901 resultados para Operadores de caixa de supermercados - Análise ergonômica


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This is study proposes to evaluate the ergonomic aspects of dental equipments. Based on the characteristics proposed by ISO/FDI, on the existing literature and related researches an evaluating system was devised. Thirty nine dental clinics were examined using the 165 pointssystem proposed, distributed in 12 criteria. None of the dental clinics examined showed a bad ergonomics level, 41% were good and 59% reached excellent levels. The point-supported evaluation system proposed is effective in the analysis of the ergonomic conditions of dental equipments, allowing a quantification of their characteristics. Using this system, the dentist can also know the level of ergonomic satisfaction existing in his equipment, and identify the conditions to be improved. It was concluded that the equipment belonging to dental workplaces evaluated had excellent level of compliance, however corrective measures are needed since even the presence of a few non-conforming items is a sufficient condition to cause injury to users, decreased efficiency and comfort and loss quality of service


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Este estudo consiste na análise das condições de trabalho e proposta de melhorias de um posto de trabalho, de uma linha de montagem, onde realiza-se a interligação elétrica de aparelhos de condicionadores de ar. Com base nos fatores de risco, capazes de influenciar na saúde dos trabalhadores, em postos de trabalho mal projetados e organização do trabalho, buscou-se a reestruturação do posto e execução da tarefa no que se refere ao processo de montagem, e adequação dos equipamentos e ferramentas. A metodologia deste estudo baseou-se em uma Intervenção Ergonômica Participativa e na aplicação de ferramentas específicas, pelas quais todas as questões levantadas foram discutidas entre os engenheiros de produção da empresa e os próprios operadores do posto. A abordagem mais aprofundada da análise ergonômica contemplou a penosidade na realização das tarefas, no que se refere às posturas inadequadas, desconfortos, movimentos repetitivos e carga de trabalho, com a possibilidade de um redimensionamento das práticas realizadas. As melhorias propostas foram implementadas e validadas em conjunto com os trabalhadores que consideraram as mudanças benéficas no que concerne a mudança no processo de montagem de alguns componentes internos das máquinas e às exigências posturais e ao redimensionamento do posto. Diante dos resultados satisfatórios, este trabalho indicou que é possível amenizar problemas nas empresas através da participação dos trabalhadores visando benefícios mútuos para os sistemas humano e produtivo.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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This article discusses an ergonomic analysis of the controls used by tractor operators, covering their positions in relation to the casing of your job. Was performed an assessment of the controls of the job of a model NH 7630 tractor average power of 74 kW (100 CV), using the norms of the ABNT. With this screening could detect the positive and negative. Then was accomplished an analytical study of the controls. Evaluation results show that some controls of tractors have errors evaluated in relation to NBR/ ISO 6682.


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The artisan fishing activity, which involves historical - cultural, environmental, social, political, economi c, among other factors, presents, nowadays, as an important source of income, creating jobs and food, contributing to the permanence of man in their own birthplace. However, the fish, considered one of the most perishable foods, requires a proper handling and conservation, from capture to its availability in the market, in order to slow the deterioration process. Thereby, this dissertation aims to study the effect of the manipulation practices on fish quality, from capture to its landing on the beach, resul ting from fisherman’s activity from Ponta Negra - Natal/RN. It also presents the purpose of analyzing the quality of the fish and propose recommendations for their proper handling and possible solutions to add value to the product, through the improvement of the quality and good handling practices. For this purpose, the methodology used was based on ergonomic analysis of their work through observational techniques and interactional with the focus group, the jangadeiros, to understand their activity and eval uated the freshness and quality of the fish by sensory analysis, and microbiological parameters and physicochemical from existing legislation Ordinance No. 185 of May 13, 1997 and RIISPOA - amended on December 1, 2007 and RDC No. 12, dated January 2, 2001. According to the results obtained in laboratory tests, it can be established, the acceptable quality of fish as the existing rules and regulations parameters , not getting significant deterioration caused by poor handling and improper storage of fish.


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This master's thesis aims to analyze the activity of the operators in a control room of the processes of production on-shore petroleum, with a focus on sociotechnical restrictions that interfere in the decision-making process and the actions of operators and therefore, the strategies (individual and collective) to regulate and maintain the operator action required and the safety of the system, together. The activity in focus involves the supervision and control of the production of thousands of barrels of oil/day in a complex and dispersed production’s structures built in an extension of 80 km. This operational framework highlights the importance of this activity for the fulfilment of the targets local and corporate efficiency, good management of the environment, health and safety of operators. This is an exploratory research and in the field, which uses the methodology of Ergonomic Analysis of the Work, composed of observational techniques and interactional, having as locus control room of the processes of production on-shore oil of an oil company. The population of this research is formed by operators in the control room of an Brazilian oil company. The results showed that the supervisory activity and control of the superheated steam injection is an complex context, demands greater attention, concentration, calculations, comparisons, trend analysis and decision making. The activity is collectively constructed between the control room operator, field operator and the supplier of steam. The research showed that the processes of communication and collaboration between the control room , fields and support staff are the key elements of this activity. The study shows that the operators have the autonomy and the elements necessary for work; and that there is continuous investments to improve the technology used and that the operators report sleep disturbances as a result of chronic exposure to night work. The study contributed with proposals for transformation of this activity: with regard to the installation of a area reserved for food in control room, the update the screens of the supervisory current operating condition, the periodic visits by room operators in the field, standardization of production reports, development assistance and standardization of nomenclature of controlling stations steam systems, to improve the conditions of realization of the activity, improve the quality of products produced by operators and contribute to reduce the possibility of slips or shifts in the activity.


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The increasing prevalence of Repetitive Strain Injury / Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (RSI / MSDs) has been explained by changes in the work that has been characterized by setting goals and productivity. This fact does not take into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of workers who become ill as a result of professional activities engaged in and also the adverse conditions in which his work was done. This study aimed to analyze the RSI / MSDs reported in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 2010-2014 compared to the profile of the population, epidemiological aspects and features of these diseases. It is a descriptive epidemiological cross-sectional study using secondary data obtained in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) in May 2015 was used as the area covered by the Rio Grande do Norte. Data were collected regarding the grievances of work-related RSI / MSDs, assigned by the Worker's Health Reference Center (CEREST) of the State Health Department. Data were processed with the help of Microsoft Excel® 2013 and presented in tables in absolute frequency (n) and relative frequency (%). The results showed a total of 403 notifications of RSI / MSDs, where the vast majority 72% (290) was recorded in Natal. Regarding the profile of notified employees, 88.59% (357) have aged between 25 and 54 years, 62.78% (253) were female, and in relation to education, 31.51% (127) had high school complete. The most affected occupations were seamstresses (the clothing industry) with 24.97% (97), followed by masons, construction with 3.23% (13) and cashiers with 2.99% (12). About the work situation, 75.93% (306) had a formal contract, however, were sent to Communications Occupational accidents (CAT) only 67% (270) of the cases. Regarding the signs and symptoms, pain and limitation of movement were the most mentioned respectively with 98.01% (395) and 95.04% (383) of notifications. Notifications, 94.29% (380) showed exposure to repetitive movements in their workplace. The most frequent specific diagnoses were synovitis and tenosynovitis (CID F 65), with 30.02% (121) of notifications, followed by back pain (CID F 54) to 19.35% (78) and shoulder injuries (ICD M 75) with 15.88% (64). They were away from work 81.64% (329) of workers reported with RSI / MSDs. Evolution more prevalent among cases was temporary disability with 75.68% (305). It was concluded that the SINAN is a database of potential to characterize the profile of RSI / MSDs, requiring, however, an improvement in the coverage of records and data quality. In addition, this study reflects the need to implement protection strategies to workers by companies, signaling promotion, prevention and rehabilitation aimed at reducing these injuries and the improvement of occupational health indicators in Rio Grande do Norte.


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O setor de separação (triagem) de materiais recicláveis de uma cooperativa localizada no estado do Rio de Janeiro foi o objeto deste estudo que teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação ergonômica do processo de separação de resíduos recicláveis, executado por catadoras, utilizando um sistema modular. Os procedimentos metodológicos consistiram em pesquisa bibliográfica com levantamento do estado da arte, observações de campo utilizando a Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET) e modelos esquemáticos da engenharia de métodos, e a realização de dois experimentos (posto-rampa e posto-bancada), utilizando a estratégia para montagem de ciclogramas proposta na Análise por Decomposição em Etapas (ADE). As análises obtidas através dos resultados de duas situações permitiram constatar que o processo atual de separação na rampa é deficitário, demorado e cansativo, deixa os catadores com dores nas costas e na coluna, além de existirem muitas perdas de tempo por transporte de materiais não agregando valor aos produtos, por conta da distância em que ficam os recipientes para o acondicionamento do material separado. O módulo bancada indicou ser a melhor alternativa para o arranjo físico da separação, encurtando as distâncias percorridas, suprimindo algumas movimentações do corpo (rotações e flexões de tronco), reduzindo os riscos de lesão na coluna vertebral. Diferente do arranjo físico atualmente adotado, o posto-bancada possibilita reduzir a duração média do ciclo e a frequência das Atividades Extra Ciclo (AECs). As recomendações para a melhoria da atividade na organização estudada visam preservar a saúde e elevar a produtividade. Elas foram elaboradas, considerando o arranjo físico, método de trabalho e qualificação dos trabalhadores.


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Este trabalho apresenta-se como um estudo de caso da inserção laboral de portadores de deficiência visual em um estúdio de gravação. O trabalho tem como objetivo a melhoria das condições do posto de trabalho, considerando a concepção ergonômica do ambiente e de sua própria atividade laboral. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo considerou-se a Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET), como a metodologia mais apropriada à situação. Esta possibilitou, em primeiro lugar, a identificação dos problemas do estúdio em si e ainda o diagnóstico dos problemas existentes em relação à utilização do posto por um operador Deficiente Visual (DV). Em segundo lugar, a necessidade da adaptação das ferramentas de trabalho, tendo como foco principal a recomendação do software mais adaptado para gerenciar o trabalho do operador, principalmente considerando na avaliação critérios como acessibilidade e usabilidade. Dessa forma, ficou evidenciado que os critérios de usabilidade na avaliação de softwares indicam uma abordagem bastante prometedora, inclusive indicando as vantagens e as desvantagens no uso de determinados programas, visando a adaptação à população de DVs. O estudo permitiu em sua globalidade o fornecimento de subsídios para a melhoria do posto de operador neste tipo de estúdio e constitui-se nos primeiros passos para o entendimento de processos de trabalho que respeitem as diferenças e valorizem a integração de portadores de deficiência no mercado de trabalho.


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Esta dissertação apresenta a análise ergonômica do trabalho no setor de envase de hidroalcoólicos, de uma empresa de artigos de perfumaria e cosméticos na região metropolitana de Curitiba. A ferramenta Design Macroergonômico (DM), proposta por Fogliatto e Guimarães (1999), permitiu identificar os itens de demanda ergonômica dos usuários e evidenciou diferenças entre as demandas de usuários que realizam as mesmas tarefas em turnos diferentes. As questões de organização do trabalho são as que mais afetam os funcionários, principalmente aqueles que trabalham em turnos que incorporam o trabalho no sábado. Como antes da ampliação da fábrica, o trabalho estava organizado sem o turno de sábado, e tendo em vista o impacto negativo deste horário sobre as pessoas, propõe-se que a organização de trabalho seja revista.


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Trata de uma análise da liquidez e solvência empresarial, na busca de um indicador mais adequado para avaliação do desempenho operacional de curto prazo. Introduz a demonstração de fluxos de caixa, ressalta a importância do item caixa gerado das atividades operacionais, e desenvolve os equocientes taxa de recuperação de caixa e caixa das operações/ativos brutos com base nas metodologias descritas por ljiri e Fleuriet, respectivamente. Apura os índices para uma amostra de companhias de capital nacional industrial, e compara tendências de medidas operacionais diversas


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar as condições ergonômicas da situação de trabalho dos Auxiliares de Enfermagem em uma unidade de clínica geral de um hospital privado na cidade de Curitiba, Paraná, bem como sugerir melhorias a partir da situação caracterizada. Com a aplicação do método da Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET), pôde-se verificar a realidade desses profissionais, caracterizando suas tarefas, registrando a existência de distanciamento entre tarefa prescrita e real. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram problemas no âmbito organizacional como a montagem inadequada da escala de divisão de pacientes, o quadro de pessoal abaixo da exigência mínima estabelecida pelo Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (COFEN), a falta e a má conservação de materiais e equipamentos e, em relação ao posto de trabalho, o dimensionamento inadequado dos espaços para trânsito de pessoas e equipamentos. Concluiu-se que os problemas de maior relevância são de origem organizacional e que os mesmos favorecem e, até mesmo, intensificam os relativos ao posto de trabalho, contribuindo para o elevado índice de atestados e insatisfação entre os Auxiliares de Enfermagem. O estudo é finalizado com sugestões de melhorias, entre elas, o redimensionamento do número de leitos nas enfermarias e quadro de pessoal, promoção de rodízio dos Auxiliares de Enfermagem entre postos de diferentes níveis de exigência, escalonamento apropriado na distribuição de pacientes de acordo com a gravidade do quadro clínico, formação de comitês com reuniões periódicas para discussão de problemas existentes e outras possíveis soluções.


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The present study examined the relations of power in the management of the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy, including the deliberate decisions on the School Council and School Fund, which guided the organization of the school. We sought to understand the management models that influenced the school organization, promoting contradictions in the decision making process. The school management is intensely marked by management models from the business logics as in the case of managerialism of bureaucracy. The formulation of educational policies based on managerialism has proposed a school-centered management with intense accountability of the school community in planning and monitoring the public services. The influences of these models subsidize hierarchical power relations that undermine the actions of decision-making of the collegiate bodies for the democratization of school management. To develop a research on the power, the investigation was based on studies of Bourdieu and Foucault. These authors understand the power in a relational system in a double sense, both in terms of discipline and the possibility of resistance. A theoreticalmethodological matrix was developed focusing on literature review, document analysis, structured interviews with twelve representatives of the segments belonging to the School Council and School Fund, as well as observations in meetings with the production of field notes. It was found that power relations experienced in the organization and activities of the school boards are marked by changes in public management over the years, promoting the contradictions between the concepts of corporate management originated in the business logics and the perspective of democratic management subsidized by official legislative documents at the national and state levels. The observations in meetings and analysis of the records showed that representatives related to management (president and manager of the school) have a privileged position with regard to exposure of their propositions, and are more likely to take a position in the political game of the collegiate bodies of work. It was also seen that the irregularity of meetings, particularly of the School Fund meetings, limits the experience of operation of the representatives in discussions concerning the planning and monitoring the actions of school management. Reports from representatives of the School Council showed that certain segments related to the management recognize their power of decision, however others have little interfere in the decision-making process in order to expound the desires of those who are represented by them. In the School Fund, the analysis of the records and interviews showed restricted moments of the meeting of representatives, and these only being aimed at choice or approval of the implementation plan prepared by the school management. The results showed no indications of moments of reflection to study the best chance for applicability of resources. This collegiate body (School Fund) has a questionable action when planning and monitoring the applicability of the financial resources of the School. To sum up, it was found that the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy still lives hierarchical power relations that undermine the institutionalization of democratic management in the various representative segments may take place in the game of political decision-making processes necessary for the organization of the school