897 resultados para Online application


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In the last decade, smartphones have gained widespread usage. Since the advent of online application stores, hundreds of thousands of applications have become instantly available to millions of smart-phone users. Within the Android ecosystem, application security is governed by digital signatures and a list of coarse-grained permissions. However, this mechanism is not fine-grained enough to provide the user with a sufficient means of control of the applications' activities. Abuse of highly sensible private information such as phone numbers without users' notice is the result. We show that there is a high frequency of privacy leaks even among widely popular applications. Together with the fact that the majority of the users are not proficient in computer security, this presents a challenge to the engineers developing security solutions for the platform. Our contribution is twofold: first, we propose a service which is able to assess Android Market applications via static analysis and provide detailed, but readable reports to the user. Second, we describe a means to mitigate security and privacy threats by automated reverse-engineering and refactoring binary application packages according to the users' security preferences.


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Combining the advanced techniques of optimal dynamic inversion and model-following neuro-adaptive control design, an efficient technique is presented for effective treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). A recently developed nonlinear mathematical model for cell dynamics is used for the control (medication) synthesis. First, taking a set of nominal parameters, a nominal controller is designed based on the principle of optimal dynamic inversion. This controller can treat nominal patients (patients having same nominal parameters as used for the control design) effectively. However, since the parameters of an actual patient can be different from that of the ideal patient, to make the treatment strategy more effective and efficient, a model-following neuro-adaptive controller is augmented to the nominal controller. In this approach, a neural network trained online (based on Lyapunov stability theory) facilitates a new adaptive controller, computed online. From the simulation studies, this adaptive control design approach (treatment strategy) is found to be very effective to treat the CML disease for actual patients. Sufficient generality is retained in the theoretical developments in this paper, so that the techniques presented can be applied to other similar problem as well. Note that the technique presented is computationally non-intensive and all computations can be carried out online.


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The information provided by the in-cylinder pressure signal is of great importance for modern engine management systems. The obtained information is implemented to improve the control and diagnostics of the combustion process in order to meet the stringent emission regulations and to improve vehicle reliability and drivability. The work presented in this paper covers the experimental study and proposes a comprehensive and practical solution for the estimation of the in-cylinder pressure from the crankshaft speed fluctuation. Also, the paper emphasizes the feasibility and practicality aspects of the estimation techniques, for the real-time online application. In this study an engine dynamics model based estimation method is proposed. A discrete-time transformed form of a rigid-body crankshaft dynamics model is constructed based on the kinetic energy theorem, as the basis expression for total torque estimation. The major difficulties, including load torque estimation and separation of pressure profile from adjacent-firing cylinders, are addressed in this work and solutions to each problem are given respectively. The experimental results conducted on a multi-cylinder diesel engine have shown that the proposed method successfully estimate a more accurate cylinder pressure over a wider range of crankshaft angles. Copyright © 2012 SAE International.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design Gráfico pela Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco em associação com a Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa.


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This one-side-of-A4 guide is a reminder of most of the things that students need to know to have meetings online.


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A step-by-step guide to building an EndNote lilbrary, downloading information from general databases, citing references in Word documents and synchronising online.


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New York Daily News Editor in Chief Kevin Convey ’77 is bullish on tabloid newspapers—print and online.


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Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) are role-playing games that, through the Internet, can integrate thousands of players interacting at the same time in at least one virtual world. This way, these games can provide, further than fun, a greater familiarity with the additional language and opportunity to improve the linguistic proficiency in a real context. Hence, what is proposed in this study is extended knowledge about the learning of an additional language mediated by MMORPGs for teachers to know how, if relevant, to present, use or encourage this practice to their students. Based on this major purpose, we seek to answer the following research questions: (a) what distinguishes the learning profile of the gamers and non-gamers; (b) if MMORPGs can, through a hybrid and systematic approach, assist the development of proficiency of the additional language and (c) what the think-aloud protocols show about the learning mediated by the MMORPG Allods Online. Following an experimental method (NUNAN, 1997), 16 students of the curricular component Reading and Writing Practices in English Language have comprised the control group and 17 students of the same class formed the experimental group and were submitted to a pre and post-test adapted from the Key English Test (KET) by the Cambridge University (2008). The tests were conducted before and after a period of 5 weeks of 3 hours of practice with Allods Online a week (experimental group), and classes of the curricular component (both groups). A quantitative analysis of the questionnaires about the exposure to English profiles of the participants, a quantitative analysis of the tests scores and a qualitative analysis of the thinkaloud protocols collected during the experiment were conducted based on the theories of (a) motivation (GARDNER, 1985, WILLIAMS & BURDEN, 1997, BROWN, 2007, HERCULANO-HOUZEL, 2005); (b) active learning (GASS, 1997, GEE, 2008, MATTAR, 2010); (c) interaction and collaborative learning (KRASHEN, 1991, GASS, 1997, VYGOTSKY, 1978); (d) situated learning (DAMASIO, 1994; 1999; 2003, BROWN, 2007, GEE, 2003) and (e), tangential learning (PORTNOW, 2008; MATTAR, 2010). The results indicate that the participants of the experimental group (gamers) seem to be more engaged in tangential English learning activities, such as playing games, listening to music in English, communicating with foreigners and reading in English. We also deduced that the period of experiment possibly generated positive results on the gamers proficiency scores, mainly in the parts related to orthographic development, reading and comprehension, writing with focus on content and orthographic accuracy. Lastly, the think-aloud protocols presented evidences that the gamers have engaged in active English language learning, they have interacted in English with other players, and learned linguistic aspects through the experience with the MMORPG Allods Online


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Este estudo trata da dimensão afetiva nas representações sociais de docentes da pós-graduação em educação, especificamente de docentes dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Pará e da Universidade do Estado do Pará. O objetivo desta investigação consistiu em analisar os processos constitutivos das representações sociais dos docentes dos PPGEDs sobre a afetividade, de modo a elucidar as implicações no trabalho que desenvolvem. É um estudo com foco nos processos psicossociais, nas formas de saber, conhecer e sentir advindas das construções e aquisições compartilhadas entre docentes, a partir das interações com o outro no seu contexto de trabalho. Como referencial teórico, adotamos a Teoria das Representações Sociais de Serge Moscovici (1978) referenciada na abordagem processual elaborada por Jodelet (2001) e colaboradores. Sobre a afetividade nos embasamos nos pressupostos de Freud e Wallon, estes concebem a afetividade como uma dimensão imprescindível no desenvolvimento humano, que se constitui a partir dos afetos e das relações afetivas, sujeitas a ambivalência dos sentimentos. Afetamos e somos afetados pelo amor, ódio, inveja, alegria, prazer, solidão, medo, fraternidade. É uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa que buscou a compreensão dos sentidos e significados atribuídos pelos docentes pesquisados. Os instrumentos de coleta das informações foram: um formulário online e a entrevista de aprofundamento. A caracterização dos docentes participantes dos PPGEDs e as questões relacionadas à afetividade e o trabalho docente foram analisados por meio do software SPSS e, as informações das entrevistas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo de acordo com Bardin (1977), Franco (2003) e Nascimento (2002). A partir das análises temáticas das falas dos docentes constatamos a existência de três dimensões que organizam as RS do grupo pesquisado, a saber: cognitiva, ético-política e relacional e, afetiva. Essas dimensões estruturam duas tendências centrais de objetivações e de ancoragens das representações dos docentes dos PPGED da UFPA e UEPA sobre a afetividade. A primeira indica uma forte tendência de ressignificação das representações sociais dos docentes sobre afetividade. Estas revelam imagens e sentidos assentados na partilha, no diálogo, no respeito dos docentes entre si. A segunda tendência indica que as representações sociais dos docentes estão ancoradas na racionalização dos processos psicossociais sobre a afetividade, ou seja, no universo reificado. Nesta tendência, prevalece o interesse dos subgrupos a partir das suas opiniões, crenças e ideologias. Estas duas tendências implicam em distintas relações afetivas no trabalho que realizam na pós-graduação em educação. Constatamos que a dinâmica que envolve a dimensão afetiva nas relações entre docentes nos programas de pós-graduação em educação contribui para a manutenção e/ou renovação das representações sociais partilhadas e comunicadas nestes contextos acadêmicos.


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The first part of my thesis presents an overview of the different approaches used in the past two decades in the attempt to forecast epileptic seizure on the basis of intracranial and scalp EEG. Past research could reveal some value of linear and nonlinear algorithms to detect EEG features changing over different phases of the epileptic cycle. However, their exact value for seizure prediction, in terms of sensitivity and specificity, is still discussed and has to be evaluated. In particular, the monitored EEG features may fluctuate with the vigilance state and lead to false alarms. Recently, such a dependency on vigilance states has been reported for some seizure prediction methods, suggesting a reduced reliability. An additional factor limiting application and validation of most seizure-prediction techniques is their computational load. For the first time, the reliability of permutation entropy [PE] was verified in seizure prediction on scalp EEG data, contemporarily controlling for its dependency on different vigilance states. PE was recently introduced as an extremely fast and robust complexity measure for chaotic time series and thus suitable for online application even in portable systems. The capability of PE to distinguish between preictal and interictal state has been demonstrated using Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis. Correlation analysis was used to assess dependency of PE on vigilance states. Scalp EEG-Data from two right temporal epileptic lobe (RTLE) patients and from one patient with right frontal lobe epilepsy were analysed. The last patient was included only in the correlation analysis, since no datasets including seizures have been available for him. The ROC analysis showed a good separability of interictal and preictal phases for both RTLE patients, suggesting that PE could be sensitive to EEG modifications, not visible on visual inspection, that might occur well in advance respect to the EEG and clinical onset of seizures. However, the simultaneous assessment of the changes in vigilance showed that: a) all seizures occurred in association with the transition of vigilance states; b) PE was sensitive in detecting different vigilance states, independently of seizure occurrences. Due to the limitations of the datasets, these results cannot rule out the capability of PE to detect preictal states. However, the good separability between pre- and interictal phases might depend exclusively on the coincidence of epileptic seizure onset with a transition from a state of low vigilance to a state of increased vigilance. The finding of a dependency of PE on vigilance state is an original finding, not reported in literature, and suggesting the possibility to classify vigilance states by means of PE in an authomatic and objectic way. The second part of my thesis provides the description of a novel behavioral task based on motor imagery skills, firstly introduced (Bruzzo et al. 2007), in order to study mental simulation of biological and non-biological movement in paranoid schizophrenics (PS). Immediately after the presentation of a real movement, participants had to imagine or re-enact the very same movement. By key release and key press respectively, participants had to indicate when they started and ended the mental simulation or the re-enactment, making it feasible to measure the duration of the simulated or re-enacted movements. The proportional error between duration of the re-enacted/simulated movement and the template movement were compared between different conditions, as well as between PS and healthy subjects. Results revealed a double dissociation between the mechanisms of mental simulation involved in biological and non-biologial movement simulation. While for PS were found large errors for simulation of biological movements, while being more acurate than healthy subjects during simulation of non-biological movements. Healthy subjects showed the opposite relationship, making errors during simulation of non-biological movements, but being most accurate during simulation of non-biological movements. However, the good timing precision during re-enactment of the movements in all conditions and in both groups of participants suggests that perception, memory and attention, as well as motor control processes were not affected. Based upon a long history of literature reporting the existence of psychotic episodes in epileptic patients, a longitudinal study, using a slightly modified behavioral paradigm, was carried out with two RTLE patients, one patient with idiopathic generalized epilepsy and one patient with extratemporal lobe epilepsy. Results provide strong evidence for a possibility to predict upcoming seizures in RTLE patients behaviorally. In the last part of the thesis it has been validated a behavioural strategy based on neurobiofeedback training, to voluntarily control seizures and to reduce there frequency. Three epileptic patients were included in this study. The biofeedback was based on monitoring of slow cortical potentials (SCPs) extracted online from scalp EEG. Patients were trained to produce positive shifts of SCPs. After a training phase patients were monitored for 6 months in order to validate the ability of the learned strategy to reduce seizure frequency. Two of the three refractory epileptic patients recruited for this study showed improvements in self-management and reduction of ictal episodes, even six months after the last training session.


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Con l’evoluzione dei social network e degli strumenti del 2.0 (blog, wiki, forum), internet si avvia verso nuove forme di business cui artigiani e pmi possono sfruttare per nuove opportunità, unendo social network e e-commerce e capire come si è evoluto il processo di creazione e finanziamento di un prodotto. La tesi è un viaggio per scoprire quali sono queste nuove opportunità per chi pratica artigianato a livello locale, e come è cambiata la figura stessa dell’artigiano, tra questi un nuovo movimento chiamato makers, che sfruttano i nuovi strumenti, tra cui anche mezzi rivoluzionari come la stampante 3D ora accessibile a tutti per creare oggetti e nuove idee. Sarà necessario capire quali sono le vetrine online dove e come poter vendere i nostri prodotti e profilare attraverso una segmentazione l’utente medio che già utilizza il social-commerce. In seguito si tratta il caso empirico di una start-up italiana, Blomming, una dei primi a differenziarsi dagli altri marketplace più famosi come contenitore adatto ad artigiani, ma non solo. Si seguiranno le varie fasi di crescita da un’idea, introduzione nel mercato fino alla direzione a cui si sta avviando con le ultime novità effettuando un’analisi dei rischi. Infine per capire tendenze e storie di chi sta già usando queste piattaforme è stato necessario fare un profilo dell’artigiano fai-da-te medio intervistando, e successivamente creando grafici, 100 artigiani che già vendono online.


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Applicazione basata sul database non relazionale MongoDB. Integrata in un sistema di prenotazione turistico online.


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La presente tesi esamina la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un sistema software la cui funzionalità principale è quella di gestire segnalazioni in merito a problematiche riscontrate dall'utente che possono riguardare diversi ambiti come segnalazioni post-vendita in merito a progetti informatici (bug, mancanza di funzionalità, errori di funzionalità...) o segnalazioni in merito a disguidi su ordini (ordine errato, ordine non ricevuto...). Tali problematiche vengono identificate nel ticket. Una volta aperto, dopo un'analisi del problema, il ticket viene assegnato ad un operatore che si occuperà di risolverlo. In questa fase operatore ed utente possono scambiarsi informazioni aggiuntive tramite un thread di conversazione associato al ticket. Il sistema è volto ad uniformare il canale di comunicazione tra azienda e cliente e a fornire all'azienda che ne ha fatto richiesta un sistema efficiente per la gestione di queste segnalazioni, portando dei benefici ad entrambe le parti, impiegati e clienti, che possono fornire un feedback in merito al servizio ricevuto. Il sistema è stato sviluppato per dispositivi Android. L'architettura utilizzata per sviluppare l'applicazione è di tipo client-server. I dati necessari al funzionamento dell'applicazione sono conservati in un database online.


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Background: Statistical shape models are widely used in biomedical research. They are routinely implemented for automatic image segmentation or object identification in medical images. In these fields, however, the acquisition of the large training datasets, required to develop these models, is usually a time-consuming process. Even after this effort, the collections of datasets are often lost or mishandled resulting in replication of work. Objective: To solve these problems, the Virtual Skeleton Database (VSD) is proposed as a centralized storage system where the data necessary to build statistical shape models can be stored and shared. Methods: The VSD provides an online repository system tailored to the needs of the medical research community. The processing of the most common image file types, a statistical shape model framework, and an ontology-based search provide the generic tools to store, exchange, and retrieve digital medical datasets. The hosted data are accessible to the community, and collaborative research catalyzes their productivity. Results: To illustrate the need for an online repository for medical research, three exemplary projects of the VSD are presented: (1) an international collaboration to achieve improvement in cochlear surgery and implant optimization, (2) a population-based analysis of femoral fracture risk between genders, and (3) an online application developed for the evaluation and comparison of the segmentation of brain tumors. Conclusions: The VSD is a novel system for scientific collaboration for the medical image community with a data-centric concept and semantically driven search option for anatomical structures. The repository has been proven to be a useful tool for collaborative model building, as a resource for biomechanical population studies, or to enhance segmentation algorithms.


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We present three methods for the distortion-free enhancement of THz signals measured by electro-optic sampling in zinc blende-type detector crystals, e.g., ZnTe or GaP. A technique commonly used in optically heterodyne-detected optical Kerr effect spectroscopy is introduced, which is based on two measurements at opposite optical biases near the zero transmission point in a crossed polarizer detection geometry. In contrast to other techniques for an undistorted THz signal enhancement, it also works in a balanced detection scheme and does not require an elaborate procedure for the reconstruction of the true signal as the two measured waveforms are simply subtracted to remove distortions. We study three different approaches for setting an optical bias using the Jones matrix formalism and discuss them also in the framework of optical heterodyne detection. We show that there is an optimal bias point in realistic situations where a small fraction of the probe light is scattered by optical components. The experimental demonstration will be given in the second part of this two-paper series [J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, doc. ID 204877 (2014, posted online)].