939 resultados para Oil-paper insulation system
The crossflow filtration process differs of the conventional filtration by presenting the circulation flow tangentially to the filtration surface. The conventional mathematical models used to represent the process have some limitations in relation to the identification and generalization of the system behaviour. In this paper, a system based on artificial neural networks is developed to overcome the problems usually found in the conventional mathematical models. More specifically, the developed system uses an artificial neural network that simulates the behaviour of the crossflow filtration process in a robust way. Imprecisions and uncertainties associated with the measurements made on the system are automatically incorporated in the neural approach. Simulation results are presented to justify the validity of the proposed approach. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ao percorrermos as cidades portuguesas, deparámo-nos frequentemente com fachadas de edifícios muito degradadas, não só de edifícios antigos, mas também de edifícios recentes (construção edificada a partir do início da década de 70). A presença de anomalias nas fachadas, para além de ser esteticamente desagradável na paisagem urbana, pode também potenciar a degradação prematura da envolvente vertical dos edifícios, deixando estas de desempenhar satisfatoriamente as funções de impermeabilidade e eficiência térmica. Tem-se assistido nas últimas décadas em Portugal, não só a uma evolução das técnicas construtivas das fachadas face à crescente exigência da qualidade dos edifícios, mas também a uma crescente utilização de novos revestimentos, nomeadamente, o sistema de isolamento térmico pelo exterior, conhecido pela sigla inglesa ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite System) e designado por “revestimento delgado armado sobre isolante”. O principal objectivo da presente dissertação consiste no desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma proposta de metodologia para análise da patologia de fachadas de edifícios recentes com sistema ETICS, que gradualmente tem vindo a implantar-se em Portugal como uma das soluções de carácter inovador de isolamento térmico e de protecção higrométrica da envolvente vertical opaca dos edifícios.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Perinteiset sähkökoneen eristemateriaalit eivät kestä vesihöyryä. Vesihöyryä kestävä eristerakenne on tarpeen, kun tehdään hermeettinen turbogeneraattori, jossa vesihöyry virtaa ilmavälin läpi. Tällainen turbogeneraattori mahdollistaa teholtaan tavallista pienemmän biopolttoainevoimalan rakentamisen kustannustehokkaasti. Työssä tutkittiin erilaisia pyörölankakäämityn pienjännitekoneen eristemateriaaleja. Pienoismallikokein testattiin ne eristemateriaalit, joiden uskottiin kirjallisuustietojen perusteella selviytyvän vesihöyryssä. Myös perinteinen, polyesteriin pohjautuva eristerakenne testattiin. Kokeiden perusteella valittiin turbogeneraattorin staattoriin sopiva eristerakenne.
Työssä tutkittiin uuden ShortFlowÔ-konseptin eri osa-alueiden toimivuutta paperikoneen lyhytkierrossa. Prosessin sekoituspumppuna perinteinen keskipakopumppu korvataan potkuri-pumpulla, joten työssä selvitettiin uudentyyppisen pumpun kavitointirajat, säädettävyys ja sen soveltuminen suunniteltuun tehtävään ja toiminta-alueeseen. Prosessiin kuuluu myös uudentyyppinen viirakaivo, josta selvitettiin sen kyky poistaa ilmaa ja virtauskäyttäytyminen kaivossa. Hienopaperikoneen osalta kartoitettiin prosessiin liittyviä riskejä ja ShortFlowÔ-lyhytkiertoprosessin kannattavuutta investointina. Työn kirjallisessa osassa on käsitelty lyhytkiertoa eri osa-alueittain. Aluksi on lyhytkierron yleisempi tarkastelu, jossa on selvitetty lajittelua, ilmanpoistoa ja pumppauksia. Erityisempää huomiota on kiinnitetty ShortFlowÔ-lyhytkiertoprosessiin liittyviin erityispiirteisiin joita ovat sakeamassalajittelu, täyteaineet paperitehtaalla, hylky ja virtausten sekoittuminen. Sekoituspumpun osalta on käsitelty myös kavitointia hieman tarkemmin. Työn kokeellisessa osassa suunniteltiin prosessin koelaitteisto, joka myös koeajettiin. Potkuripumpun koeajossa määritettiin potkuripumpun toiminta-alue ja säädettävyys. Pumpun todettiin sekoittavan ja ilman vaikutus potkuripumpun ominaisuuksiin todettiin merkityksettömäksi pumpun toiminta-alueella. Viirakaivon koeajossa selvisi, että viirakaivo poistaa ilmaa suunnittelualueella ja kaivolle löytyi muoto, jossa virtauskäyttäytyminen viirakaivossa eri laskeutumisnopeuksilla on mahdollisimman häiriötöntä. Hienopaperikoneen osalta riskien kartoituksessa selvisi, ettei täyteaine aiheuta ongelmia ja että päällystelaattaa sisältävä hylky on lajiteltava ennen lyhytkiertoa. ShortFlowÔ-lyhytkiertoprosessi oli edullisin sekä käyttö- että investointikustannuksiltaan.
The work aims to analyze the possibilities of utilizing old crane driving AC induction motors in modern pulse-width-modulated variable frequency drives. Bearing currents and voltage stresses are the two main problems associated with modern IGBT inverters, and they may cause premature failure of an old induction motor. The origins of these two problems are studied. An analysis of the mechanism of bearing failure is proposed. Certain types of bearing currents are considered in detail. The most effective and economical means are chosen for bearing currents mitigation. Transient phenomena of cables and mechanism of over voltages occurring at motor terminals are studied in the work. The weakest places of the stator winding insulation system are shown and recommendations are given considering the mitigation of voltage stresses. Only the most appropriate and cost effective preventative methods are chosen for old motor drives. Rewinding of old motors is also considered.
Changes in the angle of illumination incident upon a 3D surface texture can significantly alter its appearance, implying variations in the image texture. These texture variations produce displacements of class members in the feature space, increasing the failure rates of texture classifiers. To avoid this problem, a model-based texture recognition system which classifies textures seen from different distances and under different illumination directions is presented in this paper. The system works on the basis of a surface model obtained by means of 4-source colour photometric stereo, used to generate 2D image textures under different illumination directions. The recognition system combines coocurrence matrices for feature extraction with a Nearest Neighbour classifier. Moreover, the recognition allows one to guess the approximate direction of the illumination used to capture the test image
Sementti on yksi eniten maailmassa käytetty rakennusmateriaali ja Suomessa sementin valmistuksesta vastaa Finnsementti Oy kahden tehtaan voimin. Lappeenrannan tehtaalle investoitiin uusi uunilinja vuonna 2007, joka on aikansa kehittyneintä tekniikkaa. Järjes-telmän esilämmitysvaiheen laitteissa, erityisesti kalsinaattorissa, on esiintynyt luvattoman paljon plastisoitumista ja murtumia. Tässä työssä tutkittiin lämpötilan ja sen vaihtelun vaikutusta järjestelmässä syntyneisiin siirtymiin ja murtumiin. Työn alussa luotiin katsaus erilaisiin murtumisilmiöihin ja niiden syntyyn. Vuorauksessa käytettyihin tiilien käyttäytymistä tutkittiin myös, koska ne ovat olennainen osa esilämmi-tysjärjestelmää. Työn kokeellisessa osuudessa aluksi määriteltiin järjestelmässä käytetylle teräkselle lujuusominaisuudet tutkimalla mikrorakennetta sekä suorittamalla veto- että kovuuskokeet materiaalille. Toisessa osiossa mitattiin järjestelmän alasajon aikana tapah-tuneet siirtymät. Laskennallisessa osuudessa tutkittiin väsymismurtuman mahdollisuutta sekä määritettiin kuoressa esiintyvän särön vaikutusta puhkeamis- ja murtumiskuormituk-seen. FEM- analyysissä tarkasteltiin lämpötilan vaikutusta siirtymien suuruuksiin ja pyrittiin löytämään perusteluita, miksi rakenne on todellisuudessa siirtynyt eri suuntiin kuin alun perin oli tarkoitettu. Lisäksi analysoitiin FEM- mallit tiilihyllystä ja kalsinaattorin kuoren tukikehästä, joista tutkittiin lämpökuorman aiheuttamia jännityksiä. Materiaalin osalta selvisi, että kyseessä oli hyvin yleinen rakenneteräs S235 tai sitä vas-taava teräslaatu. Teräs ei ominaisuuksiltaan sovellu kuumiin olosuhteisiin, jonka vuoksi järjestelmässä käytettävän eristevuorauksen kunto on erityisen tärkeä rakenteen käyttöiän kannalta. Vuorauksen kunnosta riippuu, kuinka suuren lämpökuorman teräskuori saa. Väsymismurtuman mahdollisuus jäi minimaalisen pieneksi lämpötilan muutoksen vaiku-tuksesta. Analysoinnin tulosten perusteella voitiin todeta, että lämpötilan hitaasti mutta kohtalaisen suurella vaihteluvälillä sekä tiilien turpoamisen vaikutuksella on erittäin suuri merkitys järjestelmässä esiintyviin murtumiin.
The soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi is considered the main soybean disease and consequently the appropriate selection and the use of spraying equipment are vital for its control. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of aerial application equipment for soybean rust control. It was used: Micronair AU 5000 at 10 L ha-1 (with oil) and at 20 L ha-1 (without oil); Stol ARD atomizer at 10 and 20 L ha-1 (both with oil) and Spectrum (electrostatic) at 10 L ha-1 (without oil). The adjuvant was cotton oil (1.0 L ha-1) with emulsifier (BR 455) at 0.025 L ha-1. The field trial was set up at the 3rd fungicide application, when f four replications of each treatment. There were no statistical differences among treatments related to fungicide deposits by at a Confidence Interval of 95%. It was observed that the best results were obtained with Micronair (10 L ha-1 with oil), Stol (20 L ha-1 with oil) and electrostatic system at 10 L ha-1 with the lowest relative humidity (64%).
Scoliosis treatment strategy is generally chosen according to the severity and type of the spinal curve. Currently, the curve type is determined from X-rays whose acquisition can be harmful for the patient. We propose in this paper a system that can predict the scoliosis curve type based on the analysis of the surface of the trunk. The latter is acquired and reconstructed in 3D using a non invasive multi-head digitizing system. The deformity is described by the back surface rotation, measured on several cross-sections of the trunk. A classifier composed of three support vector machines was trained and tested using the data of 97 patients with scoliosis. A prediction rate of 72.2% was obtained, showing that the use of the trunk surface for a high-level scoliosis classification is feasible and promising.
Changes in the angle of illumination incident upon a 3D surface texture can significantly alter its appearance, implying variations in the image texture. These texture variations produce displacements of class members in the feature space, increasing the failure rates of texture classifiers. To avoid this problem, a model-based texture recognition system which classifies textures seen from different distances and under different illumination directions is presented in this paper. The system works on the basis of a surface model obtained by means of 4-source colour photometric stereo, used to generate 2D image textures under different illumination directions. The recognition system combines coocurrence matrices for feature extraction with a Nearest Neighbour classifier. Moreover, the recognition allows one to guess the approximate direction of the illumination used to capture the test image
Gum arabic is widely used in the food industry as an additive, both as a thickener and an emulsifier. This study has compared the emulsification properties of two types of gums, KLTA (Acacia senegal) and GCA (Acacia seyal), both in their native/untreated forms and after exposure to high pressure (800 MPa). Further studies were undertaken to chemically modify the disulphide linkages present and to investigate the effects of their reduction on the diffusion of the carbohydrate materials. The emulsification properties of the gum samples were examined by determining the droplet size distribution in a ‘‘model’’ oil-in-water system. Results showed that high pressure treatment and chemical reduction of gums changed the emulsification properties of both gums. The high molecular weight component in arabinogalactanproteins (AGP/GP), and more ‘‘branched’’ carbohydrates present in gum arabic, may be responsible for the emulsification properties of GCA gum, indicating that the emulsification mechanisms for KLTA and GCA were different.
A ferrugem asiática da soja, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, é considerada a principal doença da soja, e, portanto, a escolha e o uso adequado dos equipamentos de pulverização são essenciais para seu controle. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de diferentes equipamentos de pulverização aérea para o controle curativo da ferrugem da soja, utilizando o fungicida Impact 125 SC (flutriafol) a 0,5 L p c ha-1. Os seguintes tratamentos foram avaliados: atomizador Micronair AU 5000 (10 L ha-1 com óleo e 20 L ha-1 sem óleo na calda); atomizador Stol ARD (10 e 20 L ha-1 ambos com óleo) e o sistema eletrostático Spectrum (10 L ha-1 sem óleo a 64 e 71% de umidade relativa). Utilizou-se óleo de algodão (1,0 L ha-1) acrescido de emulsificante BR 455 a 0,025 L ha-1. O ensaio foi realizado na terceira aplicação de fungicidas, quando foram analisadas quatro repetições nas áreas aplicadas e quatro testemunhas não aplicadas para cada tratamento, avaliando-se a severidade da ferrugem, os depósitos de flutriafol nas folhas de soja e o percentual de redução de ferrugem. A análise dos depósitos nas folhas mostrou que não houve diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. Os melhores controles da ferrugem foram obtidos com os tratamentos Micronair (10 L ha-1 com óleo), Stol (20 L ha-1 com óleo) e o sistema elestrostático (10 L ha-1) com a menor umidade relativa do ar (64 %).
Nowadays, there are many aspect-oriented middleware implementations that take advantage of the modularity provided by the aspect oriented paradigm. Although the works always present an assessment of the middleware according to some quality attribute, there is not a specific set of metrics to assess them in a comprehensive way, following various quality attributes. This work aims to propose a suite of metrics for the assessment of aspect-oriented middleware systems at different development stages: design, refactoring, implementation and runtime. The work presents the metrics and how they are applied at each development stage. The suite is composed of metrics associated to static properties (modularity, maintainability, reusability, exibility, complexity, stability, and size) and dynamic properties (performance and memory consumption). Such metrics are based on existing assessment approaches of object-oriented and aspect-oriented systems. The proposed metrics are used in the context of OiL (Orb in Lua), a middleware based on CORBA and implemented in Lua, and AO-OiL, the refactoring of OIL that follows a reference architecture for aspect-oriented middleware systems. The case study performed in OiL and AO-OiL is a system for monitoring of oil wells. This work also presents the CoMeTA-Lua tool to automate the collection of coupling and size metrics in Lua source code
The crossflow filtration process differs of the conventional filtration by presenting the circulation flow tangentially to the filtration surface. The conventional mathematical models used to represent the process have some limitations in relation to the identification and generalization of the system behavior. In this paper, a system based on fuzzy logic systems is developed to overcome the problems usually found in the conventional mathematical models. Imprecisions and uncertainties associated with the measurements made on the system are automatically incorporated in the fuzzy approach. Simulation results are presented to justify the validity of the proposed approach.