists of two optical network units (ONUs), each of which employs a DFB-based directly modulated laser (DML) or a VCSEL-based DML for modulating upstream signals. Extensive experimental explorations of dynamic OOFDMA PON system properties are undertaken utilizing identified optimum DML operating conditions. It is shown that, for simultaneously achieving acceptable BERs for all upstream signals, the OOFDMA PON system has a >3dB dynamic ONU launch power variation range, and the BER performance of the system is insusceptible to any upstream symbol offsets slightly smaller than the adopted cyclic prefix. In addition, experimental results also indicate that, in addition to maximizing the aggregated system transmission capacity, adaptive DBA can also effectively reduce imperfections in transmission channel properties without affecting signal bit rates offered to individual ONUs.


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This thesis details an experimental and simulation investigation of some novel all-optical signal processing techniques for future optical communication networks. These all-optical techniques include modulation format conversion, phase discrimination and clock recovery. The methods detailed in this thesis use the nonlinearities associated with semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) to manipulate signals in the optical domain. Chapter 1 provides an introduction into the work detailed in this thesis, discusses the increased demand for capacity in today’s optical fibre networks and finally explains why all-optical signal processing may be of interest for future optical networks. Chapter 2 discusses the relevant background information required to fully understand the all-optical techniques demonstrated in this thesis. Chapter 3 details some pump-probe measurement techniques used to calculate the gain and phase recovery times of a long SOA. A remarkably fast gain recovery is observed and the wavelength dependent nature of this recovery is investigated. Chapter 4 discusses the experimental demonstration of an all-optical modulation conversion technique which can convert on-off- keyed data into either duobinary or alternative mark inversion. In Chapter 5 a novel phase sensitive frequency conversion scheme capable of extracting the two orthogonal components of a quadrature phase modulated signal into two separate frequencies is demonstrated. Chapter 6 investigates a novel all-optical clock recovery technique for phase modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing superchannels and finally Chapter 7 provides a brief conclusion.


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We scrutinize the concept of integrable nonlinear communication channels, resurrecting and extending the idea of eigenvalue communications in a novel context of nonsoliton coherent optical communications. Using the integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation as a channel model, we introduce a new approach - the nonlinear inverse synthesis method - for digital signal processing based on encoding the information directly onto the nonlinear signal spectrum. The latter evolves trivially and linearly along the transmission line, thus, providing an effective eigenvalue division multiplexing with no nonlinear channel cross talk. The general approach is illustrated with a coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission format. We show how the strategy based upon the inverse scattering transform method can be geared for the creation of new efficient coding and modulation standards for the nonlinear channel. © Published by the American Physical Society.


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A number of critical issues for dual-polarization single- and multi-band optical orthogonal-frequency division multiplexing (DPSB/ MB-OFDM) signals are analyzed in dispersion compensation fiber (DCF)-free long-haul links. For the first time, different DP crosstalk removal techniques are compared, the maximum transmission-reach is investigated, and the impact of subcarrier number and high-level modulation formats are explored thoroughly. It is shown, for a bit-error-rate (BER) of 10-3, 2000 km of quaternary phase-shift keying (QPSK) DP-MBOFDM transmission is feasible. At high launched optical powers (LOP), maximum-likelihood decoding can extend the LOP of 40 Gb/s QPSK DPSB- OFDM at 2000 km by 1.5 dB compared to zero-forcing. For a 100 Gb/s DP-MB-OFDM system, a high number of subcarriers contribute to improved BER but at the cost of digital signal processing computational complexity, whilst by adapting the cyclic prefix length the BER can be improved for a low number of subcarriers. In addition, when 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) is employed the digital-toanalogue/ analogue-to-digital converter (DAC/ADC) bandwidth is relaxed with a degraded BER; while the 'circular' 8QAM is slightly superior to its 'rectangular' form. Finally, the transmission of wavelength-division multiplexing DP-MB-OFDM and single-carrier DP-QPSK is experimentally compared for up to 500 Gb/s showing great potential and similar performance at 1000 km DCF-free G.652 line. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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In this letter, a novel phase noise estimation scheme has been proposed for coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems, the quasi-pilot-aided method. In this method, the phases of transmitted pilot subcarriers are deliberately correlated to the phases of data subcarriers. Accounting for this correlation in the receiver allows the required number of pilots needed for a sufficient estimation and compensation of phase noise to be reduced by a factor of 2 in comparison with the traditional pilot-aided phase noise estimation method. We carried out numerical simulation of a 40 Gb/s single polarization transmission system, and the outcome of the investigation indicates that by applying quasi-pilot-aided phase estimation, only four pilot subcarriers are needed for effective phase noise compensation. © 2014 IEEE.


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* Supported by COMBSTRU Research Training Network HPRN-CT-2002-00278 and the Bulgarian National Science Foundation under Grant MM-1304/03.