28 resultados para Oligodendroglioma
The management of gliomas in daily clinical practice is challenging. It requires a multidisciplinary and coordinated approach involving neurosurgery, radiotherapy and, finally, chemotherapy. Important progress has been made during the last years with the introduction of a combined treatment associating standard radiotherapy with concomitant chemotherapy using temozolomide, a novel alkylating agent. For the first time in many years a new treatment strategy translated into a significant prolongation of survival. In parallel, molecular markers (e.g. loss of heterozygosity on chromosomes 1p and 19q or methylation of the methyl-guanine methyl transferase [MGMT] gene promoter) allowed for identification of distinct subtypes of glioma or prediction of treatment response. In this "Practical Guide", we describe the daily practice and aim at answering some common questions in the management of patients suffering from glioblastoma, astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma and low grade glioma. The therapeutic options presented here are based on evidences from the literature. In the absence of documented evidence, the empirical choices from our local practice are explained and justified.
Glioma has been considered resistant to chemotherapy and radiation. Recently, concomitant and adjuvant chemoradiotherapy with temozolomide has become the standard treatment for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Conversely (neo-)adjuvant PCV (procarbazine, lomustine, vincristine) failed to improve survival in the more chemoresponsive tumor entities of anaplastic oligoastrocytoma and oligodendroglioma. Preclinical investigations suggest synergism or additivity of radiotherapy and temozolomide in glioma cell lines. Although the relative contribution of the concomitant and the adjuvant chemotherapy, respectively, cannot be assessed, the early introduction of chemotherapy and the simultaneous administration with radiotherapy appear to be key for the improvement of outcome. Epigenetic inactivation of the DNA repair enzyme methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT) seems to be the strongest predictive marker for outcome in patients treated with alkylating agent chemotherapy. Patients whose tumors do not have MGMT promoter methylation are less likely to benefit from the addition of temozolomide chemotherapy and require alternative treatment strategies. The predictive value of MGMT gene promoter methylation is being validated in ongoing trials aiming at overcoming this resistance by a dose-dense continuous temozolomide administration or in combination with MGMT inhibitors. Understanding of molecular mechanisms allows for rational targeting of specific pathways of repair, signaling, and angiogenesis. The addition of tyrosine kinase inhibitors vatalanib (PTK787) and vandetinib (ZD6474), the integrin inhibitor cilengitide, the monoclonal antibodies bevacizumab and cetuximab, the mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors temsirolimus and everolimus, and the protein kinase C inhibitor enzastaurin, among other agents, are in clinical investigation, building on the established chemoradiotherapy regimen for newly diagnosed glioblastoma.
Tenascin-C (TNC) expression is known to correlate with malignancy in glioblastoma (GBM), a highly invasive and aggressive brain tumor that shows limited response to conventional therapies. In these malignant gliomas as well as in GBM cell lines, we found Notch2 protein to be strongly expressed. In a GBM tumor tissue microarray, RBPJk protein, a Notch2 cofactor for transcription, was found to be significantly coexpressed with TNC. We show that the TNC gene is transactivated by Notch2 in an RBPJk-dependent manner mediated by an RBPJk binding element in the TNC promoter. The transactivation is abrogated by a Notch2 mutation, which we detected in the glioma cell line Hs683 that does not express TNC. This L1711M mutation resides in the RAM domain, the site of interaction between Notch2 and RBPJk. In addition, transfection of constructs encoding activated Notch2 or Notch1 increased endogenous TNC expression identifying TNC as a novel Notch target gene. Overexpression of a dominant negative form of the transcriptional coactivator MAML1 or knocking down RBPJk in LN319 cells led to a dramatic decrease in TNC protein levels accompanied by a significant reduction of cell migration. Because addition of purified TNC stimulated glioma cell migration, this represents a mechanism for the invasive properties of glioma cells controlled by Notch signaling and defines a novel oncogenic pathway in gliomagenesis that may be targeted for therapeutic intervention in GBM patients.
The management of gliomas remains challenging and requires a multidisciplinary approach that involves neurosurgeons, radiation therapists and oncologists. For patients with glioblastomas, progress has been made in recent years with the introduction of a combined modality treatment associating radiation therapy and concomitant chemotherapy with the novel alkylating agent temozolomide. This combination resulted in a significant prolongation of survival and increase in the number of patients with survival well beyond two years. Since then, interest in developing new agents in this disease has dramatically increased. In parallel, molecular markers, such as methylation status of MGMT or identification of the translocation of 1p and 19q in oligodendrogliomas have allowed to identify distinct subtypes with exquisite response to treatment or different prognosis. These developments have implications for the development of clinical trials of new potential drug treatments. In this article, we provide a review of the current management of low- and high-grade gliomas, including astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and glioblastomas and provide an outlook into future potential therapies.
Ilustramos este ensaio iconográfico com imagens de ressonância magnética obtidas em nosso serviço nos últimos 15 anos e discutimos as principais características de imagem de lesões intraventriculares, de etiologia tumoral (cisto coloide, oligodendroglioma, astroblastoma, lipoma, cavernoma) e de etiologia inflamatória/infecciosa (neurocisticercose e uma incomum apresentação da neuro-histoplasmose). Estas lesões representam um subgrupo de lesões intracranianas com características próprias e alguns dos padrões de imagem que podem facilitar o diagnóstico diferencial.
Thirty-eight tumors (five grade I-II astrocytomas, three grade III astrocytomas, four glioblastomas, one oligodendroglioma, four ependymomas, one pineocytoma, three medulloblastomas, four acoustic nerve neurinomas, one intraspinal neurinoma, one neurofibroma, 10 meningiomas, and one craniopharyngioma) and three benign lesions of the nervous system were evaluated cytogenetically after in vitro culture. Sex chromosome loss was detected in 56% of the cases (-X in 13 of the 25 female patients and -Y in nine of the 16 male patients). The objective of the present report was to study the role of this abnormality in cells of the nervous system.
Some modifying factors may determine the risk of brain tumors. Until now, it could not be attempted to identify people at risk and also to improve significantly disease progression. Current therapy consists of surgical resection, followed by radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Despite of these treatments, the prognosis for patients is poor. In this review, we highlight general aspects concerning genetic alterations in brain tumors, namely astrocytomas, glioblastomas, oligodendrogliomas, medulloblastomas and ependymomas. The influence of these genetic alterations in patients' prognosis is discussed. Mutagen sensivity is associated with cancer risk. The convincing studies that linked DNA damages and DNA repair alterations with brain tumors are also described. Another important modifying factor is immunity. General immune response against cancer, tumor microenvironment and immune response, mechanisms of tumor escape, CNS tumor immunology, immune defects that impair anti-tumor systemic immunity in brain tumor patients and local immunosuppressive factors within CNS are also reviewed. New hope to treatment perspectives, as dendritic-cell-based vaccines is summarized too. Concluding, it seems well established that there is association between brain tumor risk and mutagen sensivity, which is highly heritable. Primary brain tumors cause depression in systemic host immunity; local immunosuppressive factors and immunological characteristics of tumor cells may explain the poor prognosis and DNA damages responses can alert immune system. However, it is necessary to clarify if individuals with both constitutional defects in immune functions and genetic instability have higher risk of developing brain tumors. Cytogenetic prospective studies and gene copy number variations analysis also must be performed in peripheral lymphocytes from brain tumor patients. © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Gliomas are the most common primary brain tumours. Despite advances in surgical techniques, postoperative supportive care, radiation and adjuvant systemic therapy, the life expectancy of patients with high grade glioma has remained essentially poor. Furthermore differential diagnosis among astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas is very challenging and subject to inter-observer variability. The purpose of the research was: 1) to investigate a series of high grade and low grade gliomas at gene and protein (immunohistochemistry) levels to disclose possible genetic portraits of malignancy; 2) to verify the utility of Nogo-A, Olig-2 and synaptophysin in providing a correct histological diagnosis of oligodendroglioma and to investigate a possible complementary role in selecting the best areas suitable for detecting 1p/19q codeletion using FISH analysis; 3) to study the role of microRNA in high grade gliomas. In order to obtain these goals large series of brain tumors were studied with DNA microarrays, immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR The results demonstrated that: - Overexpression of IGFBP-2 and CDC20 is highly related to glioblastomas and their immunopositivity can be useful for the identification of glioblastoma in small biopsies. - Nogo-A is the most useful and specific marker in differentiating oigodendrogliomas from other gliomas. Furthermore, using a Nogo-A driven FISH analysis, it is possible to identify a larger number of 1p19q codeletions in gliomas. - microRNAs can be studied in paraffin embedded tissues better than in fresh tissues. A series of six microRNA, significatively deregulated in glioblastomas, may represent a genetic signature with prognostic and predictive value and could constitute candidates for novel anti-cancer therapeutics.
Diffusely infiltrating gliomas (WHO grade II-IV) are the most common primary brain tumours in adults. These tumours are not amenable to cure by surgery alone, so suitable biomarkers for adjuvant modalities are required to guide therapeutic decision-making. Epigenetic silencing of the O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene by promoter methylation has been associated with longer survival of patients with high-grade gliomas who receive alkylating chemotherapy; and molecular testing for the methylation status of the MGMT promoter sequence is regarded as among the most relevant of such markers. We have developed a primer extension-based assay adapted to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues that enables quantitative assessment of the methylation status of the MGMT promoter. The assay is very sensitive, highly reproducible, and provides valid test results in nearly 100% of cases. Our results indicate that oligodendrogliomas, empirically known to have a relatively favourable prognosis, are also the most homogeneous entities in terms of MGMT promoter methylation. Conversely, astrocytomas, which are more prone to spontaneous progression to higher grade malignancy, are significantly more heterogeneous. In addition, we show that the degree of promoter methylation correlates with the prevalence of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome arm 1p in the oligodendroglioma group, but not the astrocytoma group. Our results may have potentially important implications for clinical molecular diagnosis.
Central nervous system space-occupying lesions with clear-cell features encompass a nosologically heterogeneous array, ranging from reactive histiocytic proliferations to neuroepithelial or meningothelial neoplasms of various grades and to metastases. In the face of such differential diagnostic breadth, recognizing cytoplasmic lucency as part of the morphological spectrum of some low grade gliomas will directly have an impact on patient care. We describe a prevailing clear-cell change in an epileptogenic left temporal pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma surgically resected from a 36-year-old man. Mostly subarachnoid and focally calcified, the tumor was composed of fascicles of moderately atypical spindle cells with optically lucent cytoplasm that tended to intermingle with a desmoplastic mesh of reticulin fibers. Immunohistochemically, coexpression of S100 protein, vimentin, GFAP, and CD34 was noted. Conversely, neither punctate staining for EMA nor positivity for CD68 was seen. Mitotic activity was absent, and the MIB1 labeling index was 2-3% on average. Diastase-sensitive PAS-positive granula indicated clear-cell change to proceed from glycogen storage. Electron microscopy showed tumor cell cytoplasm to be largely obliterated by non-lysosomal-bound pools of glycogen, while hardly any fat vacuole was encountered. Neither ependymal-derived organelles nor annular lamellae suggesting oligodendroglial differentiation were detected. The latter differential diagnosis was further invalidated by lack of codeletion of chromosomal regions 1p36 and 19q13 on molecular genetic testing. By significantly interfering with pattern recognition as an implicit approach in histopathology, clear-cell change in pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is likely to suspend its status as a "classic", and to prompt more deductive differential diagnostic strategies to exclude look-alikes, especially clear-cell ependymoma and oligodendroglioma.
AIMS To assess whether in oligoastrocytomas ATRX deficiency - as a surrogate of the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) pathway - has a role in predicting the presence or absence of loss of heterozygosity of 1p and 19q (LOH), the genetic signature of oligodendroglial differentiation and a favourable prognostic marker. METHODS AND RESULTS A series of 54 oligoastrocytomas were investigated by immunohistochemistry as well as microsatellite analysis for LOH 1p19q. Genetic findings were correlated with morphological assessment. CONCLUSIONS ATRX deficiency was mutually exclusive with LOH. Conversely, ATRX-proficient tumours immunoreactive for R132H-mutant isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) showed a high rate (85%) of LOH. A more oligodendroglioma-like morphology was associated with a higher rate of LOH even in the morphologically ambiguous group of oligoastrocytomas. Our findings support the concept that oligoastrocytomas represent a morphological grey zone rather than a group of truly "mixed" or "intermediate" tumours. More precise classification of diffuse gliomas may also improve grading of borderline cases. We propose an immunohistochemical algorithm for classification of morphologically ambiguous diffuse gliomas. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
We describe molecular and clinical findings in an immunocompetent patient with an oligoastrocytoma and the concomitant presence of the human papovavirus, JC virus (JCV), which is the etiologic agent of the subacute, debilitating demyelinating disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Histologic review revealed a glial neoplasm consisting primarily of a moderately cellular oligodendroglioma with distinct areas of a fibrillary astrocytoma. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed nuclear staining of tumor cells with antibodies against the viral oncoprotein [tumor antigen (T antigen)], the proliferation marker (Ki67), and the cellular proliferation regulator (p53). Using primers specific to the JCV control region, PCR yielded amplified DNA that was identical to the control region of the Mad-4 strain of the virus. PCR analysis demonstrated the presence of the genome for the viral oncoprotein, T antigen, and results from primer extension studies revealed synthesis of the viral early RNA for T antigen in the tumor tissues. The presence of viral T antigen in the tumor tissue was further demonstrated by immunoblot assay. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of JCV DNA, RNA, and T antigen in tissue in which viral T antigen is localized to tumor cell nuclei and suggests the possible association of JCV with some glial neoplasms.