940 resultados para Offshore.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Perfil de Estruturas
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energias Renováveis Conversão Elétrica e Utilização Sustentável
De modo a garantir as metas propostas pela União Europeia de diminuição de emissão de gases poluentes, alguns países membros apostaram na tecnologia eólica offshore. Com a evolução tecnológica, estes países pretendem aumentar as potências instaladas nos parques eólicos offshore, garantindo a sua otimização ao estarem em águas profundas, tendo assim um maior aproveitamento do potencial eólico. Com esta dissertação, realizou-se um estudo para analisar, sob o ponto de vista de modelos, as limitações dos sistemas de transmissão em HVAC (High Voltage Alternating Current) quando estabelecidos em cabos submarinos. Os mecanismos dos sistemas de alimentação em HVAC, na forma tradicional (linhas aérea), são confrontados com condicionalismos. Este tipo de infraestrutura submarina impõe restrições, pelo simples facto dos parâmetros de capacidade e indutância serem bastante significativos, que para uma situação de trânsito de energia, inviabilizam o transporte de energia, devido ao elevado consumo de potência reativa, bem como os seus custos extremamente elevados. Assim, os sistemas de alimentação em HVAC quando aplicados a parques eólicos offshore apresentam limitações. O recurso à tecnologia HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current), poderá ser a solução que se revela mais adequada para os sistemas de transmissão de energia associados aos parques eólicos offshore. Para além dos fatores técnicos é fundamental considerar os custos associados à construção e exploração do parque eólico, sendo fundamental analisar todos os dados relacionados com o projeto.
The assessment of wind energy resource for the development of deep offshore wind plants requires the use of every possible source of data and, in many cases, includes data gathered at meteorological stations installed at islands, islets or even oil platforms—all structures that interfere with, and change, the flow characteristics. This work aims to contribute to the evaluation of such changes in the flow by developing a correction methodology and applying it to the case of Berlenga island, Portugal. The study is performed using computational fluid dynamic simulations (CFD) validated by wind tunnel tests. In order to simulate the incoming offshore flow with CFD models a wind profile, unknown a priori, was established using observations from two coastal wind stations and a power law wind profile was fitted to the existing data (a=0.165). The results show that the resulting horizontal wind speed at 80 m above sea level is 16% lower than the wind speed at 80 m above the island for the dominant wind direction sector.
This thesis applied real options analysis to the valuation of an offshore oil exploration project, taking into consideration the several options typically faced by the management team of these projects. The real options process is developed under technical and price uncertainties, where it is considered that the mean reversion stochastic process is more adequate to describe the movement of oil price throught time. The valuation is realized to two case scenarios, being the first a simplified approach to develop the intuition of the used concepts, and the later a more complete cases that is resolved using both the binomial and trinomial processes to describe oil price movement. Real options methodology demonstrated to be capable of assessing and valuing the projects options, and of overcoming common capital budgeting methodologies flexibility limitation. The added value of the application of real options is evident, but so is the method's increased complexity, which adversely influence its widespread implementation.
A new integrated mathematical model for the simulation of an offshore wind system having a rectifier input voltage malfunction at one phase is presented in this paper. The mathematical model considers an offshore variable-speed wind turbine on a floating platform, equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator using full-power three-level converter to inject energy into the electric network, through a high voltage direct current transmission submarine cable. The model for the drive train is a discrete three mass, incorporating the dynamic of the moving surface. A case study is presented to access conclusion about the malfunction.
The framework presents how trading in the foreign commodity futures market and the forward exchange market can affect the optimal spot positions of domestic commodity producers and traders. It generalizes the models of Kawai and Zilcha (1986) and Kofman and Viaene (1991) to allow both intermediate and final commodities to be traded in the international and futures markets, and the exporters/importers to face production shock, domestic factor costs and a random price. Applying mean-variance expected utility, we find that a rise in the expected exchange rate can raise both supply and demand for commodities and reduce domestic prices if the exchange rate elasticity of supply is greater than that of demand. Whether higher volatilities of exchange rate and foreign futures price can reduce the optimal spot position of domestic traders depends on the correlation between the exchange rate and the foreign futures price. Even though the forward exchange market is unbiased, and there is no correlation between commodity prices and exchange rates, the exchange rate can still affect domestic trading and prices through offshore hedging and international trade if the traders are interested in their profit in domestic currency. It illustrates how the world prices and foreign futures prices of commodities and their volatility can be transmitted to the domestic market as well as the dynamic relationship between intermediate and final goods prices. The equilibrium prices depends on trader behaviour i.e. who trades or does not trade in the foreign commodity futures and domestic forward currency markets. The empirical result applying a two-stage-least-squares approach to Thai rice and rubber prices supports the theoretical result.
Characterize ethylbenzene and xylene air concentrations, and explore the biological exposure markers (urinary t,t-muconic acid (t,t-MA) and unmetabolized toluene) among petroleum workers offshore. Offshore workers have increased health risks due to simultaneous exposures to several hydrocarbons present in crude oil. We discuss the pooled benzene exposure results from our previous and current studies and possible co-exposure interactions. BTEX air concentrations were measured during three consecutive 12-h work shifts among 10 tank workers, 15 process operators, and 18 controls. Biological samples were collected pre-shift on the first day of study and post-shift on the third day of the study. The geometric mean exposure over the three work shifts were 0.02 ppm benzene, 0.05 ppm toluene, 0.03 ppm ethylbenzene, and 0.06 ppm xylene. Benzene in air was significantly correlated with unmetabolized benzene in blood (r = 0.69, p < 0.001) and urine (r = 0.64, p < 0.001), but not with urinary t,t-MA (r = 0.27, p = 0.20). Toluene in air was highly correlated with the internal dose of toluene in both blood (r = 0.70, p < 0.001) and urine (r = 0.73, p < 0.001). Co-exposures were present; however, an interaction of metabolism was not likely at these low benzene and toluene exposures. Urinary benzene, but not t,t-MA, was a reliable biomarker for benzene at low exposure levels. Urinary toluene was a useful biomarker for toluene exposure. Xylene and ethylbenzene air levels were low. Dermal exposure assessment needs to be performed in future studies among these workers.
Three-dimensional sequence stratigraphy is a potent exploration and development tool for the discovery of subtle stratigraphic traps. Reservoir morphology, heterogeneity and subtle stratigraphic trapping mechanisms can be better understood through systematic horizontal identification of sedimentary facies of systems tracts provided by three-dimensional attribute maps used as an important complement to the sequential analysis on the two-dimensional seismic lines and the well log data. On new prospects as well as on already-producing fields, the additional input of sequential analysis on three-dimensional data enables the identification, location and precise delimitation of new potentially productive zones. The first part of this paper presents four typical horizontal seismic facies assigned to the successive systems tracts of a third- or fourth-order sequence deposited in inner to outer neritic conditions on a elastic shelf. The construction of this synthetic representative sequence is based on the observed reproducibility of the horizontal seismic facies response to cyclic eustatic events on more than 35 sequences registered in the Gulf coast Plio-Pleistocene and Late Miocene, offshore Louisiana in the West Cameron region of the Gulf of Mexico. The second part shows how three-dimensional sequence stratigraphy can contribute in localizing and understanding sedimentary facies associated with productive zones. A case study in the early Middle Miocene Cibicides opima sands shows multiple stacked gas accumulations in the top slope fan, prograding wedge and basal transgressive systems tract of the third-order sequence between SB15.5 and SB 13.8 Ma.
OBJECTIVETo know the production of theoretical approaches on issues related to offshore work and the work of offshore nurses.METHODIntegrative literature review conducted in the databases of LILACS, BDENF, MEDLINE, SciELO and Index PSI.RESULTSWe selected 33 studies published in national and international journals between 1997 and 2014. The thematic analysis corpus resulted in four central themes: offshore work environment; amid work adversities, an escape; structuring of offshore health and safety services; in search of safe practices.CONCLUSIONThis study contributes to the offshore work of nurses in relation to the nature of work, acting amid adversities and the restless search for safe practices in the open sea.
As reservas mundiais provadas de gás natural totalizavam 143 trilhões de m3 em 1999. Deste total, 403 bilhões estão no território brasileiro, sendo 151 bilhões de m3 em terra e 252 bilhões no mar. A Figura 1 mostra a distribuição da produção nacional, sendo quase metade do total extraído na Bacia de Campos, RJ. Pode-se dizer que a cogeração aplicada a plataformas de petróleo não representa uma novidade, já há alguns anos até mesmo os navios utilizam a produção conjunta de trabalho mecânico e calor a partir da queima de um mesmo combustível. Entretanto, existem múltiplas configurações possíveis para atendimento de certas demandas térmicas e elétricas e a escolha da mais adequada pode representar uma sensível diferença em termos de aproveitamento energético.