311 resultados para Ontogenetic


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Aim: Studies on feeding of early life stages are very important to the understanding of the biology and trophic ecology of fish species. Therefore, the aim of this work is to describe the development of the digestive tube, and to characterize the diet of larvae and juveniles of Bryconamericus stramineus Eigenmann, 1908 of the upper Parana River floodplain; Methods: Larvae were obtained from, monthly samples during nychthemeral cycles with four-hour interval between samplings from February/91 to February/92, utilizing a conical-cylindrical plankton net; Results: At the preflexion stage, larvae at approximately 4.00 mm SL, showed a morphologically undifferentiated straight tube, with the anterior region more dilated. At the flexion stage a differentiation in the anterior region of the digestive tube occurs, with the intestine wall getting thicker (8.30 mm SL). The formation of pyloric caeca occurs at 9.00 mm SL. At the postflexion stage the first loop is formed at 9.25 mm SL and the second loop at about 10.00 mm SL. Bryconamericus stramineus consumed mainly cladocerans, also ingesting copepods, rotifers, nematodes, algae, insects and inorganic particles. Along the development, there was an increase in the number of food items and a diversification in the number of consumed taxa; Conclusions: Changes in the diet of B. stramineus larvae were not observed, being them zooplanktivores during all the initial development. However, an increase of large preys, such as insects larvae, was observed at the end of the larval period and in juveniles, suggesting a tendency towards invertivory. Larvae and juveniles preferentially fed during the night.


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This study analyses the ontogenetic diet shifts of a Neotropical catfish, Pimelodus maculatus ( Siluriformes, Pimelodidae), from an ecomorphological standpoint. We collected 241 individuals in the Piracicaba River ( Brazil) and, in the laboratory, seven morphometric variables were recorded from each specimen: standard length (SL), body depth, head length, snout length, eye diameter, mouth height and mouth width. After standardizing these measurements ( as a proportion of SL), linear regressions were run to determine whether their growth was isometric or allometric in relation to SL. The diet analysis shows that the main food item for fish in the smaller size classes is aquatic insects, while the largest individuals feed mainly on other fish. As the great majority of the morphometric variables analyzed showed isometric growth as a function of SL - which means that these fish do not change their shape significantly during their lives - the ontogenetic diet shifts may be seen as a consequence of the absolute size increment of their mouth gape, which allows individuals to maximize their energetic gain by ingesting larger prey with a higher caloric content.


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A dieta de Cichla kelberi introduzido em um lago artificial em Leme-SP foi composta predominantemente pelas espécies de peixes mais comuns nesse lago (Oreochromis niloticus e o próprio C. kelberi). Na primavera e no verão, o item mais consumido foi O. niloticus. Porém, o canibalismo foi muito comum para esta espécie. As altas frequências de O. niloticus e de C. kelberi revelam que a espécie apresenta um ciclo sazonal, se alimentando das presas mais comuns em cada período do ano, com uma redução da sua atividade alimentar durante o inverno. As dietas foram diferentes entre os exemplares imaturos e maduros, sugerindo que existem diferenças ontogenéticas, principalmente relacionadas ao tipo de presa, como: Ephemeroptera, consumidos pelos tucunarés imaturos e peixes, pelos maduros, além do tamanho das presas.


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The pattern of change in shape during postnatal development in skulls of punare (Thrichomys apereoides) skulls, was studied by geometric morphometric techniques. Skull shape observed in T. apereoides varied both with size and age, but variation in size explains most of the overall change in shape. Differences in shape observed among the eight age categories showed that main changes in shape occurred principally between the first and second age categories. Among the other age classes, changes became less pronounced leading to elongation of the snout and the mid-face and narrowing of the basicranium. The change in global shape resulted in lateral compression of the skull. Despite the high level of integration observed, localized transformations dominated the ontogenetic changes in shape indicating the presence of two large scale cranium components-the orofacial and the basicranial region. The ontogenetic pattern in this species seems to follow the same trends observed in the initial phases of development.


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We studied ontogenetic variation in the shape of the skull among species of Caiman using principal component analysis. Comparison of multivariate allometric coefficients and ontogenetic trends between size and shape reveals that C. sclerops and C. yacare have similar ontogenetic processes, and they are more related to each other than either is to C. latirostris. Allometric relationships of the characters measured are similar in all species studied. The greater differences were in the width measurements, with higher coefficients in shape (second principal component) for C. latirostris, and length measurements with higher coefficients in shape for C. yacare and C. sclerops. The ontogenetic process leading to change in skull shape in the group seems to be plesiomorphic for elongation and derived for broadening. Statistical comparison of the ontogenetic trends with models of allometric heterochrony suggests that C. latirostris has diverged from the other species by a neotenic process, and that C. sclerops is separated from C. yacare by ontogenetic scaling (progenesis).


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Ontogenetic shape changes in the skull of three species of the genus Caiman (C. latirostris, C. sclerops, and C. yacare) are compared by geometric morphometrics for three-dimensional configurations (the least-squares analysis). The technique for obtaining the landmark coordinates is a simplification of the algorithm for multidimensional scaling. The ontogenetic nonlinear shape changes are similar in the three species but occur in a lesser extent in C. latirostris. These seem to be correlated with functional changes in the skull. The uniform shape change corresponds to an elongation of the skull, dorsoventral flattening, and lateral compression in C. sclerops and C. yacare. There is some lateral broadening in C. latirostris. Differences in the ontogenetic processes probably cause the differences in diet observed between C. latirostris and the other two species. Neotenic evolution seems to have acted in the skull of C. latirostris, and a posterior amplification of the early divergence led to a repatterning of the shape ontogenetic trajectory in this species. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Morphological caste differences in different stages of the biological cycle in Synoeca cyanea were not distinct. Females presented a gradual sequence in ovarian development from filamentous ovarioles to well developed ones with the presence of intermediates, with shorter ovaries than queens, which can be present or not according to the stage of colonial development. Such data suggest that access to the reproductive status would only be possible in some intervals of colonial development.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study the occurrence of sensory structures on the antennules and antennae of the giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) during postembryonic ontogenetic development were examined. Larvae and postlarvae were obtained from hatchery recirculating tanks, juveniles from indoor nursery tanks, and adults from earthen grow-out ponds. The animals were fixed with Karnovsky fixative and dissected. Antennules and antennae were removed, metal-coated, and photodocumented using a scanning electron microscope. The antennules have aesthetascs and simple plumose and pappose setae; the antennae have simple, plumose and pappose setae. These structures increase in density, covered surface, and distribution during ontogeny and should be related to chemoreception and mechanoreception. The antennular statocyst that appears during larval stage VII of the giant river prawn has an array of sensory structures that enable the perception of chemical and tactile stimuli beginning with its early life stages. The ontogenetic changes observed allow an inference that initial-stage larvae, advance-stage larvae, juveniles, and adults have different capacities to exploit the environment.


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Cobb broilers and domestic ducks, both one-day-old, were treated using ration doped with 20 ppm of uranyl nitrate. Uranium concentrations in the tibia (μg-U/g-bone) were measured by neutron activation analysis as function of the animals’ age, from the neonatal period to maturity. Results show that Uranium and Calcium qualitatively follow the same metabolic pathway, and that adult ducks incorporate on average ten times more Uranium than broilers. Data interpretation shows that the Uranium clearance rate in broilers is substantially higher than that in ducks, suggesting that metabolic characteristics favoring Calcium retention in bone may hinder the elimination of Uranium in ducks. The need for further comparative biochemistry studies between Galliformes and Anseriformes is addressed.


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Dry mass (DM) and total ammonia-N (TAN) excretion were determined in embryos, larvae (ZI-ZIX, Z = zoea ), and postlarvae (PL) at 1, 7, and 14 d after metamorphosis (PL1, PL7, and PL14) of Macrobrachium amazonicum. Animals in postmolt-intermolt (A-C) stages were sorted according to their developmental stages, and placed into incubation chambers (similar to 30 mL) for 2 h to quantify TAN excretion. After this period, analyses were carried out using Koroleff`s method for TAN determination. Individual TAN excretion generally increased throughout ontogenetic development and varied from 0.0090 +/- 0.0039 mu g TAN/individual/h in embryo to 1.041 +/- 0.249 mu g TAN/individual/h in PL14. There was no significant difference between embryo-ZIV and ZV-ZIX (P > 0.05), whereas PL1, PL7, and PL14 differed (P < 0.05) from each other. Higher increments in individual ammonia-N excretion were observed between ZIV-ZV, PL1-PL7, and PL7-PL14. Mass-specific excretion rates presented two groups, embryo-ZII (P > 0.05) and ZIII-PL14 (P > 0.05). The lowest value was found in embryo (0.17 +/- 0.07 mu g TAN/mg DM/h) and the maximum values in ZV and PL1 (0.65 +/- 0.25 and 0.64 +/- 0.27 mu g TAN/mg DM/h, respectively). Results indicate that metabolic rate is proportional to the body mass in M. amazonicum, during early life stages. Variations in ammonia excretion during this phase may be associated mainly with body size. Data obtained in the present study may be useful in developing and optimizing rearing techniques of M. amazonicum, such as the proportions between biofilter and rearing tank size, and stocking density in culture tanks or in transport bags.


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Despite the fact that heterochronic processes seem to be an important process determining morphological evolution of the delphinid skull, previous workers have not found allometric scaling as relevant factor in the differentiation within the genus Sotalia. Here we analyzed the skull ontogeny of the estuarine dolphin S. guianensis and investigate differential growth and shape changes of two cranial regions the neurocranium and the face in order to evaluate the relevance of cranial compartmentalization on the ontogeny of this structure. Our results show that, even though both cranial regions stop growing at adulthood, the face has higher initial growth rates than the neurocranium. The rate of shape changes is also different for both regions, with the face showing a initially higher, but rapidly decreasing rate of change, while the neurocranium shows a slow decreasing rate, leading to persistent and localized shape changes throughout adult life, a pattern that could be related to epigenetic regional factors. The pattern of ontogenetic shape change described here is similar to those described for other groups of Delphinidae and also match intra and interspecific variation found within the family, suggesting that mosaic heterochrony could be an important factor in the morphological evolution of this group. (C) 2012 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Saugetierkunde. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.