986 resultados para Optical Fibre Preforms


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This thesis describes novel developments in the fabrication and understanding of type IA fibre Bragg gratings, the uses of said gratings as optical sensors and the interrogation of optical sensors using tilted fibre Bragg gratings. This thesis presents the most detailed study of type IA gratings performed to date and provides the basis of a dual grating optical sensor capable of independently measuring strain and temperature. Until this work it was not known how to reliably fabricate type IA gratings or how they would react to high ambient temperatures, nor was it known what effect external parameters such as fibre type, dopant levels, inscription laser intensity, or hydrogenation levels would have on the physical properties of the grating. This comprehensive study has yielded answers to all of these unknowns and produced several unexpected uses for type IA gratings, such as the use of the previously unreported strong loss band at 1400nm to locally heat fibres by optical absorption and thereby fabricate optically tuneable gratings which do not affect directly adjacent standard gratings. Blazed fibre Bragg gratings have been studied in detail and used to produce several high quality prototype sensor interrogation systems yielding stability an accuracy values unsurpassed by similar devices reported in literature. An accurate distribution map of light radiated by blazed gratings is shown for the first time and has been studied in respect of polarisation state showing that for certain easily achievable conditions a blazed grating spectrometer may be deemed to be polarisation insensitive. In a novel implementation of the system, it is shown that the dynamic wavelength range of a blazed grating spectrometer may be at least doubled by superimposing blazed gratings.


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This thesis examines experimentally options for optical fibre transmission over oceanic distances. Its format follows the chronological evolution of ultra-long haul optical systems, commencing with opto-electronic regenerators as repeaters, progressing to optically amplified NRZ systems and finally solitonic propagation. In each case recirculating loop techniques are deployed to simplify the transmission experiments. Advances in high speed electronics have allowed regenerators operating at 10 Gbit/s to become a practical reality. By augmenting such devices with optical amplifiers it is possible to greatly enhance the repeater spacing. Work detailed in this thesis has culminated in the propagation of 10 Gbit/s data over 400,000 km with a repeater spacing of 160 km. System reliability and robustness are enhanced by the use of a directly modulated DFB laser transmitter and total insensitivity of the system to the signal state of polarisation. Optically amplified ultra-long haul NRZ systems have taken on particular importance with the impending deployment of TAT 12/13 and TPC 5. The performance of these systems is demonstrated to be primarily limited by analogue impairments such as the accumulation of amplifier noise, polarisation effects and optical non-linearities. These degradations may be reduced by the use of appropriate dispersion maps and by scrambling the transmitted state of signal polarisation. A novel high speed optically passive polarisation scrambler is detailed for the first time. At bit rates in excess of 10 Gbit/s it is shown that these systems are severely limited and do not offer the advantages that might be expected over regenerated links. Propagation using solitons as the data bits appears particularly attractive since the dispersive and non-linear effects of the fibre allow distortion free transmission. However, the generation of pure solitons is difficult but must be achieved if the uncontrolled transmission distance is to be maximised. This thesis presents a new technique for the stabilisation of an erbium fibre ring laser that has aUowed propagation of 2.5 Gbit/s solitons to the theoretical limit of ~ 18,000 km. At higher bit rates temporal jitter becomes a significant impairment and to aUow an increase in the aggregate line rate multiplexing in both time and polarisation domains has been proposed. These techniques are shown to be of only limited benefit in practical systems and ultimately some form of soliton transmission control is required. The thesis demonstrates synchronous retiming by amplitude modulation that has allowed 20 Gbit/s data to propagate 125,000 km error free with an amplifier spacing approaching the soliton period. Ultimately the speed of operation of such systems is limited by the electronics used and, thus, a new form of soliton control is demonstrated using all optical techniques to achieve synchronous phase modulation.


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Through the application of novel signal processing techniques we are able to measure physical measurands with both high accuracy and low noise susceptibility. The first interrogation scheme is based upon a CCD spectrometer. We compare different algorithms for resolving the Bragg wavelength from a low resolution discrete representation of the reflected spectrum, and present optimal processing methods for providing a high integrity measurement from the reflection image. Our second sensing scheme uses a novel network of sensors to measure the distributive strain response of a mechanical system. Using neural network processing methods we demonstrate the measurement capabilities of a scalable low-cost fibre Bragg grating sensor network. This network has been shown to be comparable with the performance of existing fibre Bragg grating sensing techniques, at a greatly reduced implementation cost.


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DUE TO COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION AT ASTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES WITH PRIOR ARRANGEMENT This thesis describes a detailed study of advanced optical fibre sensors based on fibre Bragg grating (FBG), tilted fibre Bragg grating (TFBG) and long-period grating (LPG) and their applications in optical communications and sensing. The major contributions presented in this thesis are summarised below.The most important contribution from the research work presented in this thesis is the implementation of in-fibre grating based refractive index (RI) sensors, which could be the good candidates for optical biochemical sensing. Several fibre grating based RI sensors have been proposed and demonstrated by exploring novel grating structures and different fibre types, and employing efficient hydrofluoric acid etching technique to enhance the RI sensitivity. All the RI devices discussed in this thesis have been used to measure the concentration of sugar solution to simulate the chemical sensing. Efforts have also been made to overcome the RI-temperature cross-sensitivity for practical application. The demonstrated in-fibre grating based RI sensors could be further implemented as potential optical biosensors by applying bioactive coatings to realise high bio-sensitivity and bio-selectivity.Another major contribution of this thesis is the application of TFBGs. A prototype interrogation system by the use of TFBG with CCD-array was implemented to perform wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) interrogation around 800nm wavelength region with the advantages of compact size, fast detection speed and low-cost. As a high light, a novel in-fibre twist sensors utilising strong polarisation dependant coupling behaviour of an 81°-TFBG was presented to demonstrate the high torsion sensitivity and capability of direction recognition.


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Boyd's SBS model which includes distributed thermal acoustic noise (DTAN) has been enhanced to enable the Stokes-spontaneous density depletion noise (SSDDN) component of the transmitted optical field to be simulated, probably for the first time, as well as the full transmitted field. SSDDN would not be generated from previous SBS models in which a Stokes seed replaces DTAN. SSDDN becomes the dominant form of transmitted SBS noise as model fibre length (MFL) is increased but its optical power spectrum remains independent of MFL. Simulations of the full transmitted field and SSDDN for different MFLs allow prediction of the optical power spectrum, or system performance parameters which depend on this, for typical communication link lengths which are too long for direct simulation. The SBS model has also been innovatively improved by allowing the Brillouin Shift Frequency (BS) to vary over the model fibre length, for the nonuniform fibre model (NFM) mode, or to remain constant, for the uniform fibre model (UFM) mode. The assumption of a Gaussian probability density function (pdf) for the BSF in the NFM has been confirmed by means of an analysis of reported Brillouin amplified power spectral measurements for the simple case of a nominally step-index single-mode pure silica core fibre. The BSF pdf could be modified to match the Brillouin gain spectra of other fibre types if required. For both models, simulated backscattered and output powers as functions of input power agree well with those from a reported experiment for fitting Brillouin gain coefficients close to theoretical. The NFM and UFM Brillouin gain spectra are then very similar from half to full maximum but diverge at lower values. Consequently, NFM and UFM transmitted SBS noise powers inferred for long MFLs differ by 1-2 dB over the input power range of 0.15 dBm. This difference could be significant for AM-VSB CATV links at some channel frequencies. The modelled characteristic of Carrier-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) as a function of input power for a single intensity modulated subcarrier is in good agreement with the characteristic reported for an experiment when either the UFM or NFM is used. The difference between the two modelled characteristics would have been more noticeable for a higher fibre length or a lower subcarrier frequency.


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We report on a Bragg grating written in an eccentric-cored polymer optical fibre for measurement of strain, bend and temperature. The strain sensitivity achieves 1.13 pm µe -1. The temperature response shows a negative sign with the thermal sensitivity of -50.1 pm ?C-1. For bend sensing, this device exhibits a strong fibre orientational dependence, wide bend curvature range of ±22.7 m-1 and a high bend sensitivity of 63.3 pm/m-1.


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An optical fibre sensor system for humidity and temperature, comprising two Bragg gratings recorded in silica and polymer fibre, has been characterised. The response of this system is very well conditioned (2-norm condition number = 8.8) and consequently uncertainties in wavelength measurement do not lead to large errors in the recovered humidity and temperature.


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This thesis presents the potential sensing applications of fibre Bragg gratings in polymer optical fibres. Fibre Bragg gratings are fabricated in different kinds of polymer optical fibres, including Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) and TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer based microstructured polymer optical fibres and PMMA based step-index photosensitive polymer optical fibre, using the 325nm continuous wave ultraviolet laser and phase mask technique. The thermal response of fabricated microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings has been characterized. The PMMA based single mode microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings exhibit negative non-linear Bragg wavelength shift with temperature, including a quasi-linear region. The thermal sensitivity of such Bragg gratings in the linear region is up to -97pm/°C. A permanent shift in the grating wavelength at room temperature is observed when such gratings are heated above a threshold temperature which can be extended by annealing the fibre before grating inscription. The largest positive Bragg wavelength shift with temperature in transmission is observed in TOPAS based few moded microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings and the measured temperature sensitivity is 250±0.5pm/°C. Gluing method is developed to maintain stable optical coupling between PMMA based single mode step index polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings and single mode step index silica optical fibre. Being benefit from this success, polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings are able to be characterised for their temperature, humidity and strain sensitivity, which are -48.2±1pm/°C, 38.3±0.5pm per %RH and 1.33±0.04 pm/µ??respectively. These sensitivities have been utilised to achieve several applications. The strain sensitivity of step index polymer optical fibre Bragg grating devices has been exploited in the potential application of the strain condition monitoring of heavy textiles and when being attached to textile specimens with certain type of adhesives. These polymer fibre Bragg grating devices show better strain transfer and lower structure reinforcement than silica optical fibre Bragg grating devices. The humidity sensitivity of step index polymer optical fibre Bragg grating devices is applied to detecting water in jet fuel and is proved to be able to measure water content of less than 20 ppm in Jet fuel. A simultaneous temperature and humidity sensor is also made by attaching a polymer fibre Bragg grating to a silica optical fibre Bragg grating and it shows better humidity measurement accuracy than that of electronic competitors.


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We report on the fabrication and characterisation of a Bragg grating in multimode microstructured polymer optical fibre with a Bragg wavelength of 827nm. This is the smallest Bragg wavelength reported to date for a polymer optical fibre grating and the relatively low loss of the fibre at this wavelength considerably enhances the utility of the device compared to gratings at longer wavelengths.


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A potential low cost novel sensing scheme for monitoring absolute strain is demonstrated. The scheme utilizes a synthetic heterodyne interrogation technique working in conjunction with a linearly chirped, sinusoidally tapered, apodized Bragg grating sensor. The interrogation technique is relatively simple to implement in terms of the required optics and the peripheral electronics. This scheme generates an output signal that has a quasi-linear response to absolute strain with a static strain resolution of ~±20 με and an operating range of ~1000 με.


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We present a thorough study on the development of a polymer optical fibre-based tuneable filter utilizing an intra-core Bragg grating that is electrically tuneable, operating at 1.55 µm. The Bragg grating is made tuneable using a thin-film resistive heater deposited on the surface of the fibre. The polymer fibre was coated via the photochemical deposition of a Pd/Cu metallic layer with the procedure induced by VUV radiation at room temperature. The resulting device, when wavelength tuned via Joule heating, underwent a wavelength shift of 2 nm for a moderate input power of 160 mW, a wavelength to input power coefficient of -13.4 pm mW-1 and time constant of 1.7 s-1. A basic theoretical study verified that for this fibre type one can treat the device as a one-dimensional system. The model was extended to include the effect of input electrical power changes on the refractive index of the fibre and subsequently to changes in the Bragg wavelength of the grating, showing excellent agreement with the experimental measurements.


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A distributed temperature sensor for transient threshold monitoring with a 22 km sensing length, based on the Brillouin loss in standard communications fibre, is demonstrated. The system can be used for real-time monitoring of a preset temperature threshold. Good S/N ratios were achieved with only 8–16 sample averages giving a response time of 2 to 4 s with a temperature uncertainty of ±1 °C.


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A frequency-modulated continuous-wave technique is used to detect the presence of frequency shifts in the Rayleigh-backscattered light in a single-mode optical fiber as a result of a changing temperature. The system is able to detect a rate of temperature change of 0.014 K/s, when a 20-cm length of fiber is heated. The system is also able to demonstrate a spatial resolution of better than 15 cm.


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A novel distributed strain sensor is presented utilizing the strain dependence of the frequency at which the Brillouin loss is maximized in the interaction between a cw laser and a pulsed laser. A strain resolution of 20 µ with a spatial resolution of 5 m has been achieved with a 22 km sensing length.