955 resultados para Olav I Trygveson, King of Norway, 968-1000.


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The structure and the mechanical properties of wood of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) were studied using small samples from Finland and Sweden. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to determine the orientation of cellulose microfibrils (microfibril angle, MFA), the dimensions of cellulose crystallites and the average shape of the cell cross-section. X-ray attenuation and x-ray fluorescence measurements were used to study the chemical composition and the trace element content. Tensile testing with in situ XRD was used to characterise the mechanical properties of wood and the deformation of crystalline cellulose within the wood cell walls. Cellulose crystallites were found to be 192 284 Å long and 28.9 33.4 Å wide in chemically untreated wood and they were longer and wider in mature wood than in juvenile wood. The MFA distribution of individual Norway spruce tracheids and larger samples was asymmetric. In individual cell walls, the mean MFA was 19 30 degrees, while the mode of the MFA distribution was 7 21 degrees. Both the mean MFA and the mode of the MFA distribution decreased as a function of the annual ring. Tangential cell walls exhibited smaller mean MFA and mode of the MFA distribution than radial cell walls. Maceration of wood material caused narrowing of the MFA distribution and removed contributions observed at around 90 degrees. In wood of both untreated and fertilised trees, the average shape of the cell cross-section changed from circular via ambiguous to rectangular as the cambial age increased. The average shape of the cell cross-section and the MFA distribution did not change as a result of fertilisation. The mass absorption coefficient for x-rays was higher in wood of fertilised trees than in that of untreated trees and wood of fertilised trees contained more of the elements S, Cl, and K, but a smaller amount of Mn. Cellulose crystallites were longer in wood of fertilised trees than in that of untreated trees. Kraft cooking caused widening and shortening of the cellulose crystallites. Tensile tests parallel to the cells showed that if the mean MFA is initially around 10 degrees or smaller, no systematic changes occur in the MFA distribution due to strain. The role of mean MFA in defining the tensile strength or the modulus of elasticity of wood was not as dominant as that reported earlier. Crystalline cellulose elongated much less than the entire samples. The Poisson ratio νca of crystalline cellulose in Norway spruce wood was shown to be largely dependent on the surroundings of crystalline cellulose in the cell wall, varying between -1.2 and 0.8. The Poisson ratio was negative in kraft cooked wood and positive in chemically untreated wood. In chemically untreated wood, νca was larger in mature wood and in latewood compared to juvenile wood and earlywood.


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The aim of this thesis was to unravel the functional-structural characteristics of root systems of Betula pendula Roth., Picea abies (L.) Karst., and Pinus sylvestris L. in mixed boreal forest stands differing in their developmental stage and site fertility. The root systems of these species had similar structural regularities: horizontally-oriented shallow roots defined the horizontal area of influence, and within this area, each species placed fine roots in the uppermost soil layers, while sinker roots defined the maximum rooting depth. Large radial spread and high ramification of coarse roots, and the high specific root length (SRL) and root length density (RLD) of fine roots indicated the high belowground competitiveness and root plasticity of B. pendula. Smaller radial root spread and sparser branching of coarse roots, and low SRL and RLD of fine roots of the conifers could indicate their more conservative resource use and high association with and dependence on ectomycorrhiza-forming fungi. The vertical fine root distributions of the species were mostly overlapping, implying the possibility for intense belowground competition for nutrients. In each species, conduits tapered and their frequency increased from distal roots to the stem, from the stem to the branches, and to leaf petioles in B. pendula. Conduit tapering was organ-specific in each species violating the assumptions of the general vascular scaling model (WBE). This reflects the hierarchical organization of a tree and differences between organs in the relative importance of transport, safety, and mechanical demands. The applied root model was capable of depicting the mass, length and spread of coarse roots of B. pendula and P. abies, and to the lesser extent in P. sylvestris. The roots did not follow self-similar fractal branching, because the parameter values varied within the root systems. Model parameters indicate differences in rooting behavior, and therefore different ecophysiological adaptations between species.


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In the first part of the study, the selected wood and fiber properties were investigated in terms of their occurrence and variation in wood, as well as their relevance from the perspective of thermomechanical pulping process and related end-products. It was concluded that the most important factors were the fiber dimensions, juvenile wood content, and in some cases, the content of heartwood being associated with extremely dry wood with low permeability in spruce. With respect to the above properties, the following three pulpwood assortments of which pulping potential was assumed to vary were formed: wood from regeneration cuttings, first-thinnings wood, and sawmill chips. In the experimental part of the study the average wood and fiber characteristics and their variation were determined for each raw material group prior to pulping. Subsequently, each assortment - equaling about 1500 m3 roundwood - was pulped separately for a 24 h period, at constant process conditions. The properties of obtained newsgrade thermomechanical pulps were then determined. Thermomechanical pulping (TMP) from sawmill chips had the highest proportion of long fibers, smallest proportion of fines, and had generally the coarsest and longest fibers. TMP from first-thinnings wood was just the opposite, whereas that from regeneration cuttings fell in between the above two extremes. High proportion of dry heartwood in wood originating from regeneration cuttings produced a slightly elevated shives content. However, no differences were found in pulp specific energy consumption. The obtained pulp tear index was clearly best in TMP made from sawmill chips and poorest in pulp from first-thinnings wood, which had generally inferior strength properties. No dramatical differences in any of the strength properties were found between pulp from sawmill residual wood and regeneration cuttings. Pulp optical properties were superior in TMP from first-thinnings. Unexpectedly, no noticeable differences, which could be explained with fiber morphology, were found in sheet density, bulk, air permeance or roughness between the three pulps. The most important wood quality factors in this study were the fiber length, fiber cross-sectional dimensions and percentage juvenile wood. Differences found in the quality of TMP manufactured from the above spruce assortments suggest that they could be segregated and pulped separately to obtain specific product characteristics, i.e., for instance tailor-made end-products, and to minimize unnecessary variation in the raw material quality, and hence, pulp quality.


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This paper argues in detail for the identification of Peftjauawybast, King of Nen-nesut (fl. 728/720 BC ), with Peftjauawybast, High Priest of Ptah in Memphis (fl. c. 790–780 BC2), known from the Apis stela of year 28 of Shoshenq III. This identification ties in with a significant lowering of the accepted dates for the kings from Shoshenq III, Osorkon III and Takeloth III to Shoshenq V, and the material culture associated with them. Such a shift seems to be supported by stylistic and genealogical evidence. As a consequence, it is further suggested that the Master of Shipping at Nen-nesut, Pediese i, was perhaps related by descent and marriage to the family of the High Priests of Memphis and King Peftjauawybast.


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Part I.

In recent years, backscattering spectrometry has become an important tool for the analysis of thin films. An inherent limitation, though, is the loss of depth resolution due to energy straggling of the beam. To investigate this, energy straggling of 4He has been measured in thin films of Ni, Al, Au and Pt. Straggling is roughly proportional to square root of thickness, appears to have a slight energy dependence and generally decreases with decreasing atomic number of the adsorber. The results are compared with predictions of theory and with previous measurements. While Ni measurements are in fair agreement with Bohr's theory, Al measurements are 30% above and Au measurements are 40% below predicted values. The Au and Pt measurements give straggling values which are close to one another.

Part II.

MeV backscattering spectrometry and X-ray diffraction are used to investigate the behavior of sputter-deposited Ti-W mixed films on Si substrates. During vacuum anneals at temperatures near 700°C for several hours, the metallization layer reacts with the substrate. Backscattering analysis shows that the resulting compound layer is uniform in composition and contains Ti, Wand Si. The Ti:W ratio in the compound corresponds to that of the deposited metal film. X-ray analyses with Reed and Guinier cameras reveal the presence of the ternary TixW(1-x)Si2 compound. Its composition is unaffected by oxygen contamination during annealing, but the reaction rate is affected. The rate measured on samples with about 15% oxygen contamination after annealing is linear, of the order of 0.5 Å per second at 725°C, and depends on the crystallographic orientation of the substrate and the dc bias during sputter-deposition of the Ti-W film.

Au layers of about 1000 Å thickness were deposited onto unreacted Ti-W films on Si. When annealed at 400°C these samples underwent a color change,and SEM micrographs of the samples showed that an intricate pattern of fissures which were typically 3µm wide had evolved. Analysis by electron microprobe revealed that Au had segregated preferentially into the fissures. This result suggests that Ti-W is not a barrier to Au-Si intermixing at 400°C.


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The family Phycodnaviridae encompasses a diverse and rapidly expanding collection of large icosahedral, dsDNA viruses that infect algae. These lytic and lysogenic viruses have genomes ranging from 160 to 560 kb. The family consists of six genera based initially on host range and supported by sequence comparisons. The family is monophyletic with branches for each genus, but the phycodnaviruses have evolutionary roots that connect them with several other families of large DNA viruses, referred to as the nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDV).The phycodnaviruses have diverse genome structures, some with large regions of noncoding sequence and others with regions of ssDNA. The genomes of members in three genera in the Phycodnaviridae have been sequenced. The genome analyses have revealed more than 1000 unique genes, with only 14 homologous genes in common among the three genera of phycodnaviruses sequenced to date. Thus, their gene diversity far exceeds the number of so-called core genes. Not much is known about the replication of these viruses, but the consequences of these infections on phytoplankton have global affects, including influencing geochemical cycling and weather patterns.


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The influence of six antiferroelectric compounds on the helical pitch of mixture W-1000, which was reported as long pitch orthoconic antiferroelectric liquid crystalline mixture, was checked by spectrophotometry and polarimetry methods. The electro-optical properties for the mixture with the longest pitch were measured. An improvement in electro-optical response due to the long pitch is reported. The novelty in electro-optical properties is the good symmetry response.


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"Bibliography of Fort Ancient": p. 164.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Jiangsu. Wuxi County. Dayunshan; L: 1 13/16 in.; white jade