813 resultados para One Health
OBJECTIVES: The goals of the present study are to explore the association between perceived sexism and self-perceived health, health-related behaviors, and unmet medical care needs among women in Spain; to analyze whether higher levels of discrimination are associated with higher prevalence of poor health indicators and to examine whether these relationships are modified by country of origin and social class. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study is based on a cross-sectional design using data from the 2006 Spanish Health Interview Survey. We included women aged 20-64 years (n = 10,927). Six dependent variables were examined: four of health (self-perceived health, mental health, hypertension, and having had an injury during the previous year), one health behavior (smoking), and another related to the use of the health services (unmet need for medical care). Perceived sexism was the main independent variable. Social class and country of origin were considered as effect modifiers. We obtained the prevalence of perceived sexism. Logistic regression models, adjusted for potential confounders, were fitted to study the association between sexism and poor health outcomes. Results: The prevalence of perceived sexism was 3.4%. Perceived sexism showed positive and consistent associations with four poor health outcomes (poor self-perceived health, poor mental health, injuries in the last 12 months, and smoking). The strength of these associations increased with increased scores for perceived sexism, and the patterns were found to be modified by country of origin and social class. CONCLUSION: This study shows a consistent association between perceived sexism and poor health outcomes in a country of southern Europe with a strong patriarchal tradition.
Estudo realizado com benzedeiras de uma área de saúde do município de Vitória - ES, objetivando identificá-las, conhecer suas histórias de vida e o interesse das mesmas em articularem-se com os profissionais das unidades básicas de saúde locais. Por se tratar de uma região marcada pela violência advinda do tráfico de drogas, tornou-se impossível identificar o universo dessas mulheres, face à impossibilidade de acesso a alguns desses bairros; assim posto, nossa amostra ficou limitada a cinco benzedeiras. A coleta de material do estudo se deu através de entrevistas e observações registradas em um diário de campo. O material transcrito e os apontamentos do diário de campo possibilitaram a narrativa de inspiração cartográfica deste estudo. Essas benzedeiras são mulheres entre 64 a 88 anos de idade, residem em locais inóspitos e em moradias humildes. Algumas benzem apenas crianças, outras todos aqueles que as procuram, inclusive para benzimento de seus animais. Nenhuma delas cobra e tão pouco aceita agradecimento pela atenção prestada, pois segundo elas, o agradecimento deve ser dirigido a Deus. São mulheres humildes, todas moradoras antigas da área, ora reconhecidas como importantes pelo dom que têm, ora rechaçadas como demoníacas por grupos religiosos. No tocante a uma aproximação com as equipes locais de saúde, todas as benzedeiras se mostraram avessas à ideia, no entendimento de que tal aproximação significaria uma demanda de benzimentos aumentada e obrigatória, o que contraria a lógica da atenção prestada pelas mesmas, que só benzem de acordo com a conveniência: sentindo-se bem, praticam o benzimento; estando desvitalizadas, evitam benzer. Por se tratar de mulheres idosas, as benzedeiras encontram-se ameaçadas de extinção, visto que aprender o oficio não tem sido objeto de interesse das novas gerações.
Objectives: The Andalusian Health e-Library (BV-SSPA) is the National Health Library in the region of Andalusia (Spain). It is a corporate hospital library created in 2006. The year 2012 is a turning point for the Spanish economy, and the BV-SSPA has to demonstrate that it is cost-effective and sustainable. Methods: Andalusia is a wide Spanish region with more than 8 million inhabitants, more than 100,000 health professionals for 41 hospitals, 1,500 primary health care centers, and 28 centers for nonmedical attention purposes, and the BV-SSPA was created to cover all these health services. It was appointed the only intermediary for contracting electronic resources destined to the Andalusian Health System. Hospitals are not allowed to subscribe any resources, and the same services are offered for the whole system. Results: In 2011, the BV-SSPA reached the biggest electronic health sciences resource collection in Spain: a total amount of 2,431 subscribed titles, besides 8 databases and other scientific information resources. The following goals were also achieved: • Cost-effectiveness: In 2011, the BV-SSPA represented a saving percentage of 25.42% compared to the individual hospital subscription costs if they would have continued their contracting. • Efficiency: Central purchasing has meant for the Andalusian health professionals, the democracy of research resource access. Some services were also created: • integrated and safe remote access to all the library resources independent of the user’s location • citizenship website, where the resources for citizenship are grouped • Centralized Document Supply Service, focusing all the article orders from and for the Andalusian Health System • institutional repository, which contains the whole intellectual, scientific production generated by the Andalusian health professionals • computer application to study the Andalusian health system scientific production • Social media as instrument for communicating with users • science web, a defined space for researchers. Conclusions: Although Andalusia is facing a dreadful economic situation, the BV-SSPA has demonstrated its sustainability: • For 2012 renewals, it carried out a statistics study allowing obtaining enough data for deciding which titles were not being discharged by users. • Titles with no discharges or without impact factor were rejected after strong negotiation with suppliers, as the BV-SSPA after 6 years on, is considered a strong dealer by them. • This meant savings of 14% from the original budget for 2012, which allowed the continuity of the BV-SSPA without decreasing the quality offered to their users.
Infection by intracellular bacteria can lead to several diseases in both veterinary and human medicine. Unfortunately, the biology of these intracellular bacteria is highly complex due to their interactions with their host cells. Thus, it is very important to develop several tools in order to better understand the complex intracellular life of these pathogens, so allowing to improve the diagnosis options and the treatments of infectious diseases that they are causing. The workshop organised in Villars-sur-Ollon (Switzerland) by the ESCMID Study group on intracellular bacteria was a good opportunity to enhance our knowledge on these fastidious pathogens. During 5 days, 15 speakers gave 41 talks, covering all fields, from biology to clinic of different intracellular bacteria such as Bartonella, Chlamydia, Coxiella, Ehrlichia, Listeria, Parachlamydia, Rickettsia, and Waddlia. The format of this postgraduate course, which took place in the Swiss mountains, allowed interactive sessions and living discussions between the participants coming from all around the world. One of the major strength was to gather epidemiologists, clinical microbiologists, infectious diseases specialists, entomologists, veterinarians as well as bioinformaticians, biochemists and biologists to deliver a unique "one-health science" on intracellular bacteria. Here, we summarise the main take-home messages delivered during this meeting.
The resources of our heath care system are limited. Choices in the attribution of resources are necessary to ensure its stability. A cost-effectiveness analysis compares the effects of one health intervention to another, taking into account the costs (including the saved costs) and the saved life years, adjusted for the quality of life (cost-utility). Cost-effectiveness analyses should take the societal perspective and the studied intervention should be compared to a relevant intervention actually in use. Physicians, at the interface between patients and payers, are in an ideal position to interpret, or even perform cost-effectiveness analysis, and to promote the interventions that are most effective and that have a reasonable cost.
Objectif : L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’examiner les déterminants de l’utilisation des services de soins pour des raisons de santé mentale dans le sud-ouest de Montréal. Données et méthodes : L’étude utilise les données de la première phase du projet portant sur « le développement d’une zone circonscrite d’études épidémiologiques en psychiatrie dans le sud-ouest de Montréal ». Les données ont été collectées entre mai 2007 et août 2008 auprès d’un échantillon de 2434 personnes sélectionnées au hasard dans tout le territoire de l’étude. De cet échantillon, nous avons sélectionné un sous-échantillon de personnes ayant eu au moins un diagnostic de santé mentale au cours de la dernière année. 423 personnes ont rencontrées ce critère et constituent l’échantillon pour les analyses de la présente thèse. Le modèle comportemental d’Andersen a servi de cadre pour le choix des variables à analyser. Parce que l’approche socio-spatiale a été privilégiée pour modéliser les déterminants de l’utilisation des services, les analyses ont été effectuées à l’aide de quatre logiciels distincts à savoir : SPSS, AMOS, ArcGIS et MlWin. Résultats : Les résultats montrent que 53,66% de notre échantillon ont utilisés au moins un service de santé pour des raisons de santé mentale. On constate néanmoins que les déterminants de l’utilisation des services en santé mentale sont à la fois complexes et spatialement inégalement réparties. En ce qui concerne les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et cliniques, les femmes et ceux qui perçoivent la stigmatisation envers les personnes ayant un problème de santé mentale utilisent plus les services. Le nombre de diagnostics de santé mentale est aussi associé à l’utilisation des services. L’augmentation du nombre de diagnostics entraîne une augmentation de l’utilisation des services (=0,38; p<0,001). D’autres variables comme l’âge, le statut matrimonial, la taille du ménage, le soutien social et la qualité de vie influencent indirectement l’utilisation des services. À titre illustratif toute augmentation de l’âge entraîne une augmentation du soutien social de (=0,69; p<0,001) qui à son tour fait diminuer la détresse psychiatrique (= -0,09 (p<0,05). Or, toute augmentation d’une unité de détresse psychiatrique entraîne une augmentation de l’utilisation des services (=0,58 (p<0,001). Sur le plan spatiale, il existe une corrélation positive entre l’utilisation des services et la défavorisation matérielle, la défavorisation sociale et le nombre d’immigrants récents sur un territoire. Par contre, la corrélation entre la prévalence de la santé mentale et l’utilisation des services est négative. Les analyses plus poussées indiquent que le contexte de résidence explique 12,26 % (p<0,05) de la variation totale de l’utilisation des services. De plus, lorsqu’on contrôle pour les caractéristiques individuelles, vivre dans un environnement stable augmente l’utilisation des services (O.R=1,24; p<0,05) tandis que les contextes défavorisés du point de vue socioéconomique ont un effet néfaste sur l’utilisation (O.R=0,71; p<0,05). Conclusion : Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent que si on veut optimiser l’utilisation des services en santé mentale, il est important d’agir prioritairement au niveau de la collectivité. Plus spécifiquement, il faudrait mener des campagnes de sensibilisation auprès de la population pour combattre la stigmatisation des personnes ayant un problème de santé mentale. Sur le plan de la planification des soins de santé, on devrait augmenter l’offre des services dans les territoires défavorisés pour en faciliter l’accès aux habitants.
La maladie de Lyme est la maladie vectorielle la plus fréquente dans les pays tempérés et est en émergence dans plusieurs régions du monde. Plusieurs stratégies de prévention existent et comprennent des interventions qui visent les individus, comme le port de vêtements protecteurs, et d’autres qui sont implantées au niveau collectif, dont des interventions de contrôle des tiques dans l’environnement. L’efficacité de ces stratégies peut être influencée par divers facteurs, dont des facteurs sociaux tels que les connaissances, les perceptions et les comportements de la population ciblée. Elles peuvent également avoir des impacts parallèles non désirés, par exemple sur l’environnement et l’économie, et ces derniers peuvent s’opposer aux bénéfices des interventions jusqu’à remettre en cause la pertinence de leur mise en œuvre. Aussi, ces facteurs sociaux et les impacts des interventions sont susceptibles de varier selon la population ciblée et en fonction du contexte épidémiologique et social. L’objectif de cette thèse était donc d’étudier les principaux facteurs sociaux et enjeux d’importance à considérer pour évaluer l’efficacité et prioriser des interventions de prévention pour la maladie de Lyme dans deux populations exposées à des contextes différents, notamment en ce qui concerne leur situation épidémiologique, soient au Québec, où l’incidence de la maladie de Lyme est faible mais en émergence, et en Suisse, où elle est élevée et endémique depuis plus de trois décennies. L’approche choisie et le devis général de l’étude sont basés sur deux modèles théoriques principaux, soient le modèle des croyances relatives à la santé et celui de l’aide à la décision multicritère. Dans un premier temps, les facteurs associés à la perception du risque pour la maladie de Lyme, c’est-à-dire l’évaluation cognitive d’une personne face au risque auquel elle fait face, ont été étudiés. Les résultats suggèrent que les facteurs significatifs sont différents dans les deux régions à l’étude. Ensuite, l’impact des connaissances, de l’exposition, et des perceptions sur l’adoption de comportements préventifs individuels et sur l’acceptabilité des interventions de contrôle des tiques (acaricides, modifications de l’habitat, contrôle des cervidés) a été comparé. Les résultats suggèrent que l’impact des facteurs varierait en fonction du type du comportement et des interventions, mais que la perception de l’efficacité est un facteur commun fortement associé à ces deux aspects, et pourrait être un facteur-clé à cibler lors de campagnes de communication. Les résultats montrent également que les enjeux relatifs aux interventions de contrôle des tiques tels que perçus par la population générale seraient communs dans les deux contextes de l’étude, et partagés par les intervenants impliqués dans la prévention de la maladie de Lyme. Finalement, un modèle d’analyse multicritère a été développé à l’aide d’une approche participative pour le contexte du Québec puis adapté pour le contexte suisse et a permis d’évaluer et de prioriser les interventions préventives selon les différentes perspectives des intervenants. Les rangements produits par les modèles au Québec et en Suisse ont priorisé les interventions qui ciblent principalement les populations humaines, devant les interventions de contrôle des tiques. L’application de l’aide à la décision multicritère dans le contexte de la prévention de la maladie de Lyme a permis de développer un modèle décisionnel polyvalent et adaptable à différents contextes, dont la situation épidémiologique. Ces travaux démontrent que cette approche peut intégrer de façon rigoureuse et transparente les multiples perspectives des intervenants et les enjeux de la prévention relatifs à la santé publique, à la santé animale et environnementale, aux impacts sociaux, ainsi qu’aux considérations économiques, opérationnelles et stratégiques. L’utilisation de ces modèles en santé publique favoriserait l’adoption d’une approche « Une seule santé » pour la prévention de la maladie de Lyme et des zoonoses en général. Mots-clés : maladie de Lyme, prévention, facteurs sociaux, perception du risque, comportements préventifs, acceptabilité, priorisation des interventions, contrôle des tiques, aide à la décision multicritère, analyse multicritère, Québec, Suisse, « Une seule santé »
Pesticide use among smallholder coffee producers in Jamaica has been associated with significant occupational health effects. Research on pesticide handling practices, however, has been scarce, especially in eastern Jamaica. This explorative study aims at filling this gap and provides a first basis to develop effective interventions to promote a safer pesticide use. A random sample of 81 coffee farmers was surveyed. The majority of farmers reported to suffer from at least one health symptom associated with pesticide handling, but safety practices were scarcely adopted. There was also the risk that other household members and the wider local community are exposed to pesticides. The lack of training on pesticide management, the role of health services and the cost for protective equipment seemed to be the most significant factors that influence current pesticide handling practices in eastern Jamaica. Further research is recommended to develop a systemic understanding of farmer’s behaviour to provide a more solid basis for the development of future intervention programmes.
Pesticide use among smallholder coffee producers in Jamaica has been associated with significant occupational health effects. Research on pesticide handling practices, however, has been scarce, especially in eastern Jamaica. This explorative study aims at filling this gap and provides a first basis to develop effective interventions to promote a safer pesticide use. A random sample of 81 coffee farmers was surveyed. The majority of farmers reported to suffer from at least one health symptom associated with pesticide handling, but safety practices were scarcely adopted. There was also the risk that other household members and the wider local community are exposed to pesticides. The lack of training on pesticide management, the role of health services and the cost for protective equipment seemed to be the most significant factors that influence current pesticide handling practices in eastern Jamaica. Further research is recommended to develop a systemic understanding of farmer’s behaviour to provide a more solid basis for the development of future intervention programmes.
Os serviços em geral estão em evolução dentro de um cenário de crescente competição, e as particularidades de cada segmento necessitam ser atendidas de forma manter os clientes atuais ampliar carteira dentre os clientes potenciais. papel do relacionamento nas atividades de serviços torna-se cada dia mais importante, em especial se setor da atividade da saúde. saúde um setor onde tecnologia pouco contribui para redução dos custos; ao contrário, encarece prática da medicina, juntamente com acréscimo da demanda das expectativas dos usuários. Além disso, setor passou para condição de concessionário, regulamentado por uma Agência governamental, com forte pressão de nova legislação qual aumentou significativamente as coberturas serem entregues pelos Planos de Saúde seus usuários, ampliada pelos órgãos de defesa do consumidor pela exposição na mídia, por tratar-se de assunto de forte apelo social, econômico político. estudo analisa, através de uma pesquisa, importância de um programa de Marketing de Relacionamento desenvolvido por um Grupo que presta serviços de saúde no interior do Rio Grande do Sul, qual procura manter os clientes atuais ampliar sua carteira. organização desenvolve um programa valorizando os colaboradores, orienta-se para mercado busca fortalecer as relações internas externas, por meio do comprometimento, da confiança da cooperação, que são as bases do relacionamento. Os resultados apontam para validade do programa no tocante fidelização dos atuais clientes, sua evolução permite prever fortalecimento dos vínculos do Grupo com seus colaboradores clientes, necessitando de mais tempo para confirmar eficácia também na ampliação de sua carteira.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
The presence of Toxoplasma gondii and Leptospira spp. antibodies was investigated in 74 manatees (Trichechus inunguis [Mammalia: Sirenia]) kept in captivity in two rescue units in the northern region of Brazil. Antibodies to T gondii were detected in 29 (39.2%) of 74 animals by using the modified agglutination test (titer, 1:25). For antibodies against Leptospira spp., sera were diluted 1:50 and tested against 24 strains of leptospires by microscopic agglutination microtechnique, and positive samples were end titrated. Twenty-three (31.1%) of 74 animals were reactive to four serovars (Patoc 21/23, Castellonis 2/23, Icterohaemorrhagiae 1/23, and Butembo 1/23), with titers ranging from 100 to 1,600. This is the first report of antibodies against T gondii and Leptospira spp. in T. inunguis from the Brazilian Amazon.
Consolidation of international guidelines for the management of canine populations in urban areas and proposal of performance indicators The objective of this study is to propose a generic program for the management of urban canine populations with suggestion of performance indicators. The following international guidelines on canine population management were revised and consolidated: World Health Organization, World Organisation for Animal Health, World Society for the Protection of Animals, International Companion Animal Management Coalition, and the Food and Agriculture Organization. Management programs should cover: situation diagnosis, including estimates of population size; social participation with involvement of various sectors in the planning and execution of strategies; educational actions to promote humane values, animal welfare, community health, and responsible ownership (through purchase or adoption); environmental and waste management to eliminate sources of food and shelter; registration and identification of animals; animal health care, reproductive control; prevention and control of zoonoses; control of animal commerce; management of animal behavior and adequate solutions for abandoned animals; and laws regulating responsible ownership, prevention of abandonment and zoonoses. To monitor these actions, four groups of indicators are suggested: animal population indicators, human/animal interaction indicators, public service indicators, and zoonosis indicators. The management of stray canine populations requires political, sanitary, ethologic, ecologic, and humanitarian strategies that are socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable. Such measures must also include the control of zoonoses such as rabies and leishmaniasis, considering the concept of "one health," which benefits both the animals and people in the community.